Hapless old tosser B&B shocker
Zio wrote:
How do you do that with a gelled up face?

Heh, I saw that yesterday.

Grim... wrote:

More magic numbers that show that filthy disgusting pirates are funding crimial terrorists and also *STEALING OUT JOBS* !!!

People who play illegal copies of video games on chipped or modified consoles cost at least £1.45 billion in lost sales in 2010.

The Association of UK Interactive Entertainment (UKIE), which speaks for the games industry, says it's not just money that's being lost.

It also estimates that it's resulted in 1,000 fewer jobs in the industry.

One pirate told Newsbeat that games are too expensive and the companies behind them make enough money as it is.
Continue reading the main story

They want to bring the prices down and then maybe people would stop doing this

Martin, 25, from Scarborough on illegal gaming

Piracy is traditionally more commonly associated with music or films.

But 25-year-old Martin, from near Scarborough, says that's not the case.

He's been modifying consoles for a year and says he's adapted, otherwise known as 'modded', 'chipped' or 'flashed', around 60.

"I can pretty much modify anything," he admitted.

"Xbox 360s and there's a new hack for the PS3, Wii, DS and PSP."

He charges around £40 to modify a console which makes it possible to then play pirated games on them.

They can cost anywhere from £1 to £5 per illegal copy.
Chipped games console UK software sales were down from £1.9bn in 2008 to £1.45bn last year

He said: "At the end of the day the video game industry makes as much as the film industry nowadays.

"So they (the industry) can't say they're losing masses of money over this.

"They want to bring the prices down and then maybe people would stop doing this."

That is a common argument used by pirates, that legitimate games which cost around £45 is too much for many people to pay.

"They want to bring the prices down and maybe people would stop doing this."
Sales down

As with many parts of the economy the video game industry is suffering at the moment.

Total software sales in the UK are down from £1.9 billion in 2008 to £1.45 billion last year.

It estimates that for every original game sold at least one is pirated.
Continue reading the main story

I think pirated games are a bad idea. It's stealing and it doesn't give revenue to the industry to be able to invest in future games, bigger game and better games

Luke Gourley, 19, from Sunderland

Video game bosses say that, like the music and film industry, it's a huge problem.

Michael Rawlinson, the Director General of UKIE, says it's a simple question of criminals breaking the law and posing a genuine threat to video game companies.

He said: "When people play a pirated game that money goes to a criminal, not to the industry.

"That takes away jobs from young developers and graphic designers, so it actually stifles creativity and stops new games coming out."

He says games aren't overpriced: "These big games, you get 20 to 50 hours game play, which is tremendous value for money.

"A game like Call of Duty could take two years to make and cost millions of pounds.

"So there are huge sums of money involved in individual games."

Critics of the industry's stance argue each pirated game doesn't necessarily mean a lost sale.

They claim many people play illegal versions that they would never consider buying so the industry's figures don't add up.

However bosses insist that the £1.45 billion figure is a conservative one.

Whichever side is right it's certainly a divisive issue within the gaming community.

Luke Gourley is a 19-year-old gamer from Sunderland.

He says: "I think pirated games are a bad idea.

"It's stealing and it doesn't give revenue to the industry to be able to invest in future games, bigger game and better games."
I've only given it a quick scan, but that seems fairly accurate, apart from the cost (Between £1 and £5? What?) of pirated games.
Zardoz wrote:


Even with that weird thing going on with her eyes? Oh, and her really long penis, obviously.
And serious troubles in the blouse bunny department.
Grim... wrote:
And serious troubles in the blouse bunny department.

Hey, she's leaning forward. Hidden delights may be found in a baggy jumper.
It took me a while to figure out what 'blouse bunnys' were :belm:

Anyway, her boobs are fine. Shapely without back ache. She's just wearing a baggy top.
What is Newsbeat? Any time I have seen anything on there it is so badly written that it's hard to believe it is part of the BBC network. Does nobody even read through the posts before pressing 'publish'? I mean, really simple, obvous things that are noticeable with even the quickest scan through, such as the sentence "They want to bring the prices down and then maybe people would stop doing this" appearing twice.
Mimi wrote:
What is Newsbeat?

Isn't it the name for Radio 1's news programmes?
Isn't Newsbeat Radio 1's excuse of a news bulletin? That is shockingly poor at times. I didn't know they had a web site.
kalmar wrote:
Isn't Newsbeat Radio 1's excuse of a news bulletin? That is shockingly poor at times. I didn't know they had a web site.

It is that, yes. First appeared in BeeX in the general election thread.
MaliA wrote:

Good day for burying bad news. We're all laughing about Alan Johnson and watching Blair talk about the Iraq war and making us change our perceptions of that war.*

*views might not change
Kern wrote:
MaliA wrote:

Good day for burying bad news. We're all laughing about Alan Johnson and watching Blair talk about the Iraq war and making us change our perceptions of that war.*

*views might not change


Did you get to see QT last night? I only saw the first little bit, up until about 11pm, and thought Galloway was being a twat, and making AC look reasonable. I have to say that AC did make quite a compelling case, and had some courage in his convictions.
Grim... wrote:
I've only given it a quick scan, but that seems fairly accurate, apart from the cost (Between £1 and £5? What?) of pirated games.

This is what I've never* understood. If you're going to steal games, at least do it properly.

*Well, the last 10 years or so.
Mimi wrote:
It took me a while to figure out what 'blouse bunnys' were :belm:

Anyway, her boobs are fine. Shapely without back ache. She's just wearing a baggy top.

I'm sorry, but women have no idea about boobs. Men are the experts in that department.
MaliA wrote:
Did you get to see QT last night? I only saw the first little bit, up until about 11pm, and thought Galloway was being a twat, and making AC look reasonable. I have to say that AC did make quite a compelling case, and had some courage in his convictions.

I rarely watch QT. I find the audience irritating and get annoyed when the panellists talk over each other. Also, I've never forgiven Dimbleby for not picking me when I went to see it as an 18 year old politics nerd. Git.

I've really been enjoying AC's blog - some interesting stuff up there.
Joans wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I've only given it a quick scan, but that seems fairly accurate, apart from the cost (Between £1 and £5? What?) of pirated games.

This is what I've never* understood. If you're going to steal games, at least do it properly.

*Well, the last 10 years or so.

If you're on a slow connection like what I is, and don't have a burner, it's way more efficient to pay someone else to do al that for you.
DavPaz wrote:
Grim... wrote:
And serious troubles in the blouse bunny department.

Hey, she's leaning forward.
Is she?

DavPaz wrote:
Hidden delights may be found in a baggy jumper.

It's not baggy all over, though :S

Still, at least she has the massive cock to make up for it.
I thing I love about Newsbeat is the sound effects.

What is news without sound effects?
DavPaz wrote:
I thing I love about Newsbeat is the sound effects.

What is news without sound effects?

New contract! Nothing added to the description about the extra work I've been doing and want to continue doing because it needs to be done. Hours going down, someone else is being hired to fill in. Rather than help me centralise and co-ordinate efforts across the whole campus (which badly needs to be done as the lack of this is the cause of most of our problems), they want to decentralise it even further, and rather than having me continue to specialise in a sorely neglected area and train a few people to contribute effectively, the plan is to continue having everyone do a little bit of everything badly.

Extra clause reads "expected to where uniform". :facepalm:
MaliA wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
I thing I love about Newsbeat is the sound effects.

What is news without sound effects?


sinister agent wrote:
New contract! Nothing added to the description about the extra work I've been doing and want to continue doing because it needs to be done. Hours going down, someone else is being hired to fill in. Rather than help me centralise and co-ordinate efforts across the whole campus (which badly needs to be done as the lack of this is the cause of most of our problems), they want to decentralise it even further, and rather than having me continue to specialise in a sorely neglected area and train a few people to contribute effectively, the plan is to continue having everyone do a little bit of everything badly.

Extra clause reads "expected to where uniform". :facepalm:

Get out of there. They won't learn.
Malaboob wrote:
sinister agent wrote:
New contract! Nothing added to the description about the extra work I've been doing and want to continue doing because it needs to be done. Hours going down, someone else is being hired to fill in. Rather than help me centralise and co-ordinate efforts across the whole campus (which badly needs to be done as the lack of this is the cause of most of our problems), they want to decentralise it even further, and rather than having me continue to specialise in a sorely neglected area and train a few people to contribute effectively, the plan is to continue having everyone do a little bit of everything badly.

Extra clause reads "expected to where uniform". :facepalm:

Get out of there. They won't learn.

That's the plan. I've more than two weeks' holiday I've been putting off since July because there's been too much to do. Jobhunt this weekend, then when I've got a good offer, I'll hand in my notice along with some recommendations for posterity, take my holiday, and stroll off into the distance, perhaps whistling.
Does it really say "where"? Or wear?
zaphod79 wrote:
More magic numbers that show that filthy disgusting pirates are funding crimial terrorists and also *STEALING OUT JOBS* !!!

Video game bosses say that, like the music and film industry, it's a huge problem.

Yeah, well. Dr Robotnik would say that.
TheVision wrote:
Does it really say "where"? Or wear?
I was wondering that. The former would be most excellent - "Where's your uniform?" "No, that's what I ask you." "What?" "WHERE UNIFORM?!"

Also - you could just decline to sign it. At least cross out and initial the uniform clause. And! If you have too much to do, stop doing the stuff they've still not included in your description and concentrate on what you are employed to do.
I would recommend saying "Here is a document covering my responsibilities currently. As you're updating contracts, I will need mine to be updated to reflect my current responsibilites".

Having said that, I've never had a contract that says what I do. It's generally "You turn up and do your non-explicitly-defined job".
Craster wrote:
I would recommend saying "Here is a document covering my responsibilities currently. As you're updating contracts, I will need mine to be updated to reflect my current responsibilites".

Having said that, I've never had a contract that says what I do. It's generally "You turn up and do your non-explicitly-defined job".

"...And other duties as required that are considered to be reasonable" is quite a good way of covering that.

You can get a description like that though, by making a request.
I got a 16GB Micro SD card for Christmas, but I think it might be faulty.
How do I go about testing it?
BikNorton wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Does it really say "where"? Or wear?
I was wondering that. The former would be most excellent - "Where's your uniform?" "No, that's what I ask you." "What?" "WHERE UNIFORM?!"

Also - you could just decline to sign it. At least cross out and initial the uniform clause. And! If you have too much to do, stop doing the stuff they've still not included in your description and concentrate on what you are employed to do.

It says "where". I spotted this as it was pushed (nicely) across the table towards me, so christ knows how the people writing and then carefully reviewing it missed it.

I would decline to sign it, but my current contract expires in two weeks, and as I plan to leave anyway there's no point spending weeks arguing with them (it took about four months for this one to be approved despite absolutely everyone agreeing it needed doing) about it.

If I stop doing the extra stuff, I'll have about five times more work than it's humanly possible to do, rather than only three. I'm not doing them any favours - I do it because it's the best way to do my job.

I am thinking about getting legal advice on how I could twist the "where" thing to my advantage, though. Maybe I could interpret it as "I must locate my uniform every day".
Craster wrote:
I would recommend saying "Here is a document covering my responsibilities currently. As you're updating contracts, I will need mine to be updated to reflect my current responsibilites".

Having said that, I've never had a contract that says what I do. It's generally "You turn up and do your non-explicitly-defined job".

Yeah, I meant to go through my job description at the weekend. I didn't think they'd get it sorted out this quickly, given how they said they would.

Same here about the accuracy of contracts. I've had a couple of jobs where I pretty much did whatever I felt needed doing at any moment, and my job description couldn't really argue. When I was in libraries, I had a manager threaten that my contract was created for x and y, so you must do them both. Sadly for them, my contract actually hadn't been updated since they first hired me, and explicitly stated that I was not to do x and y. Score!
sinister agent wrote:
I could twist the "where" thing to my advantage, though. Maybe I could interpret it as "I must locate my uniform every day".

It's just like 'would-ing' a hot chick, innit?
If you are not happy with it, don't sign it..
sinister agent wrote:
I am thinking about getting legal advice on how I could twist the "where" thing to my advantage, though. Maybe I could interpret it as "I must locate my uniform every day".

I don't think you'd get too far with that, to be honest.

If you do want to leave, hand your notice in and do so. Don't get shirty (ho ho -Ed) about one clause in a contract, it's an argument that you could put the energy for to better use. Without wishing to sound rude, there's probably about 15 other people lining up to take your job, and the graveyards are full of indispensable people, and if it is so poorly run, then they won't think twice about getting rid, claiming misconduct/breach of contract or whatever. In the current climate, I'd stick to the line as much as possible, until you find something else, you have a mental breakdown, or the economic climate improves. Or initial it out, draw their attention to it, then sign it. Having less work for the same cash sounds good, though.
I saw a poster in a shop today imploring me to also visit their other floor for more bargains else:

you'll will miss out

KovacsC wrote:
If you are not happy with it, don't sign it..

Your choice of continued employment is implied acceptance of the contract in the eyes of the law though, no?
Mr Russell wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
If you are not happy with it, don't sign it..

Your choice of continued employment is implied acceptance of the contract in the eyes of the law though, no?

It depends. It can get tricky.
So, I just saw HOC#19 on her way back into the office while I was heading out. I did my usual stern face, tapping watch thing, and said "What took you so long? Get back into the fucking office."

Yup, wasn't her.
Was it Dimrill?
MaliA wrote:
sinister agent wrote:
I am thinking about getting legal advice on how I could twist the "where" thing to my advantage, though. Maybe I could interpret it as "I must locate my uniform every day".

I don't think you'd get too far with that, to be honest.

If you do want to leave, hand your notice in and do so. Don't get shirty (ho ho -Ed) about one clause in a contract, it's an argument that you could put the energy for to better use. Without wishing to sound rude, there's probably about 15 other people lining up to take your job, and the graveyards are full of indispensable people, and if it is so poorly run, then they won't think twice about getting rid, claiming misconduct/breach of contract or whatever. In the current climate, I'd stick to the line as much as possible, until you find something else, you have a mental breakdown, or the economic climate improves. Or initial it out, draw their attention to it, then sign it. Having less work for the same cash sounds good, though.

I was joking :munkeh:

All that lot is basically what I'm doing. I'm not handing in my notice now, though - I'm waiting until I get another job, so I can explain where I'm going by saying "Yeah, I got an offer from Cambridge [there is one going actually and I think I'm in with a fair shot]. I'll basically be doing your job, except competently."

Then legging it.
sinister agent wrote:

I was joking :munkeh:

All that lot is basically what I'm doing. I'm not handing in my notice now, though - I'm waiting until I get another job, so I can explain where I'm going by saying "Yeah, I got an offer from Cambridge [there is one going actually and I think I'm in with a fair shot]. I'll basically be doing your job, except competently."

Then legging it.


Anyways, here's the ACAS leaflet on varying terms of employment.
Grim... wrote:
So, I just saw HOC#19 on her way back into the office while I was heading out. I did my usual stern face, tapping watch thing, and said "What took you so long? Get back into the fucking office."

Yup, wasn't her.

Did she hurry up anyway?
I like to think so.
It is a pretty excellent image.
I'm in the B3ta newsletter.
They spelt my name wrong.

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