Hapless old tosser B&B shocker
10 o'clock live is terrible.
I don't think that in the history of all history, something has promised to deliver so little, and failed to meet the minimum specifications.

OMG David Mitchell just said cunt. OMFGwowsers
MaliA wrote:
10 o'clock live is terrible.

Incredibly shit. Watching QT now, mostly for Campbell. He'll be far funnier.
It's ok, Odd one in is on ITV... now THIS is entertainment!
AC being calm, cool and collected on QT when faced with questions about Iraq. His argument is "Read the document in question".
Our half million seems to have snuck past a fair while ago.
Er, yes. The clue is in the link.
It didn't display properly on my phone but I'm not ruling out that it was something I did.
Grim... wrote:
Our half million seems to have snuck past a fair while ago.

Yea! I win, whoooooo!

Half millionth what? Surely not post? I can hardly believe it could be posts.
I'm surprised it's not happened sooner. Full of gobshites this place.

Well done Mimi!
Wooo, thanks!

*stands under confetti ball and does the running man*
You think: evil genius lair
They think: Monument to Tolerance

Grauniad wrote:
Spanish island allows massive cave to be bored into 'magic' mountain
A huge cubic cave, measuring 40 metres (131ft) along each side, is to be dug from inside a mountain that has long been revered by the inhabitants of the dusty, barren island to the south of Lanzarote.

About 64,000 cubic metres of rock will be taken away from the mountain, which rises out of an arid landscape in the north of the island, to create what Chillida called his 'monument to tolerance'.

from: ... rteventura
It's a stealth op to steal stone
Bin laden's in there.
The schoolies on the bus are talking about Quantum Leap. This makes me unbelievably happy
Urgh....Having problems with a man at work. I feel this could get messy/uncomfortable :( So annoying. And now other men have gone into 'defense mode' and I feel like even more of a girl....I'm not sure how best to handle this situation now because I don't really want to make even more of issue of it.
Is it a big place where you work?
Zardoz wrote:
markg wrote:
Try growing a beard it's made me look loads older. Also people in builders merchants and stuff talk to you like you're 'one of them'.

A Bear?

Must be partly due to your cutoff denim shorts and utility belt too.

Whatever, clone.
flis wrote:
Urgh....Having problems with a man at work. I feel this could get messy/uncomfortable :( So annoying. And now other men have gone into 'defense mode' and I feel like even more of a girl....I'm not sure how best to handle this situation now because I don't really want to make even more of issue of it.

Ar, crap. I assume this a harassment thing?
Hope you get it sorted, Flis. Don't back down if you're being mistreated.
Malaria caught on camera breaking into a healthy cell ... -cell.html
Why are new blades for electric razors so fucking expensive? Forty quid! The fuckers!

On a more serious note, I'm sorry to hear you're having problems Flis.
DavPaz wrote:
Ar, crap. I assume this a harassment thing?

It's getting that way, I think! There very clearly isn't a zero tolerance policy on sexual harassment here, I don't even know how that would even work on a building site with over 100 men where I'm the only woman. It makes things difficult when things happen that I'm not comfortable with, though.
All very well Zardoz, but how do I balance the bowl of water on my lap when I'm driving to work?

Electric razors FTW.
Dry shave in Morrisons car park ftw.
Zio wrote:
All very well Zardoz, but how do I balance the bowl of water on my lap when I'm driving to work?

Electric razors FTW.

Wet shave in the shower, takes 1 minute, no need for any fancy lotions or potions...

Plus you can do your face at the same time too.
You bought a razor that needs 40 quid refills? And you wonder why you have no money? :p

Seriously though, cheap safety razor, use it when you're in the shower.

Using an electric razor while driving is going to get you told off one of these days anyway.
Zardoz wrote:
Dry shave in Morrisons car park ftw.


Zardoz, yesterday.
DavPaz wrote:
The schoolies on the bus are talking about Quantum Leap. This makes me unbelievably happy

You gave them an "oh boy" obviously?
flis: sorry to hear that :(

Anything we can offer wildly inappropriate advice with?
kalmar wrote:
You bought a razor that needs 40 quid refills? And you wonder why you have no money? :p

Seriously though, cheap safety razor, use it when you're in the shower.

Using an electric razor while driving is going to get you told off one of these days anyway.

I didn't research the refill situation very thoroughly when I bought the razor.

I've used 'leccy razors for years now - every time I try using a wet razor these days, I cut my face to ribbons. Plus: I can't be bothered shaving at the best of times, let alone pissing about with a wet razor.
Zio wrote:
I've used 'leccy razors for years now - every time I try using a wet razor these days, I cut my face to ribbons.


Plus: I can't be bothered shaving at the best of times, let alone pissing about with a wet razor.

It's almost a subconscious action it's that little bother.
kalmar wrote:
Zio wrote:
I've used 'leccy razors for years now - every time I try using a wet razor these days, I cut my face to ribbons.


Plus: I can't be bothered shaving at the best of times, let alone pissing about with a wet razor.

It's almost a subconscious action it's that little bother.


If you have never tried shaving in the shower, try it. It is a revelation!
Try not shaving at all.

Beards FTW.
I 'shave' with a hair clipper. I say shave, but all I do is trim the bushy quasi-beard back to stubble.

The missus likes it, so I haven't wet shaved in *ages*
flis wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Ar, crap. I assume this a harassment thing?

It's getting that way, I think! There very clearly isn't a zero tolerance policy on sexual harassment here, I don't even know how that would even work on a building site with over 100 men where I'm the only woman. It makes things difficult when things happen that I'm not comfortable with, though.

I'm not sure how your company is set up, but surely you have sort of grievance procedure? Or would they normally come to you for that?
DavPaz wrote:
I 'shave' with a hair clipper. I say shave, but all I do is trim the bushy quasi-beard back to stubble.

In short:

Person A harrasses person B if they engage in unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, and it has the purpose or effect of violating B's dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for B. Also, if A engages in unwanted conduct of a sexual nature toward B with the same purpose or effect.

If this is happening, the company should have a grievance procedure, outlined in the staff hand book, so follow that, if not, they should follow the ACAS one.
I wet shave with a razor in the shower, but my facial hair is made of frikkin' steel, so it's a colossal pain in the arse, and I get through razor blades very quickly indeed (a Gillette Fusion 5 blade thingy will last me two shaves if I'm lucky).

So I shave as rarely as possible, much to my wife's chagrin, as said unshaven fizzog regularly 'spikes' her in the face.
I get about 3 shaves from a fusion before the blue strip wears out and the blades start to go a bit blunt, then about another 20 shaves before I remember before getting in the shower that I need to put a new blade on it :D
I don't shave enough at present. If growth is over 5 days, I'll wet shave, under that and I'll use the electric razor. Fortunately, I'm not a mutant like Curio, boy, did he lose out in the superpower lottery.
I grew a beard because I got sick of getting blood on my shirt every day.
Right then, you shower shavers, how do you deal with the mirror fogging up and not being able to see what you're doing, eh? Eh? Aren't you always missing bits?
kalmar wrote:
Mirror? WTF!

It's clearly a sensitive subject for K-Boy.
Mirror? My face is the same shape it's always been, why do I need a mirror?
I can leccy shave without a mirror because I can feel with my very fingers if I've missed a bit and go back and do it. How do you do that with a gelled up face? You surely must have to use a mirror?

I don't get this wet shaving lark at all, I don't understand what you are all talking about, it is dangerous and wrong, insidious even AND I WILL HAVE NONE OF IT.
You don't have to gel up your face if you shave in the shower, that's the whole point :)
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