Hapless old tosser B&B shocker
Fucks sake. No one hurt then? Just what you need when you're busy eh?

Typical Golf Driver.
Craster wrote:
Ooh - for anyone who hasn't noticed yet, 3 days holiday gets you 11 days off at Easter - so book it before your colleagues do.

Yeah... missed out on that. But I do have my 4 weeks off March/April. With a newborn baby.
Is that screen wash or radiator water or something all over the floor? It looks as if the golf has a dent in the side - what the hell was he doing?
Squirt wrote:
- what the hell was he doing?

His hair or nails, most likely.
Can someone rehost the pics, I can't see at work. :(
Craster wrote:
Ooh - for anyone who hasn't noticed yet, 3 days holiday gets you 11 days off at Easter - so book it before your colleagues do.
Already done... and not just spanning St George's Day, it spans my birthday. 11 days of booze-fuelled mayhem* ahoy!

Good job no-one was hurt, mark.

*Maybe going away with Hel for a quiet weekend somewhere, and possibly out for a meal and/or drink with local friends.
Squirt wrote:
Is that screen wash or radiator water or something all over the floor? It looks as if the golf has a dent in the side - what the hell was he doing?

He'd started to spin quite a way back down the road, it was properly black ice so I don't really blame the poor guy and he was totally honest and stuff. However if you look at the first picture the micra was parked about six feet nearer to the camera than where the Golf ended up. It got punted about thirty feet down the road. I can't help feeling that even with the ice that he must have been going at a decent rate of knots for that. But none of it matters now.

One thing concerning me is that it is an "in house claim", both parties are insured by the same firm. How do we go about getting a decent settlement when our insurance company have a disincentive to try very hard on our behalf?
Hmm good point, not sure there really mate. But like all claims, never accept the first figure.
Sorry to hear that Mark, a rude awakening and no mistake. Still, glad no-one was hurt.
Cheers cavey. She really liked that little car too :droool:

Anyway I asked for £3k and they offered £2850 which in fairness is about what it'll cost to replace. Even though we paid £2750 for it exactly two years ago. :shrug:
Nice one.

Time to start looking for a new one. Are they giving you a courtesy car until they've paid you?
Zardoz wrote:
Nice one.

Time to start looking for a new one. Are they giving you a courtesy car until they've paid you?

No, they pay straight away through bank transfer, so they've given it us until a week on Monday after I told them that we wouldn't have time this weekend to go looking for one.
Odd that - Hel really likes her Micra too, even though most of the interior trim has fallen off, the timing chain's going for the second time, if the weather's cold it never gets hot enough to blow warm air through the vents, the back seat is too wide and stiff for her to put flat* and despite being lighter than a Quaver the engine's too small for it to be useful in a busy urban environment. Or on a motorway. And it's not especially economical with it either. And it's noisy - road noise, wind noise, engine noise. All the noises! Oh, and bulbs lamps are an absolute fucking nightmare to replace.

So Nissan clearly got their target market spot on.

* She'd honestly thought for 4 or 5 years that it was broken until I - not knowing it "doesn't work" - yanked the two tabs hard and it popped down.
BT3A really don't like hotlinking, huh?
Oh dear, really?
I had to right click > show image in new tab.

edit: of course that could just be my connection...
Slow day at work today, so i'm doing the old work laptop backup and cloning ritual. It's been a while* since the last time, and although the vast majority of work stuff is stored on my Dropbox, the laptop arseing up would be v.annoying.
1 hour, 31 minutes to go...

*For "a while" read, never been done before and i've had the machine for over a year. :belm:
I managed to haggle the insurers up by another £80. I suck at haggling.
DavPaz wrote:
BT3A really don't like hotlinking, huh?
b3tards isn't b3ta though. It's one of their members donating a bit of image hosting.
EDIT: Is he still sticking the goatse man up when you hotlink? (I'm on my phone & have images turned off to make stuff readable)
They don't appear to like hotlinking.

Edit: Oops, I didn't realise I'd opened the thread quarter of an hour ago.
DavPaz wrote:
I had to right click > show image in new tab.

Middle-click. :P
markg wrote:
I managed to haggle myself out of £180. I suck at haggling.

See now *that* would be sucking. Sounds pretty good to me - worry not about what might have been, enjoy what is.
One of the people I deal with at work is having a meeting with my bosses to complain about the attitude of everyone here (especially my direct boss) except for me.

They've been in there for 45 minutes.


Edit: Still in there! 80 minutes.
sinister agent wrote:
One of the people I deal with at work is having a meeting with my bosses to complain about the attitude of everyone here (especially my direct boss) except for me.

They've been in there for 45 minutes.


Edit: Still in there! 80 minutes.

They told everyone in your department that, look around, everyone is looking at the closed office door then looking smug.
Just had another meeting re: funding Armageddon.

Turns out some senior managers got a 5k windfall recently. Union is up in arms. Still, no curent risk to my job
DavPaz wrote:
Turns out some senior managers got a 5k windfall recently. Union is up in arms. Still, no curent risk to my job

What's new? :shrug:
Kern wrote:
Ordered the 'Real Cooking' and '30 minute cook'.

Books arrived today. Will flick through them tomorrow and make a big list of stuff to get from the supermarket at the weekend. I'm actually quite excited by them.
Kern wrote:
Kern wrote:
Ordered the 'Real Cooking' and '30 minute cook'.

Books arrived today. Will flick through them tomorrow and make a big list of stuff to get from the supermarket at the weekend. I'm actually quite excited by them.

Let me know how you get on... I'm going to start using that resourceful cook website when I do a big shop at the weekend.
Yeah, me too. What one are you doing?
Grim... wrote:
Yeah, me too. What one are you doing?

I've had a play around with a few options, but I think I'll rock the £25 a week one first and get some nice meals that are the quickest to cook.
Mandelson's book is pretty good. Was able to read another hundred or so pages whilst in the car park when MrsA was having her job interview.
Tonight is meal three of this plan ... at-suppers
(we swapped out the prawn noodles choices for lamb stew options)

and to be honest, after my initial scepticism over the site, I think it is the best thing in the world ever now! Easy to cook, seriously tasty and much more varied than our typical attempts before. (Steak and chips, casseroles, etc... the usual)
How far into my thirties do I have to get before people will sell me beer? I think I get refused sale about 60% of the time I try to buy alcohol, so I have to carry ID every time I want to buy a bottle of wine or some beer :(

I have started to make the point that I am nearly twice the legal drinking age now >:|
You need to ugly yourself up a bit, Meems. Spend a few days chain smoking on a sunbed. It'll add years to you.

I haven't been asked for ID for a while now. But then I mostly buy from corner shops, where they quite rightly don't give a toss. Used to get me fuming, it did, since I didn't drink until a few weeks before my 18th birthday, and I never tried to buy before I was 18 anyway.
Interesting. Estate Agent has advised us to put the flat on the market for £10k more than we bought it for.

Grim... Do you know any local decorators?
sinister agent wrote:
You need to ugly yourself up a bit, Meems. Spend a few days chain smoking on a sunbed. It'll add years to you.

I haven't been asked for ID for a while now. But then I mostly buy from corner shops, where they quite rightly don't give a toss. Used to get me fuming, it did, since I didn't drink until a few weeks before my 18th birthday, and I never tried to buy before I was 18 anyway.

To balance out the annoyance at that shop I went to the bakers to buy a gingerbread man. I came away with my gingerbread man plus a whole packet of other biscuits and six caramel shortbread squares which the baker gave me for free :D Just so I could 'try them out' yea! I wish all shopping was like that.
It's a real 'pea souper' out there, as my grandad would have said. Also, black ice had started forming at around 4pm, so it's going to be really dangerous tonight for anyone who has to drive around here :(
Mimi wrote:
How far into my thirties do I have to get before people will sell me beer? I think I get refused sale about 60% of the time I try to buy alcohol, so I have to carry ID every time I want to buy a bottle of wine or some beer :(

I have started to make the point that I am nearly twice the legal drinking age now >:|

Try growing a beard it's made me look loads older. Also people in builders merchants and stuff talk to you like you're 'one of them'.
markg wrote:
Try growing a beard it's made me look loads older. Also people in builders merchants and stuff talk to you like you're 'one of them'.

Because it makes you look like Al from Home Improvement.
You mean Compo, from LOTSW
<-- Best I could manage at short notice was a moustache.

DavPaz wrote:
You mean Compo, from LOTSW

Compo does have a lot of sway with builders merchants, it's true.
Mimi wrote:
<-- Best I could manage at short notice was a moustache.


ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
Grim... Do you know any local decorators?

Yeah, but I doubt they'd want to travel too far from Bedford.
markg wrote:
Try growing a beard it's made me look loads older. Also people in builders merchants and stuff talk to you like you're 'one of them'.

A Bear?

Must be partly due to your cutoff denim shorts and utility belt too.
Mimi wrote:
<-- Best I could manage at short notice was a moustache.


Needs the Mario hat for the full effect. :)
4 weddings to attend this year, now.

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