Bits & Bobs 46
A new B&B for a new year !
GazChap wrote:
Because I'm such a colossal lazybones, part of the reason I don't drink more when I'm out and about is because I can never be arsed to get up and go to the bar and fight my way through the crowds.

Being able to order drinks from the table may mean that I end up significantly drunker than I do normally.

Table service is superb. If the bar staff were to do it in the pub at netrunner club I would drink twice as much.

I hate having to queue for stuff.
We've just been to see Hand to God. It hasn't made my face hurt like Avenue Q, but it takes puppet sex to a whole new level. :D

The bar of the hotel is full of Welsh people.
Are you sure it's not just one really loud Welsh person?

I think it actually was just one loud Welsh person, but she didn't have a beard, so not Gaywood.
Yeah, the others were all English and not with her, just listening to her! Must be a Welsh thing. ;)
MaliA wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Because I'm such a colossal lazybones, part of the reason I don't drink more when I'm out and about is because I can never be arsed to get up and go to the bar and fight my way through the crowds.

Being able to order drinks from the table may mean that I end up significantly drunker than I do normally.

Table service is superb. If the bar staff were to do it in the pub at netrunner club I would drink twice as much.

I hate having to queue for stuff.

I don't mind, but then again I quite like chatting to bar staff. On a few rare exceptions, it has resulted in me scoring free drinks/shots.

GazChap wrote:
Being able to order drinks from the table may mean that I end up significantly drunker than I do normally.

Be aware that Grim... will likely reach over your shoulder and hit the 'bring me jagerbombs' button every time you're placing an order.
Cras wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Being able to order drinks from the table may mean that I end up significantly drunker than I do normally.

Be aware that Grim... will likely reach over your shoulder and hit the 'bring me jagerbombs' button every time you're placing an order.

I seem to recall you being the cad that was doing that at my birthday party.
Cras wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Being able to order drinks from the table may mean that I end up significantly drunker than I do normally.

Be aware that Grim... will likely reach over your shoulder and hit the 'bring me jagerbombs' button every time you're placing an order.

I'm sure someone else will drink those horrid things even if they're brought over :P
Grim... wrote:
Cras wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Being able to order drinks from the table may mean that I end up significantly drunker than I do normally.

Be aware that Grim... will likely reach over your shoulder and hit the 'bring me jagerbombs' button every time you're placing an order.

I seem to recall you being the cad that was doing that at my birthday party.

I once drank a free cocktail bar dry.

And then vomitted on a policeman's shoes.
Kern wrote:
I only get interested in celebrity gossip when there's an injunction, as it's always good to test my search engine skills. But then I realise I don't care and just ('switch off my TV set and go and do something less boring instead' - Legal Ed.)

Heh. I was disappointed* with whom it was.

Perhaps the wrong word. "Wasn't that interested when I found out who it was" is better.
Was is Daniel? I've heard he's a star.
Mimi wrote:
In all seriousness, our ice cream man (Frank) was shot dead in his van. He was so nice :( He used to give out free ice creams to all the kids on sports day. Plus it was scoop ice cream in many flavours, not the Thatcherite Whippy stuff.

Frank was Italian. I reckon it was a mafia hit.


"One Cecil Avenue resident, who did not want to be named, said he believed the brawl had stemmed from a dispute within a family which runs an ice cream business including a fleet of ice cream vans.

“The guy who was killed everyone locally knew him as Saffi,” he said.

“The family is very well-known and respected and run an ice cream business that supplies ice cream to other business.
MaliA wrote:
Heh. I was disappointed* with whom it was.

I was disappointed it wasn't the Archbishop.
Grim... wrote:
Was is Daniel? I've heard he's a star.

Killer joke, man
DavPaz wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Was is Daniel? I've heard he's a star.

Killer joke, man

Wasn't that Andy?
Mr Russell wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Was is Daniel? I've heard he's a star.

Killer joke, man

Wasn't that Andy?

Your an star
DavPaz wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Was is Daniel? I've heard he's a star.

Killer joke, man

Wasn't that Andy?

Your an star

I'm an something
flis wrote:
There's a girl in my office who started in January, and she sniffs constantly. Constantly. Since January. It's really starting to grate on me now, I ask if she's sick or getting a cold, I've asked if she gets hay fever... I don't know what to do about it!! It's well annoying.

Aaaaand she's still sniffing.

Help.... me....

I get a twitchy rage shudder when she does it more than three times in two seconds. Which is every two-and-a-half-fucking-minutes.
Get her a nice big box of tissues.

With a bow and a smile.

Or some nice headphones for your good self

Grim... and Trooper's new DIY show is really coming on.
:D I think the roles are somewhat reversed though...
GazChap wrote:

Grim... and Trooper's new DIY show is really coming on.

Wow! He does look like me.
I discovered 'Dr Better' last night. Tastes like 'Dr Pepper' only.... better. Definitely hope I can find some more.
I went to pull some pictures taken today from the Dropbox folder on my PC and they weren't there. I opened the Dropbox app on my phone and it said, "You haven't used Dropbox in a while so we disabled auto syncing of pictures, should we turn it back on?" What the fucking fuck? Of course you should you twats! I rely on that service to keep pictures I take in case I ever lose my phone; how can it possibly seem like a good idea to silently disable the syncing? It's not like it couldn't have popped something up on the phone asking me to confirm that I wanted to keep syncing or something. Nope, we'll just switch that off and not tell you! Christ on a bike.
With the benefit of hindsight, I probably should have read the care label before stuffing the mattress protector into the tumble dryer. At least rather than a house fire I only have a gooey plasticy mess on what was once my undersheet to deal with.
Oops! Hopefully the drum escaped the goo! I did the same with one of the plastic-backed bibs the other day... Luckily it just fused to itself rather than any other washing
Mini Codd is waking up in the night frightened. He dreams a lot and sometimes starts crying or calling in his sleep whilst he naps, and he looks terrified.

Having a Google (as you do), I was reading a post by a woman explaining similar and the doctor telling her it was 'nighttares' which are 'like nightmares, but the child looks awake but is still asleep'. After her posting a few times about 'nighttares' with some conviction, it suddenly dawned on me that the doctor must have said 'night terrors' to her, which she took away as 'nighttares... Like nightmares'. :D
Izzy suffered from night terrors and it was horrible. We both used to end up crying. :'(
Mimi wrote:
Mini Codd is waking up in the night frightened. He dreams a lot and sometimes starts crying or calling in his sleep whilst he naps, and he looks terrified.

Having a Google (as you do), I was reading a post by a woman explaining similar and the doctor telling her it was 'nighttares' which are 'like nightmares, but the child looks awake but is still asleep'. After her posting a few times about 'nighttares' with some conviction, it suddenly dawned on me that the doctor must have said 'night terrors' to her, which she took away as 'nighttares... Like nightmares'. :D

Noooo! Why does everything keep going back to zero! :(
Oh dear! Haha, very good.

I Googled nighttares. There are a surprising number of people making the same mistake. I wonder if they all have Northern Irish doctors? I feel all chuckly
Xbox 360 officially retired by Microsoft. 10 years. Not a bad innings

Eggsbawks, I salute you.
Aww. Good work, eggbox.
One of my all time favourite consoles. :(
What a console it was for the first five years of its existence. I was an Xbox Live member on the OG Xbox (I remember playing Halo 2, Forza Motorsport and Midnight Club 3 multiplayer a fair bit), it wasn't until the 360 and the critical mass of Bezzies that made online console gaming resonate with me. Despite our incredibly fun PS4 nights having recaptured some of that magic, nothing will beat the regular Halo 3/CoD 4/Forza 2/FIFA 09 nights we had for a good couple of years.

Not to forget exclusives likes Dead Rising and Fable 2. It really did do a number on Sony until around 2009/2010 when the PS3 finally became a seriously good machine.
The 360 was an excellent console, and I shall remember it fondly. Some of the games Myp mentioned were classics, and the online aspect made it even better.

That said, GTA V on the PS4 is probably the most fun I've had online, in a 'not competitive but bloody hilarious' kind of way.

Though I can't believe you ignored Burny P!
They did seem to get so much right with it that others still haven't quite managed to this day, unless it's all protected by patents or whatnot. I was thinking this the other day as I was yet again reversing the fucking y-axis like I have to do on every fucking game I play on the PS4.
You have to do this on the Xbox One too which is absolutely mind blowing.
Eh? Why did you not have to do that on the 360?
It was a setting tied to your profile.
There was a setting built in to the Xbox dashboard. Change that once, and it remembered your preference for every game.
markg wrote:
It was a setting tied to your profile.

There was another option like that, too, wasn't there? Something like if you use triggers or A/B for throttle and brake in driving games?
Quite possibly, although I guess you'd only notice it if it's something you ever did.
Yeah, there was.

And it let you play your own music in games - what's happened to that?!

Also Cheevos!
Yeah I'm not overly fussed about either but I still much prefer gamerscore to Sony's crappy trophy system.
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