Funny pictures
Dimrill wrote:

No good for colour blind folk that can't tell red from green, though. At least with the current lights you can go by position.
What really happened with the Pope

Excellent Gibbon:

Female golden cheeked. She's larrrvly.
I shudder to think how many noms that will get.
It is rather awesome! :D
It is rather awesome! :D

Brilliant Gaz!

Go evil teamwork ;)
Amazing. I wish this was actually law
On our road someone was not clearing up after their dog and a local do-gooder went round and drew white circles around all the bits of poop with chalk.
My other half and myself ALWAYS, and without fail, clear up our dogs choccy logs. Unfortunately, as is always the case, it's the idiotic/selfish few who give responsible owners a bad name.

You just can't blame the dogs - they've gotta go! It's ALL down to the owners.
We've got chavtastic new neighbours across the hall from us who have a perfectly nice wee dog. Today though the dog was making the most horrendous noises from fucking half six onwards (it's a relatively young dog and just seems to have days when it freaks out at being left alone) and we're pretty sure it's him that the owners are allowing to shit right outside the front door of the flat. Certainly the owner's a bit of a dick in this area as someone put a sign up in the close one day castigating him for letting the dog piss on the stairs and not cleaning it up (which we never noticed admittedly). He'd written a reply at the bottom of the bit of paper apologising and saying it was because he was late for work when it happened. As in, "My dog's just pissed in the communal close and I'm happy to let it sit there all day because my time management skills are poor." Fucking excellent!
GazChap wrote:
Dimrill wrote:

No good for colour blind folk that can't tell red from green, though. At least with the current lights you can go by position.

Ah, but the current lights in China, quite often, are a 3 digit LED countdown which changes colour. There are usually direction arrows as well, but you guessed it - they change colour too!
So this is no worse, and is slightly less ugly.
kalmar wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Dimrill wrote:

No good for colour blind folk that can't tell red from green, though. At least with the current lights you can go by position.

Ah, but the current lights in China, quite often, are a 3 digit LED countdown which changes colour. There are usually direction arrows as well, but you guessed it - they change colour too!
So this is no worse, and is slightly less ugly.

It may be no worse than China, but it is worse than the UK :)
Fuckin bucket of gaots.

Trooper wrote:
kalmar wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Dimrill wrote:

No good for colour blind folk that can't tell red from green, though. At least with the current lights you can go by position.

Ah, but the current lights in China, quite often, are a 3 digit LED countdown which changes colour. There are usually direction arrows as well, but you guessed it - they change colour too!
So this is no worse, and is slightly less ugly.

It may be no worse than China, but it is worse than the UK :)

One could say that about a lot of things.

However, if you aren't colour-blind, and do want count-down lights, it's 'better' than what we have.

And again, in china, where those lights are clearly made and intended for, nobody is colour blind. Leastways nobody with a driving license...
Dimrill wrote:

Oglaf is excellent.
Dimrill wrote:

Oh my GOD that's cute!!!
From that weird horse dancing "sport" :D

Dimrill wrote:

Everybody should watch Danger 5.
Dimrill wrote:

I'm calling this right now as officially the cutest thing to have ever existed.

Hat-tip to Plissken for this one:
Craster wrote:
Dimrill wrote:

I'm calling this right now as officially the cutest thing to have ever existed.

To continue the bunny theme...
Just noticed that 'Shopping Bunny' has shat on that picture.
Your redexs are intriguing.
Other fuel additives are available.
Sleep well :DD

Being taunted by lizards - it's the feline equivalent of David Icke.
Have we seen this one yet?

Our Bearded Dragon does that. I believe it's a temperature regulation thing.

/Fun Facts
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