The end of the UK?
We'll take a cup o' kindness
I did like the dude saying that the first result was expected after 1am but because of the turnout is likely to be later, less than a minute later the BBC flash up a banner saying first results due just after midnight :D

Must be worried about losing viewers, I can imagine the producer screaming down the phone to the graphics department as the professor was talking :)
Finally a result (I pity all of you in the actual UK timezone) 54% No 46% Yes. Apparently expected to be a Yes result, so maybe all my worrying was for naught. I'm opening the bottle now…
Woke up in time to see Glasgow vote 'Yes' but currently the No side are in the lead overall.
Pretty much over now, I think, what with Glasgow coming in very low for Yes.
Morning Peter. Only midnight for you in the tarheel state.

Yep, unless Edinburgh throws up a surprise, the 'no' side probably has it.
It's looking good but I'll hold off comment for now.

Morning Kern :)
BBC predicting a 'No' vote. More importantly, I'm one percentage point off winning the sweepstake.
Peter: are you watching this over the BBC or a US network? Would be interested to see how they are covering it.
Peter: are you watching this over the BBC or a US network? Would be interested to see how they are covering it.
BBC over VPN - for these things I need the local connection. I saw CNN managing to make a poll total 110% earlier…
Over here, it's always the BBC. Apparently ITV do elections and national events too but it would never be the same.
Dam it, was going to make a big referendum breakfast for myself, but have no bread. Gah. I blame the sassenachs.
And then they don't show Aberdeenshire or Edinburgh. Hopped to CNN out of interest and caught the latter.
61% 'No' in Edinburgh. A city whose name I never seem to be able to spell.
Fife pushes 'No' over the 50% mark. The Union is saved! Huzzah!
It's official now.

So, there we are. Done and dusted. Closer than it needed to be, and the emphasis now is on Westminster to make the perceived need for independence irrelevant.

I expect days, weeks and months of chilidish whining from Nationalists who will claim they were robbed and that everyone else is a coward for failing to adhere to their views.
75% turnout in Glasgow results in a yes vote. Hmmmmmmmmmm...
Salmond making a speech about how its great its been as people who have never voted before did so for the first time.

Saying that as these people engaged in the political process things will never be the same again.

Windbag politician just like all the others :DD
Salmond can't help himself and can't hide his true colours. He talked exclusively about 'Scots' when hundreds of thousands of people here aren't Scots. But it's pure Scots, and not the residents of Scotland, that he cares about. It's so utterly obvious but obfuscated by, and capitalises on, the nebulous discontent at the incumbent government.

He spoke also about securing independence in future. Despite having just been defeated, the maniacal ideological fervour is undiminished. He doesn't give a fuck if the majority don't want it. It might not be necessary depending on what happens next, but that doesn't make a difference to him.
Good morning! :)

"Never again can anyone say Scots have not chosen how we are governed. We have chosen to remain united. Solidarity won. Wonderful." - D.Hothersall
Cameron's speech was interesting, promising powers for all parts of the UK. Starting to wonder if the end result will be a written constitution, but for that I'd rather have a proper convention.
There's no 'aye' in Scotland
Do you reckon :attitude: has passed out in rage yet?
TheVision wrote:
Do you reckon :attitude: has passed out in rage yet?

"TV just switched itself off. I'm taking the hint. We gave it a shot, folks. Our countrymen and women bottled it and failed us all." - 5 hours ago
What's stu going to do for a living now?
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
What's stu going to do for a living now?

Didn't he raise enough money so this wouldn't be a problem for him for now?
TheVision wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
What's stu going to do for a living now?

Didn't he raise enough money so this wouldn't be a problem for him for now?

Yeah, IIRC it's at least £250,000 and that was just the three specific 'fundraisers'. The donate button was always there; I know there were subscribers et al.
Cavey wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
What's stu going to do for a living now?

Didn't he raise enough money so this wouldn't be a problem for him for now?

Yeah, IIRC it's at least £250,000 and that was just the three specific 'fundraisers'. The donate button was always there; I know there were subscribers et al.

he will give it back, won't he?
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
What's stu going to do for a living now?

Move to South America with a band of his most hardcore followers?
Hope Salmond and Sturgeon resign this morning. They utterly failed; failed to deliver independence despite a sitting Tory government in the midst of an austerity drive. Things could hardly have been more favourable for them.

Pound surges on money markets:
Give it back? The grasping twat doesn't give a penny to anyone, and only ever gave a vague account of how it would be spent.

The fools and their money were parted, and the only guaranteed winner here was him. Idiots.
KovacsC wrote:
Cavey wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
What's stu going to do for a living now?

Didn't he raise enough money so this wouldn't be a problem for him for now?

Yeah, IIRC it's at least £250,000 and that was just the three specific 'fundraisers'. The donate button was always there; I know there were subscribers et al.

he will give it back, won't he?

Are you trying for a new career in comedy?
Cavey wrote:
Hope Salmond and Sturgeon resign this morning. They utterly failed; failed to deliver independence despite a sitting Tory government in the midst of an austerity drive. Things could hardly have been more favourable for them.

Pound surges on money markets:

No chance, he is already pushing for Cameron and co to honour that pledge they signed, at lot of that looks to be around Scotland being able to set income tax, that's a bitter pill in its self as nobody likes to pay taxes. Would also guess if he wanted to raise taxes by 5% for something then he would have to justify it to Westminster and maybe see a grant reduction.

He is on the back foot now, Westminster will be able to bullshit their way out of anything they like by delaying, any new powers will not be going into law until after the UK general election and anything could happen with that.

Cameron will also start so see UK backlash now, personally I don't see why Scotland gets more money per head from Westminster and has free prescriptions and the UK doesn't.
Are you trying for a new career in comedy?

I remember Stu from FME years ago, not up to speed with this, are you saying he raised a load of cash for Yes vote support??

What was he spending it on??
Most shared tweet in the last hour is from Cameron

"Just as Scotland will have more power over their affairs, it follows England, Wales and N Ireland must have a bigger say over theirs."
asfish wrote:
Are you trying for a new career in comedy?

I remember Stu from FME years ago, not up to speed with this, are you saying he raised a load of cash for Yes vote support??

What was he spending it on??

Yeah, he raised over a quarter of a million so he could do it full time and ensure the yes vote.

Oh well. He's disowned Scotland in a seething fit and is apparently practising his Irish accent.
Dude on the TV earlier "I'm disappointed in the result, hopefully people will vote yes next time"

Ummm.... That's it, there won't be another referendum in this generation.
asfish wrote:
I don't see why Scotland...has free prescriptions and the UK doesn't.

It's not free it's paid for out of tax just like everything else. And the reason Scotland has it is because we decided to spend some of our money on it and England didn't; it's just that simple. Christ man, it's like being annoyed that your next door neighbour has a new sofa and you don't. If you want one, go and buy one; he's not stopping you.
I was sort of assuming he'd use it to fund a Scottish IRA.

Following on from Cameron's tweet above, Hague couldn't have given a clearer indication on Today this morning that the Tories intend to use the West Lothian question to utterly snooker additional devolution, by making the two effectively contingent ("if we can't agree on the English question, the parties' plans will have to go to the polls in the general election"). They're already starting to paint Labour into a corner.

They really can't shouldn't fuck about with this.
Bamba wrote:
asfish wrote:
I don't see why Scotland...has free prescriptions and the UK doesn't.

It's not free it's paid for out of tax just like everything else. And the reason Scotland has it is because we decided to spend some of our money on it and England didn't; it's just that simple. Christ man, it's like being annoyed that your next door neighbour has a new sofa and you don't. If you want one, go and buy one; he's not stopping you.

But the man next door earns more money than me, for no good reason. I can't afford a new sofa.
Bamba wrote:
asfish wrote:
I don't see why Scotland...has free prescriptions and the UK doesn't.

It's not free it's paid for out of tax just like everything else. And the reason Scotland has it is because we decided to spend some of our money on it and England didn't; it's just that simple. Christ man, it's like being annoyed that your next door neighbour has a new sofa and you don't. If you want one, go and buy one; he's not stopping you.

Its free to the individual! Sofa's are not the same as medicines that people need either!
I'm awaiting the arrival of crackpot conspiracy theories myself.
Grim... wrote:
Bamba wrote:
asfish wrote:
I don't see why Scotland...has free prescriptions and the UK doesn't.

It's not free it's paid for out of tax just like everything else. And the reason Scotland has it is because we decided to spend some of our money on it and England didn't; it's just that simple. Christ man, it's like being annoyed that your next door neighbour has a new sofa and you don't. If you want one, go and buy one; he's not stopping you.

But the man next door earns more money than me, for no good reason. I can't afford a new sofa.

And you've been forced to give some of your money to him as well.
Pundabaya wrote:
I'm awaiting the arrival of crackpot conspiracy theories myself.

The main one so far seems to be the 'low' turnout of Glasgow, only 75%. Accusations of ballot boxes in the Clyde, however even assuming that they are right (this is the rabbid Wings readers) and also assuming that 100% of people voted and also assuming that the 25% 'lost' votes were all yes that would only add 150,000 votes to the Yes's. They don't seem to understand that this is still not enough for the win.

The comments page in Wings is fucking hilarious at the moment, also no posts from :attitude: since yesterday, but lots of people thanking him for his 'Herculean' fundraising and vowing that it isn't over.
asfish wrote:
Bamba wrote:
asfish wrote:
I don't see why Scotland...has free prescriptions and the UK doesn't.

It's not free it's paid for out of tax just like everything else. And the reason Scotland has it is because we decided to spend some of our money on it and England didn't; it's just that simple. Christ man, it's like being annoyed that your next door neighbour has a new sofa and you don't. If you want one, go and buy one; he's not stopping you.

Its free to the individual! Sofa's are not the same as medicines that people need either!

Holy shit.
Posted elsewhere

"I always felt confident Yes could win this referendum. HOWEVER, I also always warned of the huge dangers posed by the immensely powerful anti-democratic forces ranged against us. The Tory Party, the New Labour Party (with its criminal record for electoral fraud), Big Business, Big Bureaucracy, the British State Broadcasting Corporation (BSBC), Big Media, and last but by no means least MI5 and all the other "secret" agencies of the British State and their many thousands of employees prepared to stop at nothing in order to serve and preserve the State which pays their salaries.

It is now beginning to look like these anti-democratic forces may have somehow managed to turn what I suspect was in fact a YES win into the fraudulent appearance of a win for No. It may be some time before we can get an investigation of exactly how this was done. It may be years before we find out all the details of how the crime was committed. But that's no reason to accept things on their terms. Anybody who thinks we're going to say "Well done, old boy" to David Cameron & co has another think coming.

<snip>stuff about Nixon vs Jack Kennedy & Gore vs Bush</snip>

So even if Alex Salmond thought the referendum had been rigged in favour of NO, he might have to think very carefully about the personal and political danger in saying so.

But there'll be no such hesitation from me: this alleged "result" stinks. This corruption stinks to high heaven.
Do not blame ordinary No voters for this.
Do not blame any of your family, or neighbours, or workmates, who may have voted No.
It's unfortunate they were taken in by the lies and the fear-mongering of professional liars, but the vote-rigging is not their fault.
Do not blame English folk, or any other minority group for this.
Most of them voted Yes.
Blame the corrupt professional politicians of the Tory Party, the New Labour Party (with its criminal record for electoral fraud), Big Business, Big Bureaucracy, the British State Broadcasting Corporation (BSBC), Big Media, and, last but by no means least, MI5 and all the other "secret" agencies of the British State and their many thousands of employees.
Do not act violently; but do not accept the fraud which has been imposed on us either. Do not give the BritNats, who think they've won, the satisfaction of accepting that. Tell the world that the maggots who feed upon the decaying corpse of the British Empire may have, by underhand means, gained a little more time before the final dissolution of their State; but that's all they have gained.
They have not won. The fight continues, and we will win.
So far, all this is just my personal view. But I'm confident many others will sympathise with what I'm putting forward. For example, there's a delegate conference of the Radical Independence Campaign a week on Saturday. I would be very surprised if this view is not discussed."

Where was that posted?!
lmao, thats awesome :DD

Especially like -

Do not blame English folk, or any other minority group for this.

So nothing about the Lizard Overlords?
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