Bits and Bobs
CUS wrote:
Also it didn't have legendary controls, or something.

Mr Dave: A shame that, it had some of our best bezzy banter.

Every button/control in the orange box was completely re-bindable. I thuoght that was great. I re-mapped all my friends button - ALL OF THEM, to "reload". HA.
Mr Dave wrote:

Doesn't apply to him:

article wrote:
Accent could affect how intelligent people are thought to be, a new study suggests.
Trousers wrote:
Stu's removed me from his friends list on Xbox Live.

The Good : I'm now top on more leaderboards.
The Bad : It made me sad that he did that.

That's weak as fuck. Did you un-sub?

If it makes you feel any better he never let me be his cyber friend.
*Narrows eyes at Mr Dave and Z*
Zardoz wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:

Doesn't apply to him:

article wrote:
Accent could affect how intelligent people are thought to be, a new study suggests.

It was mainly the entire "Brummies are better off not speaking" thing that caught my eye.
*narrows eyes further*
*falls over chair*
Am I the only non-Brummie in the world who thinks the Brummie accent is boss?

Perhaps it has something to do with my weilding the even more maligned Scouse drawl.
Got my notice today.
Oh no! How come?

(Job or house?)
Grim... wrote:
Oh no! How come?

(Job or house?)


Long story short: Grant refunding. I'm not too bothered, as I knew already, but now it's all official...
Do you have anything else lined up Mali?
Zardoz wrote:
Do you have anything else lined up Mali?

Not currently. Will be official dolescum on 1st July at the moment. Hvaing a chat with boss this afternoon about "things".
What sort of thing do you 'do', MA? And whereabouts do you live/commute?
CUS wrote:
What sort of thing do you 'do', MA? And whereabouts do you live/commute?

I'm a research scientist, specialising, mainly, in HTP cloning and protein expression. And shit like that.
I work in Oxford and live 10ish miles north in TescoTown.
Grim, if you fancy a quick break from 2.0, I am gonna arrive LDN about 2pmish I think, if you fancy a beer somewhere.

Near Heathrow is good, I've sourced a fucking huge conveyoor...
Eh? That was three hours ago! I'll happily come out for a beer if you got the time wrong, though.

[edit]Oh wait.
Err, I meant tomorrow.

But I don't have a cellphone and I just got emailed a list of chores for the am. I'll be in London from 4pm deffo, but might be in not Fulham from around 2ish maybe but I don't have a cellphone on me as I lost it and I dunno what to do, so prolly best we leave it, eh?
You hate me MY CRYING FACE
But yeah - I doubt I'd be allowed the time off anyway.
Klatrymadon wrote:
Am I the only non-Brummie in the world who thinks the Brummie accent is boss?

Nope. I'm rather fond of it, myself. Perhaps as most of the Brummies I've met have been pretty amiable and accomodating people. And the Brum "you" is one of the best words ever.
I've just met my first Swedish person (from our Swedish parent company), as part of a meet-and-greet. He doesn't have a Swedish name ('Caspar'?), he is very tanned, he is not blonde and does not sound Swedish. I'm slightly disappointed.
Come to my office and meet Elina, who sounds Swedish and has blonde hair.
And she's a goth.
She sounds instantly like the most interesting person ever. Is she single? Do you think I'd have a chance?
CUS wrote:
She sounds instantly like the most interesting person ever. Is she single? Do you think I'd have a chance?


CUS wrote:
She sounds instantly like the most interesting person ever. Is she single? Do you think I'd have a chance?

Nope, and maybe, if she wasn't.
Erm... Let me have a look.
Here we go - she's the blond one, obv.
The guy lighting the drinks got engaged the night before, so we went out for a quick celebratory drink with him after work.
I finally leant him up against his door and rang the bell at 3am. His brand-new fiancée was livid.
Er, that file is huge. Sorry.

[edit]And, apparently, crashes Firefox, so I've removed it. Sorry again.
It's not online.
There's an obvious solutiont there.
Immense humour of the above picture aside.

I just got back from my 4 mile run. Went fine, with the except that at about 2 1/2 miles, some fucking, fucking fucking cuntface in a car decided to throw coke over me as they went past. Good aim, it didn't miss. I stopped for a couple of seconds to scream "FUCKING PRICK!!!" at the car as it sped away, then kept going.

These people need to be careful, if they ever make the mistake of stopping the car to gloat, or get caught in traffic lights, I'm going to end up with a murder charge on my hands. Seriously, I'd kill.
Bloody hell what an utterly twatish thing to do to someone.
Someone chucked a freezing cold McDonalds milkshake from a car window at my sister when she was pushing my nephew in the pram and it hit him in the face. He was just six days old when it happened.
That's awful Mimi!

I had someone flick a still-lit fag end out of a car window when I was out with Darryl once, he was only a few weeks old and it went straight onto him in his pushchair.
I think you're all rather dismissing the excellent aim of these people in cars. That's pretty impressive throwing, on any of these three instances. Also very, very sad and wrong. Except for CG having Coke dumped over him. That's hilarious!
Somebody threw a brick at me once, from the sunroof of a Vauxhall Astra. They missed.

I've always wanted to paint some terrapins red, and chuck them out the window at other cars, Mario Kart-style.
Runners get it a lot, apparently. There's a giant thread over at the runners world forums about the abuse some people have received. Someone tallied it up and here's a summary:

The Great 2008 Abuse List

"Run Forest Run" x7
"Run you lanky b8stard!" x1
Ciggy flick x1
Wolf Whistle x3
"Get Them Knees up" x1
Stopped for Directions x1
"You are getting Slower Every Day "x1
"Don't you have a job" x1
"Run Bitch Run" x1
"Keep on Running" x2
"Beep Beep Beep Beeeeeeppppp!" x10
Self Abuse x1
Deliberately standing in path x3
"There's a 100 mile an hour speed limit here you know" x1
"Belly's going to get ya!"
"118!" x5
Stopped to be asked "What you doing? Out running was ya?!" x1
" You've got two threads of white cotton hanging from your shorts - Oh no sorry, those are your legs" x1
"Go Paula!" x3
C'mon Pirate x1(Heard at other
"What do you charge love" x1
"you want ta watch ya don't get an Injury Love"x1
"You're going the wrong way!" x1
"broken any records today love?" x1
"stupid ba**ard" x1
Egg throw x3
Owner sets dog on runner x2
Offered Drugs x1
"Get a Life!!" x1
"You must Be mad!" x2
"f%$king T*%%er x1
"You must be very fit!" x1
"Morning Forrest" x1
"Exersise Freak" x1
The Rocky Theme sung x2
"Move it you fat cows" x1
"50 points if ya get 'er" together with a swerve on the bike x1
"You must be f**kin' freezin" x2
Drink Throw x2
"Oi, Peter Crouch!" x1
"sexy legs" x1
trip Attempt x4
"Run Fatty!" x1
Getting shot by paintball gun x1
McDonalds Wrapper throw x1
Farted at x1
"Is the Bingo not on tonight then?"
Pushed into the canal x1
"Nice Arse" x1
"Look mum, a skellington!" x1
"You don't want to get any thinner!" x1
"aye aye show us yer pie" x1
"Driven at by a car" x1
"Blimey, his legs are like... motorways!" x1
Monkey Noises x1
"Gowarrrrn! Streeeetccch!!!!" x1
Incomprehensible abuse from white Van Man x2

I've had a few people beep me, and I've had a couple of twats shout as they went past, but today is the first time I've had something chucked at me. Seriously, I'd pull their eyeballs out and feel nothing but justified. I can't conceive the mentality of someone that would not only be willing, but would actually delight in chucking something at some random person FOR NO REASON.

For that there's no coming back, no clemency, no second chance. The only possible remedy is immediate and painful death. So don't piss me off, CUS >:(
How about "Run, Fatboy, Run"? Thinking of the film obviously.
That's because people in cars = gits. Mostly.
Mimi wrote:
That's because people in cars = gits. Mostly.

That's the most ridiculous thing I've read today.
And I was reading The Sun over someone's shoulder on the tube.
ComicalGnomes wrote:
Self Abuse x1

The mind boggles!
Zardoz wrote:

That reminds me, I had a mate who's gynecologist's name was C.Bush.
ComicalGnomes wrote:
"Belly's going to get ya!"

This *always* makes me smile! :D

Not that I'd ever shout it at anybody obv.
Zardoz wrote:

Grim... wrote:
Mimi wrote:
That's because people in cars = gits. Mostly.

That's the most ridiculous thing I've read today.
And I was reading The Sun over someone's shoulder on the tube.

hehe, I knew that would bother you first. It's only because I keep seeing your range rover everywhere (I mean, all over the boards, I know you aren't stalking me. Actually, I don't know. Are you stalking me?). Also, I don't know if one can actually 'read' The Sun, as opposed to just look at it.

I don't actually have anything against people with cars, I was joking. should have used one of these smilies. Perhaps this one :arrow: :p I'd liek a car, I ust can't afford one and would probably run over old ladies without noticing.
Do you think that would work on CUS Craster?
ComicalGnomes wrote:
Farted at x1

That's fucking excellent, I'd love to have seen that. Do you think it was a quick side-trump or did they lay an ambush?
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