Be Excellent To Each Other

Middle Age Spread
Page 29 of 83

Author:  Trooper [ Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

KovacsC wrote:
Although the 500 calorie diet is recommend for diabetes, some research said.

Really? Interesting, I assume that is for type 2?

Author:  markg [ Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Trooper wrote:
Grim... wrote:
When can you run on the 5-2 diet? Not on the 2 days, I'd imagine, and perhaps not the days after?

500 cals on a couple of days and anything you like on the others isn't going to stop you doing anything on any day really. You might have a mental block and your mind will be telling you that you are too weak, but in reality your body will be fine. Assuming you are not diabetic or anything like that.

Yeah, I'd imagine it might come into play if you were running long distances but for just the 5 or 10k that I tend to do I never noticed any effect at all. In fact some of my fastest runs were on diet days.

Author:  KovacsC [ Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Trooper wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Although the 500 calorie diet is recommend for diabetes, some research said.

Really? Interesting, I assume that is for type 2?

Yes there was a program on ITV last week. A study in Newcastle, I started to look at it.

Author:  Cras [ Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Trooper wrote:
Grim... wrote:
When can you run on the 5-2 diet? Not on the 2 days, I'd imagine, and perhaps not the days after?

500 cals on a couple of days and anything you like on the others isn't going to stop you doing anything on any day really. You might have a mental block and your mind will be telling you that you are too weak, but in reality your body will be fine. Assuming you are not diabetic or anything like that.

I'm surprised at that. I mean, sure actual energy reserves you'd be fine with, but once you get above about 10 minutes running don't you really rip through your stored potassium and magnesium - I'd thought that would hit you harder on a diet day.

Author:  KovacsC [ Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

I tried an early morning run once, with no food. I won't be making that mistake again

Author:  myp [ Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

KovacsC wrote:
I tried an early morning run once, with no food. I won't be making that mistake again

That doesn't bother me - I can't run for hours AFTER eating.

Author:  Trooper [ Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Cras wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Grim... wrote:
When can you run on the 5-2 diet? Not on the 2 days, I'd imagine, and perhaps not the days after?

500 cals on a couple of days and anything you like on the others isn't going to stop you doing anything on any day really. You might have a mental block and your mind will be telling you that you are too weak, but in reality your body will be fine. Assuming you are not diabetic or anything like that.

I'm surprised at that. I mean, sure actual energy reserves you'd be fine with, but once you get above about 10 minutes running don't you really rip through your stored potassium and magnesium - I'd thought that would hit you harder on a diet day.

I shall ask the expert once she is back from her mothers :)

I doubt it will be an issue for your average "running to keep fit" 5-10k person though.

Author:  Mimi [ Sat Jun 21, 2014 16:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

I'm not sure if this is the right thread as this isn't really a fitness thing, more just something that interests me.

I have been really trying to go out for long walks a bit more often with Russell, for a number of reasons. Firstly, because it helps us see new places that we somehow have not yet explored, secondly because it is an antidote to the office for me, and I just feel these last few months that I NEED open spaces, fresh air and the bathmats like.

When I was at 6th form and uni I used to be obsessed with a pedometer that I was given. I don't know why, but I used to be endlessly fascinated with how many steps I had taken :shrug: I used to write team down in a little book.

Anyway, mentalisms aside, I get frustrated when I am back from dragging Russell around our fair and pleasant land that I do not have stats, because mats make things more ace, right?

So, I have tried to use an app that calculates that route that you have taken, your average speed, etc. It's called map my walk/run/ride. But I'd also like to know things like how many steps I have taken. And I also wondered if there was a thing that might be able to tell me my heart rate? I'm not sure if that last one exists. I have a little app that I use to check my resting heart rate, but I never think of it when I am walking and I got that one because the doctors keep saying that my heart rate is really slow, and then I have to do the sitting down and standing up thing, then my blood pressure, etc.

So, I want a little gadget, and Russell said to ask on ere because a) people here like gadgets and b) people might have talked about such things and I don't know. I am also told to mention that I have an iPhone, so if it can link to this it would be good. It's taken me two weeks to write this because I am worried nobody will know what I am talking about and you will all think I am mental.

Cheers x x x x

Author:  Mr Russell [ Sat Jun 21, 2014 16:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Make sure you ask about the bath mats.

Oh it's ok, you've got that covered :)

Author:  myp [ Sat Jun 21, 2014 16:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Quite a few apps will do pedometer style stuff, but for heart rate you'll need something like this: ... te+monitor

It connects to a lot of apps using Bluetooth on your iPhone.

Author:  Trooper [ Sat Jun 21, 2014 16:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

For pedometer only stuff, there will be an app for that. You just need to keep your phone in your pocket while you walk. I have one on my Android phone.

Author:  Slightly Green [ Sat Jun 21, 2014 16:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Also would recommend the Amazon mobile app for perusing Bath Mats while on the walk.

The Bubble Bath Mat is awesome!!


:luv: :luv:

Author:  Dr Zoidberg [ Sat Jun 21, 2014 17:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Strava works very nicely for tracking walks and cycling, and will talk to various GPS devices including some with heart rate sensors.

Author:  Mimi [ Sat Jun 21, 2014 17:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Slightly Green wrote:
Also would recommend the Amazon mobile app for perusing Bath Mats while on the walk.

The Bubble Bath Mat is awesome!!


:luv: :luv:

Will this track my heat rate, too? :DD

It does look like a brilliant bath mat, though!

Author:  KovacsC [ Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Strava works very nicely for tracking walks and cycling, and will talk to various GPS devices including some with heart rate sensors.

I use this

Author:  KovacsC [ Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Learning front crawl (swimming) at 40 is not something I expected to do

Author:  Trousers [ Mon Jun 23, 2014 12:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

I go swimming on a Sunday when I have the Trouserette. To make it more interesting on Sunday she sat on my back and pretended to be in Mario Kart while I swam to the deep end.

I managed it though so if Gaywood ever falls in a large puddle I could definitely save him.

Author:  Mr Dave [ Mon Jun 23, 2014 17:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

I had some sort of a lifeguard course while at school. Somehow I always ended up towing the fat guy.

So I could surely save a Gaywood.

Author:  KovacsC [ Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

JBR wrote:
Mail has it covered. To be honest I didn't know when I got it, only that they suggested either go entry level (c.£500) or elite (800), rather than the one in between - beyond that you're outside the cost allowed in the standard cycle to work (up to £1k). Seeing as they're all an upgrade of parts etc. from the one below, thinking the one in the middle isn't worth it suggests it's all a bit arbitrary. Better gears have probably been good for me - cycling legally, there's a lot of stop-start and therefore a lot of gear change and hot brake action.

One of MsKovs friends is selling a Scott Speedster S50 for around £250. Looks like i am getting a road bike!

Author:  Mimi [ Tue Jun 24, 2014 17:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Trousers wrote:
I go swimming on a Sunday when I have the Trouserette.


Please call her Shorts. She is, after all. It's so cute.

Author:  KovacsC [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Mimi wrote:
Trousers wrote:
I go swimming on a Sunday when I have the Trouserette.


Please call her Shorts. She is, after all. It's so cute.


Author:  Trousers [ Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Weighed myself in a post BBQuattro experiment just now.

Turns out eating a fuckton of steak and drinking loads results in 1lb weight loss.

Must do that more often then.

Author:  Mimi [ Tue Jul 01, 2014 21:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Interesting, but more importantly: 'Shorts', right?

Author:  Trousers [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Mimi wrote:
Interesting, but more importantly: 'Shorts', right?

She shall be known by no other name henceforth.

Author:  Jem [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 13:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

So I figure here is as good a place as any to start recording my progress with my weight/fitness :D

I started the year with the rough intention of starting running again and improving fitness. I have done that - running twice a week on my kid-free nights with a local running group - which has given me better muscle definition in the old leggies, but not shifted any real weight from elsewhere. Started doing the 30 day shred DVD on Monday evenings, done a few of those at level 1.

Been disappointed with my lack of weight loss, especially as I eat good food and haven't been binging on cake like I used to, but realised recently that it's probably caused by the fact that I've been drinking quite a lot since Christmas - some nights I will drink a bottle of wine easily. I have a slight 'problem' in that once I start, I don't tend to stop til I pass out... some of you may have noticed that at the BBQ :P

I'm giving up booze for July (for unrelated reasons) but am hoping this will be the kick up the arse I need to start with some actual weight loss. I have no idea what a realistic goal is in terms of lbs shifted (and I don't have any scales to keep track anyway) but I'd like to go from a size 14 to a size 12 as a start.


Author:  myp [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 14:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

I very much recommend the divorce diet.

Author:  KovacsC [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 14:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

I tried that it was brilliant. :'(

Author:  Jem [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 14:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Given that it was the breakdown of my relationship with my ex that seems to have triggered the excess alcohol consumption I think that's the last thing I need :P

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 14:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

MaliA wrote:
No more biscuits or booze in the week and 30 minutes on the exercise bike at 120 rpm or there abouts at 70% max heart rate (calculated). See what happens in a week.

None of this is happening.


Author:  KovacsC [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 14:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Jem wrote:
Given that it was the breakdown of my relationship with my ex that seems to have triggered the excess alcohol consumption I think that's the last thing I need :P

Try dating someone that is a fitness freak... :)

Author:  Trooper [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 15:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

KovacsC wrote:
Jem wrote:
Given that it was the breakdown of my relationship with my ex that seems to have triggered the excess alcohol consumption I think that's the last thing I need :P

Try dating someone that is a fitness freak... :)

Jem has it half right this time...

Author:  KovacsC [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 15:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Trooper wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Jem wrote:
Given that it was the breakdown of my relationship with my ex that seems to have triggered the excess alcohol consumption I think that's the last thing I need :P

Try dating someone that is a fitness freak... :)

Jem has it half right this time...

:DD awww poor Gaz

Author:  DavPaz [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 15:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Nervoso, you were 200lbs? Blimey.

Good work, by the way.


Sorry about the divorce.

Author:  myp [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 15:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

DavPaz wrote:
Nervoso, you were 200lbs? Blimey.

Good work, by the way.


Sorry about the divorce.

204lbs at my heaviest! I'm now 186lbs which is the lightest I've been in a couple of years. It's a struggle getting below that now though.

Author:  DavPaz [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 16:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

You're now roughly the same weight as me.


Author:  KovacsC [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 16:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

American Nervoso wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Nervoso, you were 200lbs? Blimey.

Good work, by the way.


Sorry about the divorce.

204lbs at my heaviest! I'm now 186lbs which is the lightest I've been in a couple of years. It's a struggle getting below that now though.

You heaviest is still lighter than me.... >:|

Author:  Trousers [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 16:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

American Nervoso wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Nervoso, you were 200lbs? Blimey.

Good work, by the way.

Sorry about the divorce.

204lbs at my heaviest!

210lbs on Monday. HA! Totally beat you! No wait hang on....

Author:  KovacsC [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 16:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Trousers wrote:
American Nervoso wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Nervoso, you were 200lbs? Blimey.

Good work, by the way.

Sorry about the divorce.

204lbs at my heaviest!

210lbs on Monday. HA! Totally beat you! No wait hang on....

220lbs, fuck i prefer 100 kilos. sounds better

Author:  Curiosity [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 18:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

I was measured at 88.6 kilos today.

I was 78 kilos when Onnie was born.


Time to excercise!

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 18:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Curiosity wrote:
I was measured at 88.6 kilos today.

Speak English, man!

I'm still looking for a pedometer thing, because it's cool.

I shall try more apps.

Author:  Curiosity [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 19:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Mimi wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
I was measured at 88.6 kilos today.

Speak English, man!

I'm still looking for a pedometer thing, because it's cool.

I shall try more apps.

I'm 14 stone instead of 12st 4lbs

Author:  KovacsC [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 19:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Mimi. I use Strava

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 19:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

See, that's numbers I can wrap my head around. Anyway, I think that's just added beard, so don't stress yourself!

I shall check that out, Kov. Ta!

Author:  Curiosity [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 19:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Mimi wrote:
See, that's numbers I can wrap my head around. Anyway, I think that's just added beard, so don't stress yourself!

I shall check that out, Kov. Ta!

Nah, it's bad enough that my clothes don't fit so well any more. New job next week, so new Curio! Exercise! Healthy eating!

Author:  DavPaz [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 20:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Or! New clothes! Sweatpants! Stretchy waistbands! A mumu!

Author:  myp [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 21:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

KovacsC wrote:
You heaviest is still lighter than me.... >:|

You're a foot taller and play rugby. I look like a frog being held by its neck.

Author:  KovacsC [ Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Went training with MsKovs Tri club. Did a lot of trackwork. I have never ran so far before, the nearly killed me.

Did I get to rest..... No.

We then had swimming coaching, I was shaking by the time I got out of the pool.

Author:  Jem [ Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

KovacsC wrote:
Went training with MsKovs Tri club. Did a lot of trackwork. I have never ran so far before, the nearly killed me.

Did I get to rest..... No.

We then had swimming coaching, I was shaking by the time I got out of the pool.

Nice work :D

Author:  GazChap [ Fri Jul 04, 2014 14:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

Trooper wrote:
Jem has it half right this time...

Why, I oughta...

Author:  myp [ Fri Jul 04, 2014 14:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Age Spread

GazChap wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Jem has it half right this time...

Why, I oughta...

Dude, she's your sister. Sick.

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