Bits & Bobs 46
A new B&B for a new year !
Yep, probably. Still, that's fine. Rather that than have 5 women ogling my chiselled abs.
But why do you have it on at work?
Mimi wrote:
But why do you have it on at work?

Because he was demoing it for people, of course.

You silly billy.
Gods I was so hoping that was your Groom's outfit
markg wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
oh godddddddddddddd why

Jem's friends have been doing "Come Dine With Me" dinner party thingies for a month or two, and the next one that we've got scheduled is themed. We don't know the theme yet, we've just been told to "wear swimwear" - so I'm taking it a bit too literally.

That probably means they have a hot tub in the garden aka they're probably sex people.

My parents have a hot tub the garden.
Cras wrote:
Gods I was so hoping that was your Groom's outfit

I thought he was the groom???
Mimi wrote:
But why do you have it on at work?

People at the office wanted to see it on my lithe frame.
MaliA wrote:
markg wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
oh godddddddddddddd why

Jem's friends have been doing "Come Dine With Me" dinner party thingies for a month or two, and the next one that we've got scheduled is themed. We don't know the theme yet, we've just been told to "wear swimwear" - so I'm taking it a bit too literally.

That probably means they have a hot tub in the garden aka they're probably sex people.

My parents have a hot tub the garden.

And your existence proves that they have had sex.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
MaliA wrote:
markg wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
oh godddddddddddddd why

Jem's friends have been doing "Come Dine With Me" dinner party thingies for a month or two, and the next one that we've got scheduled is themed. We don't know the theme yet, we've just been told to "wear swimwear" - so I'm taking it a bit too literally.

That probably means they have a hot tub in the garden aka they're probably sex people.

My parents have a hot tub the garden.

And your existence proves that they have had sex.

Not according to The Prophecy
MaliA wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
MaliA wrote:
markg wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
oh godddddddddddddd why

Jem's friends have been doing "Come Dine With Me" dinner party thingies for a month or two, and the next one that we've got scheduled is themed. We don't know the theme yet, we've just been told to "wear swimwear" - so I'm taking it a bit too literally.

That probably means they have a hot tub in the garden aka they're probably sex people.

My parents have a hot tub the garden.

And your existence proves that they have had sex.

Not according to The Prophecy

Do you have any odd birthmarks, just above the hair line?
MaliA wrote:
markg wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
oh godddddddddddddd why

Jem's friends have been doing "Come Dine With Me" dinner party thingies for a month or two, and the next one that we've got scheduled is themed. We don't know the theme yet, we've just been told to "wear swimwear" - so I'm taking it a bit too literally.

That probably means they have a hot tub in the garden aka they're probably sex people.

My parents have a hot tub the garden.

So do we; 8-seater rock star spec no less.
We're "sex people" though, natch.

Great outfit btw Gaz; I commend your avant garde attitude to workwear. :D
So... Ever been to Cornwall, Cavey?
Cavey wrote:
MaliA wrote:
markg wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
oh godddddddddddddd why

Jem's friends have been doing "Come Dine With Me" dinner party thingies for a month or two, and the next one that we've got scheduled is themed. We don't know the theme yet, we've just been told to "wear swimwear" - so I'm taking it a bit too literally.

That probably means they have a hot tub in the garden aka they're probably sex people.

My parents have a hot tub the garden.

So do we; 8-seater rock star spec no less.
We're "sex people" though, natch.

MaliA wrote:
Cavey wrote:
MaliA wrote:
markg wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
oh godddddddddddddd why

Jem's friends have been doing "Come Dine With Me" dinner party thingies for a month or two, and the next one that we've got scheduled is themed. We don't know the theme yet, we've just been told to "wear swimwear" - so I'm taking it a bit too literally.

That probably means they have a hot tub in the garden aka they're probably sex people.

My parents have a hot tub the garden.

So do we; 8-seater rock star spec no less.
We're "sex people" though, natch.


Yeah, that's possibly the last time I had sex IIRC. :'( :p
29 birthdays and 28 Christmases to catch up on!

I worked out I must've been 19 when you were born mate, which means I had my first Capri, with it's most excellent, comodious accommodations (beats a 125cc Superdream seat). So yeah, not surprised you were conceived TBH.
I might be lying about my age
MaliA wrote:
I might be lying about my age

Only by a decade or so
Well, 9 years old would have been considered a tad early to have started a family - even in the, ahem, salubrious part of Essex where I was dragged up likes. (Plus my mode of transport was well shit at this unfortunate life stage..... a pushbike, can you imagine the humiliation! *shivers*)
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I might be lying about my age

Only by a decade or so

Hey! Wait!. Umm. I actually dunno.
MaliA wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I might be lying about my age

Only by a decade or so

Hey! Wait!. Umm. I actually dunno.

Worst Kurt Cobain impression ever.
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I might be lying about my age

Only by a decade or so

Hey! Wait!. Umm. I actually dunno.

Worst Kurt Cobain impression ever.

GazChap wrote:

Please tell me that's your outfit for Friday? :D
You know Gaz when it comes to social situations. He's like a fish out of water.
Lonewolves wrote:
You know Gaz when it comes to social situations. He's like a fish out of water.


Pffft, he's just fishing for compliments.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
GazChap wrote:

Please tell me that's your outfit for Friday? :D

Only if Jem comes as Dory, right?
Huh. The Village has 2 American Bar persons working in 2 different bars. I shall ask them if they know each other.

Edit: the newer bar is more of a wine bar. And serves kegged beer.
Squirt wrote:
Pffft, he's just fishing for compliments.

He should get off that perch and stop carping, no matter how be-gudgeon-ly.
Bit of a flirt and you get the sprinklers removed and a proper pint.
If they're pulling pints through sprinklers, something's very wrong.
Pundabaya wrote:
If they're pulling pints through sprinklers, something's very wrong.

"The North"
They're called 'sparklers', you southern nancy-boy. Also, every pub I've ever been in will take them off if you ask.
Sparklers are very much a Northern thing, but they've been creeping down to the south for years. They're a PITA if you work bar, but landlords like them for the perceived saving on beer that the extra head gives. And yeah, just ask for the person serving to remove it for your pint, you don't need to flirt with Big Dave next time :P
I have no idea what a sprinkler or a sparkler is in this context.
From context, I'm guessing essentially a shower head on a beer tap to increase the head.
Mr Dave wrote:
From context, I'm guessing essentially a shower head on a beer tap to increase the head.

I've just Googled it and it seems to only apply to ale rather than proper beer so that's why I don't know anything about it.
Bamba wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
From context, I'm guessing essentially a shower head on a beer tap to increase the head.

I've just Googled it and it seems to only apply to ale rather than proper beer so that's why I don't know anything about it.

<narrows eyes>
MaliA wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
From context, I'm guessing essentially a shower head on a beer tap to increase the head.

I've just Googled it and it seems to only apply to ale rather than proper beer so that's why I don't know anything about it.

<narrows eyes>

He's Scotch...


Let him off.
I haven't drank a pint of Tennents in as long as I can remember because it's piss water. Although it's cold fizzy piss water as opposed to the warm flat piss water that ale offers. I suppose it's nice for fans of piss water that they have so much variety to chose from.
You disappoint me.
Bamba wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
From context, I'm guessing essentially a shower head on a beer tap to increase the head.

I've just Googled it and it seems to only apply to ale rather than proper beer so that's why I don't know anything about it.

Yeah, it's meant to make Marston's Boring Brown Beer #532 taste less shit somehow.
MaliA wrote:
You disappoint me.

The universal indication that I'm doing it right.
Lonewolves wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
From context, I'm guessing essentially a shower head on a beer tap to increase the head.

I've just Googled it and it seems to only apply to ale rather than proper beer so that's why I don't know anything about it.

Yeah, it's meant to make Marston's Boring Brown Beer #532 taste less shit somehow.

It's supposed to enliven beer and increase the micro-bubbles to give a creamier head that lasts longer and doesn't fade by the time you have it back to the table. It gives the 3/4" head that some pubs like on a pint, by agitating the beer. I've not heard an argument for it improving the taste, most people I have known have argued the opposite, that it knocks out the conditioning of the ale and though provides some liveliness at the point of the pour, once it has settled leaves he remaining beer flatter still than before. I think it sacrifices the subtleties of the beer for the aesthetic (and potential money saving over the course of a barrel from all those extra 3/4" of beer not served for the sake of some air apparent (look, I punned, hahahahaha).
Why do you need to 'lively' up an inherently flat ale, anyway?
Wouldn't you just wait for it to settle? I would.
DavPaz wrote:
Why do you need to 'lively' up an inherently flat ale, anyway?

It's supposed to look more appealing to the consumer. It is supposed to give the appearance of 'freshness'.
Mimi wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Why do you need to 'lively' up an inherently flat ale, anyway?

It's supposed to look more appealing to the consumer. It is supposed to give the appearance of 'freshness'.

Cloudy beer looks like the pub hasn't cleaned their lines. So it doesn't work on me, at least.
Lager.... pfft. OK for glugging down on hot summer days/nights I suppose, in the same way a big, fat bag of steaming chips smothered in salt and chip shop vinegar has its place, but hardly the connoisseur's choice. Ah well, each to his own; girl's drink if you ask me. :D

Hey Mali, I'm a fan of Weetwood Ales, most notably the Eastgate, which is a lovely, easy-drinking pint, as immaculately served in The Fox and Barrel oft mentioned around these parts:
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