Bits & Bobs 46
A new B&B for a new year !
Do not despair. I will attend every music quiz in London until I find you.

And I will find you.

Thought you might like to know that I've posted another new blog entry. Prize available to he or she who guesses where the location is of the shoot. (Um, don't read the tags at the foot of the page though - honour bound system!) Anyway I've been quite pleased with how busy I've been recently with the old photography. I photographed the British Dance Edition festival recently - for munny! And I've got a wedding shoot on the weekend! Crikey. Busy times. My aching eyes. Still, should give you something to read now and again on those boring train commutes.

Pete Takes Pictures - Coastline

The Great Tyrant wrote:
Do not despair. I will attend every music quiz in London until I find you.

And I will find you.


Here we go! I'm so helpful.

Goddess Jasmine wrote:
sirloreal wrote:
The Great Tyrant wrote:
That'll be my other half who also joined at Jem's insistence. He's currently AWOL from the internet whilst he's out doing Responsible Grown-Up Life Things © ;)

Grown-upping has concluded for the day. Hello everyone and thanks for having us :D

Welcome both.

It is a mandatory requirement that you both attend an initiation.

Oh no it isn't. And you shouldn't. People from the Internet are often weird. OK, maybe not often, but sometimes. I mean, I met some people from a Terry Pratchett newsgroup about 20 years ago and I swore I would never meet anyone off the net again.

Godess Jasmine wrote:
See you there! :D

Oh no you won't. Not me, anyroad. See above.

Also, welcome to the noobs.
I married a random bloke off the internet, it's not so bad
cheer up WH :D

Hello new people :)
miki wrote:
I married a random bloke off the internet, it's not so bad

Yes, but how does he feel about this? :p
Oh god, does he know?
miki wrote:
I married a random bloke off the internet, it's not so bad

:this: Except to a woman.
NervousPete wrote:
Thought you might like to know that I've posted another new blog entry. Prize available to he or she who guesses where the location is of the shoot. (Um, don't read the tags at the foot of the page though - honour bound system!) Anyway I've been quite pleased with how busy I've been recently with the old photography. I photographed the British Dance Edition festival recently - for munny! And I've got a wedding shoot on the weekend! Crikey. Busy times. My aching eyes. Still, should give you something to read now and again on those boring train commutes.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!


Gorgeous photos man! :D
The Great Tyrant wrote:
Gorgeous photos man! :D

Yes, he is, isn't he?
DavPaz wrote:
Oh god, does he know?
I think he noticed :D
Mr Russell wrote:
miki wrote:
I married a random bloke off the internet, it's not so bad

:this: Except to a woman.

For balance, so did I.
I will be soon...
I stalked my wife via Myspace before we started dating. Does that count?

Anyway, it's my last day at work today. All my emails have been deleted and I'm just about to transfer the contents of my locker to the recycling bin.
Jem wrote:
I will be soon...

Surprisingly quiet following this.
JBR wrote:
Jem wrote:
I will be soon...

Surprisingly quiet following this.

Everyone knows Gaz and I are getting married in May, right?
Jem wrote:
JBR wrote:
Jem wrote:
I will be soon...

Surprisingly quiet following this.

Everyone knows Gaz and I are getting married in May, right?

Yep! I'm looking forward to receiving my invite. I've got a new suit and everything! Can't wait.
Have you not received it yet? Must have got lost in the post.
I have bought a new dress
What wedding cars have you chosen?
Honda Jazz.

Just kidding. We're not having a big fancy wedding, it's literally just us + witnesses + kids :)
I can't wait for this reception, Jem.

Pretty sure you're the only person on the planet who thinks I'm a lightweight.
There's a few BeExers who could probably out-drink me if that makes you feel any better ;)
Jem wrote:
There's a few BeExers who could probably out-drink me if that makes you feel any better ;)

Depends on whether your definition of out-drink is 'drink more' or 'remain coherent by the end of the evening'
Cras wrote:
Depends on whether your definition of out-drink is 'drink more' or 'remain coherent by the end of the evening'

Hadn't put too much thought into it but surely the latter relies on being coherent in the first place, which I personally am often not.
Jem wrote:
Cras wrote:
Depends on whether your definition of out-drink is 'drink more' or 'remain coherent by the end of the evening'

Hadn't put too much thought into it but surely the latter relies on being coherent in the first place, which I personally am often not.

But that is then equally predicated on you being sober at the start of the evening, which, I might suggest...

Touché good sir.
I reckon Joans can drink more than me and remain upright.
Upright, yes. But we've seen Joans drink then sleep while still upright, so I'm not sure that counts
KovacsC wrote:
Jem wrote:
There's a few BeExers who could probably out-drink me if that makes you feel any better ;)


Clearly Myp. His drinking capacity is legendary.
MaliA can clearly out drink Grim, as that hilarious night at the quiz proved.
Curiosity wrote:
MaliA can clearly out drink Grim, as that hilarious night at the quiz proved.

Was that the night Wendy fell in love with me? That was excellent.
Grim... wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
MaliA can clearly out drink Grim, as that hilarious night at the quiz proved.

Was that the night Wendy fell in love with me? That was excellent.

It was certainly the night he said "Shut up, fuckhead" as his first words after she arrived.
Gossip and hearsay.
Curiosity wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
MaliA can clearly out drink Grim, as that hilarious night at the quiz proved.

Was that the night Wendy fell in love with me? That was excellent.

It was certainly the night he said "Shut up, fuckhead" as his first words after she arrived.


But why? I can't remember why.
MaliA wrote:
Gossip and hearsay.

Was it a music quiz then?

Grim... wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
MaliA can clearly out drink Grim, as that hilarious night at the quiz proved.

Was that the night Wendy fell in love with me? That was excellent.

It was certainly the night he said "Shut up, fuckhead" as his first words after she arrived.


But why? I can't remember why.

Gold: viewtopic.php?p=518183#p518183
Grim... wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
MaliA can clearly out drink Grim, as that hilarious night at the quiz proved.

Was that the night Wendy fell in love with me? That was excellent.

It was certainly the night he said "Shut up, fuckhead" as his first words after she arrived.


But why? I can't remember why.

Gold: viewtopic.php?p=518183#p518183

"Reader, I married him"
My Sam (the original one as opposed to the other children called Sam whose parents post here ;)) is 21 today. Twenty. One. He was only seven last year!!!
No, you're thinking of his driving licence pic.

Give him a birthday hug from me. X
Mimi wrote:
No, you're thinking of his driving licence pic.

Give him a birthday hug from me. X

Ha! Ha! He's still got that! :D

Thanks Meems, will do. :)
Congrats Jazzy on getting there. My eldest will be 18 in July and the thought of being the parent of an adult is pretty weird!
I'm 30 next year and my mum is only just coming to terms that she's a parent to two adults. This means her conversations have now careened dangerously towards marriage and babies. Oh dear.
Malc wrote:
Congrats Jazzy on getting there. My eldest will be 18 in July and the thought of being the parent of an adult is pretty weird!

Thanks Malc, but my eldest was 24 four weeks ago.

I think it helps that we don't live together anymore. :P
The Great Tyrant wrote:
I'm 30 next year and my mum is only just coming to terms that she's a parent to two adults. This means her conversations have now careened dangerously towards marriage and babies. Oh dear.

Heh, when I was 30 my Mother was still telling me I was "too young to understand..." (about anything, not stuff related to her generation). I don't think she'll ever see me as a grown up!

Actually, I'm not sure I'll ever see me as a grown up! :smug:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Actually, I'm not sure I'll ever see me as a grown up! :smug:

The Great Tyrant wrote:
I'm 30 next year and my mum is only just coming to terms that she's a parent to two adults. This means her conversations have now careened dangerously towards marriage and babies. Oh dear.

Don't do it.
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