*~Pets Corner!~*
Pet and animal talk ^.^
One Bunny Boy dropped off at the vets for a dental. Cue 24 hours of worrying.
Fingers crossed...
One rabbit back home and looking grumpy. All is well *phew*
Here are my lovely little rescued Rotties, now living the life of Riley :luv:

EDIT: good stuff Dimrill. I love rabbits; always had one as a kid (incredibly tame, gentle creatures) and now Teen Angel #2 has one too. Grandson loves him.
Dimrill wrote:
One rabbit back home and looking grumpy. All is well *phew*

Good news.

Captain Caveman wrote:
Here are my lovely little rescued Rotties, now living the life of Riley :luv:

Lovely dogs, shocking wallpaper :p
Heh! :p

Not guilty though mate, blame the photographer! (Mrs Caveman and I got bought a dog portrait voucher for last Xmas, as our friends well know how dotty we are about our dogs :) )
You must have tonnes of shit to pick up. Bad enough bagging up one Weimaraner's turds.
Zardoz wrote:
You must have tonnes of shit to pick up. Bad enough bagging up one Weimaraner's turds.

Indeed mate, that's the downside of big dogs.... big "dog's eggs" (c) Viz Profanisaurus

Mind you, it was worse when I had my beautiful Great Dane. Miss you Beamy. :'(
Haven't even had the benefit of a harsh winter to freeze them this year.
14 frozen dog shits?
14 little voices. They really need to put caltrops around the Pets@Home adoption centre when I'm buying more gippynig food.
Maybe they should write messages like "Need bigger cage ahead" on the floor in orange crayon.
A woman who lives at the end of my street has several rottweilers. They jump up at the window in her foyer and bark a lot when I walk past her house. When I see her walking them, or rather, being pulled along the street by them, I always feel really nervous. I hope they're well socialised and are just barking because they want to play. :S
YOG wrote:
A woman who lives at the end of my street has several rottweilers. They jump up at the window in her foyer and bark a lot when I walk past her house. When I see her walking them, or rather, being pulled along the street by them, I always feel really nervous. I hope they're well socialised and are just barking because they want to play. :S

My dog barks at people who walk past the house as well (beexers who play MW3 with me will also tell you how whenever we go online and say hello to someone this also sets her off because she thinks someone has snuck in the house without her noticing). In her case, it's harmless but she is only wee so not too intimidating. It is sensible to be wary of dogs you don't know though.
YOG wrote:
A woman who lives at the end of my street has several rottweilers. They jump up at the window in her foyer and bark a lot when I walk past her house. When I see her walking them, or rather, being pulled along the street by them, I always feel really nervous. I hope they're well socialised and are just barking because they want to play. :S

They're barking as a friendly warning mate; the canine equivalent of saying 'look, we live here, please don't even think about trying to break into my master's gaff'. :) (Uniquely among dogs, Rottweilers often don't bother with this! My last male was almost feline and would skulk in total silence until someone came into the grounds, only then making his presence known - he would not let them out).

Mind you, if their owner cannot control them properly on-lead and is being pulled by them, that sounds pretty poor. No chance of Mrs Caveman putting up with nonsense like that from my pair, I can tell you; they well know what side their bread is buttered. A 'weiler is a headstrong, wilful, dominant and intelligent animal with great physical strength and, like all dogs, most especially the so-called guardian breeds (Rottweiler, Alsation, Dobermann), it must know who the boss is.
Our lab x kelpie was pulling so badly on the lead, it was becoming a real problem (and was beginning to hurt my knees because I was constantly walking along with the 'brakes on'.

We bought a 'halti' harness, which goes over her nose and tightens a little, the idea being that when she pulls it turns her head back and slows her. It seems to have worked wonderfully, along with rewarding good walking behaviour, so now she trots along quite happily beside us and isn't trying to pull my arms off. Unfortunately some people mistake it for a muzzle and wonder if she is bitey.
Sir Taxalot wrote:
Our lab x kelpie was pulling so badly on the lead, it was becoming a real problem (and was beginning to hurt my knees because I was constantly walking along with the 'brakes on'.

We bought a 'halti' harness, which goes over her nose and tightens a little, the idea being that when she pulls it turns her head back and slows her. It seems to have worked wonderfully, along with rewarding good walking behaviour, so now she trots along quite happily beside us and isn't trying to pull my arms off. Unfortunately some people mistake it for a muzzle and wonder if she is bitey.

Yes, the Halti Collar is a godsend for a dog that pulls on the lead mate; my old English Bull Terrier male used to be terrible for this back in the day and one of these sorted him out nicely. (I think there's also something called a 'gentle leader' as well that has good reviews in doggy circles).

I wouldn't worry about people thinking it's a muzzle though mate; anyone who knows anything about dogs will recognise what it is, and in any case, even if the dog was actually muzzled, this is clearly a responsible thing to do anyway, and thus praiseworthy in any event. I have to muzzle my male Rott in the vets, bless him, as there's simply no alternative. He's been so appallingly mistreated in the past he's terrified of anything like that, and a genuinely frightened dog is potentially very dangerous - and this isn't his fault. (Ellie, our bitch, is absolutely fine in this though, and indeed all respects - licks the vet to death. He's signed her off to become a PAT Dog; so much for the ferocious Rotty. What a *total* sweetheart; bitches are so much easier than dogs!)
My dog ( a crappy little Terrier thing called Phoebe ) does the opposite of pulling on the lead. If she decides that it's too cold or wet to continue her walk, she'll slam on her brakes, brace herself like they do in the cartoons and refuse to go any further at all. As you look so daft dragging a stubborn Jack Russell behind you, she normally ends up getting her way, too.
My dog used to be able to make herself heavier. It was nigh on impossible to pick her up when she did this. I ought to've informed Brian Cox.
New pigs have just discovered they can jump out of the cage as often as they like. Sweep's going mental running around the room at full tilt.
We have two Chowder and Buster... They are awesome.

Chowder runs round like a nutter. and squeaks with his runs
Next month: Dimrill returns with another guinea pig. An accidentally male guinea pig. Cue guinea pig explosion.
Well, they are certainly adorable looking little critters! :hug:

How come some Gippies have sticky-up hair and some have flat hair? Is it a genetic thing, or are some just more untidy than others?
Sticky up hair are Abyssinians, Sweep's a coronet.
KovacsC wrote:
Chowder [..] squeaks with his runs
Stop feeding him hot curry then!
Dimrill wrote:
Sophie & Sweep


Just showed them to Sam, he wanted to know why you had a vending machine in your house, not sure how big he thought they were! 8)
Uh oh, mrs W's parents are moving house and have 2 cats. We had already agreed to take the 1 year old because whenever mrs W visits them it curls up on her and they all comment on how it never does that and awww etc. now it appears that it comes with a stinky old matted looking grey thing that's been in her family forever, I was not amused but mrs. Turned on the big eyes and now it appears that we are a mog based retirement palace >:|
Here is a pic of aformentioned moggies, the fluffy one is super grumpy and the little black and white one speaks a lot but is cute so its ok. :)
Joey (Cat Original) is truly not amused. :(

fluffy = Coby
other one = Seung Mina (Mina for short)
Fluffy one should be renamed Taki.
Progress! Seung Mina has touched joey on the paw :) joey was hissing the entire time but did not tear minas face off. :DD

Bliss, Jen's parents dog, died on Thursday. She was hit by a car. She was only 3. We got back to Jen's parents from our holiday tonight and miss her loads.
:( Aw Gill, I'm so sorry..
Bloody hell. So sorry to hear that, Gilly. :(
Thanks guys, we found out on Thursday while we were in London but it was hard coming back here yesterday. They had been looking after our dog, Willow, while we were away and she had been crying by the road when it happened so we couldn't wait to see her and give her a hug but at the same time we didn't want her getting all excited to see us when they won't get that sort of welcome from poor Blissie again :( had a wee cry when I saw her bed yesterday and Willow has been really clingy and subdued but that might just be because we've been away. Such a horrible, sad thing to happen.
That's awful, sorry to hear it Gilly :(
Just read this, that's horrible news, Gilly.
Yes, I've only just seen this as well. Sorry to hear that Gilly, what a lovely dog. :(
I've been having a go with the disposable camera app which produced this quite lovely photo of The Gooch. Not a bad little app. You have a reel of 20 photos and don't see the results till you've taken the lot. Me likely.
We picked up our new pooch yesterday afternoon, a 20 week old Pekingese. Mrs The_Egg is absolutely smitten with him. Ah who am I kidding, I am too he's awesome!

Bewildered by scottmayled, on Flickr

We had to drive from Newport to Nottingham to go and get him so the journey home was quite long and he got pretty nervous along the way. When we got him home last night he was pretty overwhelmed so we spent some time calming him down and settling him in. He used to live with ten other dogs whereas here it's very, very quiet.

I've worked from home today and he's not been more than 3 feet from me all day, he currently snoring in his basket although he spent most of this morning sleeping on the kitchen floor ignoring the two beds. He's much happier today and has ventured into a couple of other rooms and had a snuffle around the garden.

A man of means by scottmayled, on Flickr

Although he looks like an over sized guinea pig at the moment we plan to trim his coat back once he's shed his puppy coat in the summer.
Awwww, he's adorable.
The Egg wrote:
You've left the label on.
He is rather cute. He looks like a muff. The clothing kind.
Gilly, I'm so sorry to hear about Jen's parents dog. Poor thing.
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