Bits & Bobs 46
A new B&B for a new year !
Lonewolves wrote:
Bamba wrote:
The Great Tyrant?

Stalking already. This bodes well.

You've met her :P
Jem wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Bamba wrote:
The Great Tyrant?

Stalking already. This bodes well.

You've met her :P

Poor girl.
Lonewolves wrote:
Jem wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Bamba wrote:
The Great Tyrant?

Stalking already. This bodes well.

You've met her :P

Poor girl.

She's probably got you on pre-emptive super ignore. Really we should make that the default option for new accounts.
Jem wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Bamba wrote:
The Great Tyrant?

Stalking already. This bodes well.

You've met her :P

Bravo detectives


I'm said friend, joined based on a promise of gaming and occasional borderline alcoholic shenanigans. Both very relevant to my interests.

A little about me, I'm an Argentine-born Texan living in London. I subsidise my existence as a UI/UX designer in a fintech startup. Shorthand, I design apps to help people manage their money in a non-sucky way.

I have a wide variety of nerdy interests, mostly gaming & sci-fi orientated, which I'm sure will surface as I come out of lurking.

My username is from the cult sci-fi Barbarella, as per my penchant for villainesses. The Great Tyrant is the first, and possibly last, woman to wear a crotchless spacesuit, and if that isn't worth celebrating then I don't know what is. Google at your own peril.
Welcome! And, err, hello again!
New member posts an animated gif in first post. Already better at this forum than I am.

Welcome the Great Tyrant!
The Great Tyrant wrote:


Sorry about the Politics thread :D

Welcome! You can never have too many Tyrants, I reckon.
I, for one, welcome our new Tyrant overlord.
DavPaz wrote:
The Great Tyrant wrote:


Sorry about the Politics thread :D

Amazing :p

Couldn't have timed my arrival better.
Hello. I am Malicious Afterthought, mightiest and most feared of all space pirates (retired). I am also voted Beex's Vanguard of Style and Fashion for the past 5 years, the sole person to ever hold such an honor from such a ballot.
I actually think I remember you now. There was alcohol involved, certainly. And a lot of walking.
MaliA wrote:
Hello. I am Malicious Afterthought, mightiest and most feared of all space pirates (retired). I am also voted Beex's Vanguard of Style and Fashion for the past 5 years, the sole person to ever hold such an honor from such a ballot.

You are of course the single voter in the ballot :-)

Interesting article on the opposite of what most of the PC gaming threads are about - getting games to run with the lowest possible graphical settings ... -settings/
I watched that episode of Blackadder the other day!

Also, hello new person!
Obligatory Come to Quiz/BBQ/Cottage post.
Hello Great Tyrant.
Mr Dave wrote:
Obligatory Come to Quiz/BBQ/Cottage post.

And meet Mr Chris! It's amazing how we kept him out of photos all these years to not kill that joke.
zaphod79 wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Hello. I am Malicious Afterthought, mightiest and most feared of all space pirates (retired). I am also voted Beex's Vanguard of Style and Fashion for the past 5 years, the sole person to ever hold such an honor from such a ballot.

You are of course the single voter in the ballot :-)


There's an element of franchise in the system, yes.
Grim... wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Seems like it's a lunatic obsessed with an ex rather than a religious terrorist.

I bet the bomb isn't real.

Me too.

There are three passengers still on board (and four crew), apparently.

The Civil Aviation Authority have concluded the belt to be fake.

Hello Great Tyrant, and welcome.
zaphod79 wrote:
Interesting article on the opposite of what most of the PC gaming threads are about - getting games to run with the lowest possible graphical settings ... -settings/

This becoming relevant to my interests given the state of my PC. I had to play Bioshock Infinite on 'low' settings the other day, and even struggled to run The Town of Light very well (although I suspect the latter is due more to poor optimisation than anything else).
Bamba wrote:
zaphod79 wrote:
Interesting article on the opposite of what most of the PC gaming threads are about - getting games to run with the lowest possible graphical settings ... -settings/

This becoming relevant to my interests given the state of my PC. I had to play Bioshock Infinite on 'low' settings the other day, and even struggled to run The Town of Light very well (although I suspect the latter is due more to poor optimisation than anything else).

Very interesting article. Good spot.
zaphod79 wrote:
Interesting article on the opposite of what most of the PC gaming threads are about - getting games to run with the lowest possible graphical settings ... -settings/

Gamers being arseholes, more at 11.
some of the commenters on LowSpecGamer videos are strangely angered by the idea people are happy to play games this way. They say things like “don’t buy the game at all if you can’t run it” and claim that it “totally ruins the experience”. There’s an odd defensiveness, as if they’re seeing a mural of Jesus permanently muddled by inept restoration rather than someone turning down textures because they can only afford a mediocre laptop
Welcome Great Tyrant. Good moniker there, I'm liking the cut of your jib. :)
Welcome to Beex.

Population: Dwindled+1
+2 actually, she smuggled in someone else under the radar ;)
That'll be my other half who also joined at Jem's insistence. He's currently AWOL from the internet whilst he's out doing Responsible Grown-Up Life Things © ;)
The Great Tyrant wrote:
My username is from the cult sci-fi Barbarella, as per my penchant for villainesses.

I was going to ask if she was the one who called Barbarella 'pretty pretty' but i see you already have that in your title :-)

Welcome !
The Great Tyrant wrote:
That'll be my other half who also joined at Jem's insistence. He's currently AWOL from the internet whilst he's out doing Responsible Grown-Up Life Things © ;)

Grown-upping has concluded for the day. Hello everyone and thanks for having us :D
Greetings. Try the fish
Hello new people.
Got to town early so decided to have a coffee in one of the major chains. Was a bit confused when I was asked for an americano and was asked what blend I wanted. Now I understand how tourists feel in real ale pubs.
Kern wrote:
Got to town early so decided to have a coffee in one of the major chains. Was a bit confused when I was asked for an americano and was asked what blend I wanted. Now I understand how tourists feel in real ale pubs.

The worst part is not having a palate that can taste the difference and then feeling like a philistine who can't even tell the difference between two goddam different blends of coffee what are you some kind of animal?!
I wasn't even planning on spending the day there nursing a cup writing my screenplay.
Kern wrote:
I wasn't even planning on spending the day there nursing a cup writing my screenplay.

How many Apple products *do* you own?
Mr Russell wrote:
Kern wrote:
Got to town early so decided to have a coffee in one of the major chains. Was a bit confused when I was asked for an americano and was asked what blend I wanted. Now I understand how tourists feel in real ale pubs.

The worst part is not having a palate that can taste the difference and then feeling like a philistine who can't even tell the difference between two goddam different blends of coffee what are you some kind of animal?!

It's OK, in randomised double blind testing, experts cannot tell the difference between good wine and the bottle you chug down your neck before you go out.
Ah, not true. They can't tell the difference between expensive wine and the bottle you chug down your neck before you go out :)
Cras wrote:
Ah, not true. They can't tell the difference between expensive wine and the bottle you chug down your neck before you go out :)

Pfft. facts.
Mimi wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Seems like it's a lunatic obsessed with an ex rather than a religious terrorist.

I bet the bomb isn't real.

Me too.

There are three passengers still on board (and four crew), apparently.

The Civil Aviation Authority have concluded the belt to be fake.

Hello Great Tyrant, and welcome.

Haha, yeah, I saw that either last night or this morning. I can't tell if I think it was risky, naughty, or funny. I can't help but smile a bit, though. It's the kind of thing you could guess the guy's nationality by: if I didn't know already I'd have said he had to be British or Australian.
Mimi wrote:
Haha, yeah, I saw that either last night or this morning. I can't tell if I think it was risky, naughty, or funny. I can't help but smile a bit, though. It's the kind of thing you could guess the guy's nationality by: if I didn't know already I'd have said he had to be British or Australian.

Totally. Bunny ears would have been a stretch though.
My favourite bit of the article are the relatives disagreeing on the technicalities of the photo:

“Only Ben could get a selfie! #proud,” reportedly tweeted Sarah Innes, a relative. Her account was later deleted.

The image has been widely described as a “selfie”, but Innes’ mother Pauline Innes argued that it was clear her son did not take the image himself.

“All we can say is that the picture is clearly not a selfie as everyone has been describing it,” she said. “You can clearly see that it is not Ben who is taking the picture. He’s in it but he’s not taking it.”
Mimi wrote:
My favourite bit of the article are the relatives disagreeing on the technicalities of the photo:

“Only Ben could get a selfie! #proud,” reportedly tweeted Sarah Innes, a relative. Her account was later deleted.

The image has been widely described as a “selfie”, but Innes’ mother Pauline Innes argued that it was clear her son did not take the image himself.

“All we can say is that the picture is clearly not a selfie as everyone has been describing it,” she said. “You can clearly see that it is not Ben who is taking the picture. He’s in it but he’s not taking it.”

Mum knows the lingo.
The Great Tyrant wrote:
I'm said friend, joined based on a promise of gaming and occasional borderline alcoholic shenanigans. Both very relevant to my interests.

A little about me, I'm an Argentine-born Texan living in London. I subsidise my existence as a UI/UX designer in a fintech startup. Shorthand, I design apps to help people manage their money in a non-sucky way.

I have a wide variety of nerdy interests, mostly gaming & sci-fi orientated, which I'm sure will surface as I come out of lurking.

My username is from the cult sci-fi Barbarella, as per my penchant for villainesses. The Great Tyrant is the first, and possibly last, woman to wear a crotchless spacesuit, and if that isn't worth celebrating then I don't know what is. Google at your own peril.

Hullo there and welcome!

I have seen Barbarella as part of my relentless drive to watch 60's and 70's movies. As far as camp goes, it makes Flash Gordon look like 2001: A Space Odyssey. I did find the bit with the dolls with biting metal teeth horribly unnerving however! Good villainess indeed, that Anita Pallenberg.

My favourite villainess ever in movies wot I have seen however remains Kiss Me Deadly's ultimate femme fatale. She's a crazy gamine sadist, arrives completely out of left field, and is part of probably one of the best endings of a movie ever.
MaliA wrote:
Mimi wrote:
My favourite bit of the article are the relatives disagreeing on the technicalities of the photo:

“Only Ben could get a selfie! #proud,” reportedly tweeted Sarah Innes, a relative. Her account was later deleted.

The image has been widely described as a “selfie”, but Innes’ mother Pauline Innes argued that it was clear her son did not take the image himself.

“All we can say is that the picture is clearly not a selfie as everyone has been describing it,” she said. “You can clearly see that it is not Ben who is taking the picture. He’s in it but he’s not taking it.”

Mum knows the lingo.

"Banter is dead"
All of the piss has been taken. This man. This man took all the remaining piss. There is no piss left to take. Our piss reservoirs have run dry.

Good lord man. What happens now? Is there a banter council which elects a new banter pope?
It's a bit worrying that we can laugh at a potential suicide bomber, even in retrospect. It's almost got so commonplace that we are just somehow grateful for it not being an Isis bomber, even before people knew it was a fake bomb, because he's just a pretender.

At least I hope it makes it a little easier for those involved to start to move on from what will have been terrifying for some of them, I'm sure.
It's like Comical Ali, I guess. A lot of the laughter is in relief.
Lonewolves wrote:
It's like Comical Ali, I guess. A lot of the laughter is in relief.

Except not really, because people were saying 'phew, at least it's not Isus' before they knew whether the bomb was fake, and thus guy posed for a pic, etc.

I get the obvious relief after the fact, but I do also think that Isis are SO evil and their acts perceived as such that everything else, like lone gunmen, individuals with dangerous intentions and the like seem to pale into something lesser than they would have 20 years ago.
sirloreal wrote:
The Great Tyrant wrote:
That'll be my other half who also joined at Jem's insistence. He's currently AWOL from the internet whilst he's out doing Responsible Grown-Up Life Things © ;)

Grown-upping has concluded for the day. Hello everyone and thanks for having us :D

Welcome both.

It is a mandatory requirement that you both attend an initiation.

See you there! :D
She's not wrong. Also, if you're London based, come to the music quiz. Pretend I'm as organsed as Jazzy and that's a link to an appropriate thread.
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