The end of the UK?
We'll take a cup o' kindness
MaliA wrote:
Not usre if I've said this already, but I really hope it is a YES vote, as it'd be brilliant to see how thigns poan out, and turning down an opportunity would be silly.

Like saying you're a big fan of 'Nearer my god to thee' so you'll take the next lifeboat.
Kern wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Not usre if I've said this already, but I really hope it is a YES vote, as it'd be brilliant to see how thigns poan out, and turning down an opportunity would be silly.

Like saying you're a big fan of 'Nearer my god to thee' so you'll take the next lifeboat.

I think I'd rather know than think "What if?". Even if it is a misguided disaster of epic proportions.
MaliA wrote:
Kern wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Not usre if I've said this already, but I really hope it is a YES vote, as it'd be brilliant to see how thigns poan out, and turning down an opportunity would be silly.

Like saying you're a big fan of 'Nearer my god to thee' so you'll take the next lifeboat.

I think I'd rather know than think "What if?". Even if it is a misguided disaster of epic proportions.

Disappointly, Salmond isn't promising a revolution, a gleeming city on the hill, a chance to rebuild the world afresh, or even a world turned upside. I doubt in years to come there will be a long-running West End musical about the defeat of the people's hopes or people will look to him as the king over the water.
Which is a fine attitude to have if you don't live here. Let those funny Scots vote Yes and if it all goes to shit that will be quite the source of amusement.

Except if you live here, and have at least half a brain, generally you'd like to not see that happen.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Which is a fine attitude to have if you don't live here. Let those funny Scots vote Yes and if it all goes to shit that will be quite the source of amusement.

Except if you live here, and have at least half a brain, generally you'd like to not see that happen.

You will be fine then :DD
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Which is a fine attitude to have if you don't live here. Let those funny Scots vote Yes and if it all goes to shit that will be quite the source of amusement.

Except if you live here, and have at least half a brain, generally you'd like to not see that happen.

I'm concerned about what it might mean for those of us in England, Wales, Cornwall, and Northern Ireland too.
Kern wrote:
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Which is a fine attitude to have if you don't live here. Let those funny Scots vote Yes and if it all goes to shit that will be quite the source of amusement.

Except if you live here, and have at least half a brain, generally you'd like to not see that happen.

I'm concerned about what it might mean for those of us in England, Wales, Cornwall, and Northern Ireland too.

Cornwall is part of England, unless you want to start campaigning for independence too?
American Nervoso wrote:
Kern wrote:
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Which is a fine attitude to have if you don't live here. Let those funny Scots vote Yes and if it all goes to shit that will be quite the source of amusement.

Except if you live here, and have at least half a brain, generally you'd like to not see that happen.

I'm concerned about what it might mean for those of us in England, Wales, Cornwall, and Northern Ireland too.

Cornwall is part of England, unless you want to start campaigning for independence too?

I think a YES vote would further the cause for Cornwall, so I'm quite happy with that.
The biggest cognitive dissonance that I can see here is that most people I've spoken to or read articles by seem to be pro-leaving the UK, but anti-leaving the EU. That just doesn't make any sense to me.
MaliA wrote:
I think a YES vote would further the cause for Cornwall, so I'm quite happy with that.

I really don't think it would. Scotland is a separate geopolitical nation state to England. Cornwall is a modern English county that happens to also be a historical Celtic nation.
American Nervoso wrote:
The biggest cognitive dissonance that I can see here is that most people I've spoken to or read articles by seem to be pro-leaving the UK, but anti-leaving the EU. That just doesn't make any sense to me.

*pic of David Cameron*
Curiosity wrote:
American Nervoso wrote:
The biggest cognitive dissonance that I can see here is that most people I've spoken to or read articles by seem to be pro-leaving the UK, but anti-leaving the EU. That just doesn't make any sense to me.

*pic of David Cameron*

*pic of Alex Salmond*
I know people bemoan how London-centric government is, and I completely agree. I'm not keen on London, would never live there, and on my visits have never seen what the fuss was about. I find it a busy, dirty and rather horrible place to go.

Yet it is the economic powerhouse of the country, and allows for an economic focus that might not be as efficacious if the same assets were simply divided evenly elsewhere. I have to concede that, but do also think that things like the Royal Wedding and Olympics could have been hosted absolutely anywhere else for the temporary economic benefit to areas that really need it.

But, the annoyed reaction to this isn't for everywhere else to demand independence from London. I think people fail to appreciate the economies that are leveraged as part of the larger whole. Scotland simply have a greater demarcation of borders and identity, as well as a mindset about hard done-by they are. I'm sure that there would be much joy and chest-thumping pride to consider yourself separate and distinct, but this would eventually give way to the underlying truth that it's better to be part of the bigger whole. The size of the economy, redundancy, and underwriting in all manner of industry simply won't exist.

For England it would be a funny curiosity to watch it play out, and for Scotland a potentially irrecoverable disaster.
London should go for independence next.

I'll have to move back before they turn the M25 into a moat.
I wouldn't call it representative, but I've seen some Yes-voters calling for iScotland to use Bitcoin as its currency. That'll totes work. No central bank required!
American Nervoso wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I think a YES vote would further the cause for Cornwall, so I'm quite happy with that.

I really don't think it would. Scotland is a separate geopolitical nation state to England. Cornwall is a modern English county that happens to also be a historical Celtic nation.

But one which is growing in its independent identity, what with portected minoirity status and stuff like that. I think it could be very useful to grow autonomy in Cornwall. Although, I'd prefer if it was kept away from those that want it the most.
MaliA wrote:
it could be very useful to grow autonomy in Cornwall.

In what way?

-edit- by which I mean, how is it any different these days from Somerset, or Devon, or Dorset? Apart from being a historical Celtic nation. Heritage is great, but Cornwall is not fundamentally different to any of its nearest neighbours in the modern UK, and I can't see how running it any differently would be to anyone's benefit.
American Nervoso wrote:
MaliA wrote:
it could be very useful to grow autonomy in Cornwall.

In what way?

Because one can leanr from Scotland about hot to go about things and what works and what doesn't and the best way to do stuff.
MaliA wrote:
American Nervoso wrote:
MaliA wrote:
it could be very useful to grow autonomy in Cornwall.

In what way?

Because one can leanr from Scotland about hot to go about things and what works and what doesn't and the best way to do stuff.

I obviously misinterpreted your statement. Also, see my edit.
American Nervoso wrote:
-edit- by which I mean, how is it any different these days from Somerset, or Devon, or Dorset? Apart from being a historical Celtic nation. Heritage is great, but Cornwall is not fundamentally different to any of its nearest neighbours in the modern UK, and I can't see how running it any differently would be to anyone's benefit.

There's 20,000 Cornishmen that know the reason why.


It is massively different to the South West. It's got the language, the culture and that is very distinct from the rest of the UK. It's a Duchy which is like a practice Kingdom and then in 1497 there was the Prayer Book Rebellion. Many old maps show Cornwall as a seperate entity, and the Romans didn't fancy the fight to take it, so just sort of went, "Yeah, here'll do" when they reached the Tamar. It had its own Parlaiment which could overrule the King of England for a bit as well.
Utter cobblers, Mali. Cornwall is only different from Devon or Somerset in being more reliant on tourism and having a loud bunch of nutters with some bizarrely ill informed chips on their shoulders. It's pretty much a monoculture with the rest of what was Dunmonia and indeed the larger "southwest" up to Gloucestershire.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Utter cobblers, Mali. Cornwall is only different from Devon or Somerset in being more reliant on tourism and having a loud bunch of nutters with some bizarrely ill informed chips on their shoulders. It's pretty much a monoculture with the rest of the southwest.

I'd say there are more "monobrows" per capita in Cornwall than even other parts of the southwest, though?
That's Anglo Centric Xenophobia jackbooting down the Champs Elysses of my cultural identity is that.
MaliA wrote:
That's Anglo Centric Xenophobia jackbooting down the Champs Elysses of my cultural identity is that.

Sorry man. I've over indulged on the 1er Chablis, seemed funny at the time. Normal service resumed tomorrow . :)
Mr Kissyfur wrote:

Cavey wrote:
MaliA wrote:
That's Anglo Centric Xenophobia jackbooting down the Champs Elysses of my cultural identity is that.

Sorry man. I've over indulged on the 1er Chablis, seemed funny at the time. Normal service resumed tomorrow . :)

Not at all. I know you are down there as you heard there are a couple of warships going begging atm. Holiday my balls!
I am going to campaign for independence of the Kingdom of Wessex! Makes about as much sense as Cornwall.
DavPaz wrote:

Too late

Downside to Wessex regionalism: Prince Edward would be your duke.
Having read their website it makes about as much sense as independence for Cornwall.

The comparison is quite apt as I live in Mercia now but I'm campaigning for Wessex to become independent from it, even though I no longer live there. I'm like Stu or Mali.
Some surprisingly good work from Myp.
This page is broken. Come on mods!
Curiosity wrote:
This page is broken. Come on mods!

Vote Yes then.
So, er, yes. 51% Yes, 49% No in a new YouGov poll (which has tended to be more favourable towards No). I'm not sure the confidence on the No side (which I'm an uneasy member of) was really warranted…
We're all doomed.
Cookie - entered the sweepstake yet?

Also, if the 'yes' side pull this off - and I still believe they won't - then not only will it be a major constitutional crisis for all of us but I remain unconvinced it would be in the interests of the Scottish people. Yes, I'm prejudiced, but only as I struggle to convincingly argue the secessionist line to myself.

12 days, people.
Kern wrote:
I remain unconvinced it would be in the interests of the Scottish people. Yes, I'm prejudiced, but only as I struggle to convincingly argue the secessionist line to myself.

You don't think something's a good idea...because you can't convince yourself it's a good idea? Or...something? I'm genuinely interested in what you think about all this but unless I'm being really dim that last post didn't make any kind of sense.
Those damn Mercians!
I saw a map the other day that said that Wales used to be called North Wales and Cornwall was West Wales. Does that mean Mali is Welsh?
American Nervoso wrote:
I saw a map the other day that said that Wales used to be called North Wales and Cornwall was West Wales. Does that mean Mali is Welsh?

No, because he isn't Cornish.

I've said all along that I would be surprised if No could win.
Side note:

'Yes' is still odds against on betting sites, so you more than double your money (40 quid becomes 110 quid) if you bet and Yes wins.

Possibly worth a 'hedge on happiness' for those who want the vote to go 'No'.
Bamba wrote:
You don't think something's a good idea...because you can't convince yourself it's a good idea? Or...something? I'm genuinely interested in what you think about all this but unless I'm being really dim that last post didn't make any kind of sense.

Normally with political questions I work to get to grips with the other side's opinions, to understand their reasoning and position. Playing devil's advocate helps me to see the flaws in my own views, and keeps the door open for a change of mind.

With Scottish independence, I find the pro-side's case very weak once you get past the emotional bits and start thinking through the practicalities. I'm willing to admit there might be some critical argument I'm overlooking, but not for want of trying.
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