*~Pets Corner!~*
Pet and animal talk ^.^
Update: Went to the RSPCA, spent an hour filling in forms, looking at dogs etc and then at the end of it they turned round and went "we legally need landlord's permission". Now her landlord is a bastard and it takes weeks to get a simple response about a repair job so that wasn't happening. Pisser is that there is a list a mile long on the website about what you need to do, you fill in a form with a check box and so on and there is no mention of this at all.

We thought "fuck you then" and went to. http://www.petsamaritans.co.uk/category/pet-adoptions/ these people are the ones who take in the dog warden dogs and then re-home if no one claims them, from what I have heard they keep them for 3 months +10 days and then have to put them to sleep. Scroll down on the link and you will see "jonty"


We met him and the picture does not do the size of him justice, he is huuuuuge, sad thing is nor does he show how painfully thin he is. He bounced out and round us while the pound people were desperately trying to sell us on him and saying how he was calm after he had been out of the cage for a while, how he loved all humans and was great with the children who came to see him but that nobody wanted him because of how bouncy he was when he first comes out and because of his condition (he was skin and bone when they got him)

We agreed that he was indeed a friendly dog and that yes he was calmer now the initial excitement was over. There were 8 members of staff all chipping in and vouching for him "how long has he been here" says I. "over 3 months, he's being put down tomorrow" "can we take him now?" "yes, we do ask for a £80 donation though" "here's my card where do we sign"

Jonty is now in my kitchen having a blast with Daisy (randy buggers knackers are getting lopped off first available opportunity though) and has spent the afternoon playing with her in the garden (BFF needs to get her durn fencing fixed). Happy not dead dog is Happy.
I thought that was a badger in the pic :DD
hahahahahahaha *gasp*hahahahaha

Fuckin' Chinese crested powder puff 7" 2lb just barked at the huge golden retriever, who promptly put his tail between his legs and ran away. She is now chasing him.
Aw Decca what a beautiful dog he is! he looks really happy :)
I have some more dawwww pictures and a youtube video

Aw, he looks happy to be somewhere nice to live.
Doggie blog post day three.

He's still attached to my side, last night he tried to get on to my knee at the kitchen table and was mortified when I pointed out that he was too big to do so. I get up, he's there, I go to the bathroom he's there, I go three feet to the left, he moves three feet to the left. I don't mind because he's not a jealous dog at all and he watches what I'm doing and goes out of his way not to trip me up.

Number of puddles of nasty in house: 0, When he wants to go out he stands up and pants in my face and looks imploringly at the door.
Number of barks: 2, both justifiable.

From what I can tell his only real problems are that he's thin (not his fault) has never been on a lead (not his fault) he's terrified of being on his own (over 3 months in a cage poor thing) and it's his mission in life to get a drink from the toilet.
That's the sort of goal I admire.
He sounds ace, Decca.
Just introduced him to Jess, my BFFs young labrador and can now update the list.

Things Jonty likes.
1. attempting to hump Jess
2. food
3. fuss
4. drinking from the toilet.
5. cocking his leg up against bushes/trees/walls/any other stationary object

Things Jonty does not like
1. Being told to stop humping Jess
2. Being on his own
I can haz moar warms nao.

Kalmar, that is mucho cuteness.
More derivative cat nonsense ;)

in the process of being + 1 Egyptian Uromastyx for The Boy's birthday (equipment + lizard actually works out the same hideous cost as a ds3d + a couple of games) going down tomorrow to reserve it and get all the viv equipment, should have it at home thursday/friday provided the viv turns up when they said it would.

one in the wild

nuffing, just chillin'

oh hi there

one I'm getting is a year old so still small, it's going in a 48" viv in 8 years it will need to be in a 6ft viv. These chilled out motherfrackers are herbivores so I won't have to deal with live feed (Fuck. That. Shit.)
Aw, they're lovely. Time to repost my "Holy shit, what is THAT?!" photo from Borneo:


That was a smallish one, about 6' nose to tail.
I was playing with a chameleon for the first time last night. I had absolutely no appreciation for how excellent they were, nor how purposeful, friendly, or how quickly they change colours. I want one.
I'm considering merging two of my tanks and repurposing one into a vivarium at some point.
Craster wrote:
I'm considering merging two of my tanks and repurposing one into a vivarium at some point.

What would you put in it?
Geckos, probably. Lovely critters.

I'm a bit torn though - we haven't really got anyone local that we could ask to pet-sit for us, so that would be an issue. Fish can go two weeks without a feed no problem, lizards not so much.
both my local reptile shops also do erm, I want to say kenneling...vivariuming?
Ordered viv, went down to the mill at 9 to make sure he was still in (not sure why, he's been in there for a few months to the point where he was on offer) and bought a metric fuckton of viv stuff* and paid for him (£90 fact fans) , picking him up thursday or friday.

*had a debate with the chap in the shop over a water bowl, every single bit of information on keeping Uro says "for fucks sake don't put a large water bowl in there it make the viv too humid for them", we compromised and I bought a extra (much much smaller) plastic feeding bowl.
I know I'm late here but I like the big doggy :) (the lizards not so much)
God I just scrolled up and can't believe the condition he was in back then


Dats mah boy.
I want one of these...


Toucans are ace because they look so wrong. Why does it have blue feet? And such a funny round body? And such a spectacular beak? I love them.
Evolution, mostly.
MaliA wrote:
Evolution, mostly.

Well, yeah, but what possible benefit could having such a ridiculous beak have? It's not like they need it for holding fish like a pelican or stabbing things like an eagle.

I choose to believe that Toucans have evolved the way they are purely for my amusement.
it took SIX AND A HALF HOURS total (not including breaks) it took to set up that viv and the cabinet doors won't go on because the holes for the hinges are fucked up. god damn it.


I have a infrared thermometer and this really cool dinosour head hide/decoration turning up. No real plants because uros are herbivores and no fake plants because uros are bit thick and will eat them anyway.
:) he spent up until 2:55 stood in that exact position, then he fucked off to go to sleep in his log. So that's bang on time for the kids to get home then.
"would you like to see your birthday present"
*child looks at log*
*child looks at me"
"chocolate please"
Log update:

Yesterday it ejected a very cross looking lizard who dained to have a few bites to eat and a drink before fucking off back inside. Today it hissed at me while I change it's water bowl.

"I hate you and everything you stand for and wish you dead" quoth the log
I'm not pissed at you why would I be pissed at you if you can't think of a reason why I'm pissed at you then I'm not going to tell you

No really I'm Fine

I hate you.
So you've got a passive agressive reptile living with you. Hi5.
Sadly my Fathers 10 month old cat got run over this morning. This has put me in a foul mood.

I was just thinking on Tuesday what a nice cat he was turning into. :-(
That sucks, I'm sure he had a great ten years, though. I always worry about ours but try to be philosophical having lost one before. I think I'd rather be a cat that got to run around and do what it liked for ten years then got squished than one kept as a house pet till it was 18 or whatever.
10 month mark :( Bummer.
Oh sorry chinny, I didn't read that properly. That's just shit then :(
Really sorry to hear that Chinny.
Sorry for your loss Chinny, :(
frikkin' cuteness overlode. I'm having the two tabbys, BFF the main little ginger, all of them girls. They are four weeks old.


More here
forgot to tell you names
Schro and Dinger
Do lizards eat kittens....?

They're well cute though and cats are the most best pets.
Decca wrote:
Schro and Dinger


Don't leave them in a box together, anything could happen. Simultaneously.
Stepson got taken to casualty last night and spent the night in hospital with suspected appendicitis. Wanted to be home for wife so arranged to work from home today and set off back to Yerkshire at half ten. I got back to the house at half past midnight and my plan was to sneak in quietly and slide into bed and just be there when the wife woke up as a nice pleasant surprise.

I pulled onto the drive, opened the car door and the dog (who was sleeping in the bedroom) went fucking apeshit running around and barking. The kerfuffle woke the wife up and she was convinced she was getting burgled.

Then when I walked in he was that excited he pissed on me.

I've had better plans.
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