Doctor Who
The boy/girl in the Blue Box!
Nemmie wrote:
Nik wrote:
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Could it be that because the angels have fallen into the crack, and so have ceased to have ever existed, the effects of this could be observed before it happened? i.e. if they never existed, nothing ever nicked the Doctor's jacket? Apologies if this is bollocks, I've not thought it through much. Also if they're going down this road, all manner of time paradoxes could be triggered.

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Yeah but by the same token if the Angels had never existed then the ship would not have been crashed by the Angel on the ship and the Doctor would never have been summoned there in the first place

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Indeed. It all gets confusing trying to explain how they got there without the angels ever having existed. Or how they stopped hanging over a huge fall. Or how Mr Bishop died. Or, indeed, Why Dr Song thinks shes due a pardon. (Although she's clearly a mystery for another time)
Mr Dave wrote:
Nemmie wrote:
Nik wrote:
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Could it be that because the angels have fallen into the crack, and so have ceased to have ever existed, the effects of this could be observed before it happened? i.e. if they never existed, nothing ever nicked the Doctor's jacket? Apologies if this is bollocks, I've not thought it through much. Also if they're going down this road, all manner of time paradoxes could be triggered.

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Yeah but by the same token if the Angels had never existed then the ship would not have been crashed by the Angel on the ship and the Doctor would never have been summoned there in the first place

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Indeed. It all gets confusing trying to explain how they got there without the angels ever having existed. Or how they stopped hanging over a huge fall. Or how Mr Bishop died. Or, indeed, Why Dr Song thinks shes due a pardon. (Although she's clearly a mystery for another time)

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Remember that although the soldiers did not remember each other Amy could "because she's a time traveler" , so by the same measure River could remember as well - other bits dont quite make sense if you take things back but time paradox things rarely do
zaphod79 wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Nemmie wrote:
Nik wrote:
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Could it be that because the angels have fallen into the crack, and so have ceased to have ever existed, the effects of this could be observed before it happened? i.e. if they never existed, nothing ever nicked the Doctor's jacket? Apologies if this is bollocks, I've not thought it through much. Also if they're going down this road, all manner of time paradoxes could be triggered.

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Yeah but by the same token if the Angels had never existed then the ship would not have been crashed by the Angel on the ship and the Doctor would never have been summoned there in the first place

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Indeed. It all gets confusing trying to explain how they got there without the angels ever having existed. Or how they stopped hanging over a huge fall. Or how Mr Bishop died. Or, indeed, Why Dr Song thinks shes due a pardon. (Although she's clearly a mystery for another time)

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Remember that although the soldiers did not remember each other Amy could "because she's a time traveler" , so by the same measure River could remember as well - other bits dont quite make sense if you take things back but time paradox things rarely do

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Yeah, which is why the soldiers taking her into custody at the end are a bit ambiguous. What do they think happened, given the angels don't exist? And depending on whether the soldiers, such as the Bishop also fell in to the crack, dead, there are quite a few things they might think, but I can't think of any particulary likely which lead to "Let's give her a pardon" on current evidence
Watched part two.

Felt unsatisfied.


But probably as I am super tired and a bit grumpy.
Four_Candles wrote:
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When he pays his brief visit to Amy, 'Future Doc' is wearing a darker jacket than the lighter coloured one that the Angels hung on to.

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Well spotted. That buggers my theory then.
That was bloody awesome.

ETA: Oh yeah! That date that they traced the cracks to? Thats the date when the series finale is scheduled to air.
Pundabaya wrote:
That was bloody awesome.

ETA: Oh yeah! That date that they traced the cracks to? Thats the date when the series finale is scheduled to air.

I guessed as much. Smart of them.

Would be terrifically amusing if some massive event happened that made them postpone it.

Unless it was a massive event that involved me dying.
The Saturnine offer of a partnership to run the place did remind me of Cameron, a bit.
Bit of a rubbish episode was that - worst this series for me.

Not impressed.

Oh well, they can't all be good I suppose .................
I thought it was a good laugh! Bit light maybe but good MOTW and the plot wasn't too stupid.
I'm assuming that was a Moffat episode as it was well written and humerous.
Nope, not written by Moffat but by Toby Whitehouse - he wrote School Reunion way back in NuWho series 2 and has also written a Torchwood episode, along with the series Being Human.
It was okay, but there was no need for the nonsensical bit of of
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killing herself
at the end. Followed by the
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levity in the scene immediately after
just made it silly.
It wasn't great but it did look very nice. But not as nice as it appeared in the trailers for the series. I don't understand how you disrobe from a perception filter.
I thought it was quite good but the attempt at weaving the back story in to the plot seemed too clumsy and and too much like an afterthought. The American's have been doing this kind of thing for years and to my mind they do it a lot better than we ever manage. Also I didn't realise that the Sonic Screwdriver had a Dermal Regenerator mode (another Star Trek reference?)
Good fun and suitably creepy. I'm really enjoying the Doc's new-found arrogance too. And Amy Pond in loose clothing.
I liked the way the threat was only ever to Venice.And not people trying to take over the world again.
I enjoyed it. Some very funny moments, especially the start of the episode.
kalmar wrote:
The Saturnine offer of a partnership to run the place did remind me of Cameron, a bit.

Nah, the Saturnine aren't nearly as slimy as Cameron. *badum-tish*

Good episode, really like Rory as a companion.
I liked it. Not awesome, but a good filler story. Much better than the filler stories of past new who. Felt a bit more real than the RTD period dramas they've done, which is odd seeing how silly it was.

The end, however, was pretty dreadful - bits edited together lasting about 10 seconds with literally a magic switch at the end, and the sun comes out and everything is suddenly fine! hooray! I'm actually wondering if this might be a bit of a jibe at the RTD-era. It was presented like it doesn't really matter - which is kind of true - we has the cool Venician period visuals, cool vampire monsters, and lots of Amy Pond which is all you need really.

It's strange that Dr Who sometimes struggles like this when forced into 45 minute stories given the number of TV shows there have been where it seems plenty. The x-files for example could be really slow moving and worked fine in that format. I've always been a fan of the 4 part, 24 minute stories. Anything more than that was usually too long, less than that seemed filler/rushed.
ltia wrote:
It's strange that Dr Who sometimes struggles like this when forced into 45 minute stories given the number of TV shows there have been where it seems plenty. The x-files for example could be really slow moving and worked fine in that format. I've always been a fan of the 4 part, 24 minute stories. Anything more than that was usually too long, less than that seemed filler/rushed.

Nothing strange about it - The X-Files, generally speaking, had far better writers (in many episodes for the first few series at least).

I'm surprised that Moffat accepted that episode from Toby Whithouse - it really wasn't up to scratch and needed a lot more work done on it.
Toby Shithouse more like. LOL.

I agree that it was okay as a filler episode. It entertained just enough. But overall pretty average stuff.

If it doesn't get worse than this, I can live with that.
Filmed here, apparently.
Some of the scenes were also filmed at St Donat's Castle. The throne room was actually the dining hall, and the scene in the underground cavern where the Doctor first encounters the female Vamps is actually the girls toilets, which themselves are converted from the old dungeons, with each cubicle having been a cell in a previous incarnation.
Thoroughly enjoyed this week's episode. Seemed a little flat toward the end but still some very interesting elements to it. Nice and small scale. Often works better that way.
Really enjoyed that one.
The ending disappointed me, really enjoyed it until then. I was thinking it was the Master somehow returned but then I felt robbed.
Loved it all, even the ending. :D
I had hoped it was a more interesting bad guy but I'd say on the whole it was really good. Interesting to show some scary on screen deaths.
Another good episode.

So far we've had 7 episodes, and there hasn't been a stinker among them.
Thought it was good, enjoyable and pretty exciting, but the ending seemed very hurried, and the dialogue between Rory and Amy seemed very inappropriate for a couple on the verge of marriage. At one point Amy said
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I loved Rory and I never told him. Really, in that story you had been married for 5 years and were having his kid!
...but that's the point - he's head over heels with her and she's settling for him in the Doctor's absence, but deep down she does love him and this episode she realises it.
I thought it was going to be a "The Master" reboot, but didn't prove to be. I'm sure a similar plot appeared in Farscape.
Really loved it.
Very goodi ndeed, I do like the quirks that Matt Smith gives the doctor..

The way he spins teh wrong way when talking to people, makes me smile every time I see it..
I enjoyed that episode, but, please, are we truly supposed to think Rory is a 'catch'? The Pond girl can choose to stay with a bland and boring little man, or travel the universe in a time machine... oh gosh, just give me all of two seconds while I think about that difficult choice...

Seriously, what is the point of Rory? He is just an unnecessary extra Tardis companion.
He bugs me too - the guy is just too much of a twat for the character of Amy, as written, to be attracted to him.
Yes, attraction - always rational.
Just watched that one. I thought it was excellent, in fact my fave one this season. The 'baddy' reminded me a bit of Paranoia from that old Red Dwarf episode where Lister hallucinates into reality the aspects of his confidence and paranoia. Only this did it better, natch.

I liked how it was resolved without tricks or deductions but by emotion. No babbled explanations and an elegant idea behind it all. I didn't think it was the Master at any point, and if it had been I think I actually would have been hugely disappointed and cross. I did wonder if it was the Meddling Monk though. I've never actually seen the episodes featuring him, I only know the name, but I always imagined him to be that sort of guy. Props for the acting of the Dream Lord, he had that perfect blend between creepy-funny and sinister. I loved how it wasn't big flashy whiz-bang either, but had a more Saphire & Steel element.

Was out walking the dog and passed three children playing. I thought that if Chinnyhill was there he might have unfortunately orgasmed or something, as their playacting was regarding a cross-over where the Doctor was up against the evil mastermind that is Sir Alan Sugar.


"You can't fire me! I'm the DOCTOR!"

This is absolutely true.
Imagining Chinny orgasming over children? Sounds like you need to see a doctor.
Mr Dave wrote:
Imagining Chinny orgasming over children? Sounds like you need to see a doctor.

Hmm, I shouldn't have watched Jam last night. Its taken me to dark places.

(Cue terrified/bewildered Kevin Eldon look)
They're throwing huge pails of hate over the episode on WOSF, I didn't have anywhere near the same problems. What they say often makes sense but I just didn't notice at the time because it engrossed me. So something must be right.

Some people said bad direction which seems terribly wrong.
Direction wasn't great. Death of the playground children came off a bit flat and the house assault and Rory's death could have had more punch. But I thought it moved on at a fair clip and the VW camper rescues, the back and forth between Dream Lord and Doc and the Tardis stuff was shot very well. Curates egg direction wise then, but no where flawed enough to ruin a top atmospheric episode.
I do agree that the Dream Lord was fab. Probably best thing in the episode next to Matt.
I think the editing rather than the direction is causing issues, this series clips along at such a pace there seems to be plenty of pruning. I'm never bored watching Moffat Who though, so it's fine in this house.
Also, DAMN, how good was Matt Smith in that one?

It's looking like Matt Smith > Eccleston > Tennant to my mind. Though Tennant was jolly good I really disliked his angry speeches and his 'HUMANITY ACE!' speeches, which Ecclestone seemed to pull off fine. Maybe the best Doctors are played by the actors who never watch the show? Spook.

(Big stumbling block that rubbishes my argument: Tennant in Family of Blood/Human Nature had the best Who performace to date, though you can argue he was playing a regular human being, so maybe I can get away with that.)
Matt Smith is rapidly becoming my all time fav doctor. Definitely best of NU WHO. Love him. I don't think T was all that great in HN/FOB. It was just story and direction winning out.

Matt has the quirks that aren't too quirky and the ability to turn a bit scary when necessary. He seems more alien.

Toby Jones was the diminutive supermarket clerk in the completely fucking terrifying 'The Mist' - I totally didn't see that but just found out on't net. Man, the dude has range. 8)
Matt Smith's too young to be the Doctor. I can't wait till he gets a bit older.
I thought he looked too young before I saw him act as The Doctor. I think Moffat was right when he said he was old and young at the same time.
:this: I agree with Nirejhenge. He perfectly conveys a sense of otherworldliness and ancientness behind the eyes; and who cares about how young he looks? The Doctor is 900 years old and none of them looked that old! Well, maybe Troughton.
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