US Election Night
Bad vs worse, live!
I so nearly mentioned that ;)
markg wrote:
I thought the German response was better.

Er ist ein Sexmonster?
Ich nichten lichten.
On the positive side, I won a hundred quid betting on Trump.
Curiosity wrote:
On the positive side, I won a hundred quid betting on Trump.

Oh good, that can be the prize Trooper and I will split for getting the result right.
That's... excellent.
Or to put it another way, getting a fraction of a taste of what minorities suffer makes them lash out against minorities.
Hello, all.

I'd like to point out that this time 24 hours ago, I was much happier and had consumed a lot less alcohol.

Still in something akin to a state of shock.
My PVR recorded half of 'the Last Leg' before crashing. What a crap end to the past 24 hours. At least I got a strike at the bowling.
My daughter (who will be 8 next month) saw Donald Trump on the news earlier, and she started booing him, and giving him the thumbs down sign.

I asked her why she was doing that. " because he is evil and is going to get rid of all the black people". When I asked her why she thought that, she said "all the children at school said he was".

I've not really had time to talk to her about properly (only had 5 minutes here and there whilst I've been doing an online course being run from California ) but I find it really sad that once again I have to, at such an early age.
Sounds like she's got a pretty good handle on it, to be honest!
Cheer yourself up with this piece in The Guardian. ... oy-america

So this is the country that Trump – unshackled and unbound – can forge, starting three months from now. Oblivious to the environment, hostile to migrants, snarling towards Muslims and seeking to roll back rights that took decades to secure. It would be a country that saw the constitution not as its greatest gift, but as an obstacle to overcome. It would see diversity not as a strength, but as a fact to be tolerated, at best. And anyone objecting to any of this would find the big institutions, all three branches of government, arrayed against them. RIP America? It certainly might feel that way.

For what we saw in the astonishingly ugly campaign fought by Donald Trump would be only an inkling of what is to follow. Or, as one senior Democrat put it to me: β€œThe horror show has not even started. This is just the overture.”
Miley Cyrus has posted a video of her crying after the election of Donald Trump, now she knows how I feel as I cry every time I hear her music! ... 13596.html

Looks like Clinton could end up winning the popular vote by a large amount
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