Be Excellent To Each Other

Apple WWDC 2011
Page 1 of 12

Author:  Trooper [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 14:16 ]
Post subject:  Apple WWDC 2011

Personally, i'm very interested in iCloud, but suspect it will be way too restrictive in its actually usage to be any good to start with. Hopefully it will finally mean the ability to sync my iPhone and iPad without needing to plug the bloody thing in all the time! :D

Lion, i'll most likely update as soon as it is out, but not expecting many changes that will make a huge amount of difference. Need to see if the current problems with SMB are sorted in the final version though, apparently my Boxee Box won't play nice with the new version of SMB in Lion...

iOS5, if the notifications get revamped as rumoured, that would be great :) Interested to see what happens with "widgets" too, and what shape they turn out to be.

6pm uk time I think? I'll be on the train at the time, but hopefully will be able to pick up a liveblog from somewhere...

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 14:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

6pm, yes. My (lively) predictions are at ... wwdc-2011/ (scroll down)

Author:  markh [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 14:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Eek, they had better not end the classic Ipod, or if they have to, replace it with something else with 100GB+ memory.

Author:  WTB [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 14:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

I want to see a super-cheap Macbook Air to stop me buying a Chromebook, please!

Author:  Plissken [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 14:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

markh wrote:
Eek, they had better not end the classic Ipod, or if they have to, replace it with something else with 100GB+ memory.

This is the only reason I haven't jumped to an iPod Touch yet. They bring out a 128Gb version, then I'm straight down to the Apple Store with fistfuls of cash.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 14:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

WTB wrote:
I want to see a super-cheap Macbook Air to stop me buying a Chromebook, please!

That's not happening.

Author:  gospvg [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 14:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Plissken wrote:
markh wrote:
Eek, they had better not end the classic Ipod, or if they have to, replace it with something else with 100GB+ memory.

This is the only reason I haven't jumped to an iPod Touch yet. They bring out a 128Gb version, then I'm straight down to the Apple Store with fistfuls of cash.

They need it with the size of some of the apps now.

Author:  WTB [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 14:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
WTB wrote:
I want to see a super-cheap Macbook Air to stop me buying a Chromebook, please!

That's not happening.


Author:  CraigGrannell [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 15:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

My entirely accurate WWDC 2011 predictions.

Author:  CraigGrannell [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 15:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

I also expect discounted pricing through the App Store, but I'm not convinced it'll be quite as cheap as the Leopard-to-Snow-Leopard $30, which Apple presented as a special deal because not much had changed in the UI layer between 10.5 and 10.6.

I'd agree with you there, expect for the pricing Apple's doing elsewhere in software on the Mac App Store is incredibly aggressive. Pre-Mac App Store, I'd have said there's no way Lion would be any less than Leopard. Now, it wouldn't shock me to see it at $50 or lower.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 15:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

CraigGrannell wrote:
I'd agree with you there, expect for the pricing Apple's doing elsewhere in software on the Mac App Store is incredibly aggressive.
I don't disagree -- I'm still baffled about why, exactly, Aperture is so cheap. I just think that a) would Lion sell better at $29 than at (say) $69? I don't think so, really, particularly if b) Lion really does come with some sort of iCloud service bundled and finally c) does Apple still like money?

Author:  Plissken [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 16:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
think that a) would Lion sell better at $29 than at (say) $69? I don't think so, really

Apologies for the aggressive snip, but one of the things about Apple is that it is known for giving its OSes away free or pretty damned cheaply. Even Microsoft seems expensive at £100 in comparison (and I'm sure that is much lower than it used to be, when it was cheaper to buy a new PC with it preloaded). I mean, even the iOS versions are free (apart from the Touch, which is a nominal charge) and old skool phone providers would have forced a handset upgrade.

I'd suggest Lion has something in it that hooks into iCloud and works on the razor blade principle, so it is better for them to practically give it away now to make money later.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 16:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Plissken wrote:
Apologies for the aggressive snip, but one of the things about Apple is that it is known for giving its OSes away free or pretty damned cheaply.
All previous OS X upgrades have been $129, except for upgrades from 10.5 to 10.6 which had a discounted rate of $29 because almost nothing changed in the UI layer between those versions.

Author:  Plissken [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 16:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011


Could have sworn I made a jump somewhere for $29.

(Then again, it could have been a hooky copy of Leopard.)

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 16:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Snow Leopard was $29, although technically only if you already had a licence for Leopard (but it didn't check). That's what you're thinking of, I'd imagine.

Author:  kalmar [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 16:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

I'm probably ready to buy into this cloud stuff, if it's going to do the job properly. The previous attempts (mobile me? whatever), weren't interesting. And I'll move to Lion as a matter of course, if it'll work OK on my now 5 year old iMac.

Author:  Trooper [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 16:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

As mentioned on another thread, if the cloud stuff replaces local storage for media files, it can fuck right off with the infrastructure in this country...

Author:  myp [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 16:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

What's the best plan for someone who's thinking about buying a 160GB iPod Classic in the next few months? Is there going to be a 250GB any time soon? What other options do I have?

Author:  BikNorton [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 17:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Trooper wrote:
As mentioned on another thread, if the cloud stuff replaces local storage for media files, it can fuck right off with the infrastructure in this country...
More to the point, it can fuck right off if it won't let me upload my ripped CDs, restricting me purely to my iTunes Store purchases, especially for $25/yr.

Oh, one of the publishers required that restriction and Apple caved? Well then.

Author:  Zardoz [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 17:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

myoptikakaka wrote:
What's the best plan for someone who's thinking about buying a 160GB iPod Classic in the next few months? Is there going to be a 250GB any time soon? What other options do I have?

A Rega RP1 turntable.

Author:  ApplePieOfDestiny [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 18:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
6pm, yes. My (lively) predictions are at ... wwdc-2011/ (scroll down)

Are you the only TUAW writer who gets paid by the word? ;-)

Author:  Anonymous X [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 18:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

So, Lion's going to be App Store download only, out in July sometime and US$29 (so thirty quid over here, then). Could be worse.

Author:  CraigGrannell [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 18:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I'm still baffled about why, exactly, Aperture is so cheap.

It's a lesson from the iOS App Store: companies often make more revenue by selling software cheaper.

Anonymous X wrote:
So, Lion's going to be App Store download only, out in July sometime and US$29 (so thirty quid over here, then). Could be worse.

$29.99 on the MAS will be £17.99 on the UK store, unless Apple specifically tailors its price and alters it from the standard pricing matrix.

Author:  CraigGrannell [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 19:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

BikNorton wrote:
Oh, one of the publishers required that restriction and Apple caved? Well then.

Well, Apple's at least talking to the labels. Google and Amazon are on VERY shaky legal ground in the US, let alone elsewhere. No way they could release the same stuff here without significant changes to British copyright law (or labels agreeing—the same labels Goog and Amazon are screwing).

Author:  Trooper [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 19:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Lion = meh
iOS 5 = Looks good, if wireless sync is really in there properly.
iCloud = Looks interesting

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 20:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

My cut-out-and-keep bluffer's guide to today's announcements. ... 11-keynote

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
If you're not obsessed by Apple's products -- in other words you are normal, unlike me and most of the other bloggers reporting Apple news -- here's a brief-as-can-be bite-sized overview of what Apple said today and why you might care about it.

### iOS 5

* __What is it__: A new version of the system software for the iPhone and iPod.

* __Why should I care about it__: It brings a large number of very welcome (and arguably overdue) new features such as:
* Better notifications -- those little pop-ups that appear when you receive a new SMS or a missed call or something have been terrible in previous versions of iOS. For example, if you receive an SMS while talking on the phone, you need to deal with the message pop-up (by selecting Show or Cancel) before you can hang up the call. Now, they are all listed in the Notification Center, which you access at any time by swiping down from the top of the screen. (Like Android!)
* Newsstand -- like iBooks but for magazines and periodicals. Can download things in the background so the latest issues are there whenever you open the app.
* Twitter integration -- add your Twitter password in the Settings app, and all Twitter apps on your iOS device will use it automatically. Camera and Photos can post to Twitter with a single tap. You can also sent tweets from within Safari, Youtube, and Maps, and get photos from Twitter to add to your Contacts.
* Safari Reader -- a way to strip all the UI and ads out of the web page you are viewing, leaving only the text, for a less cluttered reading experience. Also stitches multi-page articles into a single page for you.
* Tabbed browsing -- Safari on the iPad will now have tabs. Very fast to switch between tabs, at least on the demo iPad 2.
* Reminders -- a built-in ToDo type client. Location aware (so you can set a reminder to appear when you arrive at work, say).
* Camera -- with a locked iPhone, double-clicking the Home button will bring up the camera app immediately (I think that one button now has about eleventy billion different features mapped to it). And the volume up button now works as a shutter release (previously, Apple yanked Camera+ from the App Store for doing that.) The Photos app has new edit features too, like red-eye reduction and a one-click ENHANCE mode.
* Mail -- some nips and tucks, including the ability to use formatting when composing, the ability to search the contents of emails, and the ability to swipe to view the message list in the iPad version in portrait view.
* Keyboard -- a new variant "split keyboard" for iPad, with two mini-keyboards attached to each side of the screen. Looks good for holding the iPad in two hand and typing with your thumbs.
* PC free -- no longer any need to sync with iTunes to start using a new iOS device. iOS updates delivered over the air, so no sync needed there either -- and they are small "delta" updates, so no more 600+ MB downloads. And iTunes syncs for your music will now run over Wi-fi.
* Game Center -- profiles can now have photos, it has new "recommended users" feature to suggest people to add to your friends list, and new modes to compare achievements between you and your friends. It still looks very weak compared to Xbox Live.
* iMessage -- a new complete messaging app, that can set text, pictures, videos, contacts, and do many-to-many group messaging. Synced across devices (so you can start a conversation on iPad and move seamlessly to iPhone).

* __How do I get it__: developers get a preview today, the rest of us have to wait until "this fall". It'll run on the iPhone 3GS and 4, the iPad and iPad 2, and the 3rd and 4th generation iPod Touch.

* __Tell me more__: go to [](

### Mac OS X Lion

* __What is it__: A new version of the system software for all of Apple's Mac computers.

* __Why should I care about it__:
* UI tweaks that aim to bring some of the iPad's minimalist feel to the Mac: multitouch gestures, full screen apps, a new app launcher that looks like iOS, Mission Control. The idea is that you use all your apps maximised and the system provides intuitive gestures to move between them. Lots of three-finger swipes that only really work on a Magic Trackpad or the built-in trackpad on Mac laptops. Apple, it seems, are moving away from the mouse.
* Resume -- again, another iPhone-esque feature; new support for apps to remember what you were doing when you restart them, right down to which text is selected.
* Auto-save and Versions -- your documents are saved all the time, and OS X remembers each and every save so you can go back to older versions whenever you want.
* AirDrop -- a super-easy way to transfer files between two computers on the same network without messing around with USB sticks, email, IM, etc.
* New, much improved version of the comes-with-the-OS email app (which in previous versions of OS X has been pretty anaemic).

Note that most of this stuff is only going to work out-of-the-box with Apple's own apps. Developers will need to do work to support, say, full-screen mode, or the clever Versions stuff.

* __How do I get it__: It's out in "July" (Apple wasn't any more specific than that). Costs $29 and is available through the Mac App Store -- so you just click buttons on any current Mac, and it downloads and installs the upgrade automatically. It's not clear how you reinstall the OS onto, say, a new hard drive you've just put in your Mac.

* __Tell me more__: go to [](

### iCloud

* __What is it__: Apple's "cloud service" offering.

* __Why should I care about it__: it means you can stop thinking about syncing and always have your data stuff.
* Your content (music, documents, media, bookmarks, iBooks, etc etc) lives, first and foremost, on Apple's servers.
* All your devices attach to the servers and download your stuff whenever you go to work on it.
* It's free! Unlike the $99/year Mobile Me service it replaces. No ads, either.
* iOS devices will back themselves up automatically once per day. If you get a new device, you enter your iTunes account and can restore the last backup without plugging anything in. The backup covers iTunes purchased content (music, books, apps), camera roll photos, device settings, and app data like saved games.
* Documents in the Cloud -- seamlessly sync documents for Apple's iWork apps (Pages, Numbers, Keynote) between Macs and iOS devices. Third party developers can choose to add support to their own apps.
* Photo Stream -- your Camera Roll on all your devices is synced in the background between them, all the time (so a photo you take on the iPhone will appear on your iPad and your Mac a few seconds later, bandwidth permitting).
* iTunes in the Cloud -- buy a song on any of your devices and it's delivered to all of them. Can redownload tracks at any time. No mention of playlist syncing, but that's a logical feature to add.

*__Sounds great, any downsides?__
* Only some of this stuff works on Windows PCs too -- e.g. photos end up in the Pictures folder.
* Only the last 1,000 photos and only from the last 30 days are in the cloud. The rest you have to move to local storage. Even Apple can't afford that many hard disks, it seems.
* You only get 5 GB of space for the backups and document sharing. That's more than it sounds, though, because it doesn't include music, video, or app space, or your Photo Stream.

* __What about music I've ripped instead of stuff i've bought from iTunes?__ iCloud doesn't inherently do anything with music you rip; the iTunes in the Cloud feature only works for purchases through iTunes. However, there is a way around that. iTunes Match will, for $25 a year, scan your music collection full of ripped (or pirated!) tracks, and add the iTunes equivalent version to your online library. This will be a 256 kbit/sec AAC file, so if it's an old mp3 you have then it'll be significantly better audio quality too.

* __When can I have it__: ships with iOS 5, so "this fall" or sooner if you're a developer running a beta.

* __Tell me more__: go to [](

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 20:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

No iOs widgets?

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 20:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011


Author:  Cras [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 20:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

I know your mainstream audiences may not care, but was there any mention of the MDM APIs expanding in iOS5?

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 20:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

No -- but this was very high-level anyway, so it wouldn't have been mentioned.

Author:  Cras [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 20:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

I was hoping it would be a big enough revamp to get headline space.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 20:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

These were two huge announcements and one smaller one today. Apple claimed the 10 iOS features it showed were chosen from over 200; stuff we glimpsed but wasn't talked about include a new music player, which is pretty major.

Author:  Trooper [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 22:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

The music match thing seems pretty monumental if it works, I'd pay the twenty quid just for it to sort out my crappily organised library, which I'm hoping will be a side effect...

Author:  GazChap [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 22:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

I wonder whether SMS tones will be customisable...

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 22:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Is it me, or is Lion a bit of a step backwards? Apple seem to be falling into the MS trap of "one UI, everywhere".

Author:  ApplePieOfDestiny [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 22:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

$30 = £21 apparently. I'm assuming that includes the normal tax discrepancy, so not too shabby.

Author:  Trooper [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 22:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

iTunes in the cloud beta is supposed to be up, people are saying just go to your "purchased" tab in the iTunes app. I don't have a purchased tab, on either my iPad or iPhone, what am I missing?
The application purchased bit is working, just not the iTunes...

Author:  CraigGrannell [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 22:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Grim... wrote:
Is it me, or is Lion a bit of a step backwards? Apple seem to be falling into the MS trap of "one UI, everywhere".

I don't think it's quite that bad, but Apple is clearly pushing multitouch hard on the desktop. (I'll be amazed if during the next iMac refresh the trackpad becomes the default and the mouse is the BTO option.) However, my take-home from WWDC is that iOS is it—that's Apple's future. Mac OS X will become primarily a transitional operating system to get consumers hooked on where Apple really wants them: iThings.

ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
$30 = £21 apparently. I'm assuming that includes the normal tax discrepancy, so not too shabby.

I'm waiting on some colleagues to find out what's going on here. $29.99 is £17.99 in the MAS, so either Apple's pulling a fast-one that third-parties can't match, or we're about to see a rebalancing of international prices, with the UK being worse off after it's done.

Author:  Trooper [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Trooper wrote:
iTunes in the cloud beta is supposed to be up, people are saying just go to your "purchased" tab in the iTunes app. I don't have a purchased tab, on either my iPad or iPhone, what am I missing?
The application purchased bit is working, just not the iTunes...

Ah, it seems were I in the US I would have a music option in the store settings to switch, outside the US it looks like the beta is just apps and books.
Annoying as Kate lost some music tracks in an iPhone crash and reset, and would quite like them back...

Author:  Trooper [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 23:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

CraigGrannell wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Is it me, or is Lion a bit of a step backwards? Apple seem to be falling into the MS trap of "one UI, everywhere".

I don't think it's quite that bad, but Apple is clearly pushing multitouch hard on the desktop. (I'll be amazed if during the next iMac refresh the trackpad becomes the default and the mouse is the BTO option.)

Multitouch on a desktop certainly seems like a step backwards, for the less casual computer user at least. Mouse is always the go to device for me, and pretty much everyone I know who works in the software industry. 99% of devs at my place have MacBooks, 99% of them use a mouse rather than the trackpad.

I'm tempted to buy a trackpad to go with my mouse on my desktop, if it works well, but never as a replacement.

Author:  Anonymous X [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 23:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

CraigGrannell wrote:
However, my take-home from WWDC is that iOS is it—that's Apple's future. Mac OS X will become primarily a transitional operating system to get consumers hooked on where Apple really wants them: iThings.
Whither the Mac. :'(

CraigGrannell wrote:
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
$30 = £21 apparently. I'm assuming that includes the normal tax discrepancy, so not too shabby.

I'm waiting on some colleagues to find out what's going on here. $29.99 is £17.99 in the MAS, so either Apple's pulling a fast-one that third-parties can't match, or we're about to see a rebalancing of international prices, with the UK being worse off after it's done.

Apple's UK specific pages now list the price as £20.99 (link), which isn't too bad I guess.

Author:  CraigGrannell [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 0:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Trooper wrote:
Mouse is always the go to device for me, and pretty much everyone I know who works in the software industry. 99% of devs at my place have MacBooks, 99% of them use a mouse rather than the trackpad.

Thing is, Apple doesn't give a shit about guys in the software industry—it's only really interested in mass-market consumers for the 'default' position. Interestingly, my parents could never get on with mice, but my dad loves his MacBook Pro's trackpad, and my mum—after a couple of MacBook years—happily bought and now uses my Magic Trackpad.

Anonymous X wrote:
Apple's UK specific pages now list the price as £20.99 (link), which isn't too bad I guess.

As a list price, it's not bad. As a conversion, it's also fine. But it points at Apple perhaps rebalancing its exchange rates soon, which would be a pity in the UK, where they're rather advantageous to us right now.

Author:  zaphod79 [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Trooper wrote:
iTunes in the cloud beta is supposed to be up, people are saying just go to your "purchased" tab in the iTunes app. I don't have a purchased tab, on either my iPad or iPhone, what am I missing?
The application purchased bit is working, just not the iTunes...

If i sign in to my itunes with a US account then there is a purchased line on the itunes page , however clicking it tells me i dont have the right version of Itunes - and it takes me to the itunes page where I can only download the same version i have (10.2.2.something whereas it seems the US has 10.3.something).

Going to the app store on my device and selecting updates gives me a new option at the top called purchased which side swipes and shows me what i've bought on multiple devices - so I think it will be coming its just not entirely finished yet :-)

Author:  Curiosity [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Any news on the next iPhone? I assume not, but any ideas when there might be some news on it?

Author:  ApplePieOfDestiny [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Curiosity wrote:
Any news on the next iPhone? I assume not, but any ideas when there might be some news on it?

90% of what was announced yesterday happens in 'the Fall'. The betting man would take this as being the date that the 5 is released (they followed this timeline with iPhone 4, and at the iOS4 launch in spring, didn't trail the prospect of the front facing camera)

Author:  markh [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

What about music I’ve ripped instead of stuff i’ve bought from iTunes? iCloud doesn’t inherently do anything with music you rip; the iTunes in the Cloud feature only works for purchases through iTunes. However, there is a way around that. iTunes Match will, for $25 a year, scan your music collection full of ripped (or pirated!) tracks, and add the iTunes equivalent version to your online library. This will be a 256 kbit/sec AAC file, so if it’s an old mp3 you have then it’ll be significantly better audio quality too.

Hmm. In my Itunes (Windows) i have a ton of songs that aren't available in Itunes nor i doubt will they ever be - but they're all nicely tagged and set up like i want them. Is there a cloud like service that will back this up for me? I'm getting a bit tired of copying across to a seperate HD.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Grim... wrote:
Is it me, or is Lion a bit of a step backwards? Apple seem to be falling into the MS trap of "one UI, everywhere".
I don't think so. This full screen and launcher stuff is an optional (and pretty thin) veneer. It's also quite appropriate on smaller screens, like the MacBook Airs that seem to be all the rage these days.

CraigGrannell wrote:
However, my take-home from WWDC is that iOS is it—that's Apple's future. Mac OS X will become primarily a transitional operating system to get consumers hooked on where Apple really wants them: iThings.
Disagree. Photoshop jockies can't work without oodles of keyboard shortcuts and precise pointing implements. Coders can't work without root access to the device, native file systems, and oodles of windows. Any version of iOS that can serve these markets will be so far removed from the current iOS as to be nearly unrecognisable -- and will have given up many of the things that made iOS special in the first place.

It's not impossible that iOS will replace Mac OS X in the end, but it's beyond the Computing Predictable Event Horizon, which I claim is a few years out. Beyond that, anything can happen anyway.

CraigGrannell wrote:
Thing is, Apple doesn't give a shit about guys in the software industry—it's only really interested in mass-market consumers for the 'default' position.
Which is why the Mac Pro, 17" MacBook Pro, Aperture, Final Cut Pro, Xcode, and expensive SSD BTO options don't exist, right?

Author:  Zardoz [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

So my 2nd Gen iPod Touch won't take the iOS upgrade then.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

BTW, if anyone wants a quick summary, I wrote up my notes from the whole event here and a rather better organised things iPhone users should know post here.

Zardoz wrote:
So my 2nd Gen iPod Touch won't take the iOS upgrade then.
Nope. Soz.

Author:  Zardoz [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple WWDC 2011

Well, I suppose I could do with a larger capacity one anyway (only an 8gig this one) and the camera and better screen would be nice.


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