Be Excellent To Each Other

Halloween, ooooooh!
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Author:  Shin [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:40 ]
Post subject:  Halloween, ooooooh!

My 2nd favourite time of the year event is-Halloween!

Where we can dress up and not feel prats and run around like maniacs, bob for apples and the rest of it! :D


So what's everyone up to? I imagine those with children may be roped into taking the little dears around to knock on the doors of cringing neighbours who are then bullied into providing sweeties? I wish I could still do this :(

Me, Pru, Matt, Colmo and a few others probably are going to go to Thorpe Park where there is a giant maze! (Labyrinth style coolness!) In the daytime there isn't too much going on (everyone knows it's the night time that ghosties come out-eeee!) then at night they have zombie/undead people that chase you through the mazes and things to scare you! WOW!

I'm so excited I may just wee!

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Shin wrote:
So what's everyone up to?

Fuck all. Halloween is gay, and for kids. Are you a gay kid?

Author:  The Rev Owen [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Going to be in the US. We timed our visit for Halloween because they do it properly.

Author:  myp [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

I usually try to avoid this horrible, increasingly-Americanised tradition. Roll on the 5th of November, a proper night full of treason and plot (and fireworks)!

Author:  Shin [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

ComicalGnomes wrote:
Shin wrote:
So what's everyone up to?

Fuck all. Halloween is gay, and for kids. Are you a gay kid?

Yes, yes I am

Author:  TheVision [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

I think I may be going to an adult (not that kind of adult) party.. Meaning there's no kids! Awesome.

I may go as the Joker.

Author:  RBR2 [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!


Author:  markg [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Halloween is shit, turning off the lights and pretending to be out isn't exactly my idea of a fun time :attitude:

Author:  Zardoz [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Give me some sweets then you tight arse.

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Zardoz wrote:
Give me some sweets then your tight arse.

Oh my :/

Author:  Shin [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

I don't know what to go as. Obviously if I'm going to be going to a theme park (which is much fun!) then I want something practical for the rides and things. I'm not going as a cat this year, that's too predictable -_-;

Plus if I'm running around from weird zombie/undead people chasing me then I want to wear something easy to run in 0_o;

Author:  MrChris [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

markg wrote:
Halloween is shit, turning off the lights and pretending to be out isn't exactly my idea of a fun time :attitude:

Ditto. When we lived in London we'd make sure we were out for dinner every halloween so that we didn't have to fend off the aggressive local chav shits. Of course, that didn't prevent the possibility of some twats driving past and throwing eggs at you whilst you were out.

When did that become a Halloween "tradition"? Fucking cunts.

Author:  myp [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Go as Hitler.

Author:  Shin [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Gods, I wish I'd never started the bloody topic now :s

I just love halloween because I go places with themed events on and stuff. I don't like the fact that there is a lot of yobbery associated with it. But I'm 22 and not dead yet so I like to enjoy myself

Author:  myp [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

*Checks pulse*

Whew, I'm still going strong! I must just like other kinds of fun.

Author:  Shin [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

I didn't mean you weren't alive because you didn't have fun. I just resent the fact that it's termed 'gay' to like something like halloween. If it brings me joy then why is it gay?

Author:  myp [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Don't ask me, I didn't use that turn of phrase.

Author:  Kern [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

One Halloween a bar was offering a free drink to anyone in fancy dress. Being humourless I didn't dress up. For some reason, they didn't accept my claim to be 'the devil in disguise'.

Author:  devilman [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Shin wrote:

Plus if I'm running around from weird zombie/undead people chasing me then I want to wear something easy to run in 0_o;

That would rule out my Grim Reaper outfit then.

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Shin wrote:
If it brings me joy then why is it gay?


Author:  kalmar [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

What's wrong with a bit of gaity?

Author:  Mimi [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

My mother is a witch*. I do not like Hallowe'en.

*No, really, she is. She is also married to the high priest.

Author:  Zardoz [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Most festivals and holidays are gay though.

And pretty fucking bent too.

Author:  Shin [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

I know you didn't turn it out. I was just wondering why it is deemed gay? Some people spoil halloween for others because they are cunts and go round acting like idiots. I don't. So I like going out with my friends and having a good time doing it. It's a shame people can't go out with their kids anymore because of what yobs do and it scares people, I feel kids are missing out. I used to take my sister every year and she loved it. Rae's also going to a halloween ball aswell with friends and my family are having a 'do'

Author:  Zardoz [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

kalmar wrote:
What's wrong with a bit of gaity?

Nothing Candy Pants x

Author:  Dudley [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Shin wrote:
If it brings me joy then why is it gay?

I feel the same about fucking men.

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

The Rev Owen wrote:
Going to be in the US. We timed our visit for Halloween because they do it properly.


I can't wait! We go four weeks tomorrow and I was talking to my dad about plans last night. We will all be dressing up and joining in, I can see Chloe being a pumpkin!

Author:  MaliA [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Kern wrote:
One Halloween a bar was offering a free drink to anyone in fancy dress. Being humourless I didn't dress up. For some reason, they didn't accept my claim to be 'the devil in disguise'.


I go out to ChavPub and stay there until about 9pmish so the kids have then gone home. I return home, fill a bucket of water up, and place it in the study. The widow above the study is directly above the front door.

Sadly, I have never had cause to repel invaders in a medieval style.

Author:  Shin [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Aw, I wish I was going to America for it! :( Have a great time though, plenty of pictures :)

Author:  Mimi [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Goddess Jasmine wrote:
The Rev Owen wrote:
Going to be in the US. We timed our visit for Halloween because they do it properly.


I can't wait! We go four weeks tomorrow and I was talking to my dad about plans last night. We will all be dressing up and joining in, I can see Chloe being a pumpkin!

My nephew, last year:

Author:  MaliA [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

haha, awesome.

Author:  Zardoz [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

I've actually been looking for a pumpkin outfit for Baba Z, hard to get in newborn size.

Mimi, your nephew is awesome.

Author:  Squirt [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Zardoz wrote:
I've actually been looking for a pumpkin outfit for Baba Z, hard to get in newborn size.

You could just hollow out a small pumpkin and then make arm and leg holes in it.

Author:  Shin [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Awww! He's really cute Mimi ^.^

From 13th October - 2nd November get ready for the ultimate horror experience, including spine-chilling horror mazes; Se7en, Hellgate, The Asylum and brand new for 2008 - The Curse!

Circus of Horrors will also be here with their freakish new show Apocalypse, and EA Games will be terrifying thrill hunters with their new sci-fi survival horror game Dead Space!

If disorientating horror mazes aren't terrifying enough, with the Park open till late thrill hunters can take on the ultimate challenge of riding the 'Unholy Trinity' of rollercoasters - Stealth, Colossus and Nemesis Inferno under the cover of darkness!


Author:  markg [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Zardoz wrote:
I've actually been looking for a pumpkin outfit for Baba Z, hard to get in newborn size.

Mimi, your nephew is awesome.

Why so you can use your baby as a prop to get free sweets. Shame on you.

Anyway she's tiny, you could just use an actual pumpkin.

Author:  Grim... [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Zardoz wrote:
I've actually been looking for a pumpkin outfit for Baba Z, hard to get in newborn size.

:this: but for 6 months. Maybe the supermarkets will have some in nearer the date.

Author:  BikNorton [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Living in a first-floor flat with coded main door access and a broken buzzer is the best.

Author:  Zardoz [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 13:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

markg wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
I've actually been looking for a pumpkin outfit for Baba Z, hard to get in newborn size.

Mimi, your nephew is awesome.

Why so you can use your baby as a prop to get free sweets. Shame on you.

Anyway she's tiny, you could just use an actual pumpkin.

I wouldn't need props if you stopped hiding and let me in!

...a real pumpkin would probably be cheaper than an outfit... hmm...

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 13:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Grim... wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
I've actually been looking for a pumpkin outfit for Baba Z, hard to get in newborn size.

:this: but for 6 months. Maybe the supermarkets will have some in nearer the date.

Woolies seem to have their halloween stuff out already as do Tesco extra. I'm sure I've seen some in Matalan too.

Author:  Zardoz [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 13:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

It was Matalan where I saw the toddlers sized outfits that made me want a baba sized outfit. :(

Author:  Mimi [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 13:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

I saw loads when I was in Mothercare last week

There are many different costumes, many starting from tiny newborn size.

Author:  Mimi [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 13:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!


Someone lend me a baby for a while.

Author:  Mimi [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 13:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Hmmm... that's interesting - Mothercare hotlink their items from Amazon.

Author:  Zardoz [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 13:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Mimi wrote:
I saw loads when I was in Mothercare last week

There are many different costumes, many starting from tiny newborn size.


Awesome Mimi, there's a Mothercare just around the corner too!

Author:  MrChris [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 13:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!


Author:  Kern [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 14:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

At what point do these games of human dress-up become child abuse?

Author:  MrChris [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 14:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Oh dear lord, I think my cute gland just exploded:


Author:  MrChris [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 14:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

Kern wrote:
At what point do these games of human dress-up become child abuse?

When the baby looks as unhappy as mini-Chewbacca up there.

Author:  markg [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 14:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

You do realise that dressing up infants who are too young to appreciate what is going on is precisely no different than people who buy clothes for dogs and cats?

Author:  MrChris [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 14:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween, ooooooh!

markg wrote:
You do realise that dressing up infants who are too young to appreciate what is going on is precisely no different than people who buy clothes for dogs and cats?

Untrue, as dogs and cats do not usually wear clothes. Babies do, as otherwise they die of cold and tigers.

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