Be Excellent To Each Other

Facial Hair
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Author:  The Rev Owen [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:39 ]
Post subject:  Facial Hair

I'm full of polls today.

Author:  Shin [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

You are aren't you? I thought I was mad on topics and posts today ;)

Author:  Mimi [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

The Rev Owen wrote:
I'm full of polls today.

You should start a specialist website. There are all kind of fetishists around nowadays.

Author:  MrChris [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Stubble, as I hate shaving and do it as infrequently as I can get away with - but won't grow a beard as they make you look like paedofiddlers.

Author:  Scarysheep3000 [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Non-designer stubble.

Author:  DBSnappa [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Can we go for "unshaven" as well as designer stubble, as there is no design to my face fungus - I just rarely if ever clean shave preferring to trim down to about a number 1 about once a week or less.

Author:  The Rev Owen [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Shin wrote:
You are aren't you? I thought I was mad on topics and posts today ;)

I've been wanting to do these polls for ages, never bothered, couldn't decide which to do, decided to do both.


Author:  Shin [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

I love men with a bit of stubble as it gives you something to rub against

Author:  metalangel [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Much as I would love a Captain Price out of CoD4 giant tache... it would take forever to grow and itch like hell while it did... and the missus complains of the 'face grater' effect.

Author:  GazChap [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

What about the option "I couldn't really care less, sometimes I shave and other times I let it grow out.".

Author:  Da5e [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

I keep trying for a full-on Drummer From Thousandswilldie type beard, but it's too ginger and I get embarrassed.

Author:  Cras [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Davydd Grimm wrote:
I keep trying for a full-on Drummer From Thousandswilldie type beard, but it's too ginger and I get embarrassed.

A ginger beard is a sign of extreme manliness.

Author:  MrChris [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Craster wrote:
Davydd Grimm wrote:
I keep trying for a full-on Drummer From Thousandswilldie type beard, but it's too ginger and I get embarrassed.

A ginger beard is a sign of extreme manliness.

"Never trust a man, be he friend or brother, whose hair is one colour and his beard another".

Wise, wise words.

Author:  Cras [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Hahaha - is that a real quote?

Author:  Kern [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

My beard needs trimming, but its manliness pleases me greatly.

[Edited for misuse of apostrophe. Bad Kern]

Author:  MrChris [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Yes. It's in quotation marks and everything.

Author:  The Rev Owen [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

I have grey hairs in my beard, but none in my head hair.

I also have some ginger, especially in my 'tache, and none on my head.

Author:  Da5e [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Oh, no, I am one of them gingers, now I've stopped being a goff and dying it. Unfortunately my hair has reacted by pretty much leaping from my scalp in tufts; I'll have a Devin Townsend skullet by winter.

Author:  Mimi [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 16:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

I don't like men with facial hair because I have sensitive skin. Craig's brother's friend once gave me a 'hello, nice to meet you' kiss on the cheek and it felt like he had taken half of my skin off. If I wanted to feel that every time someone gave me a kiss I'd just go and smooch a doormat.

Also, I specifically don't like goatee beards. They look particularly silly on most larger men - it's like they are trying to give the impression of a chin/jawline when their natural one has been consumed by the fat around their necks.

See here:


One step further and they'll be colouring their neck/chin line black a-la Boy George to try and give the impression of a jawline:


Author:  GazChap [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 17:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Boy George really shouldn't have hired the painter and decorator to install his shower.

Author:  Curiosity [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 17:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Shin wrote:
I love men with a bit of stubble as it gives you something to rub against

Maria likes me when I have a bit of stubble for appearance... but I have incredibly abrasive facial hair, so it's not good for anything else.

Author:  Mimi [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 17:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

GazChap wrote:
Boy George really shouldn't have hired the painter and decorator to install his shower.


72 bananas

Author:  YOG [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 17:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

I'm currently sporting the full doss, but I basically have the appearance of a tall infant (ok, foetus), and you can still see wee bits of skin through the beard around the cheeks, so I don't quite look like I've quaffed the blood of several Christians at Lindisfarne yet.

I must still be An Boy. :'(

Author:  DBSnappa [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 17:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

PEDANT MODE. The top picture is a Van Dyke. So, Beard and Tache = Van Dyke. Just beard = Goatee.

Author:  Plissken [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 17:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

I can't go without shaving for more than 48 hours - IT BURNS! IT BURNS!

Author:  Trousers [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 17:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

I have a Claypole beard.

Author:  MrChris [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 17:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

DBSnappa wrote:
PEDANT MODE. The top picture is a Van Dyke. So, Beard and Tache = Van Dyke. Just beard = Goatee.

What about where the beard doesn't meet up with the 'tache?

Author:  Zio [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 17:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

I went for designer stubble, since it's the closest option for me. In actual fact, my facial fur is simply locked into a permanent 5 o' clock shadow that simply will not fuck off no matter how regularly I shave (usually every day or every other day, depending on stubble severity).

Author:  Plissken [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 17:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

You are Ryan Giggs AICMFP.

Author:  Tmuk [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 17:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

I'm in this situation where it takes me 2-3 days to build up a half decent stubble, so if I know I'm going out Friday night, I'll shave Wednesday night etc. I think it might be worth investing in an electric razor. In fact, can anyone recommend a good one which cuts at different lengths? £50 max?

Author:  Anonymous X [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 17:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

I shave (my face) every day without fail. I dislike facial hair on myself. I wish it would go away and stop bothering me by growing and causing such a nuisance.

Author:  Kern [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 17:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Plissken wrote:

The burning is to weed out the men from the boys. It must be endured to achieve manliness.

Author:  Malc [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 18:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

GazChap wrote:
What about the option "I couldn't really care less, sometimes I shave and other times I let it grow out.".

:this: :this:


Author:  sinister agent [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 21:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Kern wrote:
Plissken wrote:

The burning is to weed out the men from the boys. It must be endured to achieve manliness.

What burning?

Seriously, if your face itches with a beard, your face is somehow broken and you should seek help. Shaving is far more irritating.

Author:  Kern [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 21:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Fresh young beards can be itchy at first.

Author:  Plissken [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 21:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

No. They're fucking annoying. Besides, if I have a beard, then I'll look like a thin Comic Book Guy. And that would be the Worst. Thing. Ever.

Author:  sinister agent [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 22:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Kern wrote:
Fresh young beards can be itchy at first.

I was 20 when I first started mine. Lies and slander!

Or possibly I was just lucky. But my point still stands. Because I said so.

Author:  Steve [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 22:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

I voted designer stubble

designer stubble = can only be bothered to run a beard trimmer over my face once every 3 days.

Also if anyone leaves it too long how do you feel about the tash hairs that basically curl into your mouth, and eating any semi viscous food while this is happening?

Author:  sinister agent [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 23:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Steve wrote:
I voted designer stubble

designer stubble = can only be bothered to run a beard trimmer over my face once every 3 days.

Also if anyone leaves it too long how do you feel about the tash hairs that basically curl into your mouth, and eating any semi viscous food while this is happening?

They don't do that, because they'll have been trimmed or just bitten off by then anyway.

Author:  TheAlbinoKid [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 23:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

My is kind of in limbo... my facial hair goes from ear to ear, so it's too big to be a goatee, but it isn't thick enough for me to really vote for the "full manly beard" option... although I guess it is a "proper" beard. I have a lot of 'designer' stubble to go with it too, although it usually creeps into the realm of messy non-designer stubble for a while before I get around to shaving it and starting over again.

So I'm not voting yet.

Author:  Shin [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 23:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Curiosity wrote:
Shin wrote:
I love men with a bit of stubble as it gives you something to rub against

Maria likes me when I have a bit of stubble for appearance... but I have incredibly abrasive facial hair, so it's not good for anything else.

It's nice to nuzzle against :)

Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom!

Mind you-I probably like it because I date older guys. Oldest has been 43 I believe

Author:  myp [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 23:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Ange hates it when I shave my beard off because my face is weird-looking.

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Fri Aug 29, 2008 0:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Doesn't your hair cover it anyway?

Author:  hollocks [ Fri Aug 29, 2008 0:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Mr Chris wrote:
Stubble, as I hate shaving and do it as infrequently as I can get away with - but won't grow a beard as they make you look like paedofiddlers.

Exactly this.

And on the rare occasions that i'm completely clean shaven i look about 14 years old and become a laughing stock.

Author:  Pod [ Fri Aug 29, 2008 23:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Bears are excellent. Down with non-beards.

Author:  YOG [ Fri Aug 29, 2008 23:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Bears are excellent.

I'll give you £10 if you walk right up to a Kodiak and compliment him on his facial fuzz. :metul:

Author:  metalangel [ Sat Aug 30, 2008 0:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

(I'll bring my camera for the Kodiak moment joke here)

Author:  Dimrill [ Sat Aug 30, 2008 16:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

I have a luxury 9 inch long beard with side attachment flanges and interesting crop circles.

Author:  Mimi [ Sat Aug 30, 2008 16:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Shin wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Shin wrote:

Mind you-I probably like it because I date older guys. Oldest has been 43 I believe

You believe? You mean you don't know for sure? :S

Author:  sinister agent [ Sat Aug 30, 2008 17:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facial Hair

Mimi wrote:
Shin wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Shin wrote:

Mind you-I probably like it because I date older guys. Oldest has been 43 I believe

You believe? You mean you don't know for sure? :S

Well, you know what middle-aged men are like with women.

Dimrill wrote:
I have a luxury 9 inch long beard with ... interesting crop circles.

Ha! I hadn't thought of calling them that before. My crazy forein ex used to call them 'meadows'. The crazy foreign.

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