Be Excellent To Each Other

World of Warcraft
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Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Sun Aug 03, 2014 14:44 ]
Post subject:  World of Warcraft

On a rather lazy Sunday I have pushed the 'Install' button on WoW, for the first time ever. Aside from playing Hearthstone I know utterly diddly about this game's lore or how to play it.

So, from a day 1 noob perspective, what should I know as I start, and what should I do first?

Author:  Trooper [ Sun Aug 03, 2014 15:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Play horde.

Author:  Morte [ Sun Aug 03, 2014 17:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft


Author:  Hearthly [ Sun Aug 03, 2014 20:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Apologies for the lazy reply but I have a guest and he won't beat himself at videogames - (Trousers no less, we went to the pub for a 'couple of hours' at noon and have just returned now....) - but most of what you need should be in this thread, not much has changed since this thread.


The tutorials are very good these days, so just roll Horde and enjoy :) Any questions ask back here!

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Sun Aug 03, 2014 21:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

What's the beef against Alliance then?

Author:  Trooper [ Sun Aug 03, 2014 21:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

They are the Israel of Azeroth

Author:  Hearthly [ Sun Aug 03, 2014 22:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Ahhh this is probably one of the posts I was thinking about.




Grim... wrote:
Got to level five, or something. I didn't think it was that much fun, to be honest.

Hmmm, where to start :)

First off, it's true to say that WoW simply doesn't click with some folks, and that's all there is to it, it is a unique game and the way it all hangs together ultimately won't be everyone's cup of tea - and that's fine.

However, playing out to Level 5 isn't going to show you even a tiny, minuscule fraction of what the game has to offer, and it's not uncommon for a 'first hour's play' reaction to the game to be a little bit 'Erm, WTF, this is boring and stupid.' A mate of mine who's now been playing the game for 3 1/12 years (same as me) denounced it as a 'hitting crappy looking wolves on the head simulator' after his first encounter with it, before giving it another crack of the whip a month or so later and that time around falling for its charms.

Several points to remember:

1) At the start of the game your character is rubbish. This is intentional. You're Level 1, whatever your chosen class you only have a handful of abilities and they're all a bit feeble. All your gear is shite ('gear' is a catch-all terms for your clothes, armour, weapons, trinkets etc), and you're really quite squishy so can be killed with irritating ease.

2) On top of that, the game world is small when you're low level. You'll be put into a very limited 'hand holding' starting area, this is designed to show you the ropes and start to introduce a few of game's key concepts. For some this breaks the 'MMORPG' aspect of the game, because you're pretty much channelled through a series of tightly defined activities and missions. Do be aware that there's absolutely nothing stopping you running off in completely the 'wrong' direction and straight out into the big bad world, but as a low level character everything will be able to kill you on sight and there won't be anything for you to do that's level-appropriate.

3) The first few levels, the first few hours, are not what this game is. WoW is so huge, so sprawling, there is just so fucking much to do that there's no other way for Blizzard to do it at the start, and even now in its 'friendlier than ever' incarnation, it's still quite often massively confusing and daunting. (See GY's multiple posts to this thread asking how stuff works.)

4) As you pass through the first few hours, you should notice everything starts to get better. At Level 10 you'll be invited to choose a class specialisation, so for example if you're a warrior you get to choose to be ARMS, FURY, or PROTECTION, and you'll get your first talent point to spend in the respective tree. This is when the character really starts to become 'yours' and you can start to build him around how you want to play. On top of that, every even-numbered level from (IIRC) Level 4 onwards, you can go to your class trainer and he'll start to teach you new abilities that you can stick onto your action bar and start to enhance the options available to you in any given situation.

5) Enjoy the world as you explore it. The quality of the writing in WoW is massively variable, but when the quests and storylines are at their best, they're everything from funny to poignant to sad to uplifting - it's a rich, beautifully crafted world, take some time to soak it in.

6) Similarly (and I'm sure your PC is up to this Grim...), max the game out graphically, make sure you've got the sound and music turned on - it's not going to give Crysis any sleepless nights in terms of its graphics engine, but I honestly think WoW is the prettiest game I've ever played thanks to the sheer majesty of the artwork style and characters, it's no secret that Blizzard are reckoned to employ some of the best artists in the world. Again, you're not going to be able to fully appreciate this from the starting zone.

7) WoW is a social game. It makes such a massive difference if you're playing the game with friends. Now I don't mean that you're literally playing with them all the time, but in the same way that when you're logged into XBox Live or Steam, you'll have your friends lists, you'll have messages, you'll get info about what your friends are up to, you'll have the option to play together if you want to. WoW works in the same way, if you've got IRL friends on the same server as you, that's a huge brucey bonus, but just being in a guild is a huge brucey bonus. For example whenever I log into the game there's almost always going to be a guildy or two on, quite possibly someone I know IRL. On a good night there might be 10+ of us all online, with various stuff being discussed in the guild chat channel.

On top of that, friends and guildies can help you out, and you can help them out, with awkward quests, or your professions, or checking your bank to see if you've got an item they need for something - all that stuff.

8 ) Instances/dungeons (the words are interchangeable). From Level 15 onwards you can use the dungeon finder and start running the 5-man instances, I've done a mega-post to GY a few pages back about this. They're a big part of the game and massively removed from what you'll be used to when out doing your normal solo questing.


Instances are awesome, especially when you're running them with friends and/or guildies. We ran a couple of heroics last night, all five of us were 'well oiled' to say the least (it was after midnight and we were too drunk to play Bad Company 2 competently), all on Mumble talking all manner of crap to each other, and we were fucking dreadful, we took an hour to get through an instance that's doable in about twenty minutes with a good random group, but we all had an absolute blast. At one point one of the guys started playing his banjo (a real one in his house) to get our spirits up after a particularly ridiculously awful wipe, singing some kind of bluegrass version of 'I Will Survive' - I was crying tears of laughter. No other game can do this.

9) There are many 'games within the game' when it comes to WoW. There's the massively significant economy aspect of it (which is basically locked out in the free trial as no auction house), there are the professions (of which there are many), there's PvP (player versus player) if you fancy a crack at that (PvP is whole subset of the game - 100 player battlegrounds are quite an experience). There's a whole world of entirely optional stuff, some people like collecting vanity pets, some people like getting weird and wonderful achievements, some people like maxing out all the secondary professions, some people never give them a second's thought.

Some folks like running through all the old raid content with Level 85 characters, so you might get four of five 85s and blast through the old 40-man raids from vanilla WoW, or kill Illidan in the Black Temple (a Burning Crusdade 25-man raid) - all the old game is still there, Blizzard don't 'turn it off', so it's all still there to explore.

10) As you level up through the game, you get more and more awesome. You get loads of abilities, you get mounts (ground mounts to start with then flying mounts), you get kick-ass gear and you can take on packs of enemies (level-appropriate) of a size that would have been unthinkable early on. Depending on your class you can tank or heal or DPS (damage deal) in instances, at the end game there's the option of 10 or 25 man raids, the more you understand the game and your character, the more there is to see and do.

It's like learning a whole new language, and once you become fluent in it there's a quite wonderful experience to be had. Conversely, whilst it's all new and alien, even with the huge amounts of hand-holding that the games does now, it can be confusing and somewhat underwhelming, unfortunately that's the nature of the MMO beast I think.

Even with that wall of text there's loads of things I've forgotten or haven't mentioned, my main point would be, don't make a final judgement on the game at Level 5, it'd be like going to Disneyland, paying your entry fee, walking through the turnstiles and then before you've even so much as looked at anything, declaring that Disneyland is rubbish with nothing to do, and that you're going home.

Finally, I can't emphasise enough how WoW works so much better if you've got the social aspect of it to enjoy, ideally IRL friends who are on your server (or at least on Real ID to chat with), but even better in a guild with some decent folks in it. Obviously the dream combination is a guild that's got some of your IRL friends in it (that's the situation in my guild), in all honesty if it weren't for the social aspect of WoW I feel I'd enjoy it quite a bit less.

Author:  lasermink [ Sun Aug 03, 2014 23:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Tried this recently, was bored to tears.

Author:  Satsuma [ Sun Aug 03, 2014 23:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Isn't it correct that WoW world is smaller than Burnout Paradise? Sorry just something I saw earlier.

Author:  Satsuma [ Sun Aug 03, 2014 23:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Ah, here it is

Author:  Trooper [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Saturnalian wrote:
Isn't it correct that WoW world is smaller than Burnout Paradise? Sorry just something I saw earlier.

In absolute terms, that's quite possible. If you drive from London to Newcastle, England is pretty small really. Walk there however...

Author:  Cras [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Interesting that according to that picture, the largest world was Daggerfall, from 1996.

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

I've derped around until about L5 with an Alliance Priest (hoho) and I think I get the basic gist. I've still got something like 14gb of game assets to download though before the play is 'optimal'.

Meh, I dunno. It's clearly massively but typically I can only play things for an hour at a time so I might not have what it takes to get sufficiently sucked in here. It more occurred to me that Hearthstone had given me a free mount and I wanted to see what that was about, but it turns out I can't do that until L20 anyway.

Author:  KovacsC [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
I've derped around until about L5 with an Alliance Priest (hoho) and I think I get the basic gist. I've still got something like 14gb of game assets to download though before the play is 'optimal'.

Meh, I dunno. It's clearly massively but typically I can only play things for an hour at a time so I might not have what it takes to get sufficiently sucked in here. It more occurred to me that Hearthstone had given me a free mount and I wanted to see what that was about, but it turns out I can't do that until L20 anyway.

I hit lvl 50 and walked away.. god it got boring. The grind to get something was terrible

Author:  Hearthly [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Saturnalian wrote:

I'm somewhat bemused by what metrics they used to work this out, off the top of my head I'd say it'd take massively longer to get from one side of WoW's world to the other, even on the fastest flying mount, whereas you can get right across Paradise City in the course of a single race.

Moreover, that WoW map is woefully incomplete since it's missing Outland, Northrend, and Pandaria, which are three entire continents. All that's on there are the original two continents from the vanilla game.

In fact, even to the untrained eye you can see that Paradise City's map is down to an individual road level of detail, whereas on the WoW map you can't even make out the capital cities.

I'm calling foul.

Author:  Satsuma [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Call that a spoon? This is a spoon. ... -xju7q.jpg

Author:  Hearthly [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Well all we've got is a random map on the internet generated by 'someone' using 'some method'.

You can see individual trees on the Burny Pee map and they're claiming 200 miles squared, you can't even make out capital cities out on the WoW map and it's missing three continents and they're claiming 80 miles squared - so, y'know.....

Plus have you seen how tiny GTA:SA is on there? Meh, horseshit.

Author:  Hearthly [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Magical Burnout Paradise boats, as big as entire WoW zones!


Author:  Cras [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Hearthly wrote:
you can't even make out capital cities out on the WoW map and it's missing three continents and they're claiming 80 miles squared - so, y'know.....

WoW at launch, remember.

Author:  Hearthly [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Cras wrote:
Hearthly wrote:
you can't even make out capital cities out on the WoW map and it's missing three continents and they're claiming 80 miles squared - so, y'know.....

WoW at launch, remember.

Even in the launch version I'm still calling massive amounts of bullshit on that map.

Plus of course an awful lot of Burny Pee is 'dead space' since you're effectively bound to the roads, whereas in WoW you can basically go everywhere.

Plus, instances and raids, and underground areas, and phased areas, and so on.

Don't get me wrong, I bummed Burny Pee so hard I bought it at full price on two formats and totally maxed it out on both and bought all the DLC, but I'm not buying that its game world is as big as WoW's, at launch or at any other time.

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

I haven't checked and have no basis for the opinion, but I'm going to say that Secret of Mana on the SNES is the largest RPG map ever. In that game you get shot around the world in a fucking cannon.

Author:  Zio [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Daggerfall is meant to be crazy big, isn't it? The whole ting was procedurally generated a la Minecraft if I understand correctly.

I played World of Warcraft quite a bit when it first came out, right up to the Cataclysm expansion. The problem I had with it is a lot of the game simply can't be played solo and whenever I found a group to play with, the other members would inevitably have more time to sink into it than I do and would end up miles ahead of me in terms of levels. It'd become pointless, so I'd end up trying to find another group to join... but the same thing would happen. In the end, I just couldn't be arsed with it anymore. It's a shame, because it can be a great game and sometimes just exploring that amazing world can be fun all in itself.

Author:  Cras [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

The dungeons in Daggerfall were procedurally generated, but not the world map.

Author:  MaliA [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft


Daggerfall was superb. Even though everybody bunnyhopped everywhere to increase their acrobatic skill.

Author:  Cras [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Which was silly, because it made you level up, which made the enemies level up, and the only thing you were ever any good at was bouncing up and down, which isn't quite a vital self-defence skill (COD excepted).

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

Cras wrote:
Which was silly, because it made you level up, which made the enemies level up, and the only thing you were ever any good at was bouncing up and down, which isn't quite a vital self-defence skill (COD excepted).

As if you went for COD and not any of the millions of platform games that had you jumping over baddies.


Author:  Cras [ Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

The Beex COD team used to confuse and confound our enemies by jumping at them in formation. It was excellent comedy value, if entirely ineffectual.

Author:  asfish [ Tue Aug 05, 2014 7:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

I played this for a while, and ended up getting killed in seconds when I strayed off the path.

Not a bad game, but for me its just time. These days I get a couple of hours a week if I'm lucky to play PC games without interruption from my son.

He is crawling now so ends up in my PC room demanding I pick him up and let he get involved on the PC.

So guess I'll have to hold off until he is old enough to play!

Author:  romanista [ Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft

ah sort of started this last month too.. might be starting it up after reading this

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