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 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 14:52 
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Est. 1978

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Turns out I did it on page six, but spelt it wrong.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 12:15 
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Soopah red DS

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Hey Riddle Riddle have a (very untypical episode for them) chat with Ross Kimball (actor) about Jury Duty, if you want to cross some streams. "*Unlocked* Review Crew #44: Jury Duty w/Ross Kimball"

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 15:02 
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I've started a podcast and I'd love you all to listen to it... I'm ultra critical of these things and am already looking at ways of improving it so please, feel free to let me know what you think and of course, if you'd like to give it a positive review... I'd be forever in your debt!

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 17:41 
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Bad Girl

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Look, much love and all, but I couldn’t get past the first three minutes unfortunately. It all sounded a little bit like Capital FM radio DJs filling time. I really hated the name thing instantly. Is that how you converse in real life cause it kinda needed to be more real life for me to drift into listening in to a casual conversation between pals. Of course, if that’s how you normally have a conversation…

And if something is billed as being about people talking about “pineapples”, how am I supposed to know if this is something I want to listen to. Surely, SURELY, this needs to be retro video game centric doesn’t it!? If you had some good insights about Rise of the Robots I might even stick around!

Anyway, just my very ill thought out feelings. Again, much love to you, man, and respect for doing it in the first place.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2023 16:26 
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Heavy Metal Tough Guy

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Oh, I'll have a listen to this when I have some brain space!

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2023 17:10 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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I did actually listen to some of this and then totally forgot to say so. I listened to it the day you put it up, so a while ago, so I’ll give you my lasting impressions.

I think it needs to settle in a bit. You’re both intelligent, articulate, and interesting, but it does have that ‘brand new podcast’ feel. The other chappy (sorry, I’ve forgotten his name and can’t re-click it without losing what I’m typing) sounds a bit over-excited/eager, whereas you almost sound the opposite. Either so relaxed that you don’t seem too fussed, or maybe even a little reticent. Between the two of you it sounds like two different manifestations of first day nerves, but I think it will find its rhythm with time.

It also sounded, to me, like your friend had brought the content and you were the reactions guy, from the parts I listened to and remember, and coupled with the fact that he sounds louder, closer to the mic and more excitable than you, the dynamic feels a little imbalanced, but that might just be the bits I listened to. I think you personally need to have a bit more of the content, and just find the pace between you. I think it will work and you’ll find a natural pace and to and fro after a few episodes, and it will work lovely.


 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2023 23:31 
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Isn't that lovely?

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Make it YouTube and I'm more likely to consume it. I really struggle with podcasts/talk radio. The exact same content with video. I lap up.

Having said that, I have listened to the first 15 minutes or so. And yeah it does seem a bit too beginners.

So far your mate seems to be the less impressive one, but maybe that's 'cos I know you, whereas I don't know him.

I'll try and listen to the rest and finish my thoughts.

Where's the Kaboom? I was expecting an Earth shattering Kaboom!

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 21:41 
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Episode two of 'When it comes crashing down with Dan and Ross' is now available on your favourite podcast app.

This is an 80s movie special and once again, I'd welcome your comments. It's only our second go at this but I'm still enjoying it.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:38 
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Episode 3 of when it comes crashing down with Dan and Ross is now available!

Listen to it here. ... =copy-link

Honestly... It's fantastic!

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 15:45 
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Grim... wrote:
The final series of My Dad Wrote A Porno started today.

Just caught up.. It is quite sad it is all over..

MetalAngel wrote:
Kovacs: From 'unresponsive' to 'kebab' in 3.5 seconds

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 15:54 
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They're doing a "best of" right now, but it's a best of "them" rather than "the books", if you see what I mean.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 16:17 
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Master of dodgy spelling....

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Grim... wrote:
They're doing a "best of" right now, but it's a best of "them" rather than "the books", if you see what I mean.

Just seen them. I will pop on my list.

MetalAngel wrote:
Kovacs: From 'unresponsive' to 'kebab' in 3.5 seconds

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 10:39 
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Yesterday's day-long celebration of Shakespeare on Radio 3 was an absolute joy, with actors reading out classic speeches mixed around Bard-related tunes.

It's the kind of special event that works really well on live radio and reminded me just how much better Shakey is when taken out of the classroom.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 9:41 
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Radio 4, 18:30 yesterday: Ken Cheng: I Can School You

Enjoyed this stand-up routine about the school maths. Definitely going to listen to the rest of the series.
Hadn't heard any of Cheng's stuff before but I've seen him on No Rolls Barred a few times.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 18:35 
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The latest episode of my podcast is out... Episode 7 would you believe!

And they said it wouldn't make it past 6....

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 9:33 
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Missed it when it was broadcast last year but started listening yesterday to Mary Beard's six-part Being Roman with Mary Beard.

She's as engaging and enthusiastic about the subject as ever. Looking forward to hearing the rest.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2024 21:50 
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They said we'd never make it past 6 but here we are... Episode 9! ... ns-e2je39v

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Wed May 15, 2024 17:08 
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Dan wrote:
I've chosen Iceman, because he's better than Maverick.

I mean, okay, I guess that's subjective. He was top of the class, but then Mav had suffered some personal loss, and I doubt...

Dan wrote:
After all, he went back to teach at Top Gun, and Maverick never did.

WTAF, sir?! Not only is him going back to Miramar as an instructor the last scene of the movie (and he talks about it in the scene right before) it's LITERALLY THE ENTIRE PREMISE OF THE SEQUEL. On top of that, Iceman didn't become an instructor.

I swear to Vishnu, if y'all keep being so bad at 80s movies I'm going to come down there and throw VHS copies of Police Acadamy at you.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 9:02 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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Can anyone recommend a podcast that is good for kids aged 8-12, fact-based, science-y, good for road trips?

Ideally with adult hosts that aren’t really annoying?


 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:57 
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No Such Thing As A Fish would be my go-to there.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 13:07 
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Soopah red DS

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For one with some history (i.e. not currently releasing episodes, but plenty there), The Curious Cases of Rutherford & Fry.

Monthly, possibly more fun, A Problem Squared (Matt Parker and kid's Tv's Bec Hill).

And if you like that one, you might head for the occasional (15 episodes or so) A Podcast of Unnecessary Detail (Matt Parker again, his YouTube rival Steve Moulds and 'put it all in a song' Helen Arney).

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 13:44 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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Cheers both. I’ll get on and add both of those (I went off NoSuchThing a while ago for some reason, and haven’t made it back to listening, but I should catch a few more recent episodes). I don’t know those Podcasts, JBR, but they sound brilliant. Thank you!


 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 13:52 
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Smash Boom Best is a debate of which two thingd is the coolest

Mr Chris wrote:
MaliA isn't just the best thing on the internet - he's the best thing ever.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 14:53 
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Bad Girl

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Harry Hill has a family friendly one called Are We There Yet if you enjoy his schtick

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 15:30 
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Prince of Fops

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Wow in the World is good for general science and knowledge stuff, and Greeking Out is a brilliant series of retellings of the Greek myths and legends.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 23:38 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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Thanks everyone so much. I’ve loaded up with episodes for some road trippin’. Just had a quick listen to Greeking Out, which is great fun and one of the subjects Bean has studied this year, so I’m quite looking forwards to listening to some of those myself :D

I think I’ve got a good selection of episodes from all of those podcasts. Thanks folks! Absolute solid show of knowledge there, Beex Fam.


 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 21:16 
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Mimi wrote:
Can anyone recommend a podcast that is good for kids aged 8-12, fact-based, science-y, good for road trips?

Ideally with adult hosts that aren’t really annoying?

Far too late, but Science Vs. is my go-to. Sometimes they're not appropriate, but they make that very clear (and you can tell from the titles anyway).

At the other end of the spectrum, there's a pair of radio DJs from New Zealand who do a daily podcast of things they couldn't put on their radio show due to censorship, and it's fucking incredible. ... radio.html

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 21:33 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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Grim... wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Can anyone recommend a podcast that is good for kids aged 8-12, fact-based, science-y, good for road trips?

Ideally with adult hosts that aren’t really annoying?

Far too late, but Science Vs. is my go-to. Sometimes they're not appropriate, but they make that very clear (and you can tell from the titles anyway).

At the other end of the spectrum, there's a pair of radio DJs from New Zealand who do a daily podcast of things they couldn't put on their radio show due to censorship, and it's fucking incredible. ... radio.html

Thanks, Grim… I’ll take a look at the science one and see if I can make a playlist of appropriate episodes if it’s a good fit. Bean has started listening to podcasts a lot since our road trip.


 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2025 2:24 
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Est. 1978

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As the forum's undisputed expert on what podcasts to listen to, I strongly recommend the following:

Shipworm: a three-hour "audio movie" about a doctor who has to do the bidding of a stranger or his family will die. Excellently done.

The Hyacinth Disaster: a single-season sci-fi audio drama that starts out fairly jovial until you remember what the title is. Excellent stuff.

And if you're not listening to Midnight Burger, then lulz wtf n00b

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2025 9:56 
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Grim... wrote:
The Hyacinth Disaster: a single-season sci-fi audio drama that starts out fairly jovial until you remember what the title is. Excellent stuff.

The china's chipped at the candlelight supper?

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2025 10:19 
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And all the main cast end up kicking the bouquet.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 1:01 
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Just over 24 hours after Hurst got recognised on the streets as "one of those energy drink guys" he and I would like to invite you to be the inaugural listeners of the new sure-fire hit podcast Top Five Face Off.

I'm sure you're all very excited.

Episode 0 isn't ever going to air, we purely did it to see how it worked and what we need to do different next time, and I have a big list (starting with "sit in a room that doesn't echo"). If you could let me know what you think it would be most useful - we threw all of our ideas at the wall in this one and we need to know what sticks best.

If you're one of the TECHNICAL COOL KIDS then you know what to do with , otherwise you can listen on the website ( ) or download the episode to your phone or whatever. It's not on any of the big podcast sites yet (ie. Spotify, Apple, etc) because, like I said, this episode is going to be deleted in about a week.

Don't forget to vote once you've listened, we're testing that too!

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 2:00 
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ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Like the intro and outro music... is that something you commissioned, or was it AI?

I don't know if it's just something weird about the recording, like the noise cancellation, or the editing, but both of you almost sound like your sentences are being cut off ever so slightly too early -- not interrupting any words or anything, just the last millisecond of the sentence seems to just suddenly go silent. Almost makes both of you, but particularly you Grim..., sound like an AI-generated voice. In some parts it sounds sped up to 1.5x speed too. I couldn't hear any echo from the room or anything, so perhaps the audio is processed to remove it and that's why I'm hearing weirdness?

I like the format, I never really got into alcopops (or indeed, alcononpops) so I didn't resonate with the material as much as I might have done, but the back and forth between you was good. I liked the 'worst' bit just before announcing number one.

Always love a post-credits scene.

Top choice spoiler:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
I was very pleased at your choice of #1, Grim... -- despite the above, I did occasionally drink one, and Metz was always my favourite too.
Hurst's choice is good, but it's definitely not Metz.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 10:31 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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It’s really good. I don’t really have any notes, I’d listen to it as is. Your voice is made for listening to, Grim…, and there’s plenty of distinction between your voices (worst part of two-header podcasts is when both hosts sound the same). Being the same age as you both I remember all of the OG alcopops, but there would have been enough to enjoy even if I’d never heard of them.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
I remember tve Judderman quite distinctly, and I’m sure I saw that advert many more than two times?

Yeah, I’d say it was good to go.

I did try to skip forwards past the first musical interlude as I’m impatient and it went on a tad too long for me and wanted to just get the content. I assume a couple of the mid-chat ones are place-holders for ads?

Didn’t notice any vocal clipping, no echo either. Sound quality was good via the phone I was listening on, but I was holding it like a piece of toast, so who knows?


 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 10:36 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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Oh, if you build up a listener base it might be nice to have the poll include each option separately instead of grouped by host. I didn’t have a particular grouping of five I preferred (I voted anyway to help test the vote) but would be easier able to choose my favourite of all the drinks mentioned). I recognise you’d probably want decent listener numbers to make that meaningful, but I think it would work better.


 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 12:35 
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As this episode is going to go away soon, "Toast-Phoners" might be lost to time forever.

Or I might just say the exact same thing in the first episode.

Replies to @gazChap in order:

  • A fucking computer made it! All on its own! Well, apart from the lyrics. But; I know, right? Robo-Katy Perry has vibes.
  • the choppy audio almost certainly came from the fact that we were in an echo-y room and sharing a mic, so that will hopefully go away completely in the future when we start doing it remotely like sensible people. When you hear a particularly strange bit it'll be taking out a chair squeak :D
  • As this is only a "practice" and isn't going to be released, we deliberately chose a less interesting subject for the episode to "not waste one".

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 13:55 
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Bad Girl

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I’m only ten minutes in (I’ll have a listen to the rest later) and I’ve a headache forming so take the following with a pinch of salt:

The intro music fucking SLAPS.

Don’t “summarise” what you’ve just said: only 5 or 6 minutes in someone just lists what you’ve just been talking about. I know it’s natural to do this to fill in the space when talking especially when you want to move on, but try and either a) don’t do it or b) just edit it out.

Things like “The Coin of Destiny” don’t add anything. I would try not to include stuff like that. Even when, say, other Podcasters do that kind of thing, I’ll immediately switch off my brain or my interest will wander. When I listen to Podcasts I want a nice natural back and forth between people on topic or even just allowing someone to talk for a period without interruption.

It’s also very London Radio to me like you’re both talking to the audience when it just needs to be aimed at each other.

Great names by the way. Squirrel & Hurst just…sounds good.

Whoever has the deep voice should be the guy who talks most and introduces the show. It’s a very nice voice and quite distinctive. I think you’ve currently got it the wrong way around at the moment.

I don’t mean any disrespect to you guys, cause from what little I’ve heard, it still sounds like a good start. Episode 5? Did you have 4 other goes?

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 14:17 
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Est. 1978

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Nah, the previous four were for testing the website layout.

Thanks for that, though, I shall note it all down - although you'll prize the COIN of DESTINY from my cold, dead fingers.

Also I don't know which one of us has the deepest voice :D

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 14:32 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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He means you. You have the deepest voice by a long way. And I agree, I like listening to you speak, always have. You should read bedtime stories to weary adults.


 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 15:05 
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You're all far too southern. You need a nasal northerner on there

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 15:06 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 15:47 
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I'll give Rab C Nesbitt a call.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 16:49 
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 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 17:08 
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Isn't that lovely?

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I struggle with podcasts (and talking radio) as I feel I am missing out by not seeing the people, and then my brain wanders and I get distracted and stop paying attention.

However, I did enjoy that, I liked the format and the jingle, the audio was a bit off, but you've addressed that already, but the content was good. I liked the artifice of the coin and wheel.

The 2 things that would improve it for me:

1) Make this available on youtube as a video podcast (for the aforementioned reason)
2) Please don't say "without further ado" (this is a personal gripe, as I don't like it when "creators" use the phrase, you created the ado, if you didn't want further ado, don't create the ado in the first place, if you do want the ado, then accept that it, embrace it and don't mention it)

Oh and Hurst called you Grim... at one point, not a criticism just an observation. You may or may not be bothered about it.

Where's the Kaboom? I was expecting an Earth shattering Kaboom!

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 17:40 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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Malc wrote:

1) Make this available on youtube as a video podcast (for the aforementioned reason).

Please don’t ONLY put it on YouTube, though. I hate podcasts that are YouTube-only. Usually the visuals add nothing and it stops it being something perfect for travel, whilst working, or trying to sleep/rest. Basically, the opposite of Malc.


 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 21:57 
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Bad Girl

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Few more thoughts. I didn’t get on with the material, it was a bit too “Hey, remember that thing?” without much else behind it. It reminded me of the other starter podcast that was posted. Hey, remember that 80’s thing? Yeah. Hey, remember that other one? I think these types of Pods won’t have much staying power unless you do some type of preparation on the material unless, say, for an episode about drinks, it’s more visual like a, I don’t know, Drinkchamps. I liked the description of the combining two drinks or slagging off Babycham but there wasn’t much else in there other than “remember these names of things list”. I might be wrong but I remember someone listing a drink (no.2 or 3) and then saying it wasn’t like another drink and then describing the taste of the other drink but not the one they had listed. If you don’t describe the taste or anything about the drink then it’s just a list of names. Remember this drink, etc? Apart from one time, I don’t think you even had a drink. It’s a list of drinks!? Fucking drink the drinks (apart from the ones those don’t make. Obv)!

I don’t know, it just felt poorly thought out. You needed some talking points or some fun anecdotes or something.

I did like the musical interlude whilst you got a drink, it reminds me of the Here Comes The Guillotine pod where they play the same music between sections of chats to break it up.

I didn’t like the opening banter. I don’t like podcasts with opening banter. Say hello on your own time and chat about your week. Presumably it’ll be hard to attract new listeners who might click on your pod to hear about whatever topic is listed, and even a small amount of chat is enough to make me turn off when I want to hear about that topic even when it’s famous people.

That doghouseart was ace though. Mans can paint!

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 22:01 
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I think Sat enjoyed it

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 22:36 
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As much as he enjoys mine by the sound of things.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Wed Feb 12, 2025 0:09 
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DavPaz wrote:
You're all far too southern. You need a nasal northerner on there

I beg to differ. They're just not northern.

Apart from that, it's probably the first podcast I've listened to from beginning to end.

It's just two affable blokes, talking shit about stuff.

 Post subject: Re: Podcast RMD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2025 20:27 
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Prince of Fops

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Grim... wrote:
As the forum's undisputed expert on what podcasts to listen to, I strongly recommend the following:

Shipworm: a three-hour "audio movie" about a doctor who has to do the bidding of a stranger or his family will die. Excellently done.

The Hyacinth Disaster: a single-season sci-fi audio drama that starts out fairly jovial until you remember what the title is. Excellent stuff.

And if you're not listening to Midnight Burger, then lulz wtf n00b

I am listening to Midnight Burger on your recommendation and enjoying it a lot! So much so have introduced it to Fop the youngest. Swears aren't ideal but he hears worse in the car. But the story, characters and ideas outweigh the swears. He loves it.

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You are using the 'Ted' forum. Bill doesn't really exist any more. Bogus!
Want to help out with the hosting / advertising costs? That's very nice of you.
Are you on a mobile phone? Try
RIP, Owen. RIP, MrC. RIP, Dimmers.

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