Middle Age Spread
Doing something about it
Somehow ran 5 miles this morning, which given that I had food poisoning earlier in the week and haven't been running particularly consistently regardless, I'm going to call an absolute win.

Comfortably my longest run to date.
"Somehow" is rather underselling the smashing job you did of running 5 miles without stopping to walk and without seeming out of breath or particularly struggling!! :luv:
markg wrote:
Feels good afterwards, not so much at the time I don't find, not by the fourth one anyway.

I bought myself a waterrower and I love it. Quite spendy these things but I got it for cheap on ebay as it was all knackered and neglected when I picked it up from some footballers mansion house in Chester.

Should have taken some before pictures but I did a full repair shop on it. Stripped it down, sanded all the wood, a few coats of danish oil. Also the LCD and the buttons weren't working so took that all apart and fixed it, couple of new parts and now it's absolutely mint, so satisfying.


Anyway been doing 5K on that every day and then a bit of running as and when, my knees feel better than they have for years.

Keep a towel close by...

https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemayb ... &context=3
GazChap wrote:
Somehow ran 5 miles this morning, which given that I had food poisoning earlier in the week and haven't been running particularly consistently regardless, I'm going to call an absolute win.

Comfortably my longest run to date.

That is awesome, well done fella..
DavPaz wrote:
markg wrote:
Feels good afterwards, not so much at the time I don't find, not by the fourth one anyway.

I bought myself a waterrower and I love it. Quite spendy these things but I got it for cheap on ebay as it was all knackered and neglected when I picked it up from some footballers mansion house in Chester.

Should have taken some before pictures but I did a full repair shop on it. Stripped it down, sanded all the wood, a few coats of danish oil. Also the LCD and the buttons weren't working so took that all apart and fixed it, couple of new parts and now it's absolutely mint, so satisfying.


Anyway been doing 5K on that every day and then a bit of running as and when, my knees feel better than they have for years.

Keep a towel close by...

https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemayb ... &context=3

Having owned a rowing machine for over week now I think I can consider myself something of an expert on all matters related to rowing. His form was terrible and if he didn't cause that then he still deserved it.
GazChap wrote:
Somehow ran 5 miles this morning, which given that I had food poisoning earlier in the week and haven't been running particularly consistently regardless, I'm going to call an absolute win.

Comfortably my longest run to date.

Excellent stuff!

5 miles is a solid, and not insignificant distance (as is 3). Well done!
I weigh as much as I did 4 years ago when I started with my personal trainer.

However back then I couldn't bench 60kg or deadlift 80kg and I definitely couldn't leg press 327kg once, never mind eight times.

Unfortunately my trainer has got a job in the theatre so on a bittersweet note we're *really* pushing in this last few hours of my 12 hour cycle as she packs it in; 2 weeks ago was 227kg spectacularly adding 100kg today, recovering from a poo year dropping back from 302kg last Christmas.

Bench press next week, deadlift the week after. Not enough time to hit 100kg on either, but she's going to talk to the other PTs to see if anyone can take me on.
Bloody good job on that Water Rower! Although I’m trusting you that it was bad to begin with.
Ran (mostly) my first official 10K today, at Alton Towers!

Had to walk for most of the last 1.2 miles as my knee finally packed in just at the 8km marker. I really need to get it looked at, and I'll probably get a knee support strap thing as a temporary assist while waiting for appointments and such.

Anyway, official chip time was 1:12:01 -- 3 minutes slower than the 10K I ran with the group at Cottage, which is really irritating as that means without the walk at the end I probably would have smashed that to pieces.

Oh well, I've got Telford 10K in December, and then the London Winter Run in February, so plenty of opportunities.
Well done! Never mind the time, given the knee (and yes, pay for a physio asap, says me with painful knees). But revel in it - bit of trouble with a crucial joint, finished it anyway!
Another official 10K down, this time in Telford, and with the excellent company of Jem, myp and Fun Sally.

66:01 was my time. I’ll take that!
GazChap wrote:
Another official 10K down, this time in Telford, and with the excellent company of Jem, myp and Fun Sally.

66:01 was my time. I’ll take that!

Well done all!
New socks for London :)
I had an investment group put half my life savings into a gym. Lost it all. They didn't work out.
You just need to weight longer
Cras wrote:
When Trooper started this three, I weighed 242lb and I'd never so much as run for a bus.

Today I weigh 218lb, and I just ran 6K non-stop.

I'm over the flippin' moon.

Eleven years later (most of which spent with most of that weight put back on) and I've dropped below 200lb for the first time - this time of course it's all fat loss and no muscle, so I need to do something about that. Still, I'm quite pleased, even if it did involve falling down and having radical diet changes
I'm glad you're pleased about it!

Many schools of thought about how best to balance fat and muscle transitions but I doubt it really makes much difference to normal humans doing normal things - consistency and lack of extremity are the main things.
My training has been just sporadic enough that I've not regressed much in muscle/strength but have quite a lot in joint/connective tissue - my knees, elbows and wrists are *fucked*

Every week I hope to return to a regular 2 hours a week of PT but keep failing, next week will be no training again, annoyingly. But after that...
Never thought I would be out the door before quarter past six in the morning to face the darl, cold, wind, and rain to run for 45 mins. Disliked 23 of them and only tolerated the final 22 as I was headed home. Yet here I am.

Last Dinner Party's album absolutely bangs, mind.
Well done.. I was questioning my life choices in the wind and rain on Monday night..
I just use the rowing machine and watch some Netflix if its windy and cold. There's no sense in being fanatical about these things I don't think.
markg wrote:
I just use the rowing machine and watch some Netflix if its windy and cold. There's no sense in being fanatical about these things I don't think.

Don’t you live where it is always windy and cold?
No, sometimes it can just be windy or cold.
markg wrote:
I just use the rowing machine and watch some Netflix if its windy and cold. There's no sense in being fanatical about these things I don't think.

I don't have a machine and London Marathon draws near.
Mimi wrote:
markg wrote:
I just use the rowing machine and watch some Netflix if its windy and cold. There's no sense in being fanatical about these things I don't think.

Don’t you live where it is always windy and cold?

I was not prepared for quite how windy it is. I think they should turn the offshore turbines down at night.
Now I am bloody unwell, again.
MaliA wrote:
Now I am bloody unwell, again.

Get well soon fella.
I, well, I got a bit fat. So I feex it.


6 stone gone.

London Winter Run 10K done.

Official time was 1:04:13, but Strava reckons I did the 10K in 1:02:01.

Cheers to everyone that made a donation to Cancer Research UK as part of it all! If anyone else would like to, no matter how small, it's all appreciated and it's not too late!
Well done. Great effort.
Goodwork John + Gazchap!

62min 10k and 6 stone lost are both pretty bloody impressive achievements!
Six off my high score!
Managed an impromptu half marathon distance this morning. Fairly slowly but just really happy to have done it. Not ran that far for so long due to knee troubles.
markg wrote:
Managed an impromptu half marathon distance this morning. Fairly slowly but just really happy to have done it. Not ran that far for so long due to knee troubles.

I saw that, nicely done!
markg wrote:
Managed an impromptu half marathon distance this morning. Fairly slowly but just really happy to have done it. Not ran that far for so long due to knee troubles.

Most excellent! :metul:
Nay: My favoured pair of Magic Shoes* aren't for sale in my size (at a price I wish to pay) anywhere.

Yay: now they are Magic Shoes For Special Only, and will have two last hurrahs, most likely. Again

So it's the nice other pair most of the time now.

*Hoka One One Rocket X
Tried Hokas twice now and they just don't agree with my feet. Stuck with them for 700km despite blisters on the instep from the last ones. Scored some of my favourite Nikes for half price the other day though so happy again now.
I got 2 new pairs of magic shoes.
Bloody hell, Kov. They’re a bit tame for you.
Zardoz wrote:
Bloody hell, Kov. They’re a bit tame for you.

I know, they have subdued the colours... I am not happy :)
yes I will be like a chubby ninja..

Just ran 17 miles today, that was not fun...
Had you started tracking when you ran past my car this morning? It didn't seem to be on the map.
GazChap wrote:
Had you started tracking when you ran past my car this morning? It didn't seem to be on the map.

Probably the privacy settings?
Yes. Jem is right I have privacy settings on. It blurs your start and end.

I think it is to stop folks working out where you live.
Our very own myp has just persuaded me to enter a half marathon with him in August.

Poor guy is a glutton for punishment, he's only just done one literally yesterday! Silly sausage.
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