Poppies can fuck off as well, whilst I'm listing stuff I dislike.
I don’t know. I’m in two camps about it. I completely get what you are all saying, and I do think there was a sizeable crossover of people who were almost assuaging their guilt at having voted the current government in and standing on their doorsteps clapping for proles, but I also saw it on a more local level.

We ignored it the first five or so times, because it did seem so empty, but I was chatting to my Ma and she had said my brother had been having a really bad time. He had two young babies, and was working a job with a staff death rate many times more than the NHS workers, as he is a London bus driver. He works quite centrally, but his route does go through some residential streets near the bus station, and he happened to be there one week when people started clapping, and people were clapping towards him and kids waving, and it seemed to make him feel better that day.

So, that evening, I explained what was happening and asked if Darwin wanted to stay up, and I related it to people like his aunts and uncles, grandad, etc (who are bus drivers, teachers, bin man), and he banged a saucepan for a minute. And it was fine. Moreover, though we were only at the window of our flat it just let him see some other kids, where we’d felt cooped up because of shielding and hadn’t actually even seen other kids, so that was also good in a very selfish way. I think as long as I saw it as a bonding, supportive thing for children to do, I didn’t hate it as much.

I wouldn’t want it to happen again, and probably would have been more cynical if I didn’t have that experience of that one moment with a four year old, but I hoped it might be a ‘positive’ thing he might remember amongst all of the other big changes that kids were processing?

That’s probably wish wasn’t and just a twee hope, but I think it maybe helped young children be part of something they had no control nor blame in.
MaliA wrote:
Poppies can fuck off as well, whilst I'm listing stuff I dislike.

That’s one of the big downsides, yes. My next door neighbour was listening/watching for us at her window every one of the (ten?) weeks and would constantly text me ‘reminders’, and then surprised and disappointing messages that we didn’t take part. That’s no good.
Mimi wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Poppies can fuck off as well, whilst I'm listing stuff I dislike.

That’s one of the big downsides, yes. My next door neighbour was listening/watching for us at her window every one of the (ten?) weeks and would constantly text me ‘reminders’, and then surprised and disappointing messages that we didn’t take part. That’s no good.

That's... weird.
Clapping fascists are adjacent to poppy fascists
Jem wrote:
Mimi wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Poppies can fuck off as well, whilst I'm listing stuff I dislike.

That’s one of the big downsides, yes. My next door neighbour was listening/watching for us at her window every one of the (ten?) weeks and would constantly text me ‘reminders’, and then surprised and disappointing messages that we didn’t take part. That’s no good.

That's... weird.

Completely OT, but she sent me a picture of herself in her nightie a few nights ago. I assume by accident as I didn’t respond and she deleted it afterwards.

Then the next day she sent me picture of a big sparkly ring on her middle finger and said she was super excited as she’d just received it. I said it was lovely. Then she said I must not tell her mum as her mum didn’t know and it was a secret (she, the neighbour, is 45), so not quite understanding if it was an engagement ring or not (middle finger, but secret, mostly tell) said it was lovely, congrats. To which she said thanks, it was just from a friend. Don’t tell mum!
Weird Neighbours sending messages! I've got one.

She sent my wife a before and after of her boob job. Not just standard, here they are pictures but one of the pictures was of her posing in the bath. Would this be considered normal if they were best mates? Maybe, but my wife barely knows her.

That’s amazing.
They were... Sorry, I mean... It is isn't it?
Are we talking nips?
Satsuma wrote:
Are we talking nips?

Satsuma wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
Are we talking nips?


Nah, most of us are arseholes.
You guys have far better neighbours than I do.
Satsuma wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
Are we talking nips?


Yes. We're talking nips.
I'm pretty open and regularly send naked photos to friends, but I don't think I'd send them to my neighbours :S
That's when they become best friends
Mimi wrote:
Mimi wrote:
On Tuesday one of the teachers at D’s school tested positive, the next day, two more. The next day two more. Now over half the school is out due to it. They aren’t shutting the school, though. As it’s half term and so many staff have it I thought it would make more sense to extend the break by another week.

We’re in a bit of a pickle with this now. More than half the classes in D’s school now have a teacher who is currently isolating as they’ve tested positive, which isn’t great. However, we don’t *really* know the extent of it.

At least one teacher per class, we understand, but we asked just for a total number of staff with current covid cases, just so we could make an informed decision about whether Darwin should go in today, as it seems to have spread really rapidly through the teaching staff, but the school have phoned today to say that they won’t say the extent of the infections among staff. As there are usually 3-4 teachers and support staff per class (as a lot are part times and job share) it would seem odd if it spread between staff in different classes but not teachers and support staff that work together in the classes, not to mention other school staff.

I’m not sure if they are doing this in the grounds of GDPR, as other schools have been pretty transparent about the number of staff affected (though I’ve seen none to the extent of infections that are seemingly within this school), and other workplaces (factories, etc) publish the number of cases, so it just feels like they are not giving parents the full picture, and without the information I don’t know how we can make an informed decision :(

So today I am reluctantly homeschooling again. Not reluctantly because I mind doing it, but reluctant because of the circumstances I’m which I’ve taken him out for the time being, and because I feel so kept in the dark, and (most importantly) because he’ll be missing his friends.

I don’t think we can make the ‘right’ decision here. And I need a big hug and a dose of confidence :(

There’s been another message go out today asking parents to immediately come to school to collect their kids from one of the classes as their teacher had a positive covid test on Saturday 24th, the day after spending the sat with their class.

But somehow the school didn’t notify the parents of that class until just now, after all the kids have been back a day and a half.

... but those same kids are allowed to return to school next Monday, the 9th?

Honestly, it’s a shambles. If they had a positive covid test at the start of the half term why did they let the kids for that class back?
MaliA wrote:
Grim... wrote:
More of the self-congratulatory "clapping at 8pm for the NHS" bullshit to make people who do fuck all feel better about themselves.

Yeah, that , although teachers do do some stuff.

The NHS folk do do some stuff too, I've heard ;)

But it was never about them for 95% of people clapping (wild number picked out of the air), it was just virtue signalling a public act with very little associated cost that is intended to inform others of one's socially acceptable alignment on an issue.
Ugh, please don’t use that term
I think it perhaps genuinely started as a positive thing but became a way for a lot of people to assuage their guilty feeling at having voted in such a crap show and the resulting policies that damaged the services on which we were then leaning so heavily.

Do you remember when there was that attempt to ‘Clap For Boris’ after he infected himself licking covid ward patients?
The clapping thing was quite genuinely nice and appreciated by a lot of our staff the first time it happened. Just fucking lame when it turned into a weekly ceremony that gradually just fizzled out, though.
MaliA wrote:

Because it was created by the right-wing press to question the motives of anyone with privilege supporting oppressed minorities. And then seized upon by neo-nazis/the alt-right.
markg wrote:
The clapping thing was quite genuinely nice and appreciated by a lot of our staff the first time it happened. Just fucking lame when it turned into a weekly ceremony that gradually just fizzled out, though.

And it would have been better had it come with some extra meaningful government support generally and not cringeworthy platitudes like this

Mr Chonks wrote:
MaliA wrote:

Because it was created by the right-wing press to question the motives of anyone with privilege supporting oppressed minorities. And then seized upon by neo-nazis/the alt-right.

What's a good alternative?
MaliA wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
MaliA wrote:

Because it was created by the right-wing press to question the motives of anyone with privilege supporting oppressed minorities. And then seized upon by neo-nazis/the alt-right.

What's a good alternative?

raising awareness?
MaliA wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
MaliA wrote:

Because it was created by the right-wing press to question the motives of anyone with privilege supporting oppressed minorities. And then seized upon by neo-nazis/the alt-right.

What's a good alternative?

Not using it
Mimi wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Mimi wrote:
On Tuesday one of the teachers at D’s school tested positive, the next day, two more. The next day two more. Now over half the school is out due to it. They aren’t shutting the school, though. As it’s half term and so many staff have it I thought it would make more sense to extend the break by another week.

We’re in a bit of a pickle with this now. More than half the classes in D’s school now have a teacher who is currently isolating as they’ve tested positive, which isn’t great. However, we don’t *really* know the extent of it.

At least one teacher per class, we understand, but we asked just for a total number of staff with current covid cases, just so we could make an informed decision about whether Darwin should go in today, as it seems to have spread really rapidly through the teaching staff, but the school have phoned today to say that they won’t say the extent of the infections among staff. As there are usually 3-4 teachers and support staff per class (as a lot are part times and job share) it would seem odd if it spread between staff in different classes but not teachers and support staff that work together in the classes, not to mention other school staff.

I’m not sure if they are doing this in the grounds of GDPR, as other schools have been pretty transparent about the number of staff affected (though I’ve seen none to the extent of infections that are seemingly within this school), and other workplaces (factories, etc) publish the number of cases, so it just feels like they are not giving parents the full picture, and without the information I don’t know how we can make an informed decision :(

So today I am reluctantly homeschooling again. Not reluctantly because I mind doing it, but reluctant because of the circumstances I’m which I’ve taken him out for the time being, and because I feel so kept in the dark, and (most importantly) because he’ll be missing his friends.

I don’t think we can make the ‘right’ decision here. And I need a big hug and a dose of confidence :(

There’s been another message go out today asking parents to immediately come to school to collect their kids from one of the classes as their teacher had a positive covid test on Saturday 24th, the day after spending the sat with their class.

But somehow the school didn’t notify the parents of that class until just now, after all the kids have been back a day and a half.

... but those same kids are allowed to return to school next Monday, the 9th?

Honestly, it’s a shambles. If they had a positive covid test at the start of the half term why did they let the kids for that class back?

And now another teacher in who was in yesterday who has now tested positive.

I think that there’s literally only the reception classes left at the school now. But they are... staying open, and they are only pushing the messages out to the affected families so you can’t get an actual full picture, and they won’t say how many cases they’ve had.

At what point do they shut the bloody school?! This just cannot, cannot be right. How the hell do those few remaining staff try to feel safe now?
Mr Chonks wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
MaliA wrote:

Because it was created by the right-wing press to question the motives of anyone with privilege supporting oppressed minorities. And then seized upon by neo-nazis/the alt-right.

What's a good alternative?

Not using it

Or only using it very, very selectively, when it might really apply. Guessing the motivations of people clapping, even if that clapping mostly/often/sometimes/occasionally wasn't heard by anyone it was aimed at, is a mug's game. You'll be wrong. A lot.
JBR wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
MaliA wrote:

Because it was created by the right-wing press to question the motives of anyone with privilege supporting oppressed minorities. And then seized upon by neo-nazis/the alt-right.

What's a good alternative?

Not using it

Or only using it very, very selectively, when it might really apply.

It’s so-called “culture wars” term used by people who believe 5G gives you covid so I refuse to give it any sort of legitimacy.
Unlike the first lockdown, this time round the Shire's libraries are offering a click-and-collect service from the major branches, with books due back in January. As well as catalogue reservations, they're also offering a mystery selection of 6 books curated by libraries based on your tastes. I think this is a great idea, but I've just loaded up my ticket with quite a few things to keep me going to the end of the year already.
That's a good idea. Looks like my local library is doing the same thing, wonder if this is national? ... #libraries
Zardoz wrote:
wonder if this is national?

It isn’t, sadly.
I've got a library ticket. Don't think I've used it in over 20 years, after I exhausted my local Lib's meagre range of sci-fi, except when they started lending CD's and I borrowed Tori Amos' Little Earthquakes.
Liverpool in Tier two, and Manchester in Tier three, whilst London is tier two, despite large areas having higher rates than Manchester. Wonder why that decision was made?
It was made on the latest available science
Leicestershire was Tier 1 four weeks ago.

Now it’s Tier 3 all of a sudden.
Satsuma wrote:
Leicestershire was Tier 1 four weeks ago.

Now it’s Tier 3 all of a sudden.

It's not like they're making this shit up. Leicestershire & Rutland:
We are tier 2 here, which would have zero impact on me compared to tier 1.
Don't leave me out! Yay... Goooooooooo team!
Thousands can go and watch the footy, but can't discuss it in a pub after
Being a teacher during all of this is fucking nuts. We're filthy with it. Feel like lambs to the slaughter.

One of my teacher-friends has just lost his mum to it. The likelihood is, he was the route. The teachers have it. The corridors are like the (pre-lockdown) tube. The isolations we put in place is never enough to halt the spread. The national plan is to just let it spread and hope the half terms and holidays reset it.

Except this time it'll be xmas and everyone will go and see their elderly loved ones instead.
One kid has had an identifiable case at our primary school, but every single class has had at least one Covid positive teacher. We spoke to the headteacher about some concerns around the spread amongst the teachers, and she told us that there was no spread amongst the teachers (despite the fact that, for example, every single year 2 teacher tested positive on the same day and all the year one teachers tested positive three days later), and that it had initiated with each individual teacher’s family members from their own homes. Our little boy’s class was one of only three still attending as of last week, in a school where there are three classes per year, as all of the other classes had a covid positive teacher, including the nursery classes. Now those last three classes have all been sent home because their teachers have it.

Additionally, the kitchen that prepares the universal free school meals had staff members that tested positive, so it shut for two days for a deep clean, but the other colleagues weren’t sent home to isolate, and then started making sandwiches, etc for the kids again. Surprising nobody, ‘a number’ of those kitchen colleagues have now tested positive after making sandwiches for hundreds of kids who have just got back to school after being in isolation. So. Yeah.

On the flip side of this my brother is a teacher in a large academy in Brent, one of the worst hit areas of London. They’ve had a few pupil break-outs, but they’ve been dealt with swiftly, and so far have had only one case in their rather large teaching staff numbers.
It's amazing that they can tell that every single teacher caught it from another family member rather than their colleagues at work. With such insight they should replace Dido Harding at Track & Trace.
It *is* amazing, yes. Being so good at it would make you wonder why 100% of their classes somehow managed to have an infected teacher.

Localised herd immunity experiments are, seemingly, go.
My kid's school have had a couple of cases which has meant a whole class off for the isolation period both times, but despite my cynicism about the bubbles etc they must be doing something right as so far neither of the two positive cases (one child, one teaching assistant) have spread to others.

My ex's school, however, have got something like 90% of their kids off at the moment. That's a secondary though.
My boss is annoyed that we'll be in Tier 3 and he actually used the line "There's no evidence for any of this, just data". :blown:
devilman wrote:
My boss is annoyed that we'll be in Tier 3 and he actually used the line "There's no evidence for any of this, just data". :blown:

And we wonder why, people are struggling...
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