Be Excellent To Each Other

Bits and Bobs 30
Page 2 of 60

Author:  Dr Lave [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 21:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Craster wrote:
The galaxy truffles were always a bit shit though.

And The New King of Wrong King Craster in taking the Crown, as is tradition, escalates the wrong as is tradition.

A spectacular wrongness stated there. A true statement of wrong we need in this uncertain future. A beacon of hope in this sea of not-being-wrong.

All praise the new King of Wrong. Ruler of the Stupid and holder of the cackhanded sabre.

Author:  Bobbyaro [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 21:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Dr Lave wrote:
Craster wrote:
The galaxy truffles were always a bit shit though.

And The New King of Wrong King Craster in taking the Crown, as is tradition, escalates the wrong as is tradition.

A spectacular wrongness stated there. A true statement of wrong we need in this uncertain future. A beacon of hope in this sea of not-being-wrong.

All praise the new King of Wrong. Ruler of the Stupid and holder of the cackhanded sabre.

I think Lave may disagree

Author:  Malabelm [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 21:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Twix -> truffle.

Now, if they get rid of the those malteser things, there'll be trouble.

Author:  ApplePieOfDestiny [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 21:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Craster wrote:
The galaxy truffles were always a bit shit though.

How long until you can start drinking again? Your frayed edges are showing a little.

Fuck you buddy.

Author:  Cras [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 21:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
Craster wrote:
The galaxy truffles were always a bit shit though.

How long until you can start drinking again? Your frayed edges are showing a little.

Fuck you buddy.


Author:  Malc [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 21:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

One of my work colleagues has just posted this in their FB Stream:

PLEASE post this as your status if you know someone who has been eaten by badgers. Badgers are nearly unstoppable and, when hungry, also breathe fire. 71% of people won't copy this into their status because they have already been eaten by badgers. Another 28% won't because they are hiding in their showers with fire extinguishers awaiting the coming badgercalypse. The remaining 1% are awesome and will re-post.

Craster better watch out...


Author:  ApplePieOfDestiny [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 21:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Guess what? Calling The Times to cancel my subscription. Message tells me calls may be monitored or recorded - no shit Sherlock

Author:  kalmar [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 22:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
Guess what? Calling The Times to cancel my subscription. Message tells me calls may be monitored or recorded - no shit Sherlock


Author:  Dr Lave [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 22:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Aye thats tremendous APB.

Author:  Grim... [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 23:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Dr Lave wrote:
Talking of b3ta; do you know when you're on twitter and then you find out you live next store to the founder of b3ta and then he invites you round for tea.

I know him.

Author:  Warhead [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 23:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

And he knows you, too. I only know someone who knows him ... or do I?

Author:  chinnyhill10 [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 23:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Feeling a bit giddy. Just spaffed 900 sovs (well £775 ex VAT) on Adobe Production Premium due to Final Cut X not being fit for purpose and Adobe offering a 50% discount to hacked off Final Cut users.

Feels like going from the arms of one abusive partner to another.

Author:  MaliA [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Whilst I think of it, as I became most annoyed over it, did anyone hear the Today program, erm, yesterday? Specifically, the section on animal testing? The anti-animal testing woman was really lobbing half truths around. Such as:

"2/3rds of animal experiemnts are done without anaesthetic" - the science man (who seemed to be reasonable throughout, replied that breeding mice is consdiered to be an experiment

"9 out of 10 clinical trials on animal models fail, and the drug is never used" - that's the point though of testing them.

There were some other thigns, that I can't remember right now, but it really was gobsmacking how wrong she was about many things, but,s eemingly knowing this, kept trying to blur the proper facts with emotive fiction, and, also, disregarding we have dominion over the animals. The rpesenter didn't really help by asking her about if she thought her views would change if one of her children needed treatment.

It really made me quite cross that she was able to disseminate her rhetoric without an option for science to reply on a point by point basis.

Author:  Trooper [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Not going to the wedding, way too itchy for that. Mrs T is getting out of my way for the weekend, so it is a weekend of games for me!

Author:  MaliA [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Trooper wrote:
Not going to the wedding, way too itchy for that. Mrs T is getting out of my way for the weekend, so it is a weekend of games for me!

I'm going to a wedding this weekend, in Richmond. I'll ensure I have your champagne for you. I'm a good friend like that.

Author:  chinnyhill10 [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

MaliA wrote:
It really made me quite cross that she was able to disseminate her rhetoric without an option for science to reply on a point by point basis.

Yes, but would you want to be locked in a small confined studio with Dr Gaywood?

Author:  Warhead [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Disengagement has begun. Standing order for the rent for the office has been cancelled. Letter to landlord telling him we're bailing out at the end of the month because he failed to complete all the repairs stipulated in the lease and has also failed to arrange separate gas, electrickery and water supplies and metering from his adjacent property. Induction course for me on 26-28 July and my business partner starts a new job next Monday.


Author:  TheVision [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Trooper wrote:
Not going to the wedding, way too itchy for that. Mrs T is getting out of my way for the weekend, so it is a weekend of games for me!

This "itch" sounds useful. How does one catch it?

Author:  MaliA [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

TheVision wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Not going to the wedding, way too itchy for that. Mrs T is getting out of my way for the weekend, so it is a weekend of games for me!

This "itch" sounds useful. How does one catch it?

Wait seven years.

Author:  MaliA [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

chinnyhill10 wrote:
MaliA wrote:
It really made me quite cross that she was able to disseminate her rhetoric without an option for science to reply on a point by point basis.

Yes, but would you want to be locked in a small confined studio with Dr Gaywood?

<dignified silence>

Author:  Mr Russell [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Warhead wrote:
Disengagement has begun. Standing order for the rent for the office has been cancelled. Letter to landlord telling him we're bailing out at the end of the month because he failed to complete all the repairs stipulated in the lease and has also failed to arrange separate gas, electrickery and water supplies and metering from his adjacent property. Induction course for me on 26-28 July and my business partner starts a new job next Monday.


I'm sad things haven't worked out for you in this new venture, sir.

Author:  Warhead [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Longines Symphonette wrote:
Warhead wrote:
Disengagement has begun. Standing order for the rent for the office has been cancelled. Letter to landlord telling him we're bailing out at the end of the month because he failed to complete all the repairs stipulated in the lease and has also failed to arrange separate gas, electrickery and water supplies and metering from his adjacent property. Induction course for me on 26-28 July and my business partner starts a new job next Monday.


I'm sad things haven't worked out for you in this new venture, sir.


It's not a total loss. We have some Criminal Injury Compensation cases still being processed and we can continue to operate from home until our license expires at the end of Feb, so we're hoping to make enough from those and any more we can pick up to at least recoup our investment. We might even make a profit in the end.

Author:  MaliA [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Warhead wrote:
Longines Symphonette wrote:
Warhead wrote:
Disengagement has begun. Standing order for the rent for the office has been cancelled. Letter to landlord telling him we're bailing out at the end of the month because he failed to complete all the repairs stipulated in the lease and has also failed to arrange separate gas, electrickery and water supplies and metering from his adjacent property. Induction course for me on 26-28 July and my business partner starts a new job next Monday.


I'm sad things haven't worked out for you in this new venture, sir.


It's not a total loss. We have some Criminal Injury Compensation cases still being processed and we can continue to operate from home until our license expires at the end of Feb, so we're hoping to make enough from those and any more we can pick up to at least recoup our investment. We might even make a profit in the end.

Sorry to hear that. Good luck in the future, though.

Author:  Trooper [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

TheVision wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Not going to the wedding, way too itchy for that. Mrs T is getting out of my way for the weekend, so it is a weekend of games for me!

This "itch" sounds useful. How does one catch it?

Swim in an open air pool in Greece, get burrowed into by a parasite, body produces a fuck off amount of histamine to get rid of the bastard.

You could fake it, but you'll need a lot of red pen...

Author:  Zardoz [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

TheVision wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Not going to the wedding, way too itchy for that. Mrs T is getting out of my way for the weekend, so it is a weekend of games for me!

This "itch" sounds useful. How does one catch it?

Wipe your knob on the hotel curtains.

Author:  MaliA [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Trooper wrote:
body produces a fuck off amount of histamine to get rid of the bastard.

You could fake it, but you'll need a lot of red pen...

last year, I stumped the locum's medical science by reavelaing a rash on my upper body. She didn't know what it was, so asked the other female doctors to come and have a look.

I worked out, it was my taking two hayfever pills a day causing it.

Author:  Plissken [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

MaliA - Animal rights people fall into the same category as George Galloway, Arthur Scargill, Greenpeace etc. At heart, you know their arguments are right if the world was perfect, but they such unreasonable cunts that you can't help but want to strangle a bunny rabbit just to spite them.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

chinnyhill10 wrote:
Feeling a bit giddy. Just spaffed 900 sovs (well £775 ex VAT) on Adobe Production Premium due to Final Cut X not being fit for purpose and Adobe offering a 50% discount to hacked off Final Cut users.

Feels like going from the arms of one abusive partner to another.
Did FCP7 stop working or something?

Author:  Zardoz [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Yeah, like books did. :attitude:

Author:  Dr Lave [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Grim... wrote:
Dr Lave wrote:
Talking of b3ta; do you know when you're on twitter and then you find out you live next store to the founder of b3ta and then he invites you round for tea.

I know him.

Stranger and stranger. How? Cos of all that internet you do?

Author:  MaliA [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

This is what I will be seeing until half five this afternoon. Save for the time I get my hair cut at lunch.

Author:  Mr Russell [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Nice office, but can see far too many people's screens. No good for internet use.

Author:  Curiosity [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Would anybody know if you just went home, or to the pub?

Author:  Mr Russell [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Oh, I see. You were commenting on the emptiness due to everyone going to the races.

Were you not invited to the races?

You should have gone to the races.

Author:  Zardoz [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Hai British Gas!

Thanks for increasing our monthly Direct Debits then a month later tell us we are £180 in credit on our Gas and £80 in credit on our Electricity.

You fucking belms,



Author:  MaliA [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Curiosity wrote:
Would anybody know if you just went home, or to the pub?

I suspect the owner is going to call at least three times today. And the lawyer. So, me and the accounts girl (who is around the corner so I can't see her) kinda have to stay.

Author:  Mr Russell [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

On the plus side Zardoz, free money, as you'd already spent it.

Author:  MaliA [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Longines Symphonette wrote:
Oh, I see. You were commenting on the emptiness due to everyone going to the races.

Were you not invited to the races?

You should have gone to the races.

I don't want to talk about the races.

Author:  Mr Russell [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

MaliA wrote:
Longines Symphonette wrote:
Oh, I see. You were commenting on the emptiness due to everyone going to the races.

Were you not invited to the races?

You should have gone to the races.

I don't want to talk about the races.


Author:  Zardoz [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Longines Symphonette wrote:
On the plus side Zardoz, free money, as you'd already spent it.

Yeah, not going to ask for a refund, we'll leave it in the pot towards winter bills.

Author:  MaliA [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Oh, FFS, the lights are on motion detectors. The motion detector is around the corner from where I am. Every 10 minutes, I'm plunged into gloom. More so than usual.

Author:  ApplePieOfDestiny [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

MaliA wrote:
This is what I will be seeing until half five this afternoon. Save for the time I get my hair cut at lunch.

Cheeky wank?

Author:  Plissken [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

What’s your favorite thing about the races? Mine is the races.

The races
Gotta go to the races. Lady. Lady.
Oo. Oo. Oo. Lady. Oo. Lady. Oo. Let’s go to the races.

The races going to the races can’t wait.

The races. Trial. Puttin’ the system on trial. At the races. Race course. On trial. Guilty. Of being at the races! Going to the races jail!

Dad! I’m at the races!
I’m proud of you, son.
Dad, are you at the races?
Yes. Now we are a family again.

Author:  Zardoz [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

MaliA wrote:
Oh, FFS, the lights are on motion detectors. The motion detector is around the corner from where I am. Every 10 minutes, I'm plunged into gloom. More so than usual.


Author:  Zeppo [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

MaliA wrote:
Oh, FFS, the lights are on motion detectors. The motion detector is around the corner from where I am. Every 10 minutes, I'm plunged into gloom. More so than usual.

GazChap pointed this out to me - too funny!

Author:  kalmar [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

MaliA wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Would anybody know if you just went home, or to the pub?

I suspect the owner is going to call at least three times today. And the lawyer. So, me and the accounts girl (who is around the corner so I can't see her) kinda have to stay.

MaliA wrote:
Oh, FFS, the lights are on motion detectors. The motion detector is around the corner from where I am. Every 10 minutes, I'm plunged into gloom. More so than usual.

Events are conspiring to make you go around the corner and flirt with the accounts girl for a bit. Allow them.

Author:  DavPaz [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

MaliA wrote:
Oh, FFS, the lights are on motion detectors. The motion detector is around the corner from where I am. Every 10 minutes, I'm plunged into gloom. More so than usual.

Move around the corner.

I'm thinking office chair jousting with the accounts girl.

Author:  ApplePieOfDestiny [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

If it makes you feel any better Malia, for every consecutive friday since the beginning of April, I am the only one of four tax partners who have spent any time in the office on a friday afternoon. This includes the weeks that I was on holiday, and our head of division insisted that at least one partner be around to ensure cover.

Once again, I have just got it in the neck for this state of affairs, rather than it being taken up with the wankers concerned.

Author:  Warhead [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Zardoz wrote:
Hai British Gas!

Thanks for increasing our monthly Direct Debits then a month later tell us we are £180 in credit on our Gas and £80 in credit on our Electricity.

You fucking belms,



I feel your pain. For years, with a variety of gas/elektrik suppliers, I my balance has gone up and down like a bride's nighty and I've ended up either in debt in the spring, and having my payments racked up, or with a ton of credit and getting a refund. In the end I calculated my consumption for eight quarters, allowed a bit for inflation, and then mailed them once I'd got my account pretty much at zero balance to tell them how much I should pay and to stop changing my DD as it evened out over the year. Generally that's worked well, although they still try to reduce the amount from time to time, but I keep heading them off before they actually make the change.

The whole fucking point is to even out the payments and keep things predictable, but I don't know if it's the eejits in their offices, or their Micky Mouse software, but every now and again they try to fart around with my payments even now.

Be strong. Make them do what YOU want.

Author:  Zardoz [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

I bet you weren't invited to the races because you've been set up for a hidden camera show.

Any minute now, Christopher Biggins with mince through in a shit disguise asking you for a cup of sugar.

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