Be Excellent To Each Other

Bits and Bobs 30
Page 8 of 60

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Grim... wrote:
I just saw this lorry:
Is that supposed to be readable?

Author:  Alarm [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Squirt wrote:
I think we should have a "freaky housemate pooping in bags" thread. These stories are funny, yet quite scary at the same time.

I'll post some anecdotes from my student days in that thread, for example, "shower webcam expulsion," "I'm not using that shower as it is full of blood" and "mmm, stained mattress double-dip". :D :(

Author:  GazChap [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

I saw a bus driving through Shrewsbury yesterday with blacked out windows and livery all over it advertising the new Peugeot 308 (I think) with a tagline along the lines of "You'll feel like you can fly."

On the roof of the bus was a Peugeut 308.

Author:  Zardoz [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

GazChap wrote:
I saw a bus driving through Shrewsbury yesterday with blacked out windows and livery all over it advertising the new Peugeot 308 (I think) with a tagline along the lines of "You'll feel like you can fly."

On the roof of the bus was Orville.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

GazChap wrote:
I saw a bus driving through Shrewsbury yesterday with blacked out windows and livery all over it advertising the new Peugeot 308 (I think) with a tagline along the lines of "You'll feel like you can fly."

On the roof of the bus was a Peugeut 308.
Someone needs to call Boeing with this technological breakthrough.

Author:  nickachu [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Found the perfect job for me in Göteborg with AZ doing formulation.

Applied yesterday, now just gotta hope I don't get a rejection!

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Claiming 30-50% increase in efficiency.

Author:  Nik [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Curiosity wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Ghetto solution: you could probably wire a polarity inverter dongle from a few quid in parts from Maplin/eBay, assuming it's a standard barrel connector. Then keep one next to each PSU and put a bright reminder sticker on the enclosures that need the dongle.

I would love to see a ghetto where wiring polarity inverter dongles is commonplace...

"'Cause if there's one thing that he don't need, it's another type of drive enclosure to feed..."

Author:  chinnyhill10 [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Good news: The office space I was looking at on Friday rang back to tell me their £50 a month coms package was not limited to 1GB (combined in and out).

Bad news: No, it's 10GB.

£50 a month for a phoneline and 10GB? You'd have to be some kind of doughnut to take up that offer.

Chinnyhill's search for a new office continues......

Author:  zaphod79 [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Nik wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Ghetto solution: you could probably wire a polarity inverter dongle from a few quid in parts from Maplin/eBay, assuming it's a standard barrel connector. Then keep one next to each PSU and put a bright reminder sticker on the enclosures that need the dongle.

I would love to see a ghetto where wiring polarity inverter dongles is commonplace...

"'Cause if there's one thing that he don't need, it's another type of drive enclosure to feed..."

<cartman voice> In the Ghetto .....
</cartman voice>

On the change on the standard power cable - todays XKCD


Author:  Warhead [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Today, I mostly can't be arsed.

Author:  Trooper [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Today, I will be mostly installing OSX Lion, preparing for a client meeting tomorrow and playing WoW...

Author:  chinnyhill10 [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Trooper wrote:
Today, I will be mostly installing OSX Lion, preparing for a client meeting tomorrow and playing WoW...

Always glad there's some mugs out there prepared to test these things for the rest of us. :DD

Personally I'll be waiting a couple of months until all the drivers and software has been updated.

Author:  Trooper [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

chinnyhill10 wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Today, I will be mostly installing OSX Lion, preparing for a client meeting tomorrow and playing WoW...

Always glad there's some mugs out there prepared to test these things for the rest of us. :DD

Personally I'll be waiting a couple of months until all the drivers and software has been updated.


I don't do anything strenuous or out of the ordinary on the iMac, as long as my Boxee box still links to it, that's all that matters ;) (plus sickbeard still works)
I'm assuming Word, Powerpoint and Excel will be fine, which is what I mainly use other than a browser.

The work laptop will be staying on SL for the time being :)

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

chinnyhill10 wrote:
Personally I'll be waiting a couple of months until all the drivers and software has been updated.
Uhh, what drivers and software would you be waiting on? I can't think of any third party drivers on my Mac.

Author:  Curiosity [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Nik wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Ghetto solution: you could probably wire a polarity inverter dongle from a few quid in parts from Maplin/eBay, assuming it's a standard barrel connector. Then keep one next to each PSU and put a bright reminder sticker on the enclosures that need the dongle.

I would love to see a ghetto where wiring polarity inverter dongles is commonplace...

"'Cause if there's one thing that he don't need, it's another type of drive enclosure to feed..."


Author:  chinnyhill10 [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
chinnyhill10 wrote:
Personally I'll be waiting a couple of months until all the drivers and software has been updated.
Uhh, what drivers and software would you be waiting on? I can't think of any third party drivers on my Mac.

Camera drivers and software from Sony for starters. Took them a couple of months last time (they actually initially said 6 months until everyone went mental). They seemingly can't write anything that doesn't break with an OS update.

Both my Xerox printers went down last time as well. The main one was fixed fairly easily, the combo scanner unit took more time and hunting around.

If Snow Leopard is anything to go by I expect other things to break. In short, I'll let the people desperate to drink the Apple Kool Aid go first considering I'd quite like to be able to do small things like print and transfer footage in.

Author:  Curiosity [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

The already-bleak mood at the company has been further darkened with the (admittedly anticipated) announcement of a great number of redundancies, and the outsourcing of many functions to India. All redundant workers get 1 week per year of service. Ouch.

The remaining staff are not so much walking or rushing towards the door, but are grabbing their CVs and embarking upon a mad scramble to try to leave this godforsaken place.

Author:  Malabelm [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Curiosity wrote:
The already-bleak mood at the company has been further darkened with the (admittedly anticipated) announcement of a great number of redundancies, and the outsourcing of many functions to India. All redundant workers get 1 week per year of service. Ouch.

The remaining staff are not so much walking or rushing towards the door, but are grabbing their CVs and embarking upon a mad scramble to try to leave this godforsaken place.

Sounds like pretty great timing on your part to me.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

chinnyhill10 wrote:
Camera drivers and software from Sony for starters. Took them a couple of months last time (they actually initially said 6 months until everyone went mental). They seemingly can't write anything that doesn't break with an OS update.
If Snow Leopard is anything to go by I expect other things to break. In short, I'll let the people desperate to drink the Apple Kool Aid go first considering I'd quite like to be able to do small things like print and transfer footage in.
As you've hinted though, that's more Sony's fault than it is Apple's. Particularly in the Leopard -> SL change, which was really very minimal; I wouldn't expect many breaking changes in Lion either (and I've not heard any horror stories from the (many) people running the beta).

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Curiosity wrote:
The already-bleak mood at the company has been further darkened with the (admittedly anticipated) announcement of a great number of redundancies, and the outsourcing of many functions to India. All redundant workers get 1 week per year of service. Ouch.

The remaining staff are not so much walking or rushing towards the door, but are grabbing their CVs and embarking upon a mad scramble to try to leave this godforsaken place.

Sorry to hear that.

Author:  Cras [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Curio don't care, he's already on his notice period.

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Craster wrote:
Curio don't care, he's already on his notice period.

Oh, aye, but it's still a shitty environment for others, and to work in even on notice, I suspect.

Author:  Mr Russell [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Craster wrote:
Curio don't care, he's already on his notice period.

Which is better for everyone else, as it leaves one more space available.

One week pay and notice per year of service is sadly the standard redundancy, and then only if you've worked for the company for over 2 years.

I've now been at risk of redundancy for 13 months, and as such have banged an extra year's service under my belt, which is great news for a potential redundancy package, but shit from helping me feel at all settled in life. I don't even have a pension or a mortgage FFS and I'm nearly 30.

And I didn't get the web design job either.

Author:  chinnyhill10 [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
As you've hinted though, that's more Sony's fault than it is Apple's. Particularly in the Leopard -> SL change, which was really very minimal; I wouldn't expect many breaking changes in Lion either (and I've not heard any horror stories from the (many) people running the beta).

Makes little odds though does it? At the end of the day if something is broken and doesn't have an updated driver, you are stuffed. Better to wait as reports already indicate that this upgrade is more of the same from Sony.

Author:  Malabelm [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Longines Symphonette wrote:
And I didn't get the web design job either.

Bugger. Did you get some feedback?

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

[quote="Longines Symphonette] And I didn't get the web design job either.[/quote]

Sorry to hear that. I'm sure did well, though.

Author:  Trooper [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Longines Symphonette wrote:
Craster wrote:
Curio don't care, he's already on his notice period.

Which is better for everyone else, as it leaves one more space available.

One week pay and notice per year of service is sadly the standard redundancy, and then only if you've worked for the company for over 2 years.

They can even go down to 1 weeks statutory pay per year can't they? Which is about £250 IIRC

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Trooper wrote:
Longines Symphonette wrote:
Craster wrote:
Curio don't care, he's already on his notice period.

Which is better for everyone else, as it leaves one more space available.

One week pay and notice per year of service is sadly the standard redundancy, and then only if you've worked for the company for over 2 years.

They can even go down to 1 weeks statutory pay per year can't they? Which is about £250 IIRC

1 weeks pay, capped at £350.

Author:  Trooper [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

I knew it ended in 50 :D

Author:  DBSnappa [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Trooper wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Dr G, we didn't take time out from scrapping with Napoleon to go all the fucking way to Washington, burn down the US capital building, because frankly, awesome, and return to fighting with France for you, 117 years later, to pop over there and bring their bad habits back with you.
I can't think of an equivalent British English neologism. Can you?

I would have used "makeshift" or "jerryrigged" or "adhoc"

Or if it's a monumental bodge job, I like the phrase "lash-up"

Author:  Mr Russell [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Malabelm wrote:
Longines Symphonette wrote:
And I didn't get the web design job either.

Bugger. Did you get some feedback?

Cheers Belm and MaliA. Wasn't fishing for sympathy :)

I just got that they were going with a candidate with more experience in the field, higher skills etc.
I wasn't happy with my submission anyway as the only graphics program I had available was Paint and The Gimp, neither of which I have normally used, so I couldn't get as much awesomeness into the design as I wanted, and I know it will have counted against me.

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

This morning is dragging somewhat.

Author:  KovacsC [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Yes it is, been in since 7.... Not home till tomorrow.. :(

Author:  Zardoz [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

After looking at Lego Mechs on Flickr yesterday I crumbled last night and bought myself a couple of boxes when I popped out for bread.

Sneaking them in the house so Mrs Z didn't see them made me rather giddy.

I HAZ LEGO!!!!1 :metul: :luv:

Author:  Mr Russell [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

More threads and talking please: it's a slow day at work.

Author:  Zardoz [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30


These are good! ... 340975628/

Author:  Zardoz [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 13:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

*spluffs* ... -tank.html

Author:  ApplePieOfDestiny [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 13:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Curiosity wrote:
All redundant workers get 1 week per year of service. Ouch.

Thats... not legal. I can only assume its Statutory plus one week.

Ah, sort of (it was the over 40s I was thinking of)

•0.5 week’s pay for each full year of service where your age was under 22
•1 week’s pay for each full year of service where your age was 22 or above, but under 41
•1.5 week’s pay for each full year of service where your age was 41 or above

However, the salary cap which I had forgotten about is of course piss low by the standards of Curiositys employers, so the one week of actual salary will be higher than minimum

Author:  Mr Russell [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 13:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
All redundant workers get 1 week per year of service. Ouch.

Thats... not legal. I can only assume its Statutory plus one week.

Not legal? It's one week's pay and notice per year worked (above two years). Anything above that is down to the company's generosity.

Author:  Trooper [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 13:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

OSX Lion downloading and new Macbook Airs, just in time for my work laptop update :D

Author:  Malc [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 13:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Hah, I just said: "I didn't come down here for a lesson in communism!"

Context: There was a competion recently where the development team that earnt the most CDC money per member would win a ipad2 along with the best sales team winning some android tablet.

Developer 1: We don't do CDC work so weren't able to try and win the ipad
Me: Well there wasn't even a competition for support, but sales and development got the chance to win a tablet
Developer 2: You get pizza bought once a month, what more do you want?
Developer 1: Yeah, we don't get to eat 2 slices of meat feast every month?
Me: Oh yeah, £3 worth of cold pizza if we're lucky, and I don't even like pizza
Developer 1: Don't come whining about your sour grapes
Me: I didn't come down here for a lesson in communism


Author:  chinnyhill10 [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 14:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Malc wrote:
Hah, I just said: "I didn't come down here for a lecture on communism!"


Still, 908 Bananas.

Author:  Warhead [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 14:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Malc wrote:
Hah, I just said: "I didn't come down here for a lesson in communism!"

Context: There was a competion recently where the development team that earnt the most CDC money per member would win a ipad2 along with the best sales team winning some android tablet.

Developer 1: We don't do CDC work so weren't able to try and win the ipad
Me: Well there wasn't even a competition for support, but sales and development got the chance to win a tablet
Developer 2: You get pizza bought once a month, what more do you want?
Developer 1: Yeah, we don't get to eat 2 slices of meat feast every month?
Me: Oh yeah, £3 worth of cold pizza if we're lucky, and I don't even like pizza
Developer 1: Don't come whining about your sour grapes
Me: I didn't come down here for a lesson in communism



Author:  MaliA [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 14:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Someone, in the office, on a call, just now:

"It's a good story, but show me the money"

I exist in a chick flick.

Author:  sinister agent [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 15:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

MaliA wrote:
Someone, in the office, on a call, just now:

"It's a good story, but show me the money"

I exist in a chick flick.

All you need now is an annoying child with a big head....

Author:  Wullie [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 15:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

Malc wrote:
There was a competion recently where the development team that earnt the most CDC money per member would win a ipad2 along with the best sales team winning some android tablet.
This is money?

Author:  DavPaz [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 15:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30


Author:  Wullie [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 16:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30


Author:  Zardoz [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 16:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 30

What's a CDC?

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