Be Excellent To Each Other

Political Banter and Debate Thread
Page 245 of 289

Author:  Trooper [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 14:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

"He also described Mr Campbell as someone who has "chosen insult and condemnation as his style", and said the blogger cannot expect to be able to "hold others to a higher standard of respect than he is willing himself to adopt."

That seems key in the decision as to whether to award damages.

Author:  Dr Zoidberg [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 14:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

I can’t help but think of this.

Author:  Satsuma [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 14:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Grim... wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
From the judgement:

Had I been awarding damages, those damages would have been assessed at £100.


I’m not sure how costs work in Scotland but at the very least he’s thrown a shitload of cash at his own lawyers.

Damages != costs, right?

No, damages are the remedy he wanted (eg. An award for being defamed) and costs are the lawyers fees.

In England & Wales the usual rule (subject to a load of exceptions and other rules) is that the loser pays the winners legal costs (in addition to any damages if the loser is also the defendant).

I don’t know how it works in Scotland but the last paragraph says the parties are seek to agree “expenses” which could be the lawyers fees. Soooo, SC “may” have to pay his own fees and the MPs. But then again he might challenge that as well. It’s a complex business.

Author:  Grim... [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 14:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Surprised you didn't just ask him.


No judgement was made by the sheriff on costs, which remain to be settled.

Author:  Satsuma [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 14:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

I see that comment now on his page, no, that wasn’t me. Just has a cursory look and the rules look similar to E&W. He might have purchased ATE Insurance to cover any adverse costs orders though. A 3 day trial would be bloody expensive though.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 15:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

This is sobering, and I fear too much of it will come to pass: ... l-11695821

Author:  zaphod79 [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 15:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
This is sobering, and I fear too much of it will come to pass: ... l-11695821

This is the bit that also makes me think we are soooooo soooo f#cked ... 4893381632

New party - single issue - loads of 'dark' money backers

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 15:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

"if you don't vote for us THEY'LL get in'

Check out @OwenJones84’s Tweet: ... 0519694337

Author:  Grim... [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 15:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

I fucking hate that shit so much. Cockends.

Aren't they PR elections anyway?

Author:  zaphod79 [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 16:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Grim... wrote:
I fucking hate that shit so much. Cockends.

Aren't they PR elections anyway?

They are.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 16:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

MaliA wrote:
"if you don't vote for us THEY'LL get in'
Neatly skipping over how Labour's unwillingness to support remain has made it a non-viable option for many voters.

Also: there is a dreadful, dreary cynicism about tactical voting in a European election entirely on British domestic issues. I get why people are doing it, but fuck me, what a terrible state we are in if people are heading to the polls with no thought at all given to the fact they are electing representatives to sit in Brussels on their behalf for perhaps five years, and what those representatives might do there.

Author:  Cras [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 16:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

I wouldn't say it was only on domestic issues. Farage has shown that anti-EU MEPs don't do the job they're paid to do. Don't turn up to debates, votes, or committee meetings. I think it's reasonable to assume that any Brexit Party MEP would be a shitty MEP for all issues affecting Europe.

Author:  myp [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 16:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Cras wrote:
I wouldn't say it was only on domestic issues. Farage has shown that anti-EU MEPs don't do the job they're paid to do. Don't turn up to debates, votes, or committee meetings. I think it's reasonable to assume that any Brexit Party MEP would be a shitty MEP for all issues affecting Europe.

Yet they lead the polls by five points

Author:  Satsuma [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 17:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread ... 74181.html

I can’t wait to go down to the newsagents for a Porn Pass. “Margaret, can I get a 7 day pass for ‘bangin grannies’ please? Here’s my drivers license, home address and passport. Oh, and completely unrelated, can I have a family sized tub of lube too? Ta.”

Author:  Dr Zoidberg [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 17:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Satsuma wrote:

I can’t wait to go down to the newsagents for a Porn Pass. “Margaret, can I get a 7 day pass for ‘bangin grannies’ please? Here’s my drivers license, home address and passport. Oh, and completely unrelated, can I have a family sized tub of lube too? Ta.”

This will last about 30 seconds before a bunch of horny teenagers are circulating lists of non-uk porn sites or instructions on which free or dirt cheap VPN client works best.

I totally get the need to stop young children receiving sex-ed from porn but I'm very sceptical about how effective this will be.

Author:  Kern [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 19:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

zaphod79 wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I fucking hate that shit so much. Cockends.

Aren't they PR elections anyway?

They are.

It's a regional system rather than a national one, so the arrangement of the parties does matter if you'll fighting for, say, the three seats in the North East of England. Still better than FPTP though.

Author:  Kern [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 19:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Also: there is a dreadful, dreary cynicism about tactical voting in a European election entirely on British domestic issues. I get why people are doing it, but fuck me, what a terrible state we are in if people are heading to the polls with no thought at all given to the fact they are electing representatives to sit in Brussels on their behalf for perhaps five years, and what those representatives might do there.

Quite. Especially since now the Parliament essentially elects the head of the commission. The Tories are bit screwed on this as they're no longer in the EPP so haven't been involved in picking their candidate.

I find talk of 'winning' the European Elections a bit misleading. The 'winners' would be the largest grouping in the Parliament itself, not of the UK contigent. But, heigh-ho.

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 20:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Check out @georgegalloway’s Tweet: ... 1785065472

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 20:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

I prefer this side by side version: ... 1026450433

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 20:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I prefer this side by side version: ... 1026450433

Hahahaha. Ace!

Author:  Satsuma [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 21:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Grim... wrote:
Surprised you didn't just ask him.


No judgement was made by the sheriff on costs, which remain to be settled.

So I did ask him as a comment on his page, words to the effect “Did you have ATE Insurance to cover an adverse costs order?” because (a) I’m nosey but genuinely interested how defamation cases are funded in Scotland since reading about this case, and (b) there’s a few people in the comments talking about ‘crowdfunding an appeal’ or I’ve donated £20 to ‘the cause’ and so on and just wondered whether he’d tell them his case is funded so there’s no need to give money (if the case ends here) since the adverse costs would be covered.

Anyway, the comment sat there as “awaiting moderation” and I’ve just checked and it’s nowhere to be found. Obviously it didn’t pass moderation.

I doubt he’ll appeal anyway if the laws are similar to E&W. In E&W the courts don’t really entertain appeals on damages at all. The trial judge is in the best position to assess damages having heard all the evidence and had all relevant factors in mind when giving his judgment. So even if he feels aggrieved at the outcome even if he did successfully appeal he’d probably still only get £100 and a kick up the arse for wasting everyone’s time for a de minimis amount of cash. He’d probably get bitch slapped on costs (again).

Author:  Pundabaya [ Wed Apr 17, 2019 23:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Seems like Stu is as good at regular law as he is at Newton's First Law.

Author:  Trooper [ Fri Apr 19, 2019 9:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Turns out Ukraine is just as crazy as the UK and the USA.

Author:  Kern [ Tue Apr 23, 2019 12:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Mr Trump gets his State Visit in June. This will be fun.

Author:  Curiosity [ Tue Apr 23, 2019 12:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Trooper wrote:

Turns out Ukraine is just as crazy as the UK and the USA.

I’m going to see Bill Pullman in a play tonight. I shall let him know that he is now well qualified to be POTUS.

Author:  Warhead [ Tue Apr 23, 2019 12:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Trooper wrote:

Turns out Ukraine is just as crazy as the UK and the USA.

Russian sock puppet votes will have carried that result, I bet.

Author:  Kern [ Wed May 01, 2019 8:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

The Japanese Empreror has abdicated in favour of his son. Breakfast must be fun at the Windsors' this morning.

Author:  Zardoz [ Wed May 01, 2019 9:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread


Author:  Kern [ Thu May 02, 2019 8:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Well done Fiona Onasanya. First MP to lose their seat under the Recall of MPs Act 2015! And all because you drove too fast.


Author:  myp [ Thu May 02, 2019 8:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Kern wrote:
Well done Fiona Onasanya. First MP to lose their seat under the Recall of MPs Act 2015! And all because you drove too fast.


I thought it was harsh until I read she lied about it.

Author:  Kern [ Thu May 02, 2019 8:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Chris Huhne is not an appropriate role-model.

Author:  myp [ Thu May 02, 2019 8:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

However it’s interesting that Ian Paisley, a white man, survived his recall petition.

Author:  DavPaz [ Thu May 02, 2019 8:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Mr Chonks wrote:
However it’s interesting that Ian Paisley, a white man, survived his recall petition.

Well it's a also a swing seat with a tiny majority, so...

Author:  Kern [ Thu May 02, 2019 8:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

County Antrim is well-known for its diversity.

Author:  Trooper [ Thu May 02, 2019 9:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Here's a crazy idea, not sure if anyone has thought about this.
Maybe it wasn't about race or gender?

Author:  Kern [ Thu May 02, 2019 9:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

So, Gavin Williamson then. Guilty?

Given the tone of the Prime Minister's letter, I doubt she would have written it without being confident in it. After all, if she were the firing time, Chris Grayling would long ago have become an answer in a history quiz.

Author:  MaliA [ Thu May 02, 2019 10:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

I will vote Green. I'll not risk a vote for Labour being seen as an endorsement of the Labour party's Brexit policy, nor its leadership.

Author:  Kern [ Thu May 02, 2019 10:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Haven't voted yet. Will do so this afternoon.

Was rather tempted by the payment for poll clerking but decided I didn't fancy spending 17 hours in a village hall in darkest West Oxfordshire.

Author:  Squirt [ Thu May 02, 2019 10:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Kern wrote:
So, Gavin Williamson then. Guilty?

Given the tone of the Prime Minister's letter, I doubt she would have written it without being confident in it. After all, if she were the firing time, Chris Grayling would long ago have become an answer in a history quiz.

Leaks from the NSC would be investigated by Special Branch or MI5, surely? They can't risk that sort of stuff getting out. 5G infratructure might not be Super Double Secret, but other info in those meetings would be. I can imagine the PM getting briefed by the security services on any leak of this type.

Author:  Zardoz [ Thu May 02, 2019 10:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

MaliA wrote:
I will vote Green. I'll not risk a vote for Labour being seen as an endorsement of the Labour party's Brexit policy, nor its leadership.

Not an option for the local election here, only Lab or Con.

Author:  Malc [ Thu May 02, 2019 10:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Zardoz wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I will vote Green. I'll not risk a vote for Labour being seen as an endorsement of the Labour party's Brexit policy, nor its leadership.

Not an option for the local election here, only Lab or Con.

I have 2 Con, 1 Lab and 1 Lib Dem. I have to pick 2 of them! (A long time ago, I decided I would never vote for the Conservatives or Labour [unless something major happened to shift that pov] so that leaves the Lib Dems [whom I have voted for before]) which is far from ideal, in your situation I think I would just spoil the paper.

Author:  Trooper [ Thu May 02, 2019 10:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

No local elections here. My council has fucked up so bad, they can't afford to run them...

Author:  MaliA [ Thu May 02, 2019 10:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Check out @OwenJones84’s Tweet: ... 6850975745

Oh, do fuck off.

It's Animal Farm and he is Squealer.

Author:  Zardoz [ Thu May 02, 2019 10:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Malc wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I will vote Green. I'll not risk a vote for Labour being seen as an endorsement of the Labour party's Brexit policy, nor its leadership.

Not an option for the local election here, only Lab or Con.

I have 2 Con, 1 Lab and 1 Lib Dem. I have to pick 2 of them! (A long time ago, I decided I would never vote for the Conservatives or Labour [unless something major happened to shift that pov] so that leaves the Lib Dems [whom I have voted for before]) which is far from ideal, in your situation I think I would just spoil the paper.

Yeah two here as well, there are two labour and two conservative candidates.

Guess it'll be labour only because I hate the conservatives more.

Author:  myp [ Thu May 02, 2019 15:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Trooper wrote:
Here's a crazy idea, not sure if anyone has thought about this.
Maybe it wasn't about race or gender?

Wow, a middle class, straight, white man says something is not about race or gender. I should listen to this

Author:  Trooper [ Thu May 02, 2019 16:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Mr Chonks wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Here's a crazy idea, not sure if anyone has thought about this.
Maybe it wasn't about race or gender?

Wow, a middle class, straight, white man says something is not about race or gender. I should listen to this

Wow, a middle class, straight, white man says something is about race or gender, I should listen to this.

Author:  myp [ Thu May 02, 2019 16:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Trooper wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Here's a crazy idea, not sure if anyone has thought about this.
Maybe it wasn't about race or gender?

Wow, a middle class, straight, white man says something is not about race or gender. I should listen to this

Wow, a middle class, straight, white man says something is about race or gender, I should listen to this.

I am not all of those things, but that is beside the point: I am repeating the words of those who are not any of those things, so I will defer to them on this. You just sound like the gammons who've said that exact same thing hundreds of times before. The staunch brave defender of the status quo. :shrug:

Author:  Malc [ Thu May 02, 2019 16:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Black politicians get far more abuse than white ones and face harsher scrutiny for their actions
Female politicians get far more abuse than male ones and face harsher scrutiny for their actions
Left leaning politicians face harsher scrutiny for their actions than right leaning one (in the MSM)

I don't know if this black, female left leaning politician has been recalled because she is those things, but I think it's more likely to happen to her than a white male, right leaning politician.

Author:  Trooper [ Thu May 02, 2019 16:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Mr Chonks wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Here's a crazy idea, not sure if anyone has thought about this.
Maybe it wasn't about race or gender?

Wow, a middle class, straight, white man says something is not about race or gender. I should listen to this

Wow, a middle class, straight, white man says something is about race or gender, I should listen to this.

I am not all of those things, but that is beside the point:

It's entirely the point.
You're as much all of those things as I am, or did you make an assumption about me, based on how I look and my gender.
Interesting. ;)

Author:  myp [ Thu May 02, 2019 16:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Political Banter and Debate Thread

Trooper wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Here's a crazy idea, not sure if anyone has thought about this.
Maybe it wasn't about race or gender?

Wow, a middle class, straight, white man says something is not about race or gender. I should listen to this

Wow, a middle class, straight, white man says something is about race or gender, I should listen to this.

I am not all of those things, but that is beside the point:

It's entirely the point.
You're as much all of those things as I am, or did you make an assumption about me, based on how I look and my gender.
Interesting. ;)

Wow, I’ve literally never heard this facile argument before. Please continue to blow my mind

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