Bezzie Mates Burning Out
Curiosity specifically requested L4D on Tuesday!

BAD Curio! Basket!
Curiosity is a massive twat.
I never got into Burnout Paradise myself, but I understood from my readings here that there was a huge amount to love about it.

Reading BTL in Christian Donlan's effusive review, I hadn't realised there was so much ire towards the game.

Eurogamer Burny P Redux Review
This was almost 10 years ago! 8)
Findus Fop wrote:
I never got into Burnout Paradise myself, but I understood from my readings here that there was a huge amount to love about it.

Reading BTL in Christian Donlan's effusive review, I hadn't realised there was so much ire towards the game.

Eurogamer Burny P Redux Review

People seem to oddly think that the game is about racing rather than completing the multiplayer challenges.
It's about hats.
Zardoz wrote:
It's about hats.
Oh, guess that doesn’t work :D
Cras wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
I never got into Burnout Paradise myself, but I understood from my readings here that there was a huge amount to love about it.

Reading BTL in Christian Donlan's effusive review, I hadn't realised there was so much ire towards the game.

Eurogamer Burny P Redux Review

People seem to oddly think that the game is about racing rather than completing the multiplayer challenges.

It was both. Only someone who is very bad at racing would say that.
Lonewolves wrote:
Curiosity is a massive twat.

I like that for close to 6 years, this was the final word in the thread :DD
Curiosity wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Curiosity is a massive twat.

I like that for close to 6 years, this was the final word in the thread :DD

It's evergreen too!
Lonewolves wrote:
Cras wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
I never got into Burnout Paradise myself, but I understood from my readings here that there was a huge amount to love about it.

Reading BTL in Christian Donlan's effusive review, I hadn't realised there was so much ire towards the game.

Eurogamer Burny P Redux Review

People seem to oddly think that the game is about racing rather than completing the multiplayer challenges.

It was both. Only someone who is very bad at racing would say that.

No. I mean, yes. But no.
I must confess things like this are almost enough to me make me want to drop the cash for a One X and a new big telly.

I'll wait for the PC version though, as that never got the Big Surf Island update, and will cost a lot less than a One X and a new big telly.

Eurogamer says they have done some enhancements on the remaster but that fundamentally it's the same game, and the 360 original ran at 720p@FPS so it's not like the framerate is getting any better.

TBH I hope this sells by the absolute bucketload almost as a consumer kickback against modern microtransaction/lootbox infested nonsense. ... -a-pc-port
had hoped for a slightly lower price...

but if you're all buying it this week on ps4, i might just follow..
(otherwise i'll wait to first sale)
Ok, already succumbed too it.. downloading now
I spent an hour on a single Burning Route last night, one on which a good time is just over 60 seconds. I could have actually completed it on any single run, but I was determined to get a nice run, and a time I was happy with.

It's just such deliriously good fun to play.

When one of Chopley's Awesome Playlist's quieter tracks comes on, I go off driving around the city looking for gates, jumps, and billboards to smash through.
Spent a while on this one last night, and then realised there was a better way of doing it.

90 minutes play for a total of one mark on my licence, but crikey it was fun.

I'll have another crack tonight, I reckon sub 1m50s is possible.


Just like driving over the mountain.
Got it under 1m55s but had a really bad corner at the end.

I think under 1m50s is definitely possible on a totally clean run.

Not even Red Dead is getting a look-in at the moment, it's just Burnout Paradise Remastered all the way.

(EDIT - The Project Cars/Monkey Dicks thing is for the benefit of my PC spod chums who won't stop going on about fucking tyre setups in their godawful fucking tedious simulator horseshit games. You know what simulates driving a real car REALLY WELL? Driving a real car.)


I have had 1:51:something but the cameras weren't rolling for that.

Also, this isn't all I've been doing in the game, I do now have my BURNOUT LICENCE so have seen the end credits roll and it's now a question of finishing off every last objective on the map to properly complete the game.

Truly awesome experience, almost worth the XB1X entry fee all by itself. (Despite the fact I've already finished it twice before, on 360 and then PC.)

Enjoy some 4K loveliness, iterating on a Burning Route until I got it right.

Looks best in 4K, natch.

Findus Fop wrote:

Very tempted. Is anyone still playing it second time around?
That's a no then.
I got a chunk of the way through getting to my final licence but kind of ran out of steam with it at that point, (other games took over), had a lot of fun with it though and didn't feel short-changed on the purchase price. Didn't do any online/multiplayer stuff.

If you can get it for £12 or so then you can't really go wrong.
I'm only interested in rekindling the Bezzies. I've finished the single player before.
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