Avatar explanation thread: pictorial demystification
For a long time my avatar was of Phil Oakey because (a) I like Human League and (b) I thought it was a good picture and (c) I plan to have something similar to his trademark haircut some day.


I thought that since I've moved two forums since I had that avatar it was time for a change. So now my avatar is Skywarp, who I think is the coolest looking transformer in a colour scheme of black and purple. I didn't think the Transformers movie was that great, but it did revive my old love for the toys. I've just ordered this model of Skywarp from eBay and am looking forward to its arrival with extreme anticipation.

So. Can someone explain why myoptika, Davydd Grimm and Mr Dave all have almost identical avatars?
I think Dimrill drew the avatars for them, in their own image.
Indeed. I did drawded them as they asked for it, the whores.
My name is Bluecup.

My picture is of a blue cup.

Pretty simple if you think about it.
I am totally a fanboy for Calvin and Hobbes. I want a Hobbes. So much so that I'm tempted to buy a little stuffed tiger and attempt to will it into life.

So there you are.
When i first was signing up for games forums i thought hard about my avatar.. it would have to represent a game i liked a lot, it would have to have character, i wouldn't mind a bit of nice animation, but not to much, and it couldn't be mario or sonic... as Cadmium did alreasy have a balling swos bloke, i decided to go for a mario kart one, and when i fouind this one i fell in love, he's so cheerfull..

and dimrill drew me based on a photo and this avatar last week
I mentioned this on the old forum and I'll do it again:
It's the very first appearance of (and reaction to) Superman (in Action Comics #1) .

Why is Superman smashing the shit out of a car? There is no evidence these people are criminals. They are just despairing at it all.

I love it. I actually think it's profound. The more I look at the picture the more absurd it becomes.
KevR wrote:
I think Dimrill drew the avatars for them, in their own image.

This is true.

A couple people have asked me if I actually look like that, so I'd been thinking of putting up part of the article it was originally from for context. This was about the 5th entry in (deliberately crap) pulling techniques having seen a program on the subject which offered up completely rubbish advice - except this one actually expected you to use said techniques (and filmed some guy using them). The only one I can now remember was "Take off your glasses and rub your face", which was naturally the first item on our list, except we rubbed with fury.

Pulling guide
I cobbled mine together from a static shot of some old C64 demo and a font I liked the look of. All done in paintbrush of course. I haven't changed it in about 4 years, firstly because I like it, but also because I can't be bothered to do a new one.

By the way, does anyone else think this emoticon - :ugeek: looks like Jeremy Kyle's sidekick, Graham?

I should like to stab Jeremy Kyle slowly to death with a leaky ballpoint pen.

I have only caught the show once or twice for a few minutes at a time, but it is so very hateful. It's like 'Trisha' but worse, somehow. How can anything be worse than Trisha? I truly do not know.
Yeah, it's horrible but compelling. He's a twat of the highest order and some of his guests just defy belief. Jerry Springer and all those American shows can't hope to compete when it comes to inbred, tracksuit wearing pond life.
Mine is from an episode of Futurama where an annoyed Professor announces "If anyone needs me I'll be in the angry dome!"

A touch later when they fly out of base you can see him in the background doing what my little smiley is doing.

I know, bt what is the sow other than 'let's point and laugh at chavs who are actually often having a really tough time'. Those kinds of shows make me feel angry, and he (Jeremy Kyle) is a smug git with an air of superiority that hangs over him like some kind of force field.
My avatar has been cunningly updated. I like using the same one, but wanted to jazz it up a 'lil.
Mimi wrote:
I know, bt what is the sow other than 'let's point and laugh at chavs who are actually often having a really tough time'. Those kinds of shows make me feel angry, and he (Jeremy Kyle) is a smug git with an air of superiority that hangs over him like some kind of force field.

Well, they volunteer to go on don't forget.
I know. I can't understand it. I wonder if they get a fee? I can't imagine why anyone would want to go on and have their mess of a life thrown out to all of TV-dom.

Zardoz - the clown in your avatar scares me.
Mine's off Futurama.
<- Young Mia Fey in her first court case, out of Phoenix Wright.
My avatar is a modified picture of Neal X from Sigue Sigue Sputnik. It's also related to my forum name because the name comes from some years ago when I was roleplaying regularly. I had a character called Nire who was a futuristic rock star with big pink hair. He lived on Jhenge. Often the name Nire is taken on the internet so I added the planet name Jhenge to the name to make it unique to me. So there you go it's effectively a picture of a futuristic rock star from another planet. Just like me!*

*Okay maybe not

Also I heartily approve of Thomasdavi liking the human league and wishing to copy Phil's old hair do. I'm going to see them live on the 20th of April. Hurrah!
Mimi wrote:
I know. I can't understand it. I wonder if they get a fee? I can't imagine why anyone would want to go on and have their mess of a life thrown out to all of TV-dom.

They must just like the attention, which makes them fair game in my eyes.
Anyway, sorry, back on topic.
Mimi wrote:
I know, bt what is the sow other than 'let's point and laugh at chavs who are actually often having a really tough time'. Those kinds of shows make me feel angry, and he (Jeremy Kyle) is a smug git with an air of superiority that hangs over him like some kind of force field.

This. This. A thousand times this. It's basically tuppence to visit the inmates at Bedlam.

Oh, and my avatar is the iconic recurring image from Watchmen, as any fule no.
Dudley wrote:
Mine is from an episode of Futurama where an annoyed Professor announces "If anyone needs me I'll be in the angry dome!"

A touch later when they fly out of base you can see him in the background doing what my little smiley is doing.

I love your avatar, Dudley. It always makes me smile.
Bluecup wrote:
My name is Bluecup.

My picture is of a blue cup.

Pretty simple if you think about it.

Do you like Adventure Game Studio?
My avatar (and my temp sig refers) is of Pamela Brown of the wonderful film 'I Know Where I'm Going' by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger.


Basically I think that Pamela Brown is the most wonderful and fanciable woman in the history of cinema, and thus I have arbitarily decided to use her visage as my avatar for no discernable reason.

Probably at some point I shall use Dimrill's splendid drawing of me. Until then, I think I'll have a rotating cast of Powell & Pressburger actors such as Leslie Howard, Deborah Kerr, Eric Portman and Roger Livesey. Yes, Powell & Pressburger are certainly my most favourite movie makers of all time and I love their films like I love, well, Calvin & Hobbes.

Now go and watch 'The Life & Death of Colonel Blimp'. And the above referenced film for the 'wild woman' Pamela Brown.

Also: Big hurrah for Dudley's classic awesome of an avatar, and Mr Chris's wise and judicious choice.
My avatar is terrifying in its' accuracy.
Mimi wrote:
Zardoz - the clown in your avatar scares me.

What clown?
Pod wrote:
Bluecup wrote:
My name is Bluecup.

My picture is of a blue cup.

Pretty simple if you think about it.

Do you like Adventure Game Studio?

Nope, I even had to look it up on Wikipedia to see what the connection was.

My name came from the fact I was drinking from a blue cup at the time I was trying to think of a name. Really imaginative.
Mine's a Gibson Les Paul, as I share a birthday with Les Paul. Date, not year, obv.
Who is 'The Paul'?
I redrew a lot of Azrael from this picture.

Azrael is very awesome.
Mine is kitty from south park, she is cartman's cat.
She likes to meow alot and pot pies.
She also likes to be a whore and get high on catnip.
Davydd Grimm wrote:
Who is 'The Paul'?

Some Paul, yesterday.
I KNEW that was supposed to be Azreal, MrD - even though it is redrawn from a soft toy and not the cartoon figure. Azreal IS awesome, as you can hear what he is saying even though he just mews. Do you remember Johan? When I talk to people of the smurfs, no-one remembers Johan, only Gargamel and Peewit/Peewee.
I'm the first half of the Grim Reaper.

SteONorDar wrote:
Davydd Grimm wrote:
Who is 'The Paul'?

Some Paul, yesterday.

Kerry King has let himself go.
Mine is a crappy t'internet meme, redone with Soul Calibur characters.
Because i love Calvin and Hobbes and this is one of my favourite images from it, despite neither Calvin or Hobbes featuring in it.
Mine is a photo of me.

Actually, it's from the cover of the Story of Horace by Alice M. Coats. A childhood favourite of my fiancée.

Grim... wrote:
I'm the first half of the Grim Reaper.


I'd never noticed we both had Grim Reapers in our avatars before. Spooky.
Sam's your daddy. All o' y'all's daddy.
Mimi wrote:
I KNEW that was supposed to be Azreal, MrD - even though it is redrawn from a soft toy and not the cartoon figure. Azreal IS awesome, as you can hear what he is saying even though he just mews. Do you remember Johan? When I talk to people of the smurfs, no-one remembers Johan, only Gargamel and Peewit/Peewee.

Who can forget Johan? (Everybody, because he's a very forgettable character. :/)

My hair goes like his when I wash it.
Mine is a rocket-shaped postcard I got from Sega back in the halcyon days of the Dreamcast, to promote the release of Chu Chu Rocket.

I liked it so much I took a photo and touched it up a bit in photoshop. Hey presto! (Almost) instant avatar!
Mine is obviously my dark lord Cthulu...it was going to be the false colour portrait of his Lordship Vivian Stanshall that I used on Bistro but I didn't have it on the laptop I was using at the time.

My WoS avatar is just a piccie of me passed out at a Halloween fancy dress party as a Resovoir Dog after consuming far too much (is there such a thing?) red wine (or medicine as I like to call it).
Mine is from the purely brilliant Dr. Seuss.


Oddly appropriate right now!
Mine is a sheep. Supersheep from Worms, in fact.

Sheep are awesome.

That is all.
Mine is the character Whomper from Moominsummer Madness by Tove Janssen. It's actually far from my favourite Moomin book, but Whomper rocks my socks. On a sockish tangent, I love the way Janssen draws the feet of her various humanoid creatures like Whomper and Too-Ticky.


Barring the safety pin, this is pretty much my default attire - heavy dark coat and scarf, scruffy hair (albeit dark and flatter) and cynical expression.
Whomper wrote:
Mine is the character Whomper from Moominsummer Madness by Tove Janssen. It's actually far from my favourite Moomin book, but Whomper rocks my socks. On a sockish tangent, I love the way Janssen draws the feet of her various humanoid creatures like Whomper and Too-Ticky.


Barring the safety pin, this is pretty much my default attire - heavy dark coat and scarf, scruffy hair (albeit dark and flatter) and cynical expression.

I visited the Moomin Museum in Tampere, Finland.

Purely because I was impressed that such a thing could exist.
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