Bits and Bobs
What's a 'skullet'?
I think it's a haircut like the one featured in the photo.
Oh gosh, I hate the long hair with baldness thrown in thing - like an extra long shower curtain of hair around a pumpkin, it looks awful. If you're bald, go with it. Nothing makes a man look older and more noticeably bald then trying to hide his baldness.

EDIT: except Bill Baily. He can have one as he is aceness.

EDIT 2: Its even worse in this form, just.
I used to want an afro, but now I want a skullet. I am going bald on top, but lack the fortitude to grow the sides/back.
You need one of these, Dimrill:
Actually, I want hair like this:
This is an unconvincing wig:
Aaaaaah. I suddenly see. "Skullet" is a combination of "skull" and "mullet". Very clever.
I thought it was a type of frying pan.
Tch! Wimmin! [runs like a very runny thing]

[gets stitch]
Mimi wrote:
I thought it was a type of frying pan.

A type of frying pan used by Jerry for stoving Tom's skull in.

That was a pune or play on words.
Now you're just being silly, Mimi.
I am a bit drinky, and I have an A1 canvas to be printed and framed and shit like that. Which is cool. Although Mrs A's friend just called and she is away and I was drunked at her. Ooops. So I have to go to Silverstone soonest for press photos about this sort of shit. Mrs A is unlikly to be pleased.
Oh... dear...

(I am quoting this so that you can read it back in the morning, in case you delete it...)

I am a bit drinky, and I have an A1 canvas to be printed and framed and shit like that. Which is cool. Although Mrs A's friend just called and she is away and I was drunked at her. Ooops. So I have to go to Silverstone soonest for press photos about this sort of shit. Mrs A is unlikly to be pleased.
Dimrill wrote:
I used to want an afro, but now I want a skullet. I am going bald on top, but lack the fortitude to grow the sides/back.

I am rapidly heading towards skulletdom, but don't want to cut my hair as I know I won't grow it back again...
But hey, it's a good excuse to wear hats :)
Mimi wrote:
Oh... dear...

(I am quoting this so that you can read it back in the morning, in case you delete it...)

I am a bit drinky, and I have an A1 canvas to be printed and framed and shit like that. Which is cool. Although Mrs A's friend just called and she is away and I was drunked at her. Ooops. So I have to go to Silverstone soonest for press photos about this sort of shit. Mrs A is unlikly to be pleased.

I want this photo in A1 in my living room ... uct_id=103

or one of me.

Or something.

I am close to resubbing to internet spaceships OR ordering xbox live.

Fucksocksm my pizza

Someone pick one from here for me, and make a shortlist...
More people should wear hats. I think we should go back to the 1940's, were EVERYONE wore a hat. I think I'm going to start wearing a fedora.
I have a leather "outback" hat that's like a fedora. It took me 4 years to find one to my liking and now I wear it near enough every time I go out of the house.
Dimrill wrote:

Even though it clearly is, I would never had thought to use him as an example.
Squirt wrote:
More people should wear hats. I think we should go back to the 1940's, were EVERYONE wore a hat. I think I'm going to start wearing a fedora.

I have an ancient black trilby I wear a fair bit. Need more hats, though.
MaliA wrote:
Fucksocksm my pizza

I think Mali speaks for us all.
Craster wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Fucksocksm my pizza

I think Mali speaks for us all.

I both love and loathe you for that and now have to pick overcooked pizza out of the keyboard.
The hard drive in this ageing laptop has just started tapping out the rhythm of the Doctor Who bassline / The Sound of Drums.

It's still doing it, and I'm scared.
Remember kids...

Drink + internet + pride does not work.

Drink + xbox + having to store your controller in air tight box, however, does.
I think he may be referring to myself getting so pissed during a Halo night that I sang a rainbow over my controller and woke up on the kitchen floor at 1am.
That is indeed nice going.

Now I'm stuck at work late for no reason other than I play football on Wednesdays and my kcik-off time this week is 8pm, which is a stupid time and gives me three hours to kill (admittedly forty of those minutes will be spent travelling and changing into different clothes).

Curiosity wrote:
Now I'm stuck at work late for no reason other than I play football on Wednesdays and my kcik-off time this week is 8pm, which is a stupid time and gives me three hours to kill

Surely you have some risk to manage?
I can go and stand on a wobbly ladder or something if required - that'll need managing. Maybe someone else can run with scissors.
Craster wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Now I'm stuck at work late for no reason other than I play football on Wednesdays and my kcik-off time this week is 8pm, which is a stupid time and gives me three hours to kill

Surely you have some risk to manage?

If the risk is "being at work late for no reason", consider that ball dropped.
Squirt wrote:
More people should wear hats. I think we should go back to the 1940's, were EVERYONE wore a hat. I think I'm going to start wearing a fedora.


And baseball caps should be eradicated.

Today, I have been mostly sleeping. Thank christ. My new bed is super-comfortable yet supportive, and I have somewhere to put my clothes and a couple of books. I had some grapes. They were delicious. Thank you all for your kind words (Duds - we have to move eventually because of the baby - the flat's too small for a sprog and either way the estate agent and site staff are useless - we asked for new batteries for the fire alarms in the communal stairs as they were beeping, and they responded by taking the old batteries out and ... going home. Why we had to move immediately and not, say, this weekend, is sheer impatience).

I am at work, writing a letter and editing photographs. One of my best friends has set a rough wedding date for May 2010, so can't come to visit. Apparently that makes sense, but she's rather foolishly invited me so I'll just have to ruin the wedding. I have two years to plan exactly how. Any suggestions?
2010? Isn't that, like, in the future? Flying cars and shit? It seems so far away...
Aye. It's kind of alarming to think about. I was supposed to be Sub-Overlord of New Europe by 2007, but I've hardly even had anyone stabbed yet.

When I was in school, I wrote a 'futuristic' horror story set in 2012. Pleasingly, the world was more or less the same, except the police here were armed and half the country was living in abject poverty.

sinister agent wrote:
One of my best friends has set a rough wedding date for May 2010, so can't come to visit. Apparently that makes sense, but she's rather foolishly invited me so I'll just have to ruin the wedding. I have two years to plan exactly how. Any suggestions?

Get yourself sent inside.
sinister agent wrote:
I am at work, writing a letter and editing photographs. One of my best friends has set a rough wedding date for May 2010, so can't come to visit. Apparently that makes sense, but she's rather foolishly invited me so I'll just have to ruin the wedding. I have two years to plan exactly how. Any suggestions?

By being the best guest possible. The bride and groom will have driven themselves mental by thinking of every possible way you could ruin it. Job done, and no effort on your part.

Any similarity to forthcoming events, either real or imagined, is purely coincidental.
Mr Chris wrote:
Craster wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Now I'm stuck at work late for no reason other than I play football on Wednesdays and my kcik-off time this week is 8pm, which is a stupid time and gives me three hours to kill

Surely you have some risk to manage?

If the risk is "being at work late for no reason", consider that ball dropped.

I was unsupervised... why would I want to do work?

I own a Burberry Baseball cap.
Squirt wrote:
More people should wear hats. I think we should go back to the 1940's, were EVERYONE wore a hat. I think I'm going to start wearing a fedora.

Good lord, this.

I used to wear hats. Fedoras and trilbys, and later flat caps. The only disadvantage is that they can very easily be stolen from your head when drunk.

I find the fashion of the 1940's actually quite cool. I have remorselessly studied the films Life & Death of Colonel Blimp, Hope & Glory and A Matter of Life & Death and decree it to be so.

Many people think it was the nazis with the fashion sense in that war. Oh no, it was us. Yes.
nervouspete wrote:
Squirt wrote:
More people should wear hats. I think we should go back to the 1940's, were EVERYONE wore a hat. I think I'm going to start wearing a fedora.

Good lord, this.

I used to wear hats. Fedoras and trilbys, and later flat caps. The only disadvantage is that they can very easily be stolen from your head when drunk.

I find the fashion of the 1940's actually quite cool. I have remorselessly studied the films Life & Death of Colonel Blimp, Hope & Glory and A Matter of Life & Death and decree it to be so.

Many people think it was the nazis with the fashion sense in that war. Oh no, it was us. Yes.

*coff*Indiana Jones*coff*

I am soon to get a pinch-front Fedora, for to wear to the new Indy film.

As I mentioned on another thread, I fully endorse the wearing of hats, and lament their having fallen out of favour (instead poeople wear these "beanie" things and "baseball caps". Brrr). I agree that the 30s/40s style was quite excellent. We shoudl all do our bit to bring about its return. Yes!
My hat. I don't leave home without it.

I'd just like to say sorry for my earlier Grim..Dill posting.

But it won't stop me doing similar posts in the future.

Good day.
The Rev Owen wrote:
My hat. I don't leave home without it.

"Nice hat."

"Thank you. It's mine."

Come payday I may buy a new hat. Hmm. After Runcle's games of course. And I remember how in first year R.E at High School we were asked to draw our fave hero. Every cultured thinking boy was tormented by the decision between Han Solo and Indianna Jones. I chose Dr. Jones. And drew a picture. Of him.

Here's my favest hat wearer in films -

James Cagney

"Whadda ya see, whadda ya hear?"
The Rev Owen wrote:
My hat. I don't leave home without it.


Do you wear a big leather trenchcoat and pretend you're Van Helsing?
That is a (scaled down) Terry Pratchett hat.


Note that that is not in anyway a criticism, mind.
Pod wrote:
Do you wear a big leather trenchcoat and pretend you're Van Helsing?

I'm afraid not.
I've lost my cellphone. This is of no great consequence though, as it was only 20 quid, had no credit on it, and it never rang. Maybe I should have given people the number?
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