Alien and Aliens
I know people like this here.
I didn't like Fireteam Elite. It got really repetitive, really fast.
GazChap wrote:
I didn't like Fireteam Elite. It got really repetitive, really fast.

It did, but blazing a way with a pulse rifle never got boring.

Alien Trilogy on the Playstation was great at the time (though has probably dated badly, and one of the two Commodore 64 Aliens games was very good too.
I liked Fireteam Elite for a few days but then it just died a peasant's death thanks to the massive lack of content and the fact that the upgrade system was so messy. I always enjoy having turrets in these sort of games though, so the Engineer class was fun. The number 1 tip for that game is to turn off the horrible Diablo 3 style outlines from the aliens. It kills the atmosphere completely.

Still, I really liked Colonial Marines. I know it was kind of bullshit but I really enjoyed walking around the locations from the film and it was dripping in fan service. But, yeah, what do I know?!

I'm still getting over how terrible Alien: Covenant was anyway.
Don't forget Alien: Resurrection on the PS1, and it's "terrifying" control scheme:

Gamespot wrote:
The game's control setup is its most terrifying element. The left analog stick moves you forward, back, and strafes right and left, while the right analog stick turns you and can be used to look up and down. Too often, you'll turn to face a foe and find that your weapon is aimed at the floor or ceiling while the alien gleefully hacks away at your midsection.

It'll never catch on.
Was it Stuart Campbell who used to insist FPSs were bad and wrong if they didn't include some legacy Goldeneye style control scheme?
markg wrote:
Was it Stuart Campbell who used to insist FPSs were bad and wrong if they didn't include some legacy Goldeneye style control scheme?

Sounds like the kind of shit he’d do.
TBF at the time, I found the default Goldeneye control scheme worked really well for me, and I never understood the hate the N64 joypad got.

I'm OK with the more modern scheme too, as in reasonably comfortable, I think my struggles are more just that I'm not very good at FPS.

Also those robot guys in Alien Isolation were creepy as heck. I found that game quite quite tense and stressful - a little too much as I stopped enjoying it and got frustrated.
I learned recently that Goldeneye supported dual stick controls by using 2 N64 controllers at the same time.
Apart from the stupidly low FPS on that trailer, that does look pretty good.
Oooo, that looks nice...

I got to play Alien Legendary Encounters for the first time with some friends over the weekend, despite having had the games for years. What a cracking game, barely survived the Alien scenario and then the whole team got slashed up by the Queen in the Aliens scenario (base game also includes Alien 3 & Resurrection)....if you can find a reasonably priced copy (as it doesn't seem to be in print anymore) it's well worth picking up.
You beat the Alien scenario on your first ever try?

In the nicest possible way: are you sure you're playing it right?
Satsuma wrote:

That doesn't look great. Even by the already poor standards of VR.
Yes we were...we did go one character down but managed to draw consecutive god hands to win...while the Aliens playthrough ended with the team getting whittled down mover the course of the game.
The impressive Speccy game Aliens: Neoplasma is getting a sequel.
New Romulus trailer...interesting clip of how the face 'hugger' works.
I'm staying away from the trailers now but I'm definitely excited as it seems like they've gone a bit low budget on this one, which is definitely the way forward. Go for something more gritty and raw rather than the poncefests of Prometheus and Covenant.

I finally bailed on Aliens: Dark Descent. It's so good but it just gets so difficult later on. I was in a room fighting off aliens and no matter what I did or where I went, a massive onslaught would get triggered and all my best marines would get eaten. It's such a chore when it's like that. Shame though as it was so great for a while.
Oh that's a shame as I liked the look of that.
Morte wrote:
Oh that's a shame as I liked the look of that.

it's still worth it for what I got from it. And if you do a bit better than me (and don't leave the game for like six months) you'll probably fare better with it. It's got an X-Com permadeath thing, so losing marines does mess with your chances.
I completed it, then I put a mod on it to make the guns "realistic" (it should not take eight pulse rifle bursts to kill one alien) for the second playthrough and that was a much better game.

I think it was this one, but I'm not 100% sure:
Grim... wrote:
I completed it, then I put a mod on it to make the guns "realistic" (it should not take eight pulse rifle bursts to kill one alien) for the second playthrough and that was a much better game.

I think it was this one, but I'm not 100% sure:

I played it on PS5 so no mods and very bulletspongey!
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