I made a thing
You can play it
Mr Russell wrote:
One the Gamble cheat that makes a random tile 0 or 100 it seems to make the letter tiles all fall away but looking at the tile set afterwards there are no tiles worth zero or 100?

This is fixed now. One tile remains and does a little dance
Credits now appear behind the logo
Tried the daily challenge. On the first round the game stopped working as it counted up the score for my second word. Could still get into the menu to exit but there is some sort of bug there.

The word would have finished the round.
Mimi wrote:
Have I got to do something to be able to do the Daily Challenge, Grim…? Russell can access it but I can’t see it.

Got to unlock that "Ordinary" difficulty.
Blucey wrote:
Tried the daily challenge. On the first round the game stopped working as it counted up the score for my second word. Could still get into the menu to exit but there is some sort of bug there.

The word would have finished the round.

You'll be please to hear the game now reports errors to me automatically.
letters.some is not a function
How the fuck did you do that? :D
Ah, wait - did you use all your letters up on your last word?

If you didn't, well, I fixed something else.
Yeah I think I did. And then when it froze I did it again although this time I had one less letter.
I think I broke something. I entered a word, pressed play and it just froze.

Nothing I pressed worked, so I tried to refresh the page. It reloaded, but it stole one of my letters :D

It happened again. It’s when I make an eight letter word.


I think I fixed that about 30 minutes before you posted, but rude iPhones won't tell me what version you're on. Can you tell me what it says on the bottom right of the home screen, and if it's more than B0.2.30 can you let me know if it happens again?
Hello, not sure if this is the same thing or not.

So, first up I’m on version B0.2.36

I played a word, TANGO, in the daily challenge game.
I pressed ‘play’ after entering the characters, and the game froze after counting the points:

Nothing on the screen responded, so I refreshed it, and it let me enter the letters again. But I couldn’t press ‘play’.

I tried again, maybe a couple of times, and reloaded and got this when I was going to try ‘TONGA’ on the unlikely chance that changing something helped, but I only got one letter down before it decided I’d lost :D
Ugh, I can't recreate that at all :(

Someone send me an iPhone, please!
Can you try making the word "red"?
Yes! Haha. It took me a surprisingly long and difficult time trying to get those three simple letters, but eventually got hold of them and it broke in the same way:


It froze at this point.

I tried to reload it and it was still broken with the missing letter.

I hope that helps in some way!
... the fuck?

Okay, thanks! I'm going to get an iPhone.
No problem. If I had an old one I’d send it to you, but I passed it along to my mum a while back.
Mimi wrote:
It took me a surprisingly long and difficult time trying to get those three simple letters

Little options cog | Show cheats | Tile editor

I'd have ripped my own eyes out if I had to debug things and couldn't tell it what to give me :D
Grim... wrote:
Can you try making the word "red"?

I did this and it turned the word red
Okay, I've very much broken the discard mechanism and I'm not sure if I'll have time to fix it for a while. Er... Sorry!

[edit] It's half fixed but it'll look weird
Mr Russell wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Can you try making the word "red"?

I did this and it turned the word red

This is the expected behaviour.

What did you do it on?
Grim... wrote:
Mimi wrote:
It took me a surprisingly long and difficult time trying to get those three simple letters

Little options cog | Show cheats | Tile editor

I'd have ripped my own eyes out if I had to debug things and couldn't tell it what to give me :D

Ah, that would have been handy. I had to play quite a few chapters and books before I could spell RED :DD


I hoped there was going to be a little Easter egg here :D

If there was an easter egg for the word Beex, your game would have broken :)
Oh! Hahaha. That’s a cute touch. I love how much thought there is in the game, Grim… Hats off to you and everyone who helped.
Grim... wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Can you try making the word "red"?

I did this and it turned the word red

This is the expected behaviour.

What did you do it on?

Android, Pixel 6
I only mentioned it because it was cool
There's a clue to another word that might do something in this thread today.
I assume this happens when you try to use the gym bro with the cut down tile set and it's selected a tile not in the set?
Hahaha yes, that makes sense :D I'll fix that, ta.
Those playing the game - please note there's going to be a progress reset this week due to (drumroll) version 1.0 being released. After that, no more resets unless something really bad happens.
On an iPad it doesn’t detect that you’ve switched to portrait mode, sorry.
Grim... wrote:
Those playing the game - please note there's going to be a progress reset this week due to (drumroll) version 1.0 being released. After that, no more resets unless something really bad happens.

Whaaaa. I got VERY lucky in a game yesterday (power-ups, letters and board modifiers aligned perfectly) and made a score I will almost certainly never come near to again :DD

I’ll take a screenshot just so I can remind Russell. Maybe I’ll print it out and blu tack it to his monitor or something.
Grim... wrote:
hacks that make board modifiers (triple word score, etc) count twice coupled with the hack that randomises their position is a beastly combination.

This is definitely the key to big scores but it might be a bit overpowered in that it just ends up being about catching those two hacks and if you don't no amount of clever wordplay will get you near the high scores. With the score reset coming, is this something worth tweaking?
Hush your mouth there, Blucey. How are we going to catch that buzz without those sweet, sweet power-ups?

Grim…, will this also mean that my power-up unlocks will disappear? What will the reset actually reset? Will it be everything, as if we’d never been born (never been born, never been born…)
Blucey wrote:
With the score reset coming, is this something worth tweaking?

They are already nerfed :)

Mimi wrote:
Hush your mouth there, Blucey. How are we going to catch that buzz without those sweet, sweet power-ups?

There are many, many new ones.

Mimi wrote:
Grim…, will this also mean that my power-up unlocks will disappear?

Everything. You'll even have to put your name in again.
The reason is, because of the way some things have been changed and all the new things, there's a good chance that if it wasn't reset there would be things you'd never be able to get.
That’s fair.

Will be good to play for finding out the new power ups anyway :)
Grim, I did have a bit of a weird thing happen that I forgot to mention. I was able to fill up my hack list by selecting the same hack three times (I already had three others and the thing that gives me an extra hack). I bailed on the run when it happened. It was a one off.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
On an iPad it doesn’t detect that you’ve switched to portrait mode, sorry.

I've made that more lenient but it might look a bit strange for now. I know the tiitle image overlaps the buttons, for example. There's probably lots of things like that.
Grim... wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
On an iPad it doesn’t detect that you’ve switched to portrait mode, sorry.

I've made that more lenient but it might look a bit strange for now. I know the tiitle image overlaps the buttons, for example. There's probably lots of things like that.

Darwin's having a go at this as he saw us playing it. This is his play screen on iPad.
The hack "forth quarter" I think should be "fourth quarter"
Real tile-game gangsters visit https://wordupgame.co.uk/ .

(most) stuff is fixed! Many more things to unlock! Whoo!
Sorry, Grim.

Having issues.

After chapter 1, when my story was laid out, the continue button was super unresponsive. And then in main gameplay I got stuck on my current game because I couldnt put any tiles on the board. Essentially I couldn't pick them up.

Android, Chrome, Samsung S23 Ultra.

EDIT: oh hang on. I was on Brave. Okay that might explain it. Brave is often terrible. Trying on Chrome now.
Have found a big exploit that you might want to patch.

If you get a gym voucher, when you pick the letter group to apply it to, if you keep tapping on it, the bonus keeps getting applied.
Running super smooth here, Grim…
There’s a small display issue on some words for me:
Darwin has suggested that there should be a hack that lets you hold an extra letter on your rack.
Darwin should keep playing ;)

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
He might want to try making the word "handy"
Are leaderboards coming back?
Blucey wrote:
Are leaderboards coming back?

Hmm, you've got a stuck unlock, I reckon.

I'll take a look.
If you refresh the title page a few times it should come back to life.
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