Boardgame Thread: Let's organise a beexordgame night.
Grim... wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Arrives yesterday.


You view time linearly?
MaliA wrote:
Grim... wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Arrives yesterday.


You view time linearly?

How very gauche.
A Binding of Isaac card game is coming. I know a lot of people here liked the video game quite a lot, so:

This is a brilliant idea: enter a board game and it produces a custom playlist to add atmosphere. Quite a large selection of games on there already.
I really like 'Great Western Trail'. It's well-designed, turns come round quickly, and there's plenty of ways to win so the final denouement as the points are added can be as tense as a good Eurovision.

Played it last night but made a complete pig's ear of my early turns, tried several strategies but never had enough resources or commitment to make any pay off, and came fourth with a score over half that of third place. Gah. Will lick my wounds and ready myself for a rematch.

One of my group was talking about using the Flamme Rouge app for a twelve-stage cycling tour, where exhaustion cards are carried over as we work through the courses. I like the idea, but not sure if we'd tire of it given it lacks the other variables that make legacy games so much fun.
I'm putting an order in at work for board games for the office, what should I buy? We need games that arent crazy complex and don't take forever to play. We already have flamme rouge and dead of winter.

I'm thinking ticket to ride (obviously), munchkin, fluxx.

What would you buy if it wasn't your money you were spending.
Am I the only one that does any fucking work, here?
MaliA wrote:
Am I the only one that does any fucking work, here?

Not played that. Bring it to the next cottage.
One Night Ultimate Werewolf
Sheriff of Nottingham
Forbidden Island or Desert
Ta folks, that'll do me :)
King of Tokyo

Do you need high player counts? Because Formula D fits that quite well.
MaliA wrote:
Am I the only one that does any fucking work, here?

Work is overrated.
Diamant - addictive push-your-luck game of mine exploration
Funemployed - using your hand of dubious skills, pitch for your dream job

And, obviously (so no links required):
Captain Sonar
Grim... wrote:
King of Tokyo

Do you need high player counts? Because Formula D fits that quite well.

Good shout on Formula D, that looks perfect, especially as i'm building a motor insurance product, so i'll put it down as research...
Formula D is wonderfully chaotic and really fun with lots of people.

Speaking of Flamme Rouge, we started a 7-game 'tour' last night. My Roleour came an acceptable third with a minute penalty, but due to a spate of really bad hands my sprinter limped across line three minutes after everyone else. Going to be tricky to catch up over the remaining stages, as the app tells you how many tiredness cards to carry over in your deck. We haven't quite worked out how the app scores stuff yet but should be fun.
Kern wrote:
Formula D is wonderfully chaotic and really fun with lots of people.

You have to make the gearchange noises, though. If you forget other players get to add or subtract 1 from your die roll.
Kern wrote:

Ah, bugger - knew there was something I'd forgotten to play at the cottage.
Grim... wrote:
Kern wrote:
Formula D is wonderfully chaotic and really fun with lots of people.

You have to make the gearchange noises, though. If you forget other players get to add or subtract 1 from your die roll.

And if they call an "open wheel race car" a "sports car" you get to stab them in the retina with a pencil.
krazywookie wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Kern wrote:
Formula D is wonderfully chaotic and really fun with lots of people.

You have to make the gearchange noises, though. If you forget other players get to add or subtract 1 from your die roll.

And if they call an "open wheel race car" a "sports car" you get to stab them in the retina with a pencil.

Though doing this to wind up car nerds is recommended.
At dawn, we ate sugar smacks

Why hadn't I heard of this session report of a beginner trying out an overly-complicated war game before? It's about 21,000 words about realising an obsession, but well worth surreptitiously sending to the office printer to read at your leisure.

“Troy,” I said, “the reason I want so much to play this game is because nobody wants me to play this game. There is virtually no person you could present this to without getting a stunned, pitying look in return, and that ticks me off. It ticks me off because what so freaks people out is the time involved in this endeavor, time. Everything in adult life is designed to steal it away from us, and my God, look how we go along with the scheme so willingly.

"‘I have no time for such things anymore,’ we say, and then we spend our afternoons making our lawns pretty and shopping for junky Ikea furniture and ferrying kids to soccer games and gawking at cable TV, and above all, working at jobs we never really wanted. ‘Sure,’ we say, ‘when I was young and didn’t have all these responsibilities, I could spend hours doing this kind of thing. But that was then, and this is now.’

“Well, Troy,” I went on, “I want to be the guy who suddenly, at age 42, does spend hours doing this kind of thing, if only to feel what it’s like to take back a little piece of the soul I’ve sold to the company I slave for, to the obligatory evenings with people I’m not sure I even like, to daily errands, the lines at the DMV, to tax forms, to tedious family visits. This game is a slap in the face to all thinking creatures who live in such dire fear of the sands sifting through the hourglass. Playing a monster war game on this scale is ridiculous, a waste of energy, a waste of time, and so I want to do it. Let spite rule the day, Troy. Let’s learn and play A World at War!”
Rhino hero super battle is ace.
Serious business
I love the look of the Rhino games, they seem to have much drunken gaming potential.

I backed my first Kickstarter is this: ... qUuSk3VblA

I first played it at the UKGE last year and really enjoyed it, it's a 'full contact' dice game, which boils down to chucking dice at each other in a rather groovy arena (there are other complexities and powers but it's the dice chucking at the heart of the game which is the most fun). I'm really hoping the lads behind it hit their goal as they were brilliant.
You may enjoy Luchador, which involves throw dice into a wrestling ring. Knock an opponent's die out, and it's gone :) ... tling-dice
The lovely people at Shut up & Sit Down have published a list of fun party games to play with non-gamey people. With the exception of 'Flick 'em up', I've actually played all of them and can't really disagree with their choices other than the bad memories surrounding 'Codenames' and the fact that when we tried 'Shifty Eyed Spies' we spent the whole time laughing at each other and not knowing what the hell was going on.
There's an accompanying video covering the same games too. It also features Matt Lees in a skintight reindeer costume so I'll probably feel guilty thinking about that later this evening.
As they mention 'Flamme Rouge', last night my group restarted our short cycle campaign on this as the app crashed and lost all our records (as I had a run of bad deals I was on a three minute penalty and far too many carried-over exhaustion cards, so wasn't complaining about the reset). Eight of the cyclists were in a line, with the remaining three one square ahead. A friend played a nine and leapfrogged everyone to land perfectly into that gap, to great applause.

Games are great when they create moments like that.
Played Patchwork at the cottage with Kern and it went straight on my Christmas list. Santa was kind to me this year, and because we are so rock and roll we have been playing it tonight. Really enjoying the opportunity to be more tactical once we got to grips with the rules (first go).
Kern wrote:
the bad memories surrounding 'Codenames'

Do they, perchance involve "mammals"?
Mr Dave wrote:
Kern wrote:
the bad memories surrounding 'Codenames'

Do they, perchance involve "mammals"?

Doc also used that clue in codenames a few days ago. He forgot birds aren't mammals.
Cras wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Kern wrote:
the bad memories surrounding 'Codenames'

Do they, perchance involve "mammals"?

Doc also used that clue in codenames a few days ago. He forgot birds aren't mammals.


The birds in question weren't, perchance, Penguins were they?
Cras wrote:
He forgot birds aren't mammals.

We're talking in code.
No, this was picture codenames, which is simultaneously harder and easier.
Cras wrote:
No, this was picture codenames, which is simultaneously harder and easier.

I think Kern's might have been on the picture game too, but it was at a cottage so I was drunk and can't remember.
I was very proud of my clue in 'Decrypto' last night. The word was 'Soap' so I said 'mammal' '1902'.

Nobody got it.

Also played a round of Secret Hitler, a Mafia/Resistance style game where one of you is secretly Hitler. It's got some interesting mechanics that work well, such as the President drawing three policies, discarding one, and making the Chancellor choose from the remainder. Was he given two fascist policies, or did he choose one himself?

For some reason the theme was irking me last night so I started suggesting alternatives: 'Secret Ceaser'; 'Secret Genghis Khan'; 'Secret Catherine the Great'.

Still, any game that results in the line "that's three confirmed Non-Hitlers" can't be all bad.
I played Kingdom Death for the first time last week at a mates house. It was excellent.

We managed (between 4 of us) four successful hunts (well the first survival round and 3 hunts). Did well with the rolls at the settlement (even managed to birth twins!) and are now geared up well for the next meet. I was ITCHING to slap some paint on these beauties!
Kern wrote:
I was very proud of my clue in 'Decrypto' last night. The word was 'Soap' so I said 'mammal' '1902'.

Played a bit of that last weekend, it's good fun - although trying to explain the rules was interesting! I think it's one of those games you just have to try and play.
GazChap wrote:
Kern wrote:
I was very proud of my clue in 'Decrypto' last night. The word was 'Soap' so I said 'mammal' '1902'.

Played a bit of that last weekend, it's good fun - although trying to explain the rules was interesting! I think it's one of those games you just have to try and play.

Sounds interesting. What are the rules?
Trooper wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Kern wrote:
I was very proud of my clue in 'Decrypto' last night. The word was 'Soap' so I said 'mammal' '1902'.

Played a bit of that last weekend, it's good fun - although trying to explain the rules was interesting! I think it's one of those games you just have to try and play.

Sounds interesting. What are the rules?

I outline them here.
In short, unlike 'Codenames', everyone on your team knows what your four mystery words are. Each round, a player takes a card showing three numbers and that player must give clues to the words. Both your team and your opponents try to match the numbers to the clues.


My code card says '1,2,3', meaning the first, second, and third words.

I say 'Weather; T-rex; Measure'
My team immediately match them up correctly and mark 1,2,3 next to the clues on the pad. The other team notice that earlier we'd had a clue relating to 'centigrade' so mark '3' next to 'weather' .
Both teams declare their answers, and I say the correct order. Play then passes to the next two clue-givers who take a new code card

Crucially, my team don't get a point. The other team would if they got it right. If my team get it wrong, we get a badge of shame. Two badges are a loss; two points are a win. So you're trying to find clues that make sense to your team but are meaningless to your opponents.

My team got completely beaten yesterday by a series of clues involving hats.
That's a much better (shorter) explanation than GazChap gave at the weekend.
It helps a lot if you remember to write the opponent's clues into the four large spaces on the bottom of the pad so you can quickly link all the clues given to a particular number together.

Although how my team full of people who have lived in or close to Oxford for years failed to connect my clue of 'Jericho' to the word 'Detective' is beyond me. Trying to keep a poker face whilst your teammates are being imbeciles is one of the joys and difficulties of the game.
Shut Up and Sit Down have just started a new series of videos entitled 'Card Games That Don't Suck', looking at new games playable with just 52 pieces of cardboard rather than hundreds of dollars' worth of Kickstarted bling* that's not available in the shops or a fun game with tiny initial print one.

The first video is a short overview of an interesting and fast poker variant, Ricochet Poket. Going to be keeping an eye on this to build up my repetorie, and thankfully they don't start cooking half-way through.

*Re Kickstarter: Other than the odd incident when drunk, I've usually avoided buying games for Kickstarter, but have just pledged far too much for a fancy version of 'Suburbia', one of my favourite games I don't currently own.
Nice rundown of two-player games on Ars Technica today.

From the list, I've only played 'Patchwork' although I did pick up 'Fox in the Forest' and a couple of 'Keyforge' decks recently.
Kern wrote:
Nice rundown of two-player games on Ars Technica today.

From the list, I've only played 'Patchwork' although I did pick up 'Fox in the Forest' and a couple of 'Keyforge' decks recently.

I've got some Keyforge decks, but you can't get a starter pack for love or money.
Not sure if this should go in here or the Kickstarter thread: ... ow-burrito

So I'm putting it in both. Sounds like an amazing game for the Cottage!
I already ordered mine :)
did you go for the outside one?
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