
Your preferred weekend for cottage 2022?
Poll ended at Wed Oct 20, 2021 9:37
16-19 Sept  13%  [ 8 ]
23-26 Sept  13%  [ 8 ]
30-03 Oct  10%  [ 6 ]
07-10 Oct  20%  [ 12 ]
14-17 Oct  18%  [ 11 ]
21-24 Oct  15%  [ 9 ]
28-31 Oct  8%  [ 5 ]
Total votes : 59
In a bottle
After Mr Dave's story earlier has anyone seen him or Kern? ... y-12714618
Is there communal milk for my cereal in the morning or will I have to get some?
TheVision wrote:
Is there communal milk for my cereal in the morning or will I have to get some?

There is milk. There is no cocktail shaker.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
There is no cocktail shaker.

I’ll try and remember to grab one when I set out…
The final (on stage) game on this week’s Taskmaster would make a great party game for the Cottage.
Quiz Team EEEEEEEEEEEEE'S are good!
I have so many questions. Mostly about Malc’s headwear and Sal’s necklace. Sal’s jumper is magnificent, too. Want one.
Did we arrange paying for Friday night pizza
We did not, although a couple of people approached me and shoved money into my G-string.

If peeps that consumed some of Domino’s finest could send me £10 via this ‘ere link that’d be appreciated :)
Is there a PayPal or bank transfer option, monzo wants me to type in my debit card and I'm ferociously lazy :D
Also, really great time, even if Myp won the world championship
Trooper wrote:
Is there a PayPal or bank transfer option, monzo wants me to type in my debit card and I'm ferociously lazy :D

Disgraceful. But also...
Papal link, Catholic Church approved.
GazChap wrote:
Papal link, Catholic Church approved.

Another excellent weekend!

Photos and memories to follow once I've had time to process them.

Special thanks to Chefs, to Curio for the quiz, and, of course, to Jem for sorting it all.
Urg, I feel like crap this morning. Goddam Cottage Lurgy!

I had a great time, folks. Thanks to MrsA and MaliA for adopting me for the weekend. Thanks to JBR for being an excellent roommate. Thanks to TheVision for his retro videogaming time machine (so many hours sunk into a 40 year old video game!). Thanks to 2/3rds of the Yes Chefs for an excellent curry (I should've taken a whole naan) and to Gazchap for sorting pizza on Friday. Thanks to Jem for organising and Curio for being a superb (if easily influenced by sparklers) quizmaster.

Ah, the list goes on and on. Thanks to everyone. You rock.

Highlights in my memory were the buzzer round on the quiz, and the closing stages of the first Mafia game. Never again will I be so convincingly innocent :D

See you all again next year!
Thank you to everyone that made this happen. Jem, Curio, yes chefs, etc.

It was so lovely to catch up with everybody. :luv:

A special mention to Trooper this year for fixing my car. :D
DavPaz wrote:
Urg, I feel like crap this morning. Goddam Cottage Lurgy!

I had a great time, folks. Thanks to MrsA and MaliA for adopting me for the weekend. Thanks to JBR for being an excellent roommate. Thanks to TheVision for his retro videogaming time machine (so many hours sunk into a 40 year old video game!). Thanks to 2/3rds of the Yes Chefs for an excellent curry (I should've taken a whole naan) and to Gazchap for sorting pizza on Friday. Thanks to Jem for organising and Curio for being a superb (if easily influenced by sparklers) quizmaster.

Ah, the list goes on and on. Thanks to everyone. You rock.

Highlights in my memory were the buzzer round on the quiz, and the closing stages of the first Mafia game. Never again will I be so convincingly innocent :D

See you all again next year!

It's the maths :)
What a absolutely fab weekend. It was really great to catch up with you all.

I had so much fun, lots of games.

You lot are so lovely.
While I'm thinking about it, if you could find £5 in your pocket to cover the curry on Saturday the Yes, Chef!s will spit in it less next year.
Money sent to Gaz and Grim.. Thanks for feeding us..
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
A special mention to Trooper this year for fixing my car. :D

Home, thanks to all for a grand time. Thanks to Jem for organising, thanks to whoever brought bog role (I'm assuming Jazzy), and thanks to Curio for not dying when I gave him a poison cocktail
Another epic weekend, thanks to all involved for being such lovely folks. Shame I wasn’t around much on Friday with my bangy head and everything but at least it calmed down for the rest of the time.

September 2023? ;)
Grim... wrote:
While I'm thinking about it, if you could find £5 in your pocket to cover the curry on Saturday the Yes, Chef!s will spit in it less next year.

Aye sent across.

Thanks all for the wonderful time, wonderful company and wonderful food.
So sorry about the cottage germs

And the nudity

And the lack of pancakes

But mostly the germs :S
Woah. Did I miss the nudity?
DavPaz wrote:
Woah. Did I miss the nudity?

I can send you nudes if you want (of me not Jem) :P
KovacsC wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Woah. Did I miss the nudity?

I can send you nudes if you want (of me not Jem) :P

My lawyer says you have to stop doing that
DavPaz wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Woah. Did I miss the nudity?

I can send you nudes if you want (of me not Jem) :P

My lawyer says you have to stop doing that

Just got home...

Amazing weekend as always. Excellent company, brilliant gaming, awesome quizzing. Can't wait for next year. Thanks to everyone who organised anything, especially those that did more than their fair share of cleaning/tidying up.

Now for some sleep in a bed where I don't need to choose between a bad back and a bad knee.
KovacsC wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Woah. Did I miss the nudity?

I can send you nudes if you want (of me not Jem) :P

My lawyer says you have to stop doing that


Hand pump failure?
Cras wrote:
bog role

If that's something someone has to do then I'm definitely never coming to one of these.
Bloody mafia roleclaims
We are home following our ultimately pointless early departure/diversion.
I just want to go to sleep really, but thank you to everyone for making it an awesome weekend that seemed to go even quicker than normal (normal cottage weekends, not just a normal weekend).
I'm off to find something I don't mind breaking that I can play Track & Field with.
Cras wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
A special mention to Trooper this year for fixing my car. :D


You didn't even touch it! :D
Cras wrote:
Home, thanks to all for a grand time. Thanks to Jem for organising, thanks to whoever brought bog role (I'm assuming Jazzy), and thanks to Curio for not dying when I gave him a poison cocktail

Me + Jem = awesome sauce.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Cras wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
A special mention to Trooper this year for fixing my car. :D


You didn't even touch it! :D

I explained in full detail exactly what was required to fix it!
Joans wrote:
We are home following our ultimately pointless early departure/diversion.
I just want to go to sleep really, but thank you to everyone for making it an awesome weekend that seemed to go even quicker than normal (normal cottage weekends, not just a normal weekend).
I'm off to find something I don't mind breaking that I can play Track & Field with.

I don't think my Xbox stick enjoyed the weekend as much as we did... I'll have to have a look at that but, it's alright. I had a great weekend!

I'm going to get that perfect score nailed on the shooting range... Even if it kills me (or another joystick)
Cras wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Cras wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
A special mention to Trooper this year for fixing my car. :D


You didn't even touch it! :D

I explained in full detail exactly what was required to fix it!

You missed the "bend it a bit" middle stage
That was just window dressing to justify the price
And the 'do it really quickly' you only came in at point three!
That was a fabulous weekend. Many thanks to Jem for organising it, Gaz for sorting the pizzas, the Yes Chefs for the delicious curry, and absolutely everyone for being awesome. Especially Wookie for bringing me a microwave from Scotland. But less so to Myp and Jacket who prevented me becoming World Champion.

Also many, many thanks for the coffee machine. I was very touched!

In retrospect, Craster’s cocktail was the tastiest, despite the allergies, but I am absolutely a sucker for gimmicks so the sparkler won.
Did Craster tell you the secret behind his cocktail?
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