Dungeons and Dragons
sdg wrote:
No, dungarees were replaced with plaid shirts and converse so I’m still a card carrying member.

Makes notes for next NPC
Zardoz wrote:
sdg, when you kill off Ermintrude can I harvest his ears please?

"their" you insensitive prick.
Dimrill wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
sdg, when you kill off Ermintrude can I harvest his ears please?

"their" you insensitive prick.

Ermintrude should be Lory of Transgender Manor, of course.
Yeah, it'd be nice having a small Australasian / SE Asian parrot with a brush-tipped tongue.
You have used me as a fish long enough.
I'd like a water feature for Rummage Manor.
Zardoz wrote:
I'd like a water feature for Rummage Manor.

I thought you were moving to Sister Wendy's Bearowl Gimp Chamber? Also: show us the money! 300g each would build an floor.
Ivo, could you please furnish this dwarf with the required coinage at your earliest convenience.

I'll dig my own swamp out back when we have another craft week.

I'm one with nature! I have many homes/hovels/nests/hedgerows
Zardoz wrote:
Yeah, it'd be nice having a small Australasian / SE Asian parrot with a brush-tipped tongue.

Words are allowed to have more than one meaning. Lark for example. ;)
Are we getting updated character art of Zardoth with his new hat on?
I’m waiting until it’s used in a combat / rescue situation.
Zardoth is a little preoccupied with Feathershaft, relishing the thought of using a natural material to inflict wounds on enemies.

He’s also delighted with the Owlbear feather and Grick beaks that he’s pimped his studded leather armour with.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
...might be a bonus drawing tomorrow depending how work goes :hug:
Weasel wizard! Is you illusion spell a cantrip? If so how far away can you make the illusion appear?
Dimrill wrote:
Weasel wizard! Is you illusion spell a cantrip? If so how far away can you make the illusion appear?

Yes! Range is 30ft and the area cast is a five-foot cube ;)
Just thinking ahead on this cavern we're staring into. I smell massive ambush. Maybe doing an illusion in the middle of the place and making it smell of meat will fool whatever's waiting there to attack it. I didn't like how those Gricks dropped on Ivo last week.
Sir yes sir! Five-foot cube of throbbing gristle coming right up sir!

*eyes roll back in head*
… quinque pedes cubus nugarum…
I suspect I cannot prestidigitate an illusion.
Do it over a bone on the floor, maybe? Maybe Zardoth can make it be warm with his flame cantrip too?
And Ivo could woft it around with his mage hand :D
*a perfectly shaped 5-ft cube of fresh unicorn breast fillet materialises in the next room*
Or I could turn into a bear and run in.
You have no romance.
I also have the very handy Pass Without Trace for sneakin's.
For the court record I'd like it to be noted that I suggested a course of action to spring an expected ambush without damage to the party has been rebuffed by a leaftrotter who just wants to go barrel in and take all the damage himself. Thank you, your honour (Gill).
No, I'm more than happy to do all The Plan before I turn into a bear etc.

...actually hoping for some more undead to give 'em the old Moonbeam :metul:
Zardoth gets kitted out.
sdg, are you sure the Grick tentacle daggers aren't magical or something? It's seems such a sad waste...
Now do Ermintrude carrying Hen's Tooth, Boots of Striding and Springing, and cloak of being not terrible at sneak in rubble (with hood).
Still looking out for magic tattoo needles. *cough*
Dimrill wrote:
Now do Ermintrude carrying Hen's Tooth, Boots of Striding and Springing, and cloak of being not terrible at sneak in rubble (with hood).

You’re the boss, boss!
myp wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
Now do Ermintrude carrying Hen's Tooth, Boots of Striding and Springing, and cloak of being not terrible at sneak in rubble (with hood).

You’re the boss, boss!

Finally! A servile weasel. Wanting one of my four daggers. For some... reason.
Dimrill wrote:
Now do Ermintrude carrying Hen's Tooth, Boots of Striding and Springing, and cloak of being not terrible at sneak in rubble (with hood).

Look at my Etsy shop for more details.

http://www.etsy/kinell/thishasbeen/anot ... ready/ff.s
Zardoz wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
Now do Ermintrude carrying Hen's Tooth, Boots of Striding and Springing, and cloak of being not terrible at sneak in rubble (with hood).

Look at my Etsy shop for more details.

http://www.etsy/kinell/thishasbeen/anot ... ready/ff.s

No, you’re a dancing monkey! Please perform for me now. I would like Myptik holding his new cat familiar Diggory Pokery

While riding a unicycle

On a tightrope

With a very detailed map of Phandalin below
I went for green studded leather armour, don't think I've drawn Zardoth since he got it (and not been wild shaped).
myp wrote:
While riding a unicycle

Now then, for you robe-wearers a magical unicycle underneath your vestments would be a great idea!

:attitude: :metul: To get out of the way of the real fighters :metul: :attitude:
I like it! Zardoth looks proper scary now, with his spines and his studs and his ticklestick.
Zardoz wrote:
Zardoth gets kitted out.

Zardoz wrote:
myp wrote:
While riding a unicycle

Now then, for you robe-wearers a magical unicycle underneath your vestments would be a great idea!

:attitude: :metul: To get out of the way of the real fighters :metul: :attitude:

I think at lvl 5 Ivo can take an option that allows him to do exactly that - teleport the fuck away when he gets hit

We on at Sharp past Sharp again tonight, sdg?
Zardoz wrote:

We on at Sharp past Sharp again tonight, sdg?

Should be good to go at 7:30pm if kids are cooperative, which fingers crossed at least one of them will be since she's back at playgroup today, for a full day. Is it too much to hope that they just attach her to a treadmill for the full seven hours?
Smooth as silk.

Well done everybody x
Thank you all, that was good fun! I think Zardoth was quite lucky regarding Ghost Wizard's "Life Drain" attacks. those sound like they could have ended very badly.
Oh, and I nominate Zardoth peeing himself as the Zardoodle of the week.
Particularly funny night tonight, I was laughing so much :DD
I’m putting Zardoths choices tonight down to Extreme Roleplay. He’s been spending too much time non-human so the peeing came easy, PLUS as a nature lover he despises the undead almost as much as Squirel’s. I think Mother Nature was in his side when Old Bone Wizard frowned upon his rummagement and she deflected those spells away from her Champion.
I actually stayed human all night!
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