Bits and Bobs 51
Where IS area 51?
Maybe I’m just following more people than either of you, but the only content I’ve seen on it today is the people I follow. It was mixed in with some other stuff yesterday (though it was a misfire of knitting, seeing, embroidery and gardening), but today it’s the threads posted by people I follow or their responses to public threads (though still in those interest areas for the most part)
Today is much better than yesterday, and 1/2 the people that have shown up that I'm not following, I wanted to be following.
The thing about Threads... I don't know how many times or ways I can tell them I don't like football, I'm not interested in football and I don't want football on my social media time lines... Yet still, there's a hell of a lot of football being pushed on me.
I'm not creating a Threads account ......yet. The reason being thatI created a Mastodon account when lots of my Twitter contacts were doing so, but hardly ever used it and I'm not convinced that I'd use a Threads account. I've also reduced my use of Twitter because I see more negative than positive content and I find it very depressing.
I want a Double Decker.
Warhead wrote:
I'm not creating a Threads account ......yet. The reason being thatI created a Mastodon account when lots of my Twitter contacts were doing so, but hardly ever used it and I'm not convinced that I'd use a Threads account. I've also reduced my use of Twitter because I see more negative than positive content and I find it very depressing.

I’ve created one, just like a created a mastodon, spoutible, and several other accounts, but I can say this one has definitely hit the ground running.

The first 24 hours the feed was a mess as there wasn’t enough content to populate the feed, but it all snapped into place very quickly and it’s working quite well.

The only thing I am not keen on is the brand accounts all trying to be quirky in exactly the same way (which is now so uniform that it is really cringey) but thank goodness I follow enough people that after the first day I haven’t seen any more (helped by the fact I have over a this and contacts on my IG account so it populated pretty quickly).

Of course we are in a golden period of there being no ads. They’ll come, I have no doubt, but for now it is what Twitter was in the best of its days.
What on earth?!? Why would you call your game that? Crazy.
With the X on the end I very much expected that to be a shovelware anime porn game.
TheVision wrote:
What on earth?!? Why would you call your game that? Crazy.

"Unaware until they were already attached to the name"
Mr Dave wrote:
TheVision wrote:
What on earth?!? Why would you call your game that? Crazy.

"Unaware until they were already attached to the name"

Have they not heard of me? You know, the Pieman? RMC featured Rise of the Robots expert? Wow... Bunch of kids.
I did mention that there was some guy that might be a guaranteed sale on the name alone ;)

Of course, thats before I noticed it was a free to play thing.
I saw that all the speculation about the BBC presenter has come to an end. I haven’t read the detail, and don’t want to, but as far as I have understood:

The presenter had some kind of connection online to a person much younger than him but of legal age.

The younger person was consenting and paid for their connection.

There was a complaint made to the channel, which wasn’t properly investigated.

No crime has been committed.

The presenter is in a precarious mental state.

As far as I have seen, loads of people (in fact, everyone I have seen) has rallied to the presenter’s defence/support, saying it’s been a bad show all round.

What I’m super confused about is why this has been recurved so differently from the Schofield case, which seems pretty similar on the surface. Again, I’ve not seen anything in great detail, but all of the points above seem to relate to him as well but he seems to have been absolutely hounded. Was there a difference that I’ve not seen/understood tgat signified the difference in reception.

I’m not saying that the response to either case is right or wrong, I just didn’t understand and I guess I’m curious (not about the cases themselves, because there is enough gawking) but in the public and press reactions to them both.
I ignore the news as much as possible, especially when it's celebrity non-news, but my current lay-understanding of the differences is
" Employment ethics, Schofield a "superior" in employment hierarchy to Other
* Schofield and Other are both boys, perish the thought.

Edit: the way I ordered those points may not reflect what I understand is the loudest feeling on the matters.
Though reading again it seems you think Edwards has been more vilified than Schofield was, which is not how it has appeared to me. It took Edwards" wife saying it loud to know who it was, for one

I am not necessarily in the best place to take the correct interpretations though.
So it’s because Schofield got the young person a job at the TV company? Ok, I get that there are added workplace ethics in that case and that being senior it could be seen that he used his power as leverage to drive the relationship.

Is the new young person female in that case? That shouldn’t matter at all, but it will to the media and the ones with the big opinions online, even if they’d never dream of saying so.

Thanks for explaining. I was interested to understand the differences in the reactions.

EDIT: no, I think Edwards has, now people know who it is, received almost universal support and understanding from both other media people and just general people talking about it on social media (the people I follow, anyway).
Mimi wrote:
I saw that all the speculation about the BBC presenter has come to an end. I haven’t read the detail, and don’t want to, but as far as I have understood:

The presenter had some kind of connection online to a person much younger than him but of legal age.

The younger person was consenting and paid for their connection.

There was a complaint made to the channel, which wasn’t properly investigated.

No crime has been committed.

The presenter is in a precarious mental state.

As far as I have seen, loads of people (in fact, everyone I have seen) has rallied to the presenter’s defence/support, saying it’s been a bad show all round.

What I’m super confused about is why this has been received so differently from the Schofield case, which seems pretty similar on the surface. Again, I’ve not seen anything in great detail, but all of the points above seem to relate to him as well but Schofield seems to have been absolutely hounded. Was there a difference that I’ve not seen/understood that signified the difference in reception.

I’m not saying that the response to either case is right or wrong, I just didn’t understand and I guess I’m curious (not about the cases themselves, because there is enough gawking) but in the public and press reactions to them both.
"Populist shitrag comes to flagging Tory party aid (prior to elections they are about to take a kicking in) helping out in ongoing culture war against BBC" covers it"l, although "Nudes at Ten" is a better headline.
Philip Schofield had first met the young man when he was a teenager, and then provided some sort of assistance in his career, with the implication (though no proof) that the sexual relationship was an abuse of power. It also got conflated with Philip’s brother being convicted for child sex offences.

As far as we can tell, Huw did none of the above and while paying for gay porn as a married apparently straight man may seem distasteful to some/many, he’s not committed any crimes. It also looks like the BBC did take reasonable actions based on what they knew at the time, but that didn’t stop a lot of “BBC Paedos” rants online and false claims against anyone that people didn’t like.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Philip Schofield had first met the young man when he was a teenager, and then provided some sort of assistance in his career, with the implication (though no proof) that the sexual relationship was an abuse of power. It also got conflated with Philip’s brother being convicted for child sex offences.

As far as we can tell, Huw did none of the above and while paying for gay porn as a married apparently straight man may seem distasteful to some/many, he’s not committed any crimes. It also looks like the BBC did take reasonable actions based on what they knew at the time, but that didn’t stop a lot of “BBC Paedos” rants online and false claims against anyone that people didn’t like.

So it’s mostly the possible implication that by offering a career leg-up it pressured the young person in Schofield’s case to do things that he might not have if the career opportunities weren’t offered? A sort of ‘casting couch’ situation, but not through physical force? Ok, I get that.

I couldn’t understand because both of the young people seemed to be consenting (young) adults, and I’m sure that both felt some degree of pressure at the attentions of fame and money and recognised media power, though I suppose one is a bit more direct than the other.

I’m still surprised at just HOW MUCH the treatment of the two men had differed after they’ve been named.

I hope it sinks The Sun, though. I wish something would sink the Mail.
The Sun won’t be affected sadly. They didn’t name anyone, and will insist they reported claims being made to them accurately and in good faith.

There’s probably more stuff about Huw to come out that will affect his career while not being illegal.
Another person claims to have been threatened by messages he received from him, though that was after he first threatened to go to the press and expose him. Intending to blackmail someone isn’t the best idea, then pretending to be hard done by.

Both of these would have played out differently if it didn’t involve gay sex. That’s still conflated with criminality and sleaze for a lot of people.
Nobody will care until next week apart from those affected. In my experience people tend to forget things that they were furious but dead but wrong about after maybe 12 seconds, righteous indignation they can hang onto until their dying day.
Signs I'm Getting Old, part 94 of the ongoing series: having to make a lengthy-ish detour as I felt I couldn't successfully complete some stepping stones across a river.
I just walked past a handful of blokes in the street, and managed to catch what sounded like the punch line to a joke, with all the cadence and emphasis you get with punch lines - "... I've just seen Helen Baxendale swallow two whole pickled eggs!" My Bing-Fu has totally let me down and I can't find any jokes with that punch line, even if I swap out Helen Baxendale for another actress OR the pickled eggs for some other food. However, it was quite near a fish and chip shop where I heard this, so now I'm wondering if it wasn't a joke at all, he was just excitedly describing what he had actually seen, and she was just in the chippie showing off her party trick of swallowing eggs whole.
She was going for the third but she got cold feet.
Kern wrote:
Signs I'm Getting Old, part 94 of the ongoing series: having to make a lengthy-ish detour as I felt I couldn't successfully complete some stepping stones across a river.

This is just good sense. I've seen enough clips of people breaking their coccyx on those.
It's sports day at work tomorrow. Time to get a stomp on to some Thrilling Heorics and crush the interns!
MaliA wrote:
It's sports day at work tomorrow.

What, and I cannot stress this strongly enough, the actual fuck
Cras wrote:
MaliA wrote:
It's sports day at work tomorrow.

What, and I cannot stress this strongly enough, the actual fuck

The only thing that makes sense is that Malia now works in a school.

My eldest son works as a TA in a primary school, and he loves sports day, mainly because he gets to run in the parents and teachers event, and he has won it for the past 4 years (he's ever so slightly competitive). He retires undefeated as he's off back to Uni in September
Cras wrote:
MaliA wrote:
It's sports day at work tomorrow.

What, and I cannot stress this strongly enough, the actual fuck

I couldn't have put this any better. If it is what I think it is, this sounds like absolute hell.
Cras wrote:
MaliA wrote:
It's sports day at work tomorrow.

What, and I cannot stress this strongly enough, the actual fuck

Presumably it is actually the 1980s, and we're back to this being a thing.

My dad reckoned Guinness used to get 20,000 people watching theirs.

People were short of ideas back then.
MaliA wrote:
It's sports day at work tomorrow. Time to get a stomp on to some Thrilling Heorics and crush the interns!

Did you win?
Can somebody please tell me what this is? Instagram keeps advertising it to me and I can’t even work out what area of a person’s life it is used for? It’s Decathlon so my best guesses are camping or… golf, maybe?


The description has not helped AT ALL. Week of muddy bottom sounds like camping, TBF. Do you sit on it? Is it a fake grass pad for sitting in when the real grass is muddy?
Oh, lead as in the metal, not as in what you walk a dog with.

What’s a week of muddy bottom?
I assume it's supposed to be "weed or muddy"
Mimi wrote:
What’s a week of muddy bottom?

Well, this is all very disappointing. Don’t think I’ll buy it.
Like the golf suggestion though. Might try one!
New Internet Day here today. What’s the likelihood of this going off without a hitch?
Immediate hitch. New router can’t go where the current router is. My brain is not currently flexible enough to want any of the suggestions where the router will now live. I understand this is a me problem rather than a them problem, but it’s an early humbug.
We got a couple of narrow shelves for the router tipped other stuff to sit on that helped a lot.

Have you gone for full fibre?
Russell mentioned a shelf, but the router is now in our living room so it feels a bit prominent.

Yes, it’s full fibre. I don’t really know what that is, but the old telephone line here was really flaky. When we moved here a couple of years ago the max speed we could get was 1mb. Always check the broadband speed before you move house, especially if working from home. Some months later they changed the service availability and we could get up to about 30mb/s, but it was never a reliable connection. We regularly had issues with it and they’ve sent folks out to look at it a few times as they can see there is a fault, but then it goes again, or they can’t find it. They replaced the wires but it still happened. A few months ago they installed the full fibre support, so hopefully we’ll get a bit better service now.
I've had the patio door open most of the morning. Went to make myself an drank and there's a cat asleep on a cushion in The Den. We don't own a cat.
Cat? …or Wizard?!
I've had my patio door open most of the morning too. Went to make myself a kipper tie and noticed a Universal Weed Lead asleep on a cushion in my vestibule. We don't own a Universal Weed Lead.
Be serious. You own weed. Leads.
Don’t call me Shirley.
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