Middle Age Spread
Doing something about it
GazChap wrote:
Finished Telford parkrun again, this time knocking over 2 minutes off last week’s time, even though I had to walk for a tenth of a mile because my knee gave way a bit.

Well done. I should give credit to the fab run leader you have :)
GazChap wrote:
Finished Telford parkrun again, this time knocking over 2 minutes off last week’s time, even though I had to walk for a tenth of a mile because my knee gave way a bit.

Nice one, well done!

Apparently I can't count to 40, so 50m short of 2k wild swim in the river

The water was lovely,

although I had to walk an extra 2.5km back on the way home to avoid a filed of cows with a couple of bulls in there with them.
KovacsC wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Finished Telford parkrun again, this time knocking over 2 minutes off last week’s time, even though I had to walk for a tenth of a mile because my knee gave way a bit.

Well done. I should give credit to the fab run leader you have :)

Or the person who's been gently 'supporting' him to run for years? >:( :DD
Gym today, second monday of the last 3. Second time in 3 months or so (and I'd only been a couple of times this year before then).

At least upper body wise I haven't lost much strength in that time, I guess because I've done a lot of lifting myself out of chairs due to the foot pain.

Not doing lower body yet, though did light bike and cross today to see if the feet could stand it - cardio wise I'm *ruined*.
Malc wrote:

Apparently I can't count to 40, so 50m short of 2k wild swim in the river

The water was lovely,

although I had to walk an extra 2.5km back on the way home to avoid a filed of cows with a couple of bulls in there with them.


Too tired, too late, too achy and too cold to do more than 1k yesterday, but I thought I'd make up the missing 50m from the day before, somehow I added an extra 25m on top of that (which means I got out of the water at the waterfall end, which is not something I do or did)
Jem wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Finished Telford parkrun again, this time knocking over 2 minutes off last week’s time, even though I had to walk for a tenth of a mile because my knee gave way a bit.

Well done. I should give credit to the fab run leader you have :)

Or the person who's been gently 'supporting' him to run for years? >:( :DD

Nah :)
Got this to do tomorrow.

Feel bloody nervous and have to be up at 3:30
You’ve got this!
Runs done. Bit warm out.
I finished. My goodness that was tough. The heat was so oppressive I just felt sick when I tried to run.

Still super chuffed I did it.
Congratulations Kov, fantastic effort.

Interesting how the routes look like a man being bummed by a bear.
Well done, Kov! Insane heat to be doing it in.
I went for a swim at lunchtime (18 lengths).
Good work, Kov!
Thanks guys, I am sure it was cooler on the surface of the sun..
Zardoz wrote:
I went for a swim at lunchtime (18 lengths).

Learners or the big pool?
Cracked a sub-30 minute parkrun this morning. Well, sort of. Official parkrun time was 30:08 but Strava reckons I did the 5K in 29:55.
GazChap wrote:
Cracked a sub-30 minute parkrun this morning. Well, sort of. Official parkrun time was 30:08 but Strava reckons I did the 5K in 29:55.

That is fantastic. Well done.
After saying I would never do another marathon
MaliA wrote:
markg wrote:
Awesome work Mali! Is this the first of many or did you just want to tick it off the list?

Today, it's not an experience I can see myself repeating. The training for it is long and dull, and the race itself is bloody long and emotionally stressful.

So, yeah, probably, I reckon I can go faster.

And we'll find out on April 21st....
Luckiest forum ever!
Couch to 5K programme: completed it mate.
GazChap wrote:
Couch to 5K programme: completed it mate.

Nice one!
Seems like a London Beex Meet in support of you two maniacs might be on the cards…
GazChap wrote:
Seems like a London Beex Meet in support of you two maniacs might be on the cards…

GazChap wrote:
Couch to 5K programme: completed it mate.

Did the “graduation” Parkrun in Shrewsbury this morning.

Official time was 29:39.
Watch time was 29:36.
Strava 5K time was 29:10.

I just don’t get the discrepancy.
GazChap wrote:
Did the “graduation” Parkrun in Shrewsbury this morning.

Official time was 29:39.
Watch time was 29:36.
Strava 5K time was 29:10.

I just don’t get the discrepancy.

The rule is you use the fastest
GazChap wrote:
Did the “graduation” Parkrun in Shrewsbury this morning.

Official time was 29:39.
Watch time was 29:36.
Strava 5K time was 29:10.

I just don’t get the discrepancy.

That's super good well done!
Strava does some extra processing - I used to always run a bit extra on a run if I was rounding up the distance, else Strava would mess up my numbers. A mug's game! I think it interprets the gps data differently.
GazChap wrote:
Did the “graduation” Parkrun in Shrewsbury this morning.

Official time was 29:39.
Watch time was 29:36.
Strava 5K time was 29:10.

I just don’t get the discrepancy.

Got to be happy to get under 30 for your first go. 25 next, then knocking seconds off each time, running bigger distances, then crippling knee pain marking the beginning of the inevitable slide into decrepitude.
Not my first go, just the official “end” of the C25K, but definitely happy to be officially under 30, in Parkrun minutes if not age.

I’m in Amsterdam next weekend so I’ll be clocking up my 10th Parkrun there :)
GazChap wrote:
Did the “graduation” Parkrun in Shrewsbury this morning.

Official time was 29:39.
Watch time was 29:36.
Strava 5K time was 29:10.

I just don’t get the discrepancy.

Strava will record as you pass the start line. The parkrun time is from 9:00am. It will be a little out.
GazChap wrote:
Not my first go, just the official “end” of the C25K, but definitely happy to be officially under 30, in Parkrun minutes if not age.

I’m in Amsterdam next weekend so I’ll be clocking up my 10th Parkrun there :)

Glorious! Big fan of that! If it's the Amsterdamse Bos, it's about as flat as a route can be (as are most of the Dutch ones), despite the finish being quite clearly uphill.
Yeah, it's the Bos run. Just got to drag myself out of bed on Saturday morning early enough to catch the metro down there.
JBR wrote:
If it's the Amsterdamse Bos, it's about as flat as a route can be (as are most of the Dutch ones), despite the finish being quite clearly uphill.

It is, but it’s not really any more severe a hill than the slight gradient you run up between the 1-2km marks, IMO.

Lovely park though, even if some prick on a bike shouted DING loudly in my ear as he rode past. Yeah, mate, I heard you ringing your bell but I’m running in the middle of this very wide path and there is acres of room for you to get past.
GazChap wrote:
JBR wrote:
If it's the Amsterdamse Bos, it's about as flat as a route can be (as are most of the Dutch ones), despite the finish being quite clearly uphill.

It is, but it’s not really any more severe a hill than the slight gradient you run up between the 1-2km marks, IMO.

Lovely park though, even if some prick on a bike shouted DING loudly in my ear as he rode past. Yeah, mate, I heard you ringing your bell but I’m running in the middle of this very wide path and there is acres of room for you to get past.

I don't remember the early one. I saw your Strava reckoned 8m of elevation. Mine only went for 3 - margin of error and all that, so I was aware there might be more, but it just amused me that there was such an obvious longish uphill for so little gain. I've run courses that felt flat with twice that!
Been having some bother with my knee since last autumn really. Pretty painful the day after a run and seemed to be getting worse. Anyway went and got it MRI’d fearing that there was a meniscus tear or something along those lines. It’s not that, so on the one hand I’m glad I’m not looking at more surgery but the official diagnosis of “Just a cunt. A useless, pathetic, old, osteo-arthritic cunt.” doesn’t fill me with cheer. But then it seems like it’s just going to do what it’s going to do now so I can pretty much do whatever without really affecting the prognosis, it just might hurt a bit afterwards.

Saying that it’s been feeling a bit better lately only because I’ve cut right down on the mileage but hopefully also because I’ve been doing tons of calf raises etc. to try and strengthen the muscles around there. But that might also just be wishful thinking and/or warmer weather.
Bloody love an interval session. Followed by a pot noodle, and 100g chocolate.
Feels good afterwards, not so much at the time I don't find, not by the fourth one anyway.

I bought myself a waterrower and I love it. Quite spendy these things but I got it for cheap on ebay as it was all knackered and neglected when I picked it up from some footballers mansion house in Chester.

Should have taken some before pictures but I did a full repair shop on it. Stripped it down, sanded all the wood, a few coats of danish oil. Also the LCD and the buttons weren't working so took that all apart and fixed it, couple of new parts and now it's absolutely mint, so satisfying.


Anyway been doing 5K on that every day and then a bit of running as and when, my knees feel better than they have for years.
That looks more like a torture rack mate, not gonna lie.
It's ART!

https://www.johnlewis.com/waterrower-cl ... p230209355

WaterRower has won many design accolades for its smart fusion of aesthetics and functionality and has been featured at the London Museum of Design, and New York Museum of Modern Art. :insincere:
using up to 84% of your total muscle mass in every stroke

I'm such a fucking child.
MaliA wrote:
Bloody love an interval session. Followed by a pot noodle, and 100g chocolate.

Yesterday, as I was nearly falling asleep again halfway through training, I said to my trainer "I need to take on more calories don't I?"

"Yes." she said, very clearly enunciating the full stop that is grammatically incorrect there, almost as if she's been telling me that for 3 years and was very carefully not saying "fucking hell, at last!"

Which is weird, or telling, because she'd normally just say that.

Anyway, a combination of her schedule not allowing me 2 hours a week and my being unable to train most of this year, the last 16 hours of PT took 9 months.

But now done 4 hours in 2 weeks, should be over 12 hours by end of October, hoping to continue that trend the rest of the year. Maybe even aim to be back up to >300 kg leg press by new year, again. Hopefully without the regression to <200kg this time.
Looking back, a year ago was 3 years of PT, so it's 4 years my trainer has been trying to get me to improve my nutrition.

I also didn't post this photo, after 10 reps of 302kg (machine weight 47kg)

Back up to 200kg currently, mostly testing my joints and connective tissue. This seems to happen every year, which is annoying, albeit not usually as bad as this year has been.
markg wrote:
Feels good afterwards, not so much at the time I don't find, not by the fourth one anyway.

I bought myself a waterrower and I love it. Quite spendy these things but I got it for cheap on ebay as it was all knackered and neglected when I picked it up from some footballers mansion house in Chester.

Should have taken some before pictures but I did a full repair shop on it. Stripped it down, sanded all the wood, a few coats of danish oil. Also the LCD and the buttons weren't working so took that all apart and fixed it, couple of new parts and now it's absolutely mint, so satisfying.


Anyway been doing 5K on that every day and then a bit of running as and when, my knees feel better than they have for years.

Had one of these for a while about 10 years ago, they sound awesome. whoosh! whoosh!
Might get rid of the Peloton and get another in fact.
There's something really nice about dark stained wood construction rather than rough black square metal tube.
Boo-urns, tested positive for COVID haven't I? No training on Monday for me then!
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