MaliA wrote:
He has no concerns about losing his sense of taste.

Meeeeeee — ow :D
MaliA wrote:
He has no concerns about losing his sense of taste.

That is sooo true :)
I am clear. Woo hoo

@goddess Jasmine I feel back to about 80%
Excellent news! Don't forget to blame that 20% should you be struggling at Beer-Pong come the cottage this year. Glad to see you on the mend!
KovacsC wrote:
I am clear. Woo hoo

@goddess Jasmine I feel back to about 80%

Yay! :D
Stupidity went for a run yesterday and it put me on my arse again. That is why I missed the quiz..
KovacsC wrote:
Stupidity went for a run yesterday and it put me on my arse again. That is why I missed the quiz..

You plank.
Yes.. I know... very impatient..
There's talk on t'interwebs of evidence of people going back to exercise too early and ending up with heart issues and all sorts dude. Just take it steady.
I will be taking it steady.. :(
Looks like my wife has this now.

Person she works closely with at work went sick with it yesterday, Pauline came home feeling rough, but negative test last night.

Woke up feeling worse, but still negative test, decided not to go into work just in case, faint line just now, although she's feeling better than she was last night and this morning.
I've heard a lot of people say they felt ill and tested negative, then a day or so later feel better, but start testing positive then.
Its a pretty good strategy for a virus. I guess it's inevitable given the selection pressure created by self isolation
Hullo Beexers, just a heads up but I'm afraid to say I also have Covid. Indeed I've had it for a few days now but it all seems mercifully mild. Had mildly feverish thoughts and shivers one night, a mild cough and snuffles but that's about it so far, and feel on the mend. I'll probably be stuck indoors for the full ten though. Already feeling a bit stir-crazy. Gagh. Anyway, am taking it easy and happily thanks to regular testing clocked it early, minimising exposure to others.
Sorry to hear you've caught it Pete, hopefully it will stay mild and clear quickly.

My wife had her first negative test yesterday, and so far the rest of us have continued to test negatively too.

I won't fully count my chickens until next weekend I think. If we're all still clear with no symptoms then, only at that point will I believe we've nipped it in the bud.
So sorry to hear that, Pete. That’s what happens when you mingle too closely with The Queen, I suppose.
I hope it stays mild. Get Animal Crossing on and tidy those weeds.

Sorry to hear your wife has been I’ll so long, Malc. I hope you all manage to escape it and your wife is feeling well.
Sorry to hear that Pete. Hope you get better soon.

Fingers crossed things turn out well for you and your family Malc.
Wandering around the supermarket yesterday, I reckon about 90% of customers weren't wearing masks. I'm still doing so. Anyone else noticed a general decline in wearing them?
Here in Cardiff I find that 90% are still wearing on the buses. Supermarkets vary but I'd say a little over half are still wearing, same as with people getting up from their table in cafes. Not so many on the street.

Myself - bus and supermarket always, mostly in cafes except when I forget or am flustered. Oddly on the street half the time I do, either because I've just left a shop or because we had a couple of chill winds lately and my reinforced cotton mask with inner gauze is quite warm.
Yeah. I went to the supermarket this morning and I was the only one wearing a mask. The other day there were a few others, but the vast majority were not. It's all very worrying
I generally just avoid busy times and then take my cue from the shop staff wrt to wearing a mask or not nowadays.
I must be honest, I don't wear a mask now unless I'm specifically told to
Round Stouport and Malvern most people binned masks the moment the rules removal was announced.

I still wear mine and see others wearing theirs but definitely been the minority for weeks.

In the pub the other week I got proper dirty looks from a bloke sat at the bar when I went up to order wearing it.

I tested positive the next evening so I reckon it was him, just on that basis.
During the whole pandemic, they had you getting on the buses in the middle away from the driver here. That ended now, so you walk up to the bus driver now. I guess that means the pandemic is over.
Someone I’ve known online for years tested positive for Covid yesterday but despite feeling ‘awful’ (very tired, horrid sore throat, etc) decided to go to work today as there was ‘no point’ sitting at home. She said her boss discouraged anyone ill to work but it was already driving her ‘crazy’ being at home. She works in a garden centre cafe, and if that’s like any garden centre I’ve ever been in then that is the realm of the octogenarian. I had a perhaps regrettable kneejerk reaction and unfriended her, which I don’t know if I should have done but it’s too late now. Ten minutes later another friend that works in yarn shop posted similar, as she also has Covid. I guess that’s it. Can’t lock that stable door now.
I understand what you are saying, but many people don't get sick pay, and working whilst ill is an economic necessity, especially with the recent huge jump in cost of living.
You wouldn't go work in a cafe if you had Noro. And Noro's less likely to kill people.
MaliA wrote:
I understand what you are saying, but many people don't get sick pay, and working whilst ill is an economic necessity, especially with the recent huge jump in cost of living.

Nah, she was offered full sick pay, she made a point of saying that and that her boss ‘advised’ she stay home. I didn’t understand the mood. It was easy enough to see it as a weird brag, but that’s only because I can’t understand the motivation.

I’m sure there are people who do feel pressured to work through it for monetary reasons, but this isn’t that, she said it was because she was bored (or ‘going stir crazy’) at home with nothing to do.

It just seemed particularly short sighted because so many older people go to garden centres for lunch.
Cras wrote:
You wouldn't go work in a cafe if you had Noro. And Noro's less likely to kill people.

Is that not for a more practical reason though? Being that you can probably work through coughing in a cafe but not if you’re actively throwing up?
Mimi wrote:
Cras wrote:
You wouldn't go work in a cafe if you had Noro. And Noro's less likely to kill people.

Is that not for a more practical reason though? Being that you can probably work through coughing in a cafe but not if you’re actively throwing up?

Well, I'd like to think it's also because it's a bad idea to make your customers sick, so the same rule should really apply
Cras wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Cras wrote:
You wouldn't go work in a cafe if you had Noro. And Noro's less likely to kill people.

Is that not for a more practical reason though? Being that you can probably work through coughing in a cafe but not if you’re actively throwing up?

Well, I'd like to think it's also because it's a bad idea to make your customers sick, so the same rule should really apply

Oh, of course. I guess what I mean is if people could go to work with Noro, because they personally felt ok but knew that they were likely to make other people sick, would they? I mean, I sort of feel that a lot would.
Being that you can probably work through coughing in a cafe but not if you’re actively throwing up?

Lack of ambition :p

I used to try and 'soldier through' but I remember a big learning experience was when I struggled in to work feeling and looking utterly terrible. My boss immediately sent me home and when I thanked him for being nice he responded with something blunt along the lines of 'I just don't want to get what you've got, and you look like shit'

There really aren't any prizes for soldering through, and I'd feel guilty at thought of making other people sick. However I am in a quite privileged position work-wise. I reckon it'd be a lot tougher a decision to make in other walks of life.
Two years since the lockdown was announced on TV.

I think it's one of those dates that's going to stick in my head.
My Eldest son has now tested positive for this, and I started feeling crap yesterday. I'm still testing negative, but nearly everyone I know that's caught it this year has had exactly the same thing (days of feeling crap before testing positive).

Slightly annoying given that I am half way through my holiday and the weather is amazing today.
Malc wrote:
My Eldest son has now tested positive for this, and I started feeling crap yesterday. I'm still testing negative, but nearly everyone I know that's caught it this year has had exactly the same thing (days of feeling crap before testing positive).

Slightly annoying given that I am half way through my holiday and the weather is amazing today.

And after 3 days of feeling shite, I have finally tested positive today. The line was initially clear, and I almost thought it was another clear test, but a 3rd look 10 minutes later showed the faintest of lines.

Malc wrote:
Malc wrote:
My Eldest son has now tested positive for this, and I started feeling crap yesterday. I'm still testing negative, but nearly everyone I know that's caught it this year has had exactly the same thing (days of feeling crap before testing positive).

Slightly annoying given that I am half way through my holiday and the weather is amazing today.

And after 3 days of feeling shite, I have finally tested positive today. The line was initially clear, and I almost thought it was another clear test, but a 3rd look 10 minutes later showed the faintest of lines.



I hope it clears quickly Malc. X
My wife, granddaughter and I went to a garden centre during half term, our first venture out anywhere, except for essential shopping, since the first lockdown. We wore masks at all times except when we went into the cafe for lunch. The following day I came down with Noro, and my wife, granddaughter and daughter all got it over the next few days. Luckily, we had it one at a time, not simultaneously.

Still, I consider this as quite lucky, as we were all better by the time I went into hospital for my bypass. I'd have been really pissed off if I'd missed my slot because of Noro.

In hospital, patients were allowed not to wear a masks while on the wards, but were always asked to wear one if being moved around between departments, e.g. from the ward to the operating theatre, or to x-ray. Staff had to wear masks at all times. Visiting on the cardiac unit was limited to one designated person, who had to book an appointment to be allowed in, and had to wear a mask at all times. My wife came in to see me just once during my 7 day stay. The following day, all visiting was stopped as someone who'd been on the ward a couple of weeks earlier had then tested positive. I was tested when I initially arrived for my treatment, again immediately before I went to theatre, and a couple more times during my stay.

I'm now pretty much self-isolating for six weeks, except for GP or hospital check ups, as this is the minimum time before I can drive again, but as the infection rate is going up I have no intention of going anywhere without wearing a mask for the foreseeable future.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Malc wrote:
Malc wrote:
My Eldest son has now tested positive for this, and I started feeling crap yesterday. I'm still testing negative, but nearly everyone I know that's caught it this year has had exactly the same thing (days of feeling crap before testing positive).

Slightly annoying given that I am half way through my holiday and the weather is amazing today.

And after 3 days of feeling shite, I have finally tested positive today. The line was initially clear, and I almost thought it was another clear test, but a 3rd look 10 minutes later showed the faintest of lines.



I hope it clears quickly Malc. X

Thanks, I thought it was clearing yesterday, but after doing some light chores I was exhausted, and am still pretty drained today (and can't stop coughing and sneezing which is annoying). I'm glad I got a couple of walks in and a swim before getting symptomatic, but really annoyed that half of the week (with some of the best March weather in a while) has been written off.

I should be able to claim those lost days back as holiday I guess, but I bet it's hoops and forms and approvals to jump through.
@Warhead It sounds like you’ve done all you can to avoid infection. Keep safe, keep resting and take all the precautions you can to stay away from it all as you recover x
Well, we held out over two year, which is pretty amazing with a 4 > 5 > 6 year old, but the inevitable has finally happened and Bean has Covid. We had a lateral flow test and it’s very clearly positive.

I tried to order PCR tests but they don’t do them any more. I had no idea. I knew they’d stoped free LF tests but didn’t realise they weren’t doing any testing at all.
I'm so sorry Mimi, big hugs and I will be thinking of him and you :luv:
Mimi wrote:
Well, we held out over two year, which is pretty amazing with a 4 > 5 > 6 year old, but the inevitable has finally happened and Bean has Covid. We had a lateral flow test and it’s very clearly positive.

I tried to order PCR tests but they don’t do them any more. I had no idea. I knew they’d stoped free LF tests but didn’t realise they weren’t doing any testing at all.

Oh no, how is he?

How are you holding up too? Have you had to squirrel away in a separate room? X
Yes, I’ve been squirrelled in the bedroom. Physically I feel fine, mentally I’m on the absolute floor. I’ve had a pretty crappy couple of weeks, and I was looking forwards to the start of the Easter holiday and two weeks with my boys.

Bean has a fever, is very lethargic and has bloodshot eyes. Russell is ok at the moment, taking as many precautions as possible.
Fingers crossed it is all over quickly and you can carry on with the plans you have.

Hopefully you can still get out and enjoy the garden too.
miki wrote:
I'm so sorry Mimi, big hugs and I will be thinking of him and you :luv:

Thank you, Miki. He’s shattered and fell asleep as his head hit the pillow. He’s feverish so we’ll see how the next few days go.
Mimi wrote:
Well, we held out over two year, which is pretty amazing with a 4 > 5 > 6 year old, but the inevitable has finally happened and Bean has Covid. We had a lateral flow test and it’s very clearly positive.

I tried to order PCR tests but they don’t do them any more. I had no idea. I knew they’d stoped free LF tests but didn’t realise they weren’t doing any testing at all.

Yep, all the mass testing was shut down a couple of weeks ago.

Hope you all get through it with minimal discomfort.
I hope today's been OK so far for you all
We felt like we'd failed Lady Ts dad when he came over to visit and we all caught it, this was after he'd done so well avoiding it over those peak years back at home. But it passed.
MaliA wrote:
I hope today's been OK so far for you all

Darwin is feeling better than he was doing yesterday. His eyes are still bloodshot but his temperature is back to normal. He hasn’t got any cold symptoms yet, though.

Russell says he feels a bit congested, but we’re not sure if that’s early Covid or wearing a mask or what. I feel ok apart from a cracking headache. Russell and I are both currently testing negative. Spirits are mostly ok, though I’m finding it hard being alone.
I am not liking the hangover to this, a 90 minute walk today has left me feeling totally drained.

Now I have no energy to continue with the rest of what I wanted to do today.

As a comparison, 3 weeks ago I did a 7 hour walk and didn't feel anyway nearly as pooped as this.

Looks like it's going to be a slow journey to get back to that level
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