Political Banter and Debate Thread
Countdown to a flight-free UK
She corrupted Harry and turned him against his family. That's why they most want to go for a drink with him to try and talk him round.
Also she had the unmitigated gall to be a bit brown.
Mimi wrote:
:D just re-read over it. Alongside Brexit regret is the pressing question of whether you’d like to go for a int with the queen. Goodness me.

It's the 1% who'd go for a pint with Andrew that I'm really worried about.
Meanwhile, Paterson's just resigned.

Giphy "uproarious laughter":
Fucking clownshow.
markg wrote:
It would make sense when they're going to have to go to all the faff of changing the coins and stamps to not have someone who's already about 80 or something.

But they don’t decommission all of the old monarch coins. I remember there being coins with ‘the king’s head’ in them when I was a kid (when 10p coins were big enough to eat your dinner off, and sometimes said ‘TWO SHILLINGS’ on them).
Kern wrote:
Meanwhile, Paterson's just resigned.

Giphy "uproarious laughter":

Reckon they already have a pre-approved Charlie portrait ready to go on the commemorative 50ps
Won't he have a different name when he is king, though?
How does that "Best Prime Minister" metric work on that Mail survey?

Only one of the two options given has been Prime Minister.

I can't think of any way of wording the question that might have been asked for that one that is remotely fair.
Mimi wrote:
‘Bell me’ or ‘bell me up’ was slang for ‘call me’ even when I was a kid, you old-timer.

Haha in your face, Cras.
MaliA wrote:
Won't he have a different name when he is king, though?

Mr Russell wrote:
Jem wrote:
Mimi wrote:
krazywookie wrote:
I can't be the youngest at 35 can I? That seems too old to be the youngest of something

I think Russell is 35?

I'm also 35 :)

I mean, I'm 38.

Oh, hahahaha. I thought there was a bigger gap between us.
DavPaz wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Won't he have a different name when he is king, though?


He'll have to change his first name from Prince to King.
MaliA wrote:
Won't he have a different name when he is king, though?

Yes. Apparently he’s going to be King George, if he ever gets there.
Looks like the Tories are shafting the north over rail upgrades. It was all rather inevitable really.
Kern wrote:
...Tories are shafting the north...

Saved you some time there
Who'd have thought it?
Whilst it's probably a good idea that we don't build railway lines without considering how it might be detrimental to local residents and the environment, a high-speed east-west line has been in the works for ages and just seems such an obvious benefit to the country I don't get why we're still debating it.

Of course, my views on HS2 might be different were my house in the way...
I thought they sacked this part of it off years ago and have just announced it officially.
I see Priti Patel continues to be a horrendous person with what is a disgusting handful of new laws on protest

https://inews.co.uk/opinion/priti-patel ... rticle-top
MaliA wrote:
I see Priti Patel continues to be a horrendous person with what is a disgusting handful of new laws on protest

https://inews.co.uk/opinion/priti-patel ... rticle-top

It's utterly appalling. I used to get so angry about Labour's attack on freedom when they were in (remember the Coalition's "protection of freedom" bill?). I've just become so dulled by the continual onslaught of nastiness from this bunch that I can't get outraged by everything. But it plays well with the people they get their support from, who seem to get offended if people dare to raise climate change or racism etc with them.

I'm also absolutely sickened by the response to people drowning in the Channel. Words fail me at time.
This mini Twitter Thread sums up the Government at the moment imo:

https://twitter.com/dannywallace/status ... 9801423883

Ant and Dec at it too:

https://twitter.com/imacelebrity/status ... 8749465606

Together with the priority flights out of Afghanistan for dogs, it's been an utterly sickening day.

Maladministration is too kind a term for it all, and evil suggest some greater plan. They're all just knobs.
Germany's new administration takes over today, with Olaf Scholz becoming Chancellor.

Can't help noticing that his first foreign trips are announced as Paris and Brussels, and that the traffic-light coalition* agreement includes warnings about Northern Ireland. Britain doesn't matter anymore, and is seen as an untrustworthy neighbour. How far will this country continue fall before it comes to its senses?

*I love the terms used to describe coalition possibilities over there.

Downing Street staff filmed joking about the non-party.

Surely this must mean his own party are going to disown him now?
BBC breakfast pointed out that there is always a government minister for the 7:30am interview, but for some reason nobody was available despite Sajid being booked to cover the vaccine anniversary.

They even showed the clip of Ant & Dec putting the boot in.
Check your fridges!
Allegra Stratton has resigned over something that apparently didn't happen.

Just another totally normal thing to occur in this totally normal country run by totally normal people.
Malc wrote:
Allegra Stratton has resigned over something that apparently didn't happen.

Just another totally normal thing to occur in this totally normal country run by totally normal people.

Hasn’t she resigned for the video, which definitely happened, but not the actual Schroedinger’s party?
Yes, in the same way that Johnson is furious that they got found out, not that they are all morally corrupt and did a Very Bad Thing.
I'm more annoyed by the fact they're being berated for having a naughty party instead of for shafting 99% of the population and pissing off the mainland neighbors
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Hasn’t she resigned for the video, which definitely happened, but not the actual Schroedinger’s party?

But The video is only a problem if there was a party, if there wasn't a party the video doesn't really matter.
Sajid was looking really very sweaty on the breakfast news. Not sure if he has caught something or is just nervous of being asked about a party that may or may not have happened.
Usual posting on FB groups after Plan B announcement. 'Why should we follow the rules, then they don't ' It might a huge joke to the the Tories but it is going to have an impact.

off to my hibernation chamber.
For avoidance of doubt, Mr Johnson has never taken part in any BeeX quizzes.
Kern wrote:
Meanwhile, Paterson's just resigned.

And now they've lost the seat!

Giphy "laughing":

What a truly glorious own goal.
Meanwhile, wasn't someone on here offering work in the Shropshire area? This guy's local and could do with a side hustle to pay school fees.
Loving the news that conservatives have lost a seat in North Shropshire. Made my Christmas :DD Now all we need is for Kawczynski to get booted for his dodgy dealings and get an alternative bum in that one too.
That’s the local MP of a lot of Russell’s side of the family. I know a little bit of hope can be a dangerous thing, but goodness I’d love this to be a trend. I wish the next general wasn’t so far away
Prediction: Johnson will go and Dishy Rishi will walk the next election.
markg wrote:
Prediction: Johnson will go and Dishy Rishi will walk the next election.

They will use the tag line anything is better than the last c**t..
"This dick is better than the last Johnson"
To be leader of the Tory party, there is only a memory of three months. In that 3 months you need 2 of the following 3 properties.
1. Charisma
2. Covertly Incompetent
3. Covertly Evil

Boris fails at 2, but succeeds at 1 and 3. However it's been decided that his time is up.
Rishi is an option, he generally succeeds at all 3 to some level, but isn't a shining light in any.
Truss only has 3, fails at 1 and 2.
Shapps is the same as Truss.
Raab is the same, 3, but no 1 or 2.
Hancock is the same too!
Patel has 2 covered, but not 3. 1 could be argued for, as it's impossible to be literally satan without some pull, so Patel is a candidate.
Reese-mogg has 1 and 2, but fails dismally at 3. Makes him a candidate, though...

After all that, the best way to play the game is to not play the game. So my prediction for PM is Gove, as he started his campaign early by going completely AWOL 3 months ago, so doesn't have to play by the above rules.
Gove's been heading the supply chain taskforce, hasn't he?
I reckon he's the one leaking the party pictures.
Knowing the Tory membership, the next leader will probably be Truss or Patel. We're screwed.
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