Political Banter and Debate Thread
Countdown to a flight-free UK
I have done my civic duty.

Jem will be going up later, giving us an opportunity to do our first Dogs At Polling Stations post.
I'm a poll clerk today. So far, we've had four voters through the door.

Could be a long day this.
My place was empty, but then it's weirdly always empty despite local turnout rate being high
In all my excitement I remembered to grab a mask and a pencil before leaving the house but forgot to take my poll card with me. It took several attempts for the poor clerk to understand my address as I spoke through my mask and the plexiglass screen but we got there in the end.

The safety procedures were very well thought out. I wonder if there's an increase in postal voting this year due to the Event.
Kern wrote:
In all my excitement I remembered to grab a mask and a pencil before leaving the house

I did remember a pen but in our center there was a box of pencils on the desk and a box at the door for you to return them (I assume they will be cleaned before being cycled back around)
"We are ‘absolutely not’ going to war with France."

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/p ... 42983.html

Pretty sure that can be reviewed if these elections don't go well for the Tories.
Kern wrote:
How are the bin collections made easier by having the navy in Jersey?

Doesn’t need to have anything to do it. There are plenty of people that just see a flag and the party behind it and will vote for them in whatever context; council, mayoral, and national, and they always seem to be the ones who also really, really love military personnel.
Everyone's gone home.

But the polls don't shut for another eight hours!
HMS Tamar was miles away doing donuts
I have voted, Section C was empty, but the Section D rabble were queing all the way back into C. The bastards.
I postal vote since when I was working away from home a lot. I work from home 99.9% of the time now, but I'm sticking with the postal voting so I don't have to mix with the smelly proles on election days.
TheVision wrote:
I'm a poll clerk today. So far, we've had four voters through the door.

Could be a long day this.

How goes it?
We've had 45 people through the door, I've eaten all my food and completed Final Fight on the Switch.

So not bad really.
That's a lot more entertainment time than I had. Two stations in the building, over 600 voters in total. Not enough to be exactly busy, though with occasional queues inside, but a steady trickle. It passed very happily, but I would have liked a quiet hour or two to read. I enjoyed it, though - nice people, no problems, and the police stopped by a couple of times and didn't hurt anyone, which was great.
We finished on just over 60 people in the end. We saw four dogs and one cat and like you JBR, were visited by the police twice with no incident.

It was a long day but I was with my brother so it could have been a whole lot worse. I would have struggled to make 16 hours of small talk with a stranger.
I have read or listened to about four different reports about what's going on with Labour and the shadow cabinet, and am still pretty much none the wiser.
Police officers who protect Royal Family could be at risk of prosecution honks the evening Standard

Someone cleverer than me made this comment on facespace:

“He highlighted a series of manoeuvres they have to undertake, often “for the sole purpose of maintaining the principal’s timetable by leaving traffic behind”, pointing out the potential dangers of them.”

The question isn’t “why aren’t these Police drivers immune from prosecution”, it’s “why the hell are the Police using dangerous driving techniques and putting other road users at risk just to “maintain the [Royal Family’s] timetable””?
I'm giving Liz's Big Hat Day a rest this year. What I've heard of its contents is enough to get me spitting buckets, so I don't fancy any additional stress if I can avoid it and I can rehearse various points of irritation here at my leisure later. Of course, I know the government are only doing this to troll, but it's still irritating. Here's something soothing instead:

Giphy "fluffy bunnies":
Exciting railway organisation time again!

Not had the chance to review the recommendations in full yet so will comment later but looks like the "Great" in "Great British Railways" is going to be doing a lot of heavy lifting.
I'm all for the "only three days a week" season tickets. The "certain lines" makes me nervous, though.
"Flexible ticket available on the Carlisle to Berwick line only."
Grim... wrote:
I'm all for the "only three days a week" season tickets. The "certain lines" makes me nervous, though.

Yeah. I'm looking at a three day commute and it's still about £150 cheaper per month to get an annual season ticket than buy day returns.
https://twitter.com/BarristerSecret/sta ... 8479570949

<Adds to list>
Of course people have the right to boo. And exercising that right makes them a tool
Can you imagine it if the question was about people booing the minute silence? I don't think they'd be saying that people had the right to boo that, even though they have just as much "right" to do both! It would all be about how disrespectful it was to the memories of the dead.

I don't think I've heard people put it like that in the media, but I'd like to see someone do so, and what the response would be from the racist being asked.
I like it. Though with this lot, utter disingenuity is built in, hence Brexit for sovereignty (but let's not ask Parliament), freedom of speech in universities (no, but not like that) and so on. Noted prick Kawczynski started his apology today with “I did not swear nor raise my voice", because that's the key thing here, isn't it.
JBR wrote:
Noted prick Kawczynski started his apology today with “I did not swear nor raise my voice", because that's the key thing here, isn't it.

The sheer arrogance on this melt astounds me. He's been formally told by the HoC that what he did was wrong, and then has the audacity to say that he did nothing wrong.

I'm ashamed that my home town has voted him in so consistently since 2005 (I think) but then, as the saying goes, they'd vote for a turd if you put a blue rosette on it.
JBR wrote:
I like it. Though with this lot, utter disingenuity is built in, hence Brexit for sovereignty (but let's not ask Parliament), freedom of speech in universities (no, but not like that) and so on. Noted prick Kawczynski started his apology today with “I did not swear nor raise my voice", because that's the key thing here, isn't it.

And he was under extra pressure because he's tall...

https://twitter.com/estwebber/status/14 ... 8210164744

Bullying is fine as long as it's not *deliberate*. Gotcha.

It'll go down well with the racism and sexism fans at least.
What I am loving, is all my Tory friends complaining about the Tories stopping freedom day..
Well, I am very pleased it wasn't me who said this in parliament, given Cummings's latest gift of a text of the PM calling Hancock "totally fucking hopeless".

Given the gravity of the situation that the Government faced at the beginning of the pandemic, and considering we now know that Dominic Cummings was a hugely disruptive force, I congratulate Ministers, not least my right hon. Friend, on staying focused on the evidence presented by the experts at the time as events changed quickly. Will my right hon. Friend assure me that he will ignore unsubstantiated Westminster gossip and stay focused on delivering the vaccine roll-out and our manifesto promises?

https://www.theyworkforyou.com/debates/ ... 802#g537.1
Has anyone watched GB news, I am curious, but don't want to add to their ratings.
KovacsC wrote:
Has anyone watched GB news, I am curious, but don't want to add to their ratings.

I think you need a BARB box to be counted in the ratings don't you?

I know sky/virgin boxes are connected to the internet, but I don't think they count the views (I know they never used to, but I guess it might have changed since the last time I looked into it)
Yeah, as far as I know the BARB system is the only one that counts (pun!)
What the what? No.
Oh, haha, that’s Bean’s inset day. Thank goodness.
Hahha, Scotland are on holiday then.

"One nation" fucking bellends
Flanders and Swann did it better.
Oh dear god, the lyrics (pdf)...

Our nation survived through many storms and many wars
We’ve opened our doors, and widened our island’s shores
We celebrate our differences with love in our hearts
United forever, never apart

Shame we voted against all these things in 2016. Heigh-ho.
Now the Tories want to sell off Channel 4. If it goes ahead, the loss of Channel 4 News in particular would be a tragedy for this country as no commercial body would fund that to the extent 4 does now, let alone use ratings-heavy shows to fund the more experimental stuff. I love the BBC but C4 is just as important a public service filling in the gaps that neither BBC or the commercial sectors would do.

I'm also not actually sure why any business would be interested in a channel with a remit as tightly defined as it has now to provide an alternative to everything else, that doesn't own any productions itself, and has to reinvest its profits. Any sale would require these things to be chucked to make it appealing to the market.

Just another part of this government's Great British Arson.
There's no end in sight either. The Starmer experiment seems to be a resounding failure. At least another Tory government after this one. The damage from this shower of shit will be felt for the rest of our lives.
markg wrote:
At least another Tory government after this one.

Except for viewers in Scotland.
markg wrote:
There's no end in sight either. The Starmer experiment seems to be a resounding failure

Starmer's current problem is that due to the pandemic, nobody is paying attention to him or his shadow cabinet. Drakeford, Sturgeon, and Johnson are on TV all the time due to being the executives responsible (yes, that includes you Johnson) for handling the crisis in their particular territories. Once normal politics return, we'll hear more of them, although by ten it might be too late to create an impression.

Labour are also being squeezed from both sides in England as their old coalition collapses. In remainy areas, why go to a compromising Labour when I could go Lib Dem or Green, and in leaveland the Tories are sewing all that up. Scotland's more or less gone from them.
Hey, everyone's taking the piss because we've given in to the sportsballers, let's not do anything knee-jerk though yeah?


War with Russia? Top-hole, what! Tally-ho! just so long as there's a journalist and film crew conveniently on board when we go in for the wedgie!
Are we on the anti-Terminator timeline? Destiny says we've got a deadline but we failed the Turing test; in lieu of building Skynet to wipe us out we've gone Full Lemmings instead?
I'm looking forward to discovering if Johnson considers breaking Covid rules by cheating on your wife is a graver offence than breaking them by going to Barnard Castle for eye tests.
Nope, looks like he can't see anything wrong with any of it. How foolish of me to think that he might, just once, do the right thing.
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