Dungeons and Dragons
We could fashion THE BELLOWS into a launcher!
We could all put on disguises and pretend to be some of the orange lasses at Boots perfume counter. Ask them if they'd like to sample the bold new fragrances we have.
Yeah, keep it simple.
Squirt wrote:
I'm about to start Session 0 of my other campaign. It's OK though, they mean nothing to me, it's you lot I really care about!

I'm trying to nudge everyone towards Zardozeses "Draw your D&D character" deal, but no biters so far. I'll keep on hustling though!
Draw them yourself.

That'll learn them.
Mr Dave wrote:
Draw them yourself.

That'll learn them.

Good thinking! This character art stuff is a doddle, anyway
Phew, I can stop now...
Zardoz wrote:
Phew, I can stop now...

:D Honestly, I am trying to sell your services but it might take a few sessions
Great template, cheers!
Squirt wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Phew, I can stop now...

:D Honestly, I am trying to sell your services but it might take a few sessions

:kiss: Very kind of you but don't lose your 2nd game over it!
Zardoz wrote:
Squirt wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Phew, I can stop now...

:D Honestly, I am trying to sell your services but it might take a few sessions

:kiss: Very kind of you but don't lose your 2nd game over it!

Well, I showed them your Behance page and got some good feedback - "Those are excellent", "Nice!", "These are boss!", and "These vile and abhorrent scrawlings are clearly the product of a depraved and twisted psyche", so pretty positive overall!
Let's hope I get a flurry of orders in so I can ditch these freebies x
Zardoz wrote:
Let's hope I get a flurry of orders in so I can ditch these freebies x

I mean they’re literally the only reason we haven’t booted you yet
You're on your last phone warning.
Zardoz wrote:
You're on your last phone warning.

I mean you guys take so long deciding what to do in combat it’s no wonder I get bored.

And sometimes I’m conversing with Worldmill support so it’s for your benefit anyway. :shrug:
We know exactly what to do in combat!

It's the bits in between that causes accidents.
myp wrote:
And once I was conversing with Worldmill support so it’s for your benefit anyway. :shrug:


Had my vaccine on Saturday and I feel like someone's been kicking the shit out of me in my sleep. I suspect it was Gill due to all my poor taste Scotch jokes.
I only look at my phone/disappear during the huge wait between combat rounds and even then I can still hear everything that’s happening. :shrug:
Whereas I just have a bladder the size of a pea so have to make a break for the loo 3 times a session.
Dimrill wrote:
very rude

Ok gran
I just assumed you were a heroin addict :shrug:
Squirt wrote:
Whereas I just have a bladder the size of a pea so have to make a break for the loo 3 times a session.

Nothing to do with those oversized cans of lager!
myp wrote:
Squirt wrote:
Whereas I just have a bladder the size of a pea so have to make a break for the loo 3 times a session.

Nothing to do with those oversized cans of lager!

:D Those might not help, tis true!
Simply piss in the empty cans.
Dimrill wrote:
myp wrote:
And once I was conversing with Worldmill support so it’s for your benefit anyway. :shrug:


Had my vaccine on Saturday and I feel like someone's been kicking the shit out of me in my sleep. I suspect it was Gill due to all my poor taste Scotch jokes.

Are you ok for tonight or do you want to reschedule?
sdg wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
myp wrote:
And once I was conversing with Worldmill support so it’s for your benefit anyway. :shrug:


Had my vaccine on Saturday and I feel like someone's been kicking the shit out of me in my sleep. I suspect it was Gill due to all my poor taste Scotch jokes.

Are you ok for tonight or do you want to reschedule?

I'm fine. BUT(!) read between those lines people! Our Danger Mouse thinks that me not being there would mean deaths all round!
Don’t you worry my dwarven friend! Caution is my watch word.
She never wants to reschedule when I’m ill! Shows how little use the shit wizard is

*stares at phone*
Dimrill wrote:
sdg wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
myp wrote:
And once I was conversing with Worldmill support so it’s for your benefit anyway. :shrug:


Had my vaccine on Saturday and I feel like someone's been kicking the shit out of me in my sleep. I suspect it was Gill due to all my poor taste Scotch jokes.

Are you ok for tonight or do you want to reschedule?

I'm fine. BUT(!) read between those lines people! Our Danger Mouse thinks that me not being there would mean deaths all round!

I also suspect that not having our only roper front line unit would lead to pain.
Or our primaryish healer.
Or our 1 rolling machine.
Or our suicidal druid.
Or our wizard.
Got moon beer for tonight!

I fancied... a change.

Please make sure to look the other way if I magic a key out of nowhere again :DD
sdg wrote:
Please make sure to look the other way if I magic a key out of nowhere again :DD

You know what that did, don't cher? Don't cher?! It appeared... out of scotch mist! *bends over for punishment*
Dimrill wrote:
sdg wrote:
Please make sure to look the other way if I magic a key out of nowhere again :DD

You know what that did, don't cher? Don't cher?! It appeared... out of scotch mist! *bends over for punishment*

Don’t fall for it, he loves a spanking, the perverted dwarf
Half past sharp?
Mr Dave wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
sdg wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
myp wrote:
And once I was conversing with Worldmill support so it’s for your benefit anyway. :shrug:


Had my vaccine on Saturday and I feel like someone's been kicking the shit out of me in my sleep. I suspect it was Gill due to all my poor taste Scotch jokes.

Are you ok for tonight or do you want to reschedule?

I'm fine. BUT(!) read between those lines people! Our Danger Mouse thinks that me not being there would mean deaths all round!

I also suspect that not having our only roper front line unit would lead to pain.
Or our primaryish healer.
Or our 1 rolling machine.
Or our suicidal druid.
Or our wizard.

I suspect my average roll isn't that bad, I just appear to be either on a natural 20 hot streak or on a "nothing above a 7" roll.
Ivo, having levelled up, walks down to breakfast the next day somehow being incredibly persuasive and good at lying. His normal "creepy guy at a party" vibe has somehow been replaced with an "obnoxiously intense letting agent" aura, meaning he can lie and browbeat people into agreeing with him. Oh, and now he can also command a shadow-wreathed hand to suck life-force out of enemies.

However, this talk of Giants is going to make me think of this, constantly...

Avast, ye landlubbers. Ye arrrr no match for this salty seadog of a wizarrrrrrd
Level 5! Heroes of Phandalin! Trusted by the Lords of the Alliance to investigate the Giant threat!

This next part of our adventure has the potential to go any number of places in a very sandbox-y fashion. Some of the information you learn and quests you receive might be time sensitive but a lot of the time you’ll have a number of options available to you and you’ll be setting your own schedule. To help me make the world as engaging as possible, please let me know if there’s somewhere you want to go in advance and I can make sure I’ve prepped for it. As I introduce new options and places to you through the people you meet and speak to I’ll start to prep those areas but advance notice of your intentions will mean I can focus my efforts :)

Through the week I’ll prep the player version of the Triboar map and share it with you on Legend Keeper.
I want to go somewhere that is only traversable by galleon
myp wrote:
I want to go somewhere that is only traversable by galleon

That’s not how you spell my name.
myp wrote:
I want to go somewhere

Hey! That's where Something and Person live!
Dimrill wrote:
myp wrote:
I want to go somewhere

Hey! That's where Something and Person live!

That’s Mr Person to you!

Every set of dice on this page is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
Thank you sdg, that was awesome! Those ghouls didn't know what hit them, although I suspect that if we'd come up from the south and couldn't have channeled them like that we'd have had a much more tricky time of it.

Level five Ivo is significantly more powerful than level four, with an extra spell, an couple of extra proficiencies and twice as much Eldritch Blasting per turn!
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