Bits and Bobs 51
Where IS area 51?
That’s right.
I have only ever known squint to mean looking-through-eyes-nearly-closed-because-bright-light.

Skewiff, wonky, pissed are common English synonyms.
It occurred to me as I was watching a recording of Phantom of the Opera at the Albert hall tonight, that while at first glance it looked like I was watching a couple in love doing a romantic duet, what I was actually watching was 2 people who vaguely know each other, scream as hard as they can in each others faces, from a distance of 2 inches.
sdg wrote:

Surely this isn’t right?

This, truly, is a surprise.
BikNorton wrote:
Skewiff, wonky, pissed are common English synonyms.

Someone mentions this on that Twitter thread and apparently it’s correct spelling is skew-whiff, which is news to me - I’ve always spelt it as you have here.
@romanista Rick, my Ma sent a message to pass on to my ‘bee friend’. I don’t remember talking to her about a bee friend, but I assume it is you. I don’t know if you’ll know the answer to this, but she said:

“ Your bee friend, could you ask what I should do about the tubes the leaf cutter bees used?

Should I just leave them?

Clear them?

I have another house incase all the babies return but don’t want to turn them away if their rooms aren’t up to standard.”
GazChap wrote:
BikNorton wrote:
Skewiff, wonky, pissed are common English synonyms.

Someone mentions this on that Twitter thread and apparently it’s correct spelling is skew-whiff, which is news to me - I’ve always spelt it as you have here.

Do you use it frequently?

A search of Beex shows the only instances of its use here in are in this thread.

I can't remember ever seeing it written down before and I don't think it's a word that I've ever written or typed, except just now in the Beex search, but you say you've always spelt it that way.

What different lives we lead.
Warhead wrote:
Do you use it frequently?

Not in writing, no.

I can't remember ever seeing it written down before and I don't think it's a word that I've ever written or typed, except just now in the Beex search, but you say you've always spelt it that way.

Aye, I meant "spelt it in my head" I guess. I don't think I've ever written it down before today either.
krazywookie wrote:
sdg wrote:

Surely this isn’t right?

This, truly, is a surprise.

What do visitors think when they're in Glasgow and one of the landmarks is called the Squinty Bridge?!
sdg wrote:
krazywookie wrote:
sdg wrote:

Surely this isn’t right?

This, truly, is a surprise.

What do visitors think when they're in Glasgow and one of the landmarks is called the Squinty Bridge?!

That you have to look at with your eyes half closed?
DavPaz wrote:
sdg wrote:
krazywookie wrote:
sdg wrote:

Surely this isn’t right?

This, truly, is a surprise.

What do visitors think when they're in Glasgow and one of the landmarks is called the Squinty Bridge?!

That you have to look at with your eyes half closed?

We just all assume you are all horrendously racist.
sdg wrote:
krazywookie wrote:
sdg wrote:

Surely this isn’t right?

This, truly, is a surprise.

What do visitors think when they're in Glasgow and one of the landmarks is called the Squinty Bridge?!

"Has that man got a knife? Oh god! There's 2 of them and they're speeding up!"
Whilst I dislike Facebook and only use it for business, I've found a group on there who are talking about the world famous JB's night club in Dudley.

Within that group there's a bunch of people who remember my dad's old band and are all speaking very highly of him. It's really nice to see.
Yeah, that must be a really nice thing to hear mate. Have you messaged them?
I have indeed. I've even offered to share some of the MP3's that I've managed to rip off an old reel to reel recorder.
Many a fine night was had in JBs.
Had a new front door fitted today...

I ordered a Red composite door, with 3 windows, black handles and letterbox.

I got a a Red composite door, with 4 windows, silver handles and letterbox.

I can keep the door and they will swap the handles or I can ask for a replacement door.
KovacsC wrote:
I can keep the door and they will swap the handles or I can ask for a replacement door.

So you've not got what you ordered and to correct that will cost them money

For their side :

You keep the door as is - costs them nothing
You keep the door and they swap out the handles - costs them a small amount
They swap the door for the right one - costs them the most

If you really want the door you ordered get them to change it for the one they were supposed to put in
If your okay with the one you have then ask them for a partial refund (regardless of the handles or not) ?
Bet you are pleased it isn't...
Wait for it...
zaphod79 wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
I can keep the door and they will swap the handles or I can ask for a replacement door.

So you've not got what you ordered and to correct that will cost them money

For their side :

You keep the door as is - costs them nothing
You keep the door and they swap out the handles - costs them a small amount
They swap the door for the right one - costs them the most

If you really want the door you ordered get them to change it for the one they were supposed to put in
If your okay with the one you have then ask them for a partial refund (regardless of the handles or not) ?

I have not paid for it yet. I will give them a call.
Just in case you didn’t want it advertised, we can all see where you live now (if that’s your actual house, not a product photo) x
Yes it is my actual house :)
What's the A41 like during rush hour?
Like a medium grey long wavy line covered in metal lumps.
It likes a relaxing bath, and to be treated like a princess.
Zardoz wrote:
Like a medium grey long wavy line covered in metal lumps.

This made me snort good and proper.
Not trooper's though. Suck it, Trooper
KovacsC wrote:
Had a new front door fitted today...

I ordered a Red composite door, with 3 windows, black handles and letterbox.

I got a a Red composite door, with 4 windows, silver handles and letterbox.

I can keep the door and they will swap the handles or I can ask for a replacement door.

Is that black handles and black letterbox?

Also, do you hate your postman?
I gained a new empathy for posties after posting about five hundred leaflets in a vain attempt to find our lost cat. There should be some set minimum standard for letterbox usability and if you fail to meet it they're legally entitled to wrap your post around a brick and throw it through the front window.
markg wrote:
I gained a new empathy for posties after posting about five hundred leaflets in a vain attempt to find our lost cat. There should be some set minimum standard for letterbox usability and if you fail to meet it they're legally entitled to wrap your post around a brick and throw it through the front window.

Also, it destroys your knuckles. Some letterboxes are vicious.
Trooper wrote:
markg wrote:
I gained a new empathy for posties after posting about five hundred leaflets in a vain attempt to find our lost cat. There should be some set minimum standard for letterbox usability and if you fail to meet it they're legally entitled to wrap your post around a brick and throw it through the front window.

Also, it destroys your knuckles. Some letterboxes are vicious.

When I did my (rarely mentioned) charity stuff, I hated the flyering bits, but it was hard to get volunteers.
Trooper wrote:
markg wrote:
I gained a new empathy for posties after posting about five hundred leaflets in a vain attempt to find our lost cat. There should be some set minimum standard for letterbox usability and if you fail to meet it they're legally entitled to wrap your post around a brick and throw it through the front window.

Also, it destroys your knuckles. Some letterboxes are vicious.

Indeed. I helped my son when he had a round delivering free papers to three streets close to where we lived. As they had to go to every house it was around 300 papers, plus flyers and would have taken him about half a day to do on his own. We got to know all the difficult gates, all the houses with dogs that went ape shit and all the letter boxes that were too high, to low, to narrow or with springs so strong that there was serious danger of injury.
This is really quite spooky.
Using AI to animate deep-fake style videos from still photos.
Is there a simple formula that can increase the values of a series of numbers, so that they:

A) all increase
B) become closer together (ie the smaller the original number, the larger the increase)
C) don't change order

It's not important, I was just musing about it during my walk.

I was initially thinking of something along the lines of

y= a + x/b

But is that the best I can do?

Is there something fairer and more elegant?
If its a finite or bounded series, you could add half.the difference between each number and the maximum.
It's a finite list.

I was wondering about salaries at a company. If you had double the budget for salaries, but couldn't hire anyone new. How could you fairly give everyone a payrise, but make it so the lowest paid person got the highest rise. And the highest paid person got the lowest raise.

Everyone gets a raise, and no one overtakes anyone so they suddenly earn more than someone who used to earn more than them.

Also if there were 3 people on different salaries, say on £24,000, £26,000 and £28,000, their new salaries would be similarly arranged (just not a 2k gap between them).
Is this what you think of when you go for a walk?

When I'm out, I normally think of being an intergalactic space captain who is stranded on a strange planet and must find his way to his ship. I make laser noises and everything when I'm fighting off the aliens. Either that or I imagine I'm walking down the aisle at Wrestlemania on my way to fight for the world title.

Stuff like this. Never numbers.
The Vision narrating his "stunningly effective motivational technique" for his daily walks:
Giphy "mcmahon walk":
Malc wrote:
It's a finite list.

I was wondering about salaries at a company. If you had double the budget for salaries, but couldn't hire anyone new. How could you fairly give everyone a payrise, but make it so the lowest paid person got the highest rise. And the highest paid person got the lowest raise.

Everyone gets a raise, and no one overtakes anyone so they suddenly earn more than someone who used to earn more than them.

Also if there were 3 people on different salaries, say on £24,000, £26,000 and £28,000, their new salaries would be similarly arranged (just not a 2k gap between them).

Malc wrote:
It's a finite list.

I was wondering about salaries at a company. If you had double the budget for salaries, but couldn't hire anyone new. How could you fairly give everyone a payrise, but make it so the lowest paid person got the highest rise. And the highest paid person got the lowest raise.

Everyone gets a raise, and no one overtakes anyone so they suddenly earn more than someone who used to earn more than them.

Also if there were 3 people on different salaries, say on £24,000, £26,000 and £28,000, their new salaries would be similarly arranged (just not a 2k gap between them).

Take 2k for the 28k person and give it to the 24k? Then the maths is easier :P
TheVision wrote:
Is this what you think of when you go for a walk?

When I'm out, I normally think of being an intergalactic space captain who is stranded on a strange planet and must find his way to his ship. I make laser noises and everything when I'm fighting off the aliens. Either that or I imagine I'm walking down the aisle at Wrestlemania on my way to fight for the world title.

Stuff like this. Never numbers.

heh, I think about all sorts of things, what I did notice yesterday was that I tend to think about the future when walking through countryside stuff, and the past when I am in a more urban (can you really call a small town like Ivybridge urban?). Not sure what that says about me.
Gool Peran Lowen!
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