Gardening Corner
What are they? Garden centres sell a fleecy but breathable material you can cover them with.
Cras wrote:
What are they?

Pretty ones. I, er, can't actually remember. Probably some form of tulip.

Garden centres sell a fleecy but breathable material you can cover them with.

I'll have look for those, thanks.
My knowledge of gardening comes solely from computer games. Plant seed; water; wait; get flower.
Kern wrote:
Some bulbs I planted in the Autumn have started poking their shoots up due to the mild December. Now we're entering the cold snap, are they going to be killed or are bulbs more resilient? Or should I be doing something to give them love and attention?

They'll should be alright.

...If they die it's just natural selection.

More constructively you could place upturned plant pots over them if you know there's going to be particularly cold spells. Or straw from a pet shop.
Hello people that grow stuff.

I just thought it was my duty to let you know that this is a thing: ... eds_187733
I’m waiting for a prawn cocktail variety
You could fit a barn in there
Tilling the soil ready to plant some crisps.
Ooooh! What are you doing with that space Grim...?
... planting crisps?
I think he just wanted to play with a mini digger. I want to play with a mini digger.
It's going to be Cras's granny flat.
markg wrote:
I think he just wanted to play with a mini digger. I want to play with a mini digger.

Fair. We went to diggerland once just because I wanted to play with a digger (it was my son's birthday also, but that was the secondary reason)
Diggerland fucking rocks.

And I met Tom Scott there
By chance, or you arranged to meet him? :DD
So, as mentioned in the What have you bought thread, I decided to start a vegetable garden. My friend, who has a patch of her own, said she’d send me some seeds to get me started and basically guide me through my first year.

So my question is... what’s an overwhelming number of seeds?
What you can’t see is that every single packet has all of the growing information on them, soil conditions, which plants make good or bad companions, which ones are pretty to look at, how to harvest them most effective timely, and how often if recurring. All information on front and back, and some have little illustrations. I feel like a kid at Christmas.
Mimi wrote:
Hello people that grow stuff.

I just thought it was my duty to let you know that this is a thing: ... eds_187733

I forgot this was a thing.

Off to the internet!
I can't help but feel this is a very indecisive pack of seeds

It did take me a while to realise what it was.
The pictures don’t do much to clarify it...
Mimi wrote:
The pictures don’t do much to clarify it...

They're Garden Anuses. Lovely when they blossom.
So it is a cucumber, a lemon or an apple?
See, they caught you out! It’s a crystal.
Christ, am I on mute?
Findus Fop wrote:
Christ, am I on mute?

I haven't seen any of your posts in weeks
Findus Fop wrote:
Christ, am I on mute?

Not according to Discogs.
*turns over flowerbeds*

It's almost like what the gardener wanted.
Mimi wrote:
What you can’t see is that every single packet has all of the growing information on them, soil conditions, which plants make good or bad companions, which ones are pretty to look at, how to harvest them most effective timely, and how often if recurring. All information on front and back, and some have little illustrations. I feel like a kid at Christmas.

This looks brilliant and I am quite jealous. :D I can't wait to see the photos as you go along. :hug:
"overwhelming" is subjective, but that is definitely a metric shit-tonne.
We’ve set up our beds. They’re lined with 3 layers of brown box cardboard for mulch and weed suppression, three of them have been half-filled with 250l of manure (really well rotted, I couldn’t smell it) and will be topped up with 200l of compost each before planting out. The fourth bed we built a wall into to split it in half, and one half will have the manure and compost in, whereas the other half will be compost only, to stop the carrots branching/forking.

I’ve spent a few pepper seeds to start indoors, and some broad beans to test the quality of the manure against some control beans.
Do the risers just sit on the grass, or or is there a pallet under there?
They just sit on the grass. Actually, there are little ‘prongs’ in the corners, which means they line up and stack rather than just sitting on top of one another, they lock into position, and they can be pushed down into the earth. But you line them with cardboard (boxes stripped of tape and staples), about three layers, and then fill them with the bedding material.
Mimi wrote:
They just sit on the grass. Actually, there are little ‘prongs’ in the corners, which means they line up and stack rather than just sitting on top of one another, they lock into position, and they can be pushed down into the earth. But you line them with cardboard (boxes stripped of tape and staples), about three layers, and then fill them with the bedding material.

Thank you
I set our wildlife camera up by the pond to see if we could get some pictures of the heron, so of course he didn’t visit, but we did have these two pop by last night. I thought they were both cats at first. Really huge cats...

I like that they were considerate and stuck to the path.
Awesome! I do like badgers, and having one stump around your garden is fantastic. Badger and fox poop doesn't half stink though.
Yeah, I know fox poo does at least. I haven’t seen any pop of any kind since we’ve been here (touch wood) so hopefully their bathroom is elsewhere.
That is excellent!
Wow Mimi - you must be well chuffed that your new garden is such a wildlife haven :luv:
Mimi wrote:
I set our wildlife camera up by the pond to see if we could get some pictures of the heron, so of course he didn’t visit

Here he is :)



Seriously though, awesome that you're getting so many diverse visitors - is your new place in a rural area? We see the occasional fox around here but I've not seen a badger just chillin' in someone's garden.
Not at all rural, but it is a very quiet area. Had you been to the old flat? It’s about a mile from there, but towards junction 7.

My Ma said we might get a badger visiting, and I said we absolutely wouldn’t, they’d only be around woodlands. She was very smug when I showed her.
Those cameras are great! Here's what was picked up! (Pic zoomed in to remove some bits)
. ... 4399154184

Mimi wrote:
Not at all rural, but it is a very quiet area. Had you been to the old flat? It’s about a mile from there, but towards junction 7.

No, we'd never been, but I know roughly where you mean :)

My Ma said we might get a badger visiting, and I said we absolutely wouldn’t, they’d only be around woodlands.

Guess it all depends on the local prevalence of mashed potato.
I think I saw one in Crookes in Sheffield running up the pavement one morning at 3am. Claws scrabbling on the tarmac.
Spent the weekend building a planter and filling with 700 litres of compost! Really pleased with it but now deciding what plants/flowers to fill it with. I'm probably going to have something tall(ish) as a centrepiece but not sure what yet.

Picture taken before adding all the soil.
That looks ace, and I say that as someone who may as well not have any fingers, let alone any green ones.
I bought it from Woodblocx. It's a really simple system as each block is pre-drilled so you just stick the dowels in and they fit together like Lego. Hardest part was making the ground level(ish).
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