Be Excellent To Each Other

Guess what I bought today
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Author:  CUS [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:04 ]
Post subject:  Guess what I bought today

I didn't buy anything wildly exciting actually. However, I do sometimes find myself wanting to squeal about having bought something shiny. Perhaps a thread for the purposes of reporting such matters will be a wise and prudent addition to this community. Or not. The fullness of time shall cast judgement guy.

Today, I bought Viking and Bully for the 360; Viking because I really liked Spartan - Total Warrior last-gen, and Bully because even its buggy crashiness can't put me off. I needs my GTAish fix.

And, shockingly, my local ASDA has got rid of almost its entire fruit juice section, save for its own brands, and a couple of Del Monte types. That's just wrong.

Author:  myp [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Ooh, I got Bully yesterday. Apparently you can play 2-player co-op, but I'm not sure what it entails.

Asda have decided to get rid of loads of non-own-brand stuff for some reason.

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

I bought 2 bus tickets so far today.

Author:  andyb [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Not bought today, but last week:

A micro radio controlled Chinook


Author:  MrChris [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Does that fly well? I'm looking for a 3ch indoor helimabopter for in the office, to annoy my roommate.

Author:  RuySan [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

i bought 1lt of water today. The sun outside means that it will stay shiny

Author:  Zardoz [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

MarkG has a 3" chopper.

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Chinooks scare me. There have been a few times when I have heard a roar and they have flown over my house (for an air show, perhaps?) like big roaring elephants. They are so unbelievably huge and always make me think that war is about to break out. They just look so ominous.

Oh, I bought some bleach and a pair of marigolds.

Author:  The Rev Owen [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

I won an eBay auction last night for a Battle of the Planets action figure.

On Friday I shall be buying a spaying and microchipping for my cat, which costs far too much money.

Author:  Grim... [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

The only thing I've bought is a bottle of Ribena.

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

I wanna buy some guinea pigs.

Author:  Cras [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

The Cats Protection League will spay for free, if you're hard up.

Author:  andyb [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Mr Chris wrote:
Does that fly well? I'm looking for a 3ch indoor helimabopter for in the office, to annoy my roommate.

It flies very well, but is tricky to control, and requires a bit of practice. I've also got the simpler version: which is easier to control, but doesn't have forward/back control (it just constantly flies forward, which you can make go faster by adding weight to the nose.

It is affected by a breeze, so if you've got windows open or fans going it can get blown about.

They are great fun though.

Author:  MrChris [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Today? I've not been anywere except home and the office, so nothing. I will, however, be exchanging a microwave I bought yesterday. Excellently, it makes the microwavey noise and the light comes on, but no heaty-heaty. A long walk back up the hill to Broadmeads it is then.

Author:  Tmuk [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

I haven't bought anything today yet. But I am seriously tempted to buy this poster of Marianne Faithful that I've just found. Gives me goosepimples everytime I look at it, what a babe she was 40 years ago :(

Author:  markg [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Mr Chris wrote:
Does that fly well? I'm looking for a 3ch indoor helimabopter for in the office, to annoy my roommate.

As Zardoz mentioned I have one of those already. They are excellent, properly controllable, you can hover them and also fly forwards pretty fast. Much more fun than the 2ch ones.

Author:  andyb [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Mimi wrote:
Chinooks scare me. There have been a few times when I have heard a roar and they have flown over my house (for an air show, perhaps?) like big roaring elephants. They are so unbelievably huge and always make me think that war is about to break out. They just look so ominous.

I live on the Quantock hills, and there isn't a day without either Jet planes, Sea King helicopters or Chinooks flying meters above my house. The jets are the loud, the sea kings are hardly noticeable but the Chinooks shake the walls.

Author:  myp [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

So your chopper is more fun because it's an inch bigger?

Author:  MrChris [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

andyb wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Chinooks scare me. There have been a few times when I have heard a roar and they have flown over my house (for an air show, perhaps?) like big roaring elephants. They are so unbelievably huge and always make me think that war is about to break out. They just look so ominous.

I live on the Quantock hills, and there isn't a day without either Jet planes, Sea King helicopters or Chinooks flying meters above my house. The jets are the loud, the sea kings are hardly noticeable but the Chinooks shake the walls.

We live near several RAF bases, so we get all manner of things flying round near us. We also get the aircraft flying circuits for the Kemble and Fairford airshows, which is ace.

Whilst up the road at my in-laws' place, we had a pair of Harriers decide to come in and hover at 20 m or so above the field behind their house. The only thing that's rattled my ribcage more than that was being a couple hundred metres away from a B1B taking off. They're loud.

Author:  markg [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

myoptika wrote:
So your chopper is more fun because it's an inch bigger?

Girth doesn't come into it, my chopper has an extra channel, that is why it is more fun. Unless you have one then you can really only dream of what you can do with a chopper that has three channels.

Author:  Grim... [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Mr Chris wrote:
Excellently, it makes the microwavey noise and the light comes on, but no heaty-heaty.

That must have been rather confusing.

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

It was probably one of those energy-saving models.

Author:  myp [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

markg wrote:
myoptika wrote:
So your chopper is more fun because it's an inch bigger?

Girth doesn't come into it, my chopper has an extra channel, that is why it is more fun. Unless you have one then you can really only dream of what you can do with a chopper that has three channels.

My television must be much better than your chopper then, as it has hundreds of channels.

Author:  MrChris [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

markg wrote:
myoptika wrote:
So your chopper is more fun because it's an inch bigger?

Girth doesn't come into it, my chopper has an extra channel, that is why it is more fun. Unless you have one then you can really only dream of what you can do with a chopper that has three channels.

There's no limit to what you can do with a chopper that can move in 6 different directions.

Grim... wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
Excellently, it makes the microwavey noise and the light comes on, but no heaty-heaty.

That must have been rather confusing.

It was, yes. At 6am trying to make Junior's breakfast. After 10 minutes in there with no increase in the temperature of the porridge, I realised it was bust and he had it cold.

Author:  andyb [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

markg wrote:
myoptika wrote:
So your chopper is more fun because it's an inch bigger?

Girth doesn't come into it, my chopper has an extra channel, that is why it is more fun. Unless you have one then you can really only dream of what you can do with a chopper that has three channels.

Does the remotely turn off and on-able spotlight make it a four channel chopper?

Author:  Whomper [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Mr Chris wrote:
We live near several RAF bases, so we get all manner of things flying round near us. We also get the aircraft flying circuits for the Kemble and Fairford airshows, which is ace.

Ah, Stroud. Wonderful overlap of a town full of new-age hippies desperate to believe in benevolent extra-terrestrial life, and plenty of air-force bases full of Harrier Jump-Jets, which when they start VIFFing move in fairly unbelievable ways. At night, people see lights flying, stopping suddenly, dropping, etc. Teh Alienses!!11 It can take weeks of Reiki for them to recover their inner peace.

I remember my bedroom windows in Rodborough vibrating gently as the B52s from Fairford went off to bomb Iraq during the first Gulf War. I also remember a lot of confusion about whether roads around Ciren were going to be closed during one of the Balkan conflicts, when they accidently dropped a cluster-bomb onto the runway (which didn't explode, but was armed).

Author:  andyb [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

I used to live near Stonehouse. Small word (of bistro)

Author:  MrChris [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Whomper wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
We live near several RAF bases, so we get all manner of things flying round near us. We also get the aircraft flying circuits for the Kemble and Fairford airshows, which is ace.

Ah, Stroud.

Excellently well remembered, Whomper.

Wonderful overlap of a town full of new-age hippies desperate to believe in benevolent extra-terrestrial life, and plenty of air-force bases full of Harrier Jump-Jets, which when they start VIFFing move in fairly unbelievable ways. At night, people see lights flying, stopping suddenly, dropping, etc. Teh Alienses!!11 It can take weeks of Reiki for them to recover their inner peace.

I have recently started to see more and more of the hippies, after suggesting to Mrs Chris that she was exaggerating the sheer loony-ness of a number of the people who attend the baby groups she goes to. She really wasn't. The other week I was at a kid's birthday party chatting to one of the other dads:
Me: "So what do you do?"
Him: "I'm an astrologer."
Me: "Um..."

It's an odd mix of nutjobs and normals, really. A Costa directly opposite a vegan organic cafe rather symbolises the place to me.

I remember my bedroom windows in Rodborough

Okay, bit freaky. I live in Rodborough, on Butterrow Hill.

vibrating gently as the B52s from Fairford went off to bomb Iraq during the first Gulf War. I also remember a lot of confusion about whether roads around Ciren were going to be closed during one of the Balkan conflicts, when they accidently dropped a cluster-bomb onto the runway (which didn't explode, but was armed).

I was 13 or 14 during GW1, so missed out on that little panic not being a commuter. Don't remember hearing about it at all, though.

Didn't a Harrier come down somewhere near there not too long ago?

EDIT - ah, it was Oxfordshire.

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Mr Chris wrote:

I was 13 or 14 during GW1, so missed out on that little panic not being a commuter. Don't remember hearing about it at all, though.

Didn't a Harrier come down somewhere near there not too long ago?

EDIT - ah, it was Oxfordshire.

I misread that and thought that you claimed to be 13 or 14 during World War One.

Author:  MrChris [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Mimi wrote:

I misread that and thought that you claimed to be 13 or 14 during World War One.

I was. Teenage years just drag on and on and on, though, don't they?

Author:  Pod [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Mr Chris wrote:
It was, yes. At 6am trying to make Junior's breakfast. After 10 minutes in there with no increase in the temperature of the porridge, I realised it was bust and he had it cold.

Do you not own a stove, or can big fancy lawyer's not afford them these days? MR WINKY FACE

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Mr Chris wrote:
Mimi wrote:

I misread that and thought that you claimed to be 13 or 14 during World War One.

I was. Teenage years just drag on and on and on, though, don't they?

That's going over the top, isn't it?

Author:  MrChris [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Pod wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
It was, yes. At 6am trying to make Junior's breakfast. After 10 minutes in there with no increase in the temperature of the porridge, I realised it was bust and he had it cold.

Do you nto own a stove, or can big fancy lawyer's not afford them these days? MR WINKY FACE

That would involve a saucepan, a spoon and some effort. At 6am.


I'm sensing that the ridiculous earlyness of the proceedings aren't being sufficiently well appreciated.

Author:  Pod [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

You'd already spent 10 minutes blurrily staring at a microwave, a few more minutes couldn't have hurt! Or you could have used a kettle and fed the poor, poor, poor, unfortunate child porridge made from water. (ew)

Author:  MrChris [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Pod wrote:
porridge made from water. (ew)

That's child abuse, man.

To be honest, the hob didn't occur to me, as I'd already mixed the milk and instant porridge oats. My blurry mind thought that it would have been fine if I'd just heated the milk, then poured it into the bowl and mixed it with the porridge, but that somehow it had become unable to be put in a saucepan as it was mixed.

Author:  Zardoz [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

A steaming mug of HOT chili beef soup from the staff 'Bistro'.

Author:  Grim... [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

At least Chris Jnr can tell you he's hungry.
You've got all the guessing to come again, mate!

Author:  MrChris [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Grim... wrote:
At least Chris Jnr can tell you he's hungry.
You've got all the guessing to come again, mate!

At that age crying=hungry. If they're tired as well they'll fall asleep mid-boob. Easy!

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Hot chilli beef soup?

That sounds interesting - is it nice? I sometimes make a very hot, loose Quorn chilli and just eat it with a spoon, but I make it quite thin so that I can eat it as a soup, when I don't feel like I can eat a full chilli with rice and the like.

Author:  Grim... [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Mr Chris wrote:
Grim... wrote:
At least Chris Jnr can tell you he's hungry.
You've got all the guessing to come again, mate!

At that age crying=hungry. If they're tired as well they'll fall asleep mid-boob. Easy!

Such lies! So far for the Grim...let crying can mean:
Shitty Nappy
Stomach Ache
I'm in the bath
Daddy has dropped me
And, most amusingly of all: It appears to be dark

Author:  MrChris [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Grim... wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
Grim... wrote:
At least Chris Jnr can tell you he's hungry.
You've got all the guessing to come again, mate!

At that age crying=hungry. If they're tired as well they'll fall asleep mid-boob. Easy!

Such lies! So far for the Grim...let crying can mean:
Shitty Nappy
Stomach Ache
I'm in the bath
Daddy has dropped me
And, most amusingly of all: It appears to be dark

Bored? Grim...let's a bit young to be bored, isn't he? At that age they're barely aware of anything more than 6 inches from their nose.

Mr Chris Junior Mk 1 didn't mind dirty nappies, tellingly. He has always loved baths, though. Perhaps for connected reasons...

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

The Simpsons invented a baby translator in 1992. Haven't either of you got one yet?

Author:  Dimrill [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

myoptika wrote:
Ooh, I got Bully yesterday. Apparently you can play 2-player co-op, but I'm not sure what it entails.

From what I recall from the review, you can only do the lessons together.

Author:  Grim... [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Perhaps bored should be "You've left me on my own, you cunts"

Author:  MrChris [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Grim... wrote:
Perhaps bored should be "You've left me on my own, you cunts"

Hah! That one doesn't stop. And eventually they can come and find you.

Author:  Zardoz [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Mimi wrote:
Hot chilli beef soup?

That sounds interesting - is it nice?

Very. To be honest I think its leftover Chili from yesterday with added chopped tomatoes and extra ground/fresh chili (it was very hot today).

Author:  Grim... [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Mr Chris wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Perhaps bored should be "You've left me on my own, you cunts"

Hah! That one doesn't stop. And eventually they can come and find you.


Author:  MaliA [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 13:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

A few weeks back, I almost bought a Grand Theft Auto jacket that was in a charity shop. It was only a tenner, but I reckon I could have EBay'd it for more.

Author:  MrChris [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 13:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Grim... wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Perhaps bored should be "You've left me on my own, you cunts"

Hah! That one doesn't stop. And eventually they can come and find you.


Honest. Junior follows me round like a puppy at the weekends. I can't even go to the toilet without him coming in to find where I am.

It's quite sweet to have someone like you and want to play with you that much, though.

Author:  Whomper [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 13:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Guess what I bought today

Mr Chris wrote:
Okay, bit freaky. I live in Rodborough, on Butterrow Hill.

I used to live on Rodborough Lane, just around the corner - Bramble Cottage. Then my parents bought an enormous crumbling pile for very little money in '84 and poured almost all their time and money into rebuilding it. It was quite respectable when they moved out about eight years ago, although I understand it was subsequently bought by a pair of interior designers who knocked down most of the walls a built a crenellated(!) fucking balcony-patio thing outside my bedroom, which is about as in keeping with the character of the house as knocking it down and erecting a giant fibreglass cock in its stead.

It's Clinton House, the big one on the corner of Appley Pitch near Rodoborough Church - thought to have been a side project of Benjamin Bucknall, the chap behind Woodchester Mansion. My word, the buggers have built a swimming pool.

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