General Election 2024
4 July
JBR wrote:
I reckon they picked up on some stat that "on average people only watch a few seconds of a party political broadcast" and went from there.

Very likely.

Also, 'work of genius' is a bit of a stretch. Very clever, maybe, but nobody likes a smart-arse.
I looked up the Reform candidate for our constituency to see what policies they had (sheer curiosity at how much covert racism they could slip into their policy statement) and there is none, because there is no content.

My name is Bob and I am the Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Bob Town.

I have stood in the last three Bob Town Council local elections as a candidate for Reform UK.

I am delighted to have been selected to stand for Bob Town for the general election. I believe that politicians are here to serve the people and act in their best interests (not the other way around as we have seen for far too long). I am passionate about putting people first and will fight for the people of Bob Town.

I and my team have been campaigning for some time in the area, so you may have already spoken with us or seen us out and about. If not, I look forward to meeting you over the coming weeks and months. The support we have locally is growing at a rapid rate – so many people want change.

So, why not get in touch to help with campaigning? Let's spread the word about Reform UK. Together we can do this.

Literally no content. This says nothing at all. Like the Party Political Broadcast in that respect. Probably because if they started speaking or writing anything of substance they’d be too likely to get themselves in hot water.
I’m actually a bit anxious about the election. Well, of course, because the last few have been crushing. But I specifically am nervous locally.

Since we moved to this area we’ve always had a Labour MP. When we moved, we still moved to within the constituency of the Labour MP, but since the boundary changes it has been shown that if the voting had taken place under the current constituency lines we would now have a Tory MP.

The north and south constituencies of our town plus the neighbouring satellite town have been smooshed together in the redrawing, and we are right in the edge of that lumping now (as in I could be in a different constituency if I walked about 40 steps) so I don’t want to wake up with the disappointment of having to come to terms with the fact that somehow, in this election of them all, we might gain a Tory MP. I hope it’s unlikely. But as we had I think the only council who increased the number of Tory councillors in the latest local elections, it’s just a nagging feeling.
Mimi wrote:
I looked up the Reform candidate for our constituency to see what policies they had (sheer curiosity at how much covert racism they could slip into their policy statement) and there is none, because there is no content.

My name is Bob and I am the Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Bob Town.

I have stood in the last three Bob Town Council local elections as a candidate for Reform UK.

I am delighted to have been selected to stand for Bob Town for the general election. I believe that politicians are here to serve the people and act in their best interests (not the other way around as we have seen for far too long). I am passionate about putting people first and will fight for the people of Bob Town.

I and my team have been campaigning for some time in the area, so you may have already spoken with us or seen us out and about. If not, I look forward to meeting you over the coming weeks and months. The support we have locally is growing at a rapid rate – so many people want change.

So, why not get in touch to help with campaigning? Let's spread the word about Reform UK. Together we can do this.

Literally no content. This says nothing at all. Like the Party Political Broadcast in that respect. Probably because if they started speaking or writing anything of substance they’d be too likely to get themselves in hot water.

One can paint anything they want on to that and say to themselves "That'll be different and sort it" and there's that X in the box for Reform.
Mimi wrote:
I’m actually a bit anxious about the election. Well, of course, because the last few have been crushing. But I specifically am nervous locally.

Since we moved to this area we’ve always had a Labour MP. When we moved, we still moved to within the constituency of the Labour MP, but since the boundary changes it has been shown that if the voting had taken place under the current constituency lines we would now have a Tory MP.

The north and south constituencies of our town plus the neighbouring satellite town have been smooshed together in the redrawing, and we are right in the edge of that lumping now (as in I could be in a different constituency if I walked about 40 steps) so I don’t want to wake up with the disappointment of having to come to terms with the fact that somehow, in this election of them all, we might gain a Tory MP. I hope it’s unlikely. But as we had I think the only council who increased the number of Tory councillors in the latest local elections, it’s just a nagging feeling.

We had a particularly right wing Tory for years when we lived in Yorkshire. I found that even though I disagreed with him on pretty much everything, when i wrote in about something local, I would get a prompt response, and then he'd chase it and copy me in on everything. It was always polite and well written.

It's massively possible they could be a great constituency MP, and just happen to vote in line with the whip.
Unfortunately I’ve found the Tories in local government (council and Mayor) to be nothing but self serving, and find it hard to believe this potential MP could be anything but. Our council leader has finally jumped ship after misappropriating funds. The local Tory councillor has blocked proposed business ventures that would benefit the community because they propose use of land next to his business, which to all intents and purposes looks to be a money-laundering scheme as well as the scene of gun violence. His business also just happens to be our polling station (?!) I know that MPs are in another level, but to all intents I would say that anyone who is willing to vote the whip along Tory lines, especially now, when they look to be heading towards a car crash, but decides to stand anyway, has poor judgement and probably is not the person I want representing me.

There isn’t much online about them. They aren’t a current MP and don’t seem to have stood previously, and their info page is empty apart from a statement that they seem to really like the military.
MaliA wrote:
Mimi wrote:
I’m actually a bit anxious about the election. Well, of course, because the last few have been crushing. But I specifically am nervous locally.

Since we moved to this area we’ve always had a Labour MP. When we moved, we still moved to within the constituency of the Labour MP, but since the boundary changes it has been shown that if the voting had taken place under the current constituency lines we would now have a Tory MP.

The north and south constituencies of our town plus the neighbouring satellite town have been smooshed together in the redrawing, and we are right in the edge of that lumping now (as in I could be in a different constituency if I walked about 40 steps) so I don’t want to wake up with the disappointment of having to come to terms with the fact that somehow, in this election of them all, we might gain a Tory MP. I hope it’s unlikely. But as we had I think the only council who increased the number of Tory councillors in the latest local elections, it’s just a nagging feeling.

We had a particularly right wing Tory for years when we lived in Yorkshire. I found that even though I disagreed with him on pretty much everything, when i wrote in about something local, I would get a prompt response, and then he'd chase it and copy me in on everything. It was always polite and well written.

It's massively possible they could be a great constituency MP, and just happen to vote in line with the whip.

We have Sajid Javid who is standing down (and hasn’t been seen campaigning for the Conservative candidate).
The one and only time I’ve contacted him, he did intervene at the Home Office with positive results so I can’t fault him for that.

He’s still a Conservative with all that entails, but he seemed moderate, competent, and did (belatedly) develop a conscience and refused to go along with Boris & Cummings. He was also pro-EU, but then pretended Brexit was a good idea when that became the party line.
Complete non-entity MP round here. She might be a decent local MP, I suppose, but the silence is deafening - to have social media and yet barely say anything there (let alone in parliament) just seems to prove it. Boundary changes mean she's going to be aiming for Hertford and Stortford, and there's a decent chance Labour win there - the polling I saw has them well ahead. I might have to get my kicks there. I'm now in Broxbourne constituency, which is an interesting place (BNP local councillors not so long ago) with some true-blue territory at the margins (like the place I sit in now, with blue billboards all over the place). It's polling as a marginal, though, so there's hope (but the scared bit of me thinks that realistically the geriatrico vote for what they think they know will probably tip the balance).
Ours is currently polling as Labour under the new boundary, with the same MP we’ve had forever, though it would have been a Tory seat under the last election if the redrawing had already happened.
I've been jerrymandered this time too and our new constituency is polling at 62% Labour, 15% Reform (!) and 13% Tory.

Love or hate that man Farage, his mission to destroy the Tories seems to be working
Excitingly, i'm in a district where my vote might actually have an impact this time around. 40% labour, 52% Conservative last time.
Interestingly, this polling prediction website I'm looking at has Reform getting 14% of the vote and 0 seats
DavPaz wrote:
I've been jerrymandered this time too and our new constituency is polling at 62% Labour, 15% Reform (!) and 13% Tory.

Love or hate that man Farage, his mission to destroy the Tories seems to be working

Not a difficult job for him, they've pretty much destroyed themselves.
My constituency is featured in the Grauniad today!.

So far I've received lots of leaflets from the Lib Dems, some from the Tories (one with a striking red banner), and nothing from Labour. I think Labour are putting all their resources in Banbury to get rid of Victoria Prentis (of "too busy with the nativity to read the Brexit deal" fame).
They've lost business, they've lost posh people in cricket crowds, they've lost several MPs. And now there's even, of all things, a comprehensive smiting in The Critic (I've picked it up for a lovely review of artsy stuff, free in airports. It's much madder than that.) ... t-a-lesson
Tory director of campaigning being looked into over betting along with candidate wife.

They just can't resist trying to make money via questionable means, can they? You'd think that if they had even an ounce of common sense they'd know that this sort of behaviour, just before a general election, is only going to tarnish their reputation even further.
As with the covid parties, it's the arrogance of it all. The fact that nobody at any point thought "hmm...this feels wrong".

Will be so glad to see the back of them.
Looks like it’s finally ‘find out’ time after the fucking about.
Did the postal voting thing. It really lacks the sense of community you get lining up in a manky Scout hut or whatever but good that we have the opportunity to participate in advance. Pausing to reflect on the past 14 years, and especially the last five, gave me a bit of smug satisfaction as I marked the paper. The only sense of fellowship I felt was seeing someone cross the road to the postbox clutching his ballot envelope just as I deposited mine.

And of course, there's two weeks for something to still come out that the candidate or party who got my precious X did something dodgy with a ferret or something, but that's the risk I took.
I’ve also voted. I went for the one that I felt best aligned with my views rather than the one most likely to defeat the conservatives.
If they hold the seat by a single vote I may regret this.
I haven't had any postal vote stuff through yet
MaliA wrote:
I haven't had any postal vote stuff through yet

No, me neither.
JBR wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I haven't had any postal vote stuff through yet

No, me neither.

Same here, although I have had a card telling me that I will be getting postal voting form.
Kern wrote:
Did the postal voting thing. It really lacks the sense of community you get lining up in a manky Scout hut or whatever but good that we have the opportunity to participate in advance. Pausing to reflect on the past 14 years, and especially the last five, gave me a bit of smug satisfaction as I marked the paper. The only sense of fellowship I felt was seeing someone cross the road to the postbox clutching his ballot envelope just as I deposited mine.

And of course, there's two weeks for something to still come out that the candidate or party who got my precious X did something dodgy with a ferret or something, but that's the risk I took.

Does this mean we don't get any early-morning democracy this time, Kern?
DavPaz wrote:
Does this mean we don't get any early-morning democracy this time, Kern?

Not this time. In one final insult, Sunak picked the week I'm on holiday, ruining my plans for an electoral all-nighter/weekender.

I'm sure the rest of you will contribute high-quality drunken democracy content in my absence.

Spoiler tags optional.
Warhead wrote:
I have had a card telling me that I will be getting postal voting form.

I got that card this morning!
Kern wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Does this mean we don't get any early-morning democracy this time, Kern?

Not this time. In one final insult, Sunak picked the week I'm on holiday, ruining my plans for an electoral all-nighter/weekender.

I'm sure the rest of you will contribute high-quality drunken democracy content in my absence.

Spoiler tags optional.

I'm at a work thing, which is a pain.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Oh, and…[bindependence day.gif]

Despite this post it's only just struck me what date the election will be on. Gosh I'm being dim these days.
BikNorton wrote:
Despite this post it's only just struck me what date the election will be on. Gosh I'm being dim these days.

And, in some delightful symmetry, the US Presidential election is on 5th November, when we celebrate a failed attack on the seat of government.
Kern wrote:
Warhead wrote:
I have had a card telling me that I will be getting postal voting form.

I got that card this morning!

My postal vote docs arrived a little later.
The upside of this whole Farage thing is that while my mum is 85, she's met him twice and has vowed that next time she does, she's going to punch him in his fucking face.
Blucey wrote:
The upside of this whole Farage thing is that while my mum is 85, she's met him twice and has vowed that next time she does, she's going to punch him in his fucking face.

I like the sound of your mum.
I asked one of our local Reform supporters what their policies were. He spent quite some time replying….

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!



What’s the betting that none of this goes against Facebook’s community standards?
There's so many people out there who would vote for this fucking shit. Reform will either replace the Tory party or else the Tory party will become them. The next election after this will be fought between centre left and far right and far right will probably win.
Is that an actual candidate standing for actual election?

And his reply is just.... memes?

Edit: sorry I've re-read. Just a supporter, but still...
I still think they are a minority, but it’s a vocal one that has a lot of influence and has definitely dragged the conservatives to the right.
He seems fun at parties.
I think is a much better (read unbiased) quiz to determine who you agree with. There are loads of questions on each subject area, but you can skip over them if you want to, and only answer the important ones to you.


Which probably comes as no surprise to anyone.
Interesting, this is me. Who the fuck is Volt UK?
Oh my goodness, what a shocking surprise!

Also, mega lol. That flag is basically on my house

Isn’t that pin location based?
I see now that I am an idiot
You were correct, it was showing where in the country political opinion was closest to your own.
Isn’t that the colour coding on the maps? The red areas show the places that most strongly align with your beliefs. There is a key right there in the picture.
I did the quiz a couple of times, selecting different question sets, to see if I’d get different answers. It came out almost identical both times. I think our results are all broadly similar, so I wonder if that’s peer political alignment or a bias in the questionnaire.

ALTHOUGH that site just gave me a little pop-up asking me to contact my MP about blockchain something-or-other, so I'm not totally convinced it's agenda free.
DavPaz wrote:
I see now that I am an idiot

Happy to talk you through the process when you next type in postcode and house number. Wouldn't want you to be too surprised by the next bit.
JBR wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
I see now that I am an idiot

Happy to talk you through the process when you next type in postcode and house number. Wouldn't want you to be too surprised by the next bit.

I feel it may be too much
We sent our postal votes off this morning.
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