I made a thing
You can play it
Grim... wrote:
Hmm, I don't think so. It should just be legit.,

Fair enough. I suspect it's very much a me problem. Thank you for checking though
Well that was a lucky word (on ordinary difficulty)
I gave my first concerted go to getting past the final difficulty tonight. Did ok for a bit but the power ups come slowly and they just weren’t the right ones tonight. Will try again tomorrow night.
I tried yesterday and got the hack that lets you play an extra word. I was so excited and still messed it up.
@Grim… I won the game on ‘The Limit’, so it’s definitely possible ;)

There’s nothing to show that you *have* beaten the final level, other than that there are no more selectable levels. It might be nice to add in a little ‘thing’ there.
Mimi wrote:
@Grim… I won the game on ‘The Limit’, so it’s definitely possible ;)

Whaaaaat! Well done!!
Mr Russell wrote:
Mimi wrote:
@Grim… I won the game on ‘The Limit’, so it’s definitely possible ;)

Whaaaaat! Well done!!

Ok, baby!
I completed the hardest difficulty last night using one tile army.
I had hacks to make word with a C 6 letters longer, when in Rome to make C D and M their Roman numeral score, the nun to multiply scores by 10% of your cash and the What's in a name to increase tiles by the hack name lengths.

And I did it all on my own with no help on nearly every board from my very clever wife who's help I definitely didn't need to come up with words like modicum, condom, commands, medicals to meet each challenge.

Well chuffed
Is that the same Very Clever Wife who also gave you the lowdown on the hacks that would help you even approach the task? Because if so she sounds kinda amazing.
Mimi wrote:
Is that the same Very Clever Wife who also gave you the lowdown on the hacks that would help you even approach the task? Because if so she sounds kinda amazing.

I don't know who you're talking about as I needed no help, but if you're talking about some weird fever dream then I imagine I'd have never been able to work out the best approach without her help, correct.
Whelp, I guess I need to add a harder one.
Dedicate it to Mr Russell, the only person to have finished the game so far completely unaided.
@grim... I don’t think the ‘frugal’ hack is working. It will move up TO .5 when you play tiles and down TO -1 when you discard them, but not BY those numbers, so the hack is always at one of those two values.

If you are on x 0.5 and discard tiles, it goes straight to -1, and vice versa. It never climbs above or falls below those two values.
I concur. I'll fix it.
What is up with these top scores?
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