I'm finally getting my act together, and am sending out the following BUMPER PACKAGE to the lucky winner of SongWars08, Sheepeh:
Those prizes in full.
* EXCLUSIVE winner's certificate!
* A complete DVD collection (of five DVDs that I've somehow got more than one copy of)!
* Three unboxed titles for a long obsolete console!
* Three boxed and sealed Japanese imports for a different long obsolete console!
* Spider-Man 2 on UMD, that new video format that's sure to take the world by storm!
* A mini cocktail arcade LCD system (probably needs new battery)
* Cheap Chinese knock-off iPod Nano clone (4GB, may well not work properly).
* Mystery Namco action figure imported from Japan!
* Two sealed packs of James Bond playing cards, taken from the runners-up 'goodie' bag I 'won' in a live poker tourney about a year ago.
All in a special commemorative presentation case (cardboard box). To be sent to the winner in the next few days.
(Note to mods: If you want to retire this sub-forum now, feel free to do so.)