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Which Song Is The Better Of The Two?
Poll ended at Tue Dec 23, 2008 19:52
Billy Bragg - St. Swithin's Day 18%  18%  [ 3 ]
Bomb The Bass - Bug Powder Dust 81%  81%  [ 13 ]
Total votes : 16
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 Post subject: QTR FINAL: Rodafowa vs imtypingonakeyboard
PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 19:52 
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Space detective

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It's the start of the knockout round. For those not keeping an eye on the discussion thread, competing players are now expected to 'show their workings', and qualify just why they've chosen their track. Only one choice can be made from the two, so please make the effort to listen to both songs before voting, not just going for the one you've heard of.

Note: Due to the voting kicking off late, the voting period has now been extended until the 23rd of December at 11pm, which gives around eleven days for the scores to tot up. At that point, there will be a short Christmas truce in the trenches of the Song Wars, with the semi-finals kicking off on the 27th of December (all choices being supplied by participants permitting).

But tish and pish, on with the songs:

Billy Bragg - St. Swithin's Day

"I picked this because it contains the most beautiful, romantic description of the act of masturbation I've ever heard. Because the last couple of lines bring a little lump to my throat every time I hear them. And because if I get knocked out of this competition it should be with a song I completely and totally love."

Bomb The Bass - Bug Powder Dust

"90's British Hip Hop at its finest, Justin Warfield provides ultra catchy lyrics on top of BTB's beats and noises. I heard this originally in a mix a technician at my college made for me back in '97 (on a Minidisc. Remember them eh?) so the album version always sounds a bit slow compared to how I remember it, but nonetheless it is a cracker. Never a truer words sung about music than the line "Hear me now/ But you'll probably get the vibe later". "

So, Bomb The Bass, or Billy the Bragg. But which is better? There's only one way to find out!

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 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Rodafowa vs imtypingonakeyboard
PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 17:12 
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Rude Belittler

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Easiest voting ever. Sorry Mr. Bragg, but you've got nothing comparable to 'Bug Powder Dust'.

 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Rodafowa vs imtypingonakeyboard
PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 19:48 
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I agree. With pretty much everything Pundabaya has said in his last few posts.


 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Rodafowa vs imtypingonakeyboard
PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:15 
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Hibernating Druid

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I don't but I most certainly do here. One of my all time fave hipety hopety songs.

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 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Rodafowa vs imtypingonakeyboard
PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 14:30 
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That Rev Chap

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Bug Powder Dust! Excellent choice.

I like Bragg, too, but it was man fighting a god, that one.


 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Rodafowa vs imtypingonakeyboard
PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 14:34 
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Bug won it for me

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