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Search term used: safe

Political Banter and Debate Thread
... that as a London-suburber. Yes, I tend to put the nation's ills down to a combination of over-centralisation, an archaic voting system creating safe seats, and continued decline in local authority funding and powers. Each of these, of course, is a mini-essay in itself of course. But, having ...
Bits and Bobs 51
Findus Fop
KovacsC wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
Kov, you share the same birthday as my dad. Happy birthday Daddy.

You are welcome Son..... just checking.... How old are you? :P

You're safe, I'm 40.
Finish 52 Books 2022
1. A Deadly Education - Naomi Novik. A story of a school for wizards, one which is safer for kids than the outside world but not by much, and in which everything is trying to kill the pupils. No teachers, because it's not safe enough, so instead the school itself ...
Finish 52 books 2021
Goddess Jasmine
... 15. Linwood Barclay - Clouded Vision 16. Linwood Barclay - Never saw it coming 17 Linwood Barclay - A Tap on the Window 18. Linwood Barclay - No Safe House 19. Ann Rule - The I5 Killer I went for a bit of true crime for a change. This is a really interesting look into the investigation and the ...
Bits and Bobs 51
... common sense, but erring on the side of caution (we have a really good fridge, and most dates are designed to keep people with crappy fridges safe), but I figured sugar is used as a preservative, this looked fine, wasn't congealed or anything and I couldn't see any mites or anything (although ...
Bits and Bobs 51
... common sense, but erring on the side of caution (we have a really good fridge, and most dates are designed to keep people with crappy fridges safe), but I figured sugar is used as a preservative, this looked fine, wasn't congealed or anything and I couldn't see any mites or anything (although ...
Bits and Bobs 51
... common sense, but erring on the side of caution (we have a really good fridge, and most dates are designed to keep people with crappy fridges safe), but I figured sugar is used as a preservative, this looked fine, wasn't congealed or anything and I couldn't see any mites or anything (although ...
Finish 52 books 2021
Goddess Jasmine
... 15. Linwood Barclay - Clouded Vision 16. Linwood Barclay - Never saw it coming 17 Linwood Barclay - A Tap on the Window 18. Linwood Barclay - No Safe House This goes back to the characters of Terry and Cynthia from No Time for Goodbye (but can be read standalone). Plenty of twists as ever, but ...
... of ‘hold on, this might not be ok with us, we need to decide and have some say in whether it is or not’ is powerful in itself. But to be on the safe side I’m looking at houses in Australia.
... to come up with a response you're both comfortable with I don't know who this is in relation to you but I would gladly bite them for you (covid safe of course) We did talk about it before he replied. I’m not angry at him (if I were, I wouldn’t be posting here :) I support him and totally understand ...
... to come up with a response you're both comfortable with I don't know who this is in relation to you but I would gladly bite them for you (covid safe of course)
It's a reflection on them that they've put this on you knowing that you're taking precautions to keep yourselves safe, Mimi; not that they're going to take any notice of this by the sounds of it. I'm sorry you feel forced into it. It's always harder when it's family, too. For what ...
The Movie topic
... from Army of the Dead (and let’s face it, no one watched that film because the characters were sooo good) take part in the most dull and annoying safe cracking contest that goes on far too fucking long.
The Movie topic
We had a lazy day of just watching movies. Army of Theives - a prequal to Army of Dead. It is a about a german banker that can safe crack. 4 unique safes have been found, and he has to open them. A very silly but enjoyable film. Widows - Not sure what I was expecting. Premise - the now ...
Thursday game
Safe to say, I was rubbish
General Purpose UK TV thread
... was planned and how much was opportunism. A standout moment for me was when a congressman said he was urging others to stay in the building's safe room rather than flee to buses that had started arriving, on the grounds that if it were a coup, a deserted Capitol would provide cover for any ...
General Purpose UK TV thread
... was planned and how much was opportunism. A standout moment for me was when a congressman said he was urging others to stay in the building's safe room rather than flee to buses that had started arriving, on the grounds that if it were a coup, a deserted Capitol would provide cover for any ...
General Purpose UK TV thread
... was planned and how much was opportunism. A standout moment for me was when a congressman said he was urging others to stay in the building's safe room rather than flee to buses that had started arriving, on the grounds that if it were a coup, a deserted Capitol would provide cover for any ...
Bits and Bobs 51
... chestnut and manage to not quite drop onto next door's greenhouse. £150 for 4 lads to strap it up and dangle about cutting bits off it until all safe. While we were at it got a quote for crown reduction and other bits and bobs on the 5 biggest trees. Another £3k. Don't buy a garden with loads ...
Political Banter and Debate Thread
... even say why something's an improvement perhaps there's deeper issues with the policy that perhaps ought to be addressed. True, I live in an ueber-safe seat, I'm not a party member, and I was probably written off as a potential voter long ago, but it would be at least worth a try. On the plus side, ...
What have you bought?
Sir Taxalot
... the drum out and use it for a fire pit. It was a bit if a bastard to take some of the bits apart, and that was with the careless abandon I had, safe in the knowledge that nothing really mattered as it dein;t need to go back together again, let alone actually work. I should imagine that trying ...
Gas Guzzling Money Pits
Findus Fop
In seriousness sounds like untethered is best for future proofing, though expectation is type 2 should be a safe bet.
Bits and Bobs 51
... 06. Don't think we have any unused lampshades left though. I bought them for a project. Then got something else instead. Put them away for safe keeping, then forgot them.
Gardening Corner
Thank you, Jazzy. I’m really happy here. It’s quiet and having space outside is really a luxury. I’m intensely aware that not everybody has safe access to outside space, so I never know how much to celebrate that, especially at the moment with Covid. But, anyway, we’re doing our best with the ...
What's Everyone Playing?
Findus Fop
... into a run. Got lucky with a boon that gave me an explosively powerful special, meaning I could cause a massive amount of damage from generally safe distances. That said, it's noticeable how much more aggressive the enemies in Elysium are. Think I need to focus on perfecting my dash attack, ...
General Purpose UK TV thread
Safe to say that neither of those teams are going to trouble the final.
The 'Nay!' but 'Yay!' Thread
I’ve got a big lawn. I think a minimum of three capybaras, four to be on the safe side. I might get them little stunt helmets, too.
... him. As for Coronavirus fears, I reckon if we all just minimise our socialising in the week prior, thus improving the odds, and then just play it safe the week after too. Worthy sacrifices for the glory of Beex-Cottage. Costs sound good Jem. :)
Bits and Bobs 51
... here several times in the past and it's been acceptable, but today the traffic is relentless. I had to wait several minutes until I thought it was safe to open the van door and get my scran out of the back. Where the hell are they all going? It's like a mass evacuation to avoid some kind of catastrophes. ...
Bits and Bobs 51
Findus Fop
... here several times in the past and it's been acceptable, but today the traffic is relentless. I had to wait several minutes until I thought it was safe to open the van door and get my scran out of the back. Where the hell are they all going? It's like a mass evacuation to avoid some kind of catastrophes. ...
Bits and Bobs 51
... here several times in the past and it's been acceptable, but today the traffic is relentless. I had to wait several minutes until I thought it was safe to open the van door and get my scran out of the back. Where the hell are they all going? It's like a mass evacuation to avoid some kind of catastrophes. ...
Gardening Corner
... So that's a job finished, for a change. We couldn't put the wires on the frame that has blackberries on because that's gone mental so it's not safe to insert arms. We also finished levelling the greenhouse base, leaving only fastening the corner sat on a wall to that wall somehow (aerated concrete ...
Political Banter and Debate Thread
... of friends of personal business interests. The same government that stomped its feets and waved its arms angrily at the 'Brussels gravy train'. Safe to say they make me feel pretty nauseous.
Finish 52 books 2021
... of thing) that make it more connected than short stories often are. Easy read, and beautiful in places. It's everyday life, so reading it feels safe - you're not going to turn the page and find everything turned upside down. It's lovely. Again to Carthage - John L Parker. Sequel to Once a Runner, ...
Eurovision Song Contest
San Marino

WTF? Arise, oh Bird Queen.

I want a visor that scrolls messages.

That spinny thing is about half the size it needs to be.

Oh, rap break. Yawn.

None of this makes any sense, and not in the good way.

Remember, if wearing feathers, keep a safe distance from the flames.
Bits and Bobs 51
Goddess Jasmine
It's the same here Malc. Stay in and stay safe. :luv:
Taking the Brexit
Thanks everyone. I was struggling to wrap my head around it. I was hoping to order some bulbs from The Netherlands, so I’ll have to check my timings to see how long they might take to arrive. Thanks for the safe and simple advice.
Dungeons and Dragons
Mr Dave
Dimrill wrote:

180g each
Rod of metal - 2metres long with a button on the side.
Iron Pot
Potion of Greater Healing
2 broken hide armours
some fungi which is safe for eating
sleepy time nap nap herb

Does anyone mind if I take the potion?

I'd suggest you take the potion due to being front line an' all.
Dungeons and Dragons

180g each
Rod of metal - 2metres long with a button on the side.
Iron Pot
Potion of Greater Healing
2 broken hide armours
some fungi which is safe for eating
sleepy time nap nap herb

Does anyone mind if I take the potion?
Dungeons and Dragons
... at the map, along with some research ( such as finding out where the hell Everlund is ), we're going to be making trips of 100's of miles. How safe is this countryside we're traversing? Are we going to be able to hand wave it as "3 Weeks later you rock up in Everlund"? There might ...
Dungeons and Dragons
And by looking at the map, along with some research ( such as finding out where the hell Everlund is ), we're going to be making trips of 100's of miles.

How safe is this countryside we're traversing? Are we going to be able to hand wave it as "3 Weeks later you rock up in Everlund"?
... sure which next; possibly the craft room, or the dining room. Realistically it is going to take many, many years, but that’s ok. We are warm, and safe. The bathroom rivals Kovac’s, but that will have to wait. Right now we are just trying to relax and just try to enjoy the year. I did paint the ...
Finish 52 books 2021
... bit clumsy in expression, but I think that's a translation problem. Early on I mostly thought "god, get a life, people", but then, it's safe to assume some people would have that reaction, and they'd be too boring to put in the book, so eventually I joined in and went with it. It's a ...
Dungeons and Dragons
... - people talk about the events we coverered in our first few sessions A LOT it seems. I don't even know what this new bit is called, so I'm pretty safe from conscious spoilers at least. I'm going to assume it's called something like "Giants a-Poppin'" or "There might be Giants" ...
Dungeons and Dragons
... of you would do that, but I'm sure that player wasn't thinking about unintended consequences when they did it so I'm going to say it just to be safe...please don't google any aspect of the campaign or setting :DD If there's something you want to know, ask me and I'll either tell you, or I'll ...
House advice..
Goddess Jasmine
... E.g. when you do your bathroom, consider a vanity unit under the sink for extra storage. Considering gardens, keep them simple. They will want a safe place for children to play, not something that looks like it wants a lot of work. Functional is better. This can all be easily dressed to sell ...
House advice..
... E.g. when you do your bathroom, consider a vanity unit under the sink for extra storage. Considering gardens, keep them simple. They will want a safe place for children to play, not something that looks like it wants a lot of work. Functional is better. This can all be easily dressed to sell ...
House advice..
... E.g. when you do your bathroom, consider a vanity unit under the sink for extra storage. Considering gardens, keep them simple. They will want a safe place for children to play, not something that looks like it wants a lot of work. Functional is better. This can all be easily dressed to sell ...
House advice..
Goddess Jasmine
... E.g. when you do your bathroom, consider a vanity unit under the sink for extra storage. Considering gardens, keep them simple. They will want a safe place for children to play, not something that looks like it wants a lot of work. Functional is better. This can all be easily dressed to sell ...
Passwords and shizz
... their concerns about Beex's security on Twitter today. First off, I can't find anything that suggests any of you should be worried about the safety of your stored credentials on Beex. Several sock puppets I have only exist on Beex, and their credentials aren't anywhere online that I (or various ...