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Search term used: safe

Battle of the Songs: - Tables and Results
I would’ve been safe in the other group!
Battle of the Songs: - Tables and Results
... Jem once again despite coming last this week, has been saved by her previous high scores, KovacsC also has previous weeks to thank for keeping him safe. Mr Chonks and DavPaz are the unlucky ones who get knocked out this week. Here is a quick look at how the supergroup stands before next week's ...
Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis
... especially anything you don't want to post in public, you can PM me any time and I will reply. I wish you all the best in your struggle, stay safe x Thanks for talking about this. I've done my absolute best to ignore the thread because I'm almost certainly well along the same path but every ...
Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis
... those things you've thought about doing, but never get around to, if time and money make them possible, whatever age you are. Love to you all, be safe x
What's Everyone Playing?
... grass and the trees in the wind, so it makes it really clear.) Splendid game, even though I'm still relatively early doors with it, I think it's safe to say this one is worth a try. EDIT - If you've got a 'noisy PS4' be warned, this game will bring out the worst in it.
The Movie topic
... Chris’ wakes him up. Dude just snaps up, grabs his arm, eyes wide, he’s confused but he’s fucking ready to go. Then it all comes back to him, he’s safe and at home. He wasn’t in prison anymore. Ben Foster is just great.
... one before, most of the peripheral problems never occurred to me, e.g. food supplies and shopping, public transport, special measures to keep safe those particularly at risk, getting yer 'air cut, accessing dental and other routine medical services , the requirement for PPE, keeping in touch ...
KovacsC wrote:

Isn't there a charge by banks for business accounts to pay in cash etc?

Yes there is. Annoyingly, I was paid cash for a job back in February and it's still sitting in my safe. Slowly being whittled away on the occasional takeaway and my daughters dance lessons.
KovacsC wrote:
The pub was wel spaced out, quite good social distancing.

Plus I don't trust the 'apps designers' to keep my data safe.

Thanks, I was just curious. No judgement implied.
The pub was wel spaced out, quite good social distancing. Plus I don't trust the 'apps designers' to keep my data safe. Let’s hope there’s no outbreak there. They have to keep your data for 3 weeks for one specific purpose. Then they must delete it. Google and Facebook are using ...
The pub was wel spaced out, quite good social distancing.

Plus I don't trust the 'apps designers' to keep my data safe.
Kern wrote:
my smartphone

It's probably safe to just say 'phone' these days, no one's going to get confused and think you've whipped out a bakelite rotary.
Finish 52 Books (2020)
Goddess Jasmine
... London, the epicenter of a global pandemic, is a city in lockdown. Violence and civil disorder simmer. Martial law has been imposed. No-one is safe from the deadly virus that has already claimed thousands of victims. Health and emergency services are overwhelmed. A MURDERED CHILD At a building ...
Animal Crossing Switch
I got my wet suit but it vanished! I put it in storage to keep safe and then went to look for it and it ... had gone. I had another item (although I can't remember what that was now) disappear on me like that. Has that happened to any of you? I've looked ...
MeatUp 2020
Shielding is ending at the end of this month, so August will be perfectly safe. Show some guts and get this country moving! It’s what Churchill would’ve wanted
MeatUp 2020
... and cottage. I'm assuming at this point that meat-up won't happen?? but I bloody miss everyone :'( hope maybe cottage will go ahead for some? Stay safe my funky dudes :luv: P.s. apols, a bit drunk. :S
The Last of Us 2
... do, since she already knew he was pretty sketchy. On top of this, she's young, she's in love with her new girlfriend, she lives somewhere safe, she's going to throw all that in the bin to try and seek vengeance on behalf of Joel? And I'm down in Seattle with Ellie and Dina, and ...
The Last of Us 2
... we can be in a sort of 'discovery' mode where we don't know what's going on and are trying to work shit out, or a 'comfort' mode where we feel safe in a known and stable environment and can chill the fuck out. So if you're experiencing something like a film or a game for the first time, you'll ...
The Last of Us 2
The best thing that’s happened so far happened at ...

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
the workbench. Oh it’s a safe zone, WHERESMYFUCKINGNSHOTGUN!?.
The Last of Us 2
Findus Fop
... hostile odds and move towards a happy conclusion that feels earned and justified. Also, there are several sections where you're sort of safe in a 'base' of some description and can take your time to have a little wander around your environment and have a chat to everyone, which I very ...
The Last of Us 2
... hostile odds and move towards a happy conclusion that feels earned and justified. Also, there are several sections where you're sort of safe in a 'base' of some description and can take your time to have a little wander around your environment and have a chat to everyone, which I very ...
US Riots - 2020 edition
Statues and all sorts of memorials. Luckily, one of the racists has realised that they protective piddle, so that should keep everything safe.
Dreams and nightmares
... we’d seen anyone since March 4th. They must have stayed over as it was morning, and everyone was asking for McMuffins, but we weren’t sure it was safe or if the drive through was open. At least one person from on here was there. People were slowly disbanding, when Russell said that he was going ...
Gas Guzzling Money Pits
... bedding in a hotel. That's fun in terms of encumbrance, baggage and excess luggage charges when flying..... With a campervan we can have a known, safe space, properly configured to suit her and with all her favourite and familiar things, that she has control over and no one will mess about with, ...
... way to get to the office, also a four year waiting list for a space in the car park. All of this meant recruiting was a struggle at times too. Safe to say that home working will become far more usual.
Cyberpunk 2077
The loading times alone will be an argument to get it on the PS5 with it's SSD to my mind; it's a very safe assumption to make that they'll be shit loads quicker on the new console. Plus you should get 60FPS out of it on the new console whereas I would very much expect it ...
... get what I need to know. It’s mentally exhausting, and it’s really difficult trying to find a balance of finding what you need to know to stay safe and make decisions on your behaviour and about your family, and try to get just a little bit of mental space from it.
Bits and Bobs 50
TheVision wrote:
You've got to be safe... What you can't see is us huddled around a TV later on in the evening, still in the garden, but playing Pac-Man Vs.

Vs what? We must know! Diabetes!?
... up a track/car combo to the point where I can race again. I would not stress about too much practice. Of course it helps, but as long as you’re safe and your race craft is good, you should finish well.
Animal Crossing Switch
Righto, thanks Kern matey, I may mosey on over in half an hour. As I bought at 107 it wouldn't be a large profit, but may be wise to take a safe course, I guess.
Bits and Bobs 50
You've got to be safe... What you can't see is us huddled around a TV later on in the evening, still in the garden, but playing Pac-Man Vs.
... a lot of people might just desperately want to get out and do something, anything. The queue appeared to respect social distancing, I think it's safe to assume the store was capping the number of people inside at once, and the insides of the stores are absolutely gigantic with wide aisles, which ...
... about at midnight in Asda and it might be welcome cash for some people's circumstances at the minute. I think the store needs to be closed for safe restocking, order picking for online orders and cleaning. I think there are more staff working at night, but they aren’t on tills, as the jobs ...
Doctor Glyndwr
... a lot of people might just desperately want to get out and do something, anything. The queue appeared to respect social distancing, I think it's safe to assume the store was capping the number of people inside at once, and the insides of the stores are absolutely gigantic with wide aisles, which ...
Animal Crossing Switch
... just shot to 93 this afternoon! Is this the start of an exciting large spike? Are the good times really about to roll? Should I gamble or take the safe option and nip over-seas? Questions, questions, rrrrgh! According to the Turnip Prognosticator (all hail the Turnip Prognosticator), putting those ...
Animal Crossing Switch
... just shot to 93 this afternoon! Is this the start of an exciting large spike? Are the good times really about to roll? Should I gamble or take the safe option and nip over-seas? Questions, questions, rrrrgh!
Bits and Bobs 50
... Whatsapp or mail her when we're on downtime, i.e. when we have no calls assigned, so she can give us more pointless tasks to do instead of staying safe at home. I forgot; there was a time when she wanted us to call or mail our call dispatch team to tell them when we were starting our lunch breaks. ...
... everything here (except key services) including construction, and I've seen all the additional management and protocols in place to allow the safe return of construction at the start of this month so I do think they are capable of thinking it through and taking all concerns into consideration ...
Bits and Bobs 50
... Whatsapp or mail her when we're on downtime, i.e. when we have no calls assigned, so she can give us more pointless tasks to do instead of staying safe at home.
Windows 10
... your machine and re-activate it automatically as far as I understand it, or you can extract your license key beforehand just to be on the safe side:
... that she has to report to her manager about our activities, but we know that other area managers are telling their engineers to stay home and safe if they have no calls, to minimise the risk of infection. Thus, I'd rather be fully occupied with repair calls ..... or get a new manager.
Crafty stuff
Goddess Jasmine
Trooper wrote:
Its a £4 "tweed" blanket from IKEA, I think I'm pretty safe.

Good work!

Now I've been getting to grips with my sewing machine I can't wait to wander around their haberdashery again. I've got some cheap fleece from there thanks to a heads up from Mimi.
Crafty stuff
Its a £4 "tweed" blanket from IKEA, I think I'm pretty safe.
So, it's safe to go to work and sit 2 metres away from someone but it's not safe for me to go visit my mom who lives on her own and sit in the garden with her? Got it. Seriously though, I bet there's a fair few people up and down ...
BeeX Virtual Meet & Quiz
Thanks for coming everyone! Had a most fantastic time and it was great to see you all.

Enjoy the rest of the week, stay safe, and keep on being excellent.
Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis
... clear, I've been blown away by the reactions, and I'm grateful for all of them. Thanks from me and Hanna. All the best to both of you and stay safe xx
Animal Crossing Switch
... :) And as Mimi says, the Redd purchases come through next day for some reason. The painting I've bought is apparently always genuine so I played safe and bought that one :)
Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis
... or suspicions, please do it. I hope this has been of some help, even if for just one of you. All the best to you all in these tough times. Stay safe x
Better Call Saul
It's going to be ages. I hope they're keeping Mike safe in a hermetically sealed room somewhere.
PS4 confirmed
... who may be experiencing financial difficulties continue building great experiences for all gamers. Announcing the Play At Home initiative Stay safe and pick up Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and Journey for free from 16th April through 6th May