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Craig David's Bow Selector
'ow much? I'm not starting the course until May 14th so I probably won't need one until after then, but good to start thinking about these things...
1st world problems
Sir Taxalot
I got the batteries changed in my G-Shock and now one of the buttons doesn't work. The shop is a couple of towns over and my car is currently broken.

So I'm having to wear a nicer Seiko to work and I'd be upset if it gets a scratch or scuff.
What have you bought?
Sir Taxalot
Looks like one of the Coleman tents that stay nice and dark inside. A family friend has one similar, and they really like it. Looks like a good find there JBR.
Finish 52 Challenge 2024
... played the battles so I could do more socials. Hilariously for a Persona game I was surprised that there was zero consequence for having more than one girlfriend. I romanced the shit out of them all and despite a couple of occasions where I thought I was going to get found out, no one gave a shit ...
Craig David's Bow Selector
New bow is taking some time to settle into, so the obvious thing to do is buy another bow! English Longbow this time, off to buy one next weekend with a couple of folks from the archery club :D I did come first in the Novice category for the Bedfordshire vs Northamptonshire Frostbite competition ...
Bits and Bobs 51
... Cannon Fodder. I concur, although I was surprised you didn't finish Cannon Fodder, I did it a few times, (I think I managed it once, with keeping one of the originals alive too - I did consider trying to do it without losing anyone, but It was far too hard for that) I struggled with Cannon Fodder ...
The Movie topic
... and just a bit shit. Mind you, the two actual death machines are squimishly funny…well, not the torture but the reaction of the actors. Overall: one bag of shit.
The Movie topic
... It had a no frills beauty and framing. Couple of things though. Man alive, was the soundtrack fucking GREAT! There weren’t many songs but each one really elevated each sequence they accompanied and drove it forward like a fucking truck. But the one problem I had with it was the young photographer. ...
Finish 52 Wild Swims
One other thing is bananas (being high in potassium) are good at getting sodium out of your system too.
Finish 52 Wild Swims
... and drink more water, Malc. Hope you can get back to enjoying your swims soon. I drink lots of water as is, I've decided to cut out salt (that's one thing I do have lots of) and I don't do ready meals or things like that any way. I've also decided to go back to the diet that lost me the most ...
The Movie topic
Dr Zoidberg
Civil War Fucking hell. No, seriously, I mean it. Fucking. Hell. An incredible movie, and one that should act as a stark warning. I was on the edge of my seat for pretty much the whole runtime, and there's one scene in particular that just... the tension was off the ...
Bits and Bobs 51
... like" thing because they were only 6 or 7, but they were given an exercise to come up with a joke and to write it down. I'll always remember one of them. Why did the cow cross the road? To get some grass. Up until just now, I've always thought "kids are fucking stupid", but what ...
The Movie topic
... whatsoever and the whole film appears to have been made on more green screens than the Star Wars prequels. I’m sure I watched a leaked version of one of the Expendables where the CG hadn’t been done properly. It’s like watching that again. I don’t know how you get the lead guy from The Raid (soz ...
The Movie topic
... whatsoever and the whole film appears to have been made on more green screens than the Star Wars prequels. I’m sure I watched a leaked version of one of the Expendables where the CG hadn’t been done properly. It’s like watching that again. I don’t know how you get the lead guy from The Raid (soz ...
The Movie topic
Fucking hell. I'm not spoilering this, because no-one should watch it. No really, you shouldn't watch it. Rebel moon 2 doubles down on mashing together stolen tropes and pastiches (it genuinely rips off Aliens and Alien Resurrection final scenes for ...
Finish 52 Books 2024
... The Age of Absurdity: Why Modern Life Makes It Hard To Be Happy - Michael Foley 4.) The High Window - Raymond Chandler 5.) As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning - Laurie Lee 6.) Ramage - Dudley Pope 7.) The Ship That Died of Shame - Nicholas Monsarrat 8.) The Scandal of Father Brown ...
Guitar fun
MaliA, good choice! The 335 shape is so tasty. I bought a Harley Benton Tele. This one . When it arrived I didn't like it at all. But I polished the frets and adjusted the neck (first time ever!) and it became my favourite guitar. It's odd because it's a Tele shape ...
The Movie topic
Civil War

Fucking hell. No, seriously, I mean it. Fucking. Hell. An incredible movie, and one that should act as a stark warning. I was on the edge of my seat for pretty much the whole runtime, and there's one scene in particular that just... the tension was off the fucking charts.
Wordle, Digits etc - Simple daily puzzle games
Wordle in one! Not played it in months before today but I always use the same starting word.
Tabletop wargaming - nerdlinging to the max...
I made 3 Killteam boards (roughly 1m x 1m) from plasticard display boards from work. I threw sand on top of drying spray paint and they looked good… no one to play on them with me though once young Master Z got bitten by XBox
General Purpose US TV thread
Did any one else notice The Ponch?


Serious double take there. Like "Wait... Nooooo ! that's not who I think it is, is it?"
General Purpose US TV thread
... set up season 2 (which I'm sure is worse in streaming then it used to be in TV land), but it overall it remained great. I hope they get at least one more season out of it.
Finish 52 Wild Swims
1) Long Timber Woods 2) Long Timber Woods 3) Piles Copse 4) Piles Copse [/quote] 5) Piles Copse Hmm, bit of a disaster this one, not the swim mind, the swim was wonderful, if a little cold. I managed 500m, which is probably where the issue lay, my arms were stiff, and I was probably ...
The 'NAY!' Thread
Dr Zoidberg
One of the regulars over on RLLMUK has died unexpectedly. I only met him once at a forum meet in Bury last year, but he was a really friendly, funny and welcoming person. ...
Finish 52 Wild Swims
... (but by no means warm) swim, and the first proper swim of the year (I managed 300m) despite the water still flowing really fast. I could have gone longer, but my shoulder was feeling tight in the water, so thought it best not to push it (the cold water probably made it feel worse) No pictures ...
General Purpose US TV thread
The first one was great. Looking forward to more tonight.
Hive (Central Heating)
... know and I don't give a shit about being able to turn my heating on or off when I'm not at home, nor do I need your 'hints' on how to save money on my energy bills for £3.99 per month. Fuck off. it is a good little system :) I'm sure it is, if you've got smart valves on your radiators, smart ...
Craig David's Bow Selector
Woo! Nice one, mate.

I paid the fee for the beginners course that I'm starting soon -- 6 weeks starting May 14th. Eek!
General Purpose US TV thread
... left unsure on this). The first on small talk was engrossing enough to get through and take in his style, but I absolutely loved the second one, on scaffolding! Will definitely be watching more episodes over the next few days. Oh, these are great! And totally agree on the first two - I don't ...
General Purpose US TV thread
... left unsure on this). The first on small talk was engrossing enough to get through and take in his style, but I absolutely loved the second one, on scaffolding! Will definitely be watching more episodes over the next few days.
What have you bought?
Zardoz wrote:
...the TD-3-AM lets you conjure up virtually any sound with incredible finesse and ease...

Which is absolute bollocks anyway as it’s famously a distinctively sounding one trick pony :nerd:

"Virtually," eh?
What have you bought?
...the TD-3-AM lets you conjure up virtually any sound with incredible finesse and ease...

Which is absolute bollocks anyway as it’s famously a distinctively sounding one trick pony :nerd:
What have you bought?
Warhead wrote:
TD-3-AM blurb.jpg

...the TD-3-AM lets you conjure up virtually any sound with incredible finesse and ease...

Except for the bassoon, but they're working on that one.
Tour de France 2013
Mimi wrote:
They’re letting horses ride bikes now? Might watch in that case.

Only one horse though.
What have you bought?
Zardoz wrote:
Aktiengesellschaft? One word.

Tour de France 2013
The Movie topic
Sir Taxalot
One weekend evening the kids wanted to watch a movie but bedtime was approaching so we asked them to find something short to watch so they chose some old (ok, 90s) film called The Big Green Entirely predictable, disadvantaged ...
The Movie topic
One weekend evening the kids wanted to watch a movie but bedtime was approaching so we asked them to find something short to watch so they chose some old (ok, 90s) film called The Big Green Entirely predictable, disadvantaged ...
The Movie topic
Sir Taxalot
... I typed this I had a moment of clarity and realised, ogggg, maybe that was the point), and in the end battle none of them really did much One weekend evening the kids wanted to watch a movie but bedtime was approaching so we asked them to find something short to watch so they chose some ...
Cottages? Still just the one. We don't have enough people to justify both, currently.
Finish 52 Books 2024
... The Age of Absurdity: Why Modern Life Makes It Hard To Be Happy - Michael Foley 4.) The High Window - Raymond Chandler 5.) As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning - Laurie Lee 6.) Ramage - Dudley Pope 7.) The Ship That Died of Shame - Nicholas Monsarrat Quite a neat little book of short ...
Finish 52 Books 2024
... Five months there. Five months back. And seven months waiting for the planets to align. In a tiny ship never meant for deep space. Denali is one hell of a trip. But the leading mind in nanite medicine is stranded there. Captain Sass Collier wants him back, to cure failure to thrive syndrome ...
General Purpose Forrin TV Thread
I can't remember the details now but there has been at least one moment where Wong's character in 3 Body Problem seems to be almost directly referring to his role as Wong in the MCU. We've got one episode left, have been enjoying it quite a lot. I can't ...
Non-Genre Specific Music Thread
Sir Taxalot
... to a few concerts lately, it's been fun. Grinspoon - a popular aussie band from the late 90s / early 2000s. They were really good and I recognised one or two sings off the radio. We were right at the front in a pretty good venue. Solid. They were supported by Private Function - fucking brilliant, ...
Finish 52 Books 2024
... Clancy's Code of Honour (Jack Ryan). Pretty good, more adventure with Jack Ryan, Chavez and Clark making the hard decisions. Keeps up the oo-rah tone of Clancy's books, and thankfully modernised, with no-one now 'lighting up' a computer. There's a subplot that disappears for too long, but it holds ...
The Movie topic
... signs of dementia) elderly person living in small town America when a UFO crashes in his garden and he has to deal with the consequences as no one else takes him seriously. I quite liked this, a nice self-contained, slow paced story, with just enough going on, to keep you interested. (it did ...
Middle Age Spread
Which one was it?
Middle Age Spread
KovacsC wrote:
Which one are you doing?

Bedford Autodrome, August 4th!

KovacsC wrote:
I went and did a 20 mile race yesterday. It was rather hilly.
I managed it in just over 4 hours. I ache a little today :)

Great work!
Middle Age Spread
GazChap wrote:
Our very own myp has just persuaded me to enter a half marathon with him in August.

Poor guy is a glutton for punishment, he's only just done one literally yesterday! Silly sausage.

Which one are you doing?
Funny pictures
Our preferred Chinese take-away has closed down, so I was looking at reviews of others in the area. Having seen these, I decided to give this one a miss. Soy sauce dance.jpg 'Fuzhao' translates as 'F U Find,' whatever that's supposed to mean. However, I suspect this exchange was between two Chinese ...